The dusky river water rushes forward in the wide river ditch.

The impact of the rushing past made all those who wanted to cross the river physically shy away.

From time to time on the river, the broken wood and gravel that hit the river down, move forward together along the turbulent river.

Once hit by such a powerful object, it is almost no different from death.

There is only one stone bridge on the whole wide long river.

At this moment, there were thunderous screams from the stone bridge, the metal noise of weapons colliding, and the screams of being slashed by a sharp blade.

On the bridge at this time, a small number of soldiers were clashing.

This situation has been going on for a day.

Kane since last night

They quickly supported the camp and held it firmly.

After that, the opposite fortress sent some soldiers from time to time to harass.

The defense of the camp was also fully taken over by Horn, and the soldiers inside were also supplemented by Horn's soldiers.

Some soldiers were also sent to enter and exit the bridge from time to time to fight with the soldiers on the opposite side.

This made it impossible to tell when the two sides would suddenly attack in full force, forcing both the fort and the camp to remain vigilant at all times.

They won't know when the enemy will attack Kane, but their camp has already been decided.

The time for the attack is tomorrow morning, and the soldiers who attacked from the bridge are under the overall command of Horn.

As for Kane and the others, there is another way.

They will serve as the backbone of the siege force and turn them into a surprise army to win the key to victory.

At this time, the sky was completely dark. Whether it was the camp at Qiaotou or the big camp not far away, Kane and the others were not seen.

At this time, Kane and the others had arrived at the location set yesterday, taking advantage of the darkness of the night to move forward slowly.

There was a black mist on both sides of the strait that was wandering.

This is the dark servant who had arrived the day before yesterday.

Guard the safety of both sides, detect the surrounding situation, and ensure the concealment of the surrounding.

It will not be discovered by enemy soldiers when Kane and the others are in action.

At this time, Kane and the others have come here with more than 7,000 soldiers behind them.

"Karen, thank you for your hard work." Kane said to the dark waiter who was half-kneeling beside him and reported the information to himself.

Claire looked at the surrounding situation and the turbulent river below and asked Kane, "Can your idea work? Or can it be tolerated."

Hearing Claire's question, Kane smiled and said, "It's okay, I don't need to bear it. As long as the structure is reasonable and the material is no problem, there will be no problem. Don't worry."

Hearing Kane say that, Claire nodded.

Kane and the others still did not act at this time, but hid by the woodland, quietly waiting for the sky to get completely dark.

Even that moonlight must be hidden.

The moon's slow movement finally came to the back of the void, and the luminous stars in the sky disappeared completely, leaving only the dots of scattered stars in the sky.


Looking at this situation, Kane said immediately.

Then the marshmallow floated over and carried Kane into the midair of the gushing river.

Kane stretched out his hands, and the magic poured out of his hands. Black metal structures began to appear on the shores on both sides, and then extended outwards, rushing towards each other and linking them together.

In less than two seconds, a bridge made of steel appeared on the river.

On the bridge deck, Kane also used a textured structure similar to cloth, and laid a thick layer.

When the bridge was fully formed, Claire and the others quickly passed through the bridge deck with the soldiers behind them.

In a matter of minutes, thousands of soldiers surreptitiously reached the other side of the river.

They still did not wander around, but rested in place, and the surrounding lush shrubs provided them with a good hiding place.

Li Lulu opened the rainbow-colored portal at this time.

More than a dozen bouquets of various kinds, with tree roots similar to feet appearing at their feet, slowly moved out from the inside.

After they came out, they moved slowly to the edge of the woodland.

Then the shimmering pollen appeared on the body, and these pollen were linked to each other and surrounded the entire woodland.

At this time, if you look into the woodland from the outside, you will find that there is nothing unusual in the woodland.

It's no different from before.

However, in the real field of vision, thousands of soldiers were resting in the woodland. Even if they were hidden, they could be found by looking this way.

Moreover, the pollen released by these flowers has almost undetectable magic power, just like magic particles floating in the sky at any time.

This creates perfect concealment.

these flowers. It can be regarded as the least early inhabitants of Lilulu's fairy tale world. They were inspired by Lilulu's spiritual enlightenment a long time ago, and the infestation of magic in the fairy tale world has long been completely transformed into fairy tale creatures.

