Dusk has come.

The offensive on the bridge continued for a day, at this time the soldiers on both sides slowed down the pace of their respective attacks.

Whether it was Horn on the attacking side or the fortress on the defending side, these soldiers were exhausted, and after a day of intense fighting, they couldn't stand it.

All tacitly chose the time and took a short rest.

Only the protective shield above the fort was still standing, and even after a day's attack, it didn't seem to sway at all.

It still exudes an elegant light, as if it will never fall.

Such a scene made the soldiers on the attacking side feel a little desperate.

For these soldiers, apart from the loss of a lot of comrades today, they have not lost a single bit of results.

This caused their morale to drop.

The enemy soldiers who were defending the city were still tired, but they could see from their expressions that their morale was high now.

Watching the enemy's frantic attack, and then fell in the middle of the attack, spending so much troops without any results.

And their own defensive buildings stand still.

How could this not keep their morale high?

You could even hear their jeers coming from the city walls.

"Captain, let's slow down the withdrawal first, and then think of other ways to attack again. The fort will not be captured in this way, but our soldiers will be lost."

In the command tent of the camp, a general was speaking loudly to Horn.

Today's day's attack shows that they want to take the fortress with their current strength, which is completely a nonsense.

Except for Captain Horn, only a few of the earliest generals knew about Kane's actions, and the other generals were basically kept in the dark.

After all, Kane and the others never acted with them, and they were not familiar with each other.

Even if Kane and the others didn't come to attack the fort with them, they didn't think there was anything strange about it.

Horn, who was sitting in the main seat, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, let the soldiers rest for a while, wait for orders at any time, and continue to attack."

Hearing Horn's words, the general helplessly lowered his head and sighed, and withdrew from the camp in a dejected manner.

at dusk.

Kane and the others still did not act, they were waiting in the woodland, waiting for Li Lulu's return.

If there is no Lilulu to deal with the magic cover, their current attack will be very difficult, and there is a high possibility of failure.

In the distance, Kane felt something and stood up and said, "Li Lulu is back, hopefully with good news."

As soon as the words fell, a flickering spot of light appeared on Kane's shoulder, and Li Lulu was already sitting on it.

"Lilulu has succeeded. Lilulu has already checked out the weakness of the magic hood. It only needs to attack in that direction. If the energy exceeds a certain limit, the entire magic hood can be shattered."

Li Lulu's voice reached everyone's ears, and Kane immediately walked outside.

Others followed.

They also got out of the woodland where they were hiding, and when they were ready, they rushed towards the fortress.

Along the way, Kane was chatting with Li Lulu about the details.

The last piece of the puzzle has been put together, and now it's time to take down that fortress in one fell swoop.

Just as Kane and the others rushed towards the fort, in the camp across the bridge, Captain Horn had already put on his armor, and all the soldiers in the camp had gathered behind him.

But instead of attacking, they waited in place.

Except for a few generals, no one knew what Horn was waiting for.

But at this time, they didn't ask any more questions, but followed behind him, not saying a word, only their arms were tightly gripping the weapons around their waists.

Suddenly, a rainbow-colored light rose from the ground on the other side of the river in the distance, and went all the way to the sky.

Looking at the light, Horn had a smile on his face, and then shouted loudly.


Then he took the lead and rushed directly towards the fort on the other side of the river.

The generals and soldiers behind him also roared loudly and rushed out with Horn.

Their offensive was also found in the opposite camp, shouting loudly for the soldiers who were resting, ready to meet the attack, and prepare for a comprehensive defense.

Because looking at the posture of Horn and the others, they have basically been dispatched, and they are bound to take down their fortress.

All the soldiers in the fort were sent to this side of the bridge, and countless arrows shot down towards the bottom, and the city wall was already full of soldiers.

At the gate below, there are countless soldiers wearing armor, waiting for Horn and the others to break in. Once the city gate is broken, they will be greeted by swords ready to go.

The gravel in the sky and the crossbow arrows were also attacking their fortress, but they were all stopped by the still strong magic cover.

The failure of the siege weapons made it difficult for them to board the city wall with their bodies.

On the other side, Kane, who had already sent a signal, was about to reach the front of the fort.

Yes, the side close to the bridge is actually the back of the fortress. This fortress was built to protect the safety of the bridge across the river behind it.

It's just used now to stop the enemy on the other side from crossing the long bridge.

"Lilulu, mark the weakness of the magic hood." Looking at the fortress that was about to arrive, Kane said to Lilulu on his shoulders.