They can now be regarded as elemental creatures in essence, of course, their external performance is more similar to Warcraft.

This leads them to have a variety of different abilities and skills according to their own characteristics and habits, and also have a good wisdom.

At this time, there were still many such creatures in the fairy tale world, most of which were various upright animals.

A few days ago, there were humans wearing armor and holding weapons in the fairy tale world. Those were the soldiers under her command that Lilulu brought into the portal before.

With Kane's copper-colored magic stone as an energy source, Lilulu's fairy tale world finally has excess energy to infect these soldiers.

Although the infection time was very short, it was pulled out of the fairy tale world just tonight.

But under the condition of Lilulu's deliberate control of magic power, even in such a few days, the different changes in these soldiers were very obvious.

First of all, Lilulu brought in all the soldiers under her command, and all the soldiers under her command were light cavalry.

The original warhorses under these light cavalrymen had a variety of furs of different colors.

However, in just a few days, it was all converted into pure white fur.

The horse's temples have all turned into very soft long hair, and every wave can bring out a thin rainbow pattern in the air.

And the armor on those soldiers, the red part is no longer bright red like before, but a light red, closer to pink.

There are also delicate patterns on the armor, which are more ornamental than practical.

And these soldiers also became fond of sweets.

Let them stay a little longer, and that might be the new fairy tale creature.

I don't know how much their combat capabilities have changed. The main thing is to wait for when they become free spirits.

When the night was about to recede, there was another patrol of soldiers outside Kane and the others.

They passed through the small woodland in such a slow way, and didn't notice anything strange inside.

A soldier cast his gaze towards the woodland. He was in a rush to urinate and wanted to use the toilet here.

However, he looked at this side, and as soon as he had such an idea, he was inexplicably extinguished.

He still wanted to go to the toilet, but he didn't want to be in the woods, so let's walk a little longer.

The darkness gradually faded, and the sky became bright again.

The bridge on the other side is already full of Horn's soldiers, and they are attacking the opposite fortress!

The siege equipment and the stone-throwing machine were thrown wildly from the camp towards the opposite side.

When the soldiers on the opposite fort were blocked, a protective shield was also raised, blocking all the rubble and crossbow arrows that were thrown over.

He called back all the soldiers patrolling outside, and focused on the bridge across the river in front of him.

Kane and their current location are still not far from the fortress.

So I don't know the situation of the battle over there, but according to the scheduled time, they are still standing still, waiting for the night to come.

Premature attack, they still can't attack the fortress, it will only strengthen the defense of the opponent.

Pick a good time and try to take down the entire fort in one fell swoop.

So now it's up to Horn and the others to attract the enemy's attention and consume the enemy's energy.

And Kane they waited for the night to launch a fatal blow.

In order to launch a fatal blow, there is a prerequisite, that is, to find a way to consume or smash the magic cover of the fortress.

Then such a task naturally falls on Li Lulu.

Kane looked at Li Lulu next to him and asked, "Are you ready? Remember to be safe."

Li Lulu nodded, and then a few flashes disappeared.

She is flying towards the enemy's fortress, concealing her figure from a high position, plus simple magic concealment.

After a while, Lilulu was already studying the huge magical shield below the fortress's head.

The protective magic of this fortress is a few grades higher than those of the previous camps. It can only be said that it is a fool's dream to directly control the protective cover to automatically extinguish.

And can feel the source of this protective cover, there is surging energy for him to consume, and it is extremely difficult to break the protective cover with reckless consumption.

Now he can only study the weak point of this protective cover, use a powerful attack, exceed his tolerance range in an instant, and smash it in one fell swoop.

The goal of attacking the shield has been set, and now it is to find the weak points he may have.

If they can't find it, Li Lulu can only see if there is any other way.

The soldiers waved by Huon on the bridge moved towards the fort in waves, attacking like a tide.

All the attacks launched by the engineering equipment were blocked by the protective shield.

It is too expensive to climb the walls of the fortress with soldiers, even though no soldiers have yet reached the position under the walls.

On the contrary, countless soldiers fell on the way.

Horn tried his best to control the rhythm of the soldiers' attack, trying to maximize the energy of the enemy.

This is the purpose of his trip.

The real task of taking down the fort has always been on Kane and the others.

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