Li Lulu nodded, then waved the magic wand in her hand, and a rainbow-colored light flew out and landed on the magic hood on the fortress.

Looking at Li Lulu's mark, Kane nodded.

Riding on the flying cotton candy, it flew into the air.

Claire also began to use auras and various buffs to strengthen all the soldiers behind her.


inside the city walls.

"Front, there are soldiers attacking from the front!"

The soldier who was observing the surrounding situation on the sentry tower shouted loudly towards the bottom.

There are three generals guarding the entire fortress.

Hear the message from the soldier.

"Is that what they were fighting for?"

"I really admire them, how they transported so many soldiers across the river."

"These are still meaningless. If the magic shroud cannot be broken, no matter how many soldiers there are, they are just pigs and sheep to be slaughtered," said a general dressed as a mage.

Finally, he counted some soldiers, and hurried to the front of the fortress to meet Kane and their attack.

Among the attacking forces below, Lombe approached the bottom of the city wall at a distance far exceeding that of the main force.

Countless arrows and orbs smashed towards him.

Lombe's gray stone giant figure became the best target. He raised his shield and spread his iron arms to block the attack, and he was still marching forward.

The soldiers not far behind were also quickly approaching under the leadership of Claire.

In mid-air, Kane was already half-squatting on Marshmallow, with an exaggerated weapon on his shoulders and in his hands.

A huge launcher with a sophisticated structure, covered with powerful magical runes.

The gun body has a length of two meters, the barrel extends forward 5 meters, and the black muzzle indicates the caliber of the bullet he shoots.

Such a caliber is more reasonable to call it a bullet than a shell.

A large amount of magic power is gathered in it, and the magic power in Kane's body is being consumed frantically. Double horns are also protruding on his head, and fine dragon scales appear on his neck.

Golden light began to emerge from his surface, and a golden halo appeared behind him.

He used a magic teardrop without hesitation.

A huge amount of energy gathered in the gun body, and the whole gunshot inevitably began to emit strong light.

After a long time, Death Gaze was used again.

The general who was attacking Lombe at this moment noticed a strong magical reaction that suddenly appeared in midair.

"Stop, stop, stop the attack in your hand, and quickly reinforce the magic cover!"

He roared, the staff in his hand was raised directly, and the magic in the body began to flow to the magic cover in mid-air, strengthening it.

The other French troops also stopped their attacks and poured their magic into the magic hood.

The reason why this is going to happen is because he sensed the magic power gathered by Kai in mid-air, and saw the rainbow-colored mark marked on the magic hood.

He clearly knew that there was the weak point of the entire magic hood.

But even if it is a weak point, the amount of mana required to break through the magic shroud through him is enormous.

He never worried until he felt the magic of Kane's gathering.

He could feel that the attack from that magic power would definitely be able to break the magic shroud, that's why he yelled in horror.

Trying to use his futile behavior to provide a little bit of reinforcement for the magic hood.

Kane in mid-air finally gathered all the magic power, and he slowly pulled the trigger.


A dull sound came from the sound of the gunshot, and a cannonball emitting a strong light was shot out.

In an instant, he reached the position marked by Li Lulu.


The huge explosion brought about an extremely exaggerated glare, like the sun falling from the sky.

Lombe, who was holding the shield, was blown back by the huge power.

And most of the soldiers on the city wall were blown away directly.

The bright light completely illuminates the entire area.

The sun rises in the dark night.

All soldiers in the area had to try their best to cover their eyes.

In particular, most of the soldiers on the city wall were almost blinded by the strong light at this moment.

The soldiers defending on the frontal city wall no longer needed Kane, and they were all thrown off the city wall by the power of the explosion.

The soldiers who got close directly fell to the ground with seven orifices bleeding and turned into flying ashes.

This huge fluctuation blew away the black clouds in the sky, revealing the starry sky.

The fissures in the sky seemed to be shaking like this, and began to shake down the debris of the sky.


A crisp shattering sound came out.

The strong light disappeared, and the magic cover that blocked the attack also turned into shards.


Horn on the opposite bridge opened their eyes, looked at this situation, and immediately shouted loudly, and then rushed forward quickly.

The aura that was somewhat low in itself rose like a torch at this moment.

All the soldiers roared loudly and followed Horn, launching an attack.

On the front, Lombe had already knocked down the city wall in front of him.

Without the obstruction of the soldiers on the city wall, all the soldiers behind them easily entered the interior of the fort.

Towards the city wall, the soldiers who attacked Horn and the others rushed.

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