The main gate of the attacked fort has fallen.

The soldiers who were originally waiting for Horn and the others to attack them and gave them a fatal blow had to return to the defense and resist Kane and the others who came in from the main entrance.

The archers and crossbowmen on the city wall are now in a dilemma. They don't know whether to attack Horn and the others under the city wall in front or Kane behind them.

However, such chaos was quickly organized by the remaining two generals.

Most ordinary soldiers are basically no match for these fortified, intermediate-level enemy troops in front of them.

Even if they have the buffs from Claire on them, it still won't work.

Only those lantern knights under Kane's command can kill their enemies in a duel.

The rest are the strengthened mid-level arms, which can only temporarily hold back their opponents.

The ghost maid, who turned into the shape of a soul and burned with blue flames on her body, was frantically harvesting the enemy's life, and they were similar to the servants of darkness.

On the path that the Dark Attendant walked, not a single enemy was left completely dead.

At this time, I have to sigh again, you get what you pay for.

The most conspicuous among them were those light cavalry soldiers who had been infected by Li Lulu's fairy tale magic.

The white war horses under them directly supported them, jumping on the wall a few times and rushing up to the city wall.

There were also rainbow-colored horseshoe prints in the air.

These soldiers wielded the spears in their hands, and each swing led to a rainbow-colored trajectory.

Not only the special effects in the attack behavior are sufficient, but the power and damage caused by each attack should not be underestimated.

But the action with special effects all over his body had to attract the attention of everyone present.

Most of the work that ordinary soldiers need to do is to drag these enemies, and the main killings are done by these high-level troops and Claire.

Claire and the others' attack was a complete massacre for these soldiers.

Claire only needs to transform into a ghost form and rampage through the entire fortress with her own cavalry, almost without the slightest obstruction.

Whether it is a gravel or a wall, they can easily pass through it, and all the soldiers hiding behind them will be ignited by blue flames.

Only those units with magic attack or magic resistance will be spared.

But for them, Claire and the Ghost Rider led by them only need to move one more hand and wave the weapon in their hand to solve it.

4 blue iron fists floating in the air, each blow can take the life of a soldier.

These 4 blue iron fists do not affect Metzker's manipulation of the red healing particles to heal the rest of the soldiers.

The attacks of Longbei and Lilulu can also cause large-scale casualties to the enemy.

However, there was no sign of Kane in it.

That's because Kane has come to the bridge on a cotton candy.

The magic power in his hand poured out, and the center of the bridge and the shore on the side of the fort were connected.

A steel bridge was quickly constructed.

Horn, who were attacking forward, quickly organized soldiers to pass through this semi-arc bridge and rushed towards the other side of the fortress. It only took a few more steps to pour into the fortress through the gap that Lombe penetrated. .

Kane had to maintain the stability of the bridge, so he couldn't leave.

But this did not prevent him from attacking the enemy forces inside the fortress, and a firepower platform had been deployed beside him.

He only needs to mark the soldiers on the city wall with eagle eyes, and these artillery will naturally launch attacks under the control of Yoyo.

Under this series of actions, the fall of the fortress has become unstoppable.

The enemy generals also knew clearly.

The remaining soldiers inside the fort were also well aware.

"Brothers, kill!"

The two generals raised the long swords in their hands, shouted loudly, and led the remaining soldiers to charge towards Claire and the others.

They were like heroes at this time.

A missile landed on the head of one of the generals, turning it to ashes on the spot.

The other general hadn't charged far when a blue iron fist penetrated his chest and fell to the ground, the blood in his chest slowly flowing around.

But the hero of the enemy, the enemy of mine.

However, the soldiers behind them were not afraid, but attacked forward desperately.

If you die, you will have to drag a pad on your back.


It didn't take long for the last soldier to fall under Claire's sword.

Horn's soldiers opened the gate on the back.

Many craftsmen came from the camp on the other side, and they needed to repair the fort quickly.

Some of the color dressing of the entire fortress is also changing from blue and white to red and white.

The soldiers under Kane, who no longer needed their orders, consciously began to collect spoils from the ashes on the ground.

After the collection, their adjutants are still reporting how many soldiers are left in each team?

Although the attack on Kane and their side was very smooth this time, they still couldn't stand the enemy's soldiers who were stronger than them.

Some attrition was inevitable, but at least some was pulled back by the accompanying Metzker.

But even so, in total, they lost more than 2 thousand soldiers.

Kane counted on the soldiers under his command to quickly upgrade to the bottleneck to deliver vital force to the guild.

However, although each battle can lead to a large number of soldiers to upgrade, it will also lead to the death of many soldiers who are already about to upgrade.

In this tough battle, less than 50 soldiers under Kane's command reached the bottleneck.

But fortunately, there is an altar for the promotion of arms inside the fortress, and it is of all categories, regardless of melee and long-range.

The promotion was carried out on the spot. Under the guidance of Abby, he accepted the barracks of the soon-to-be-shattered world and quickly joined Kane's guild.

Claire and the others also took this opportunity to upgrade their soldiers.

In front of the fort is the famous meat grinder in the dungeon, and it is also the strongest place in the entire dungeon.

This area occupies the center of the entire dungeon and was once the place where the battle was most intense.

As long as Kane and the others successfully captured this area, the latter area would not require much effort.

They must be in this area and be prepared for a long fight.

But before that, let's take a look at the spoils of war.

After exchanging the magic stone permission from Kane, the battles in the past few days and the spoils of war they got.

Let the silver magic stone in Kane's hand come to as many as 7 again.

There are also a large number of copper-colored magic stones.

Hundreds of Mist Coins and various equipment, large and small, were put into the guild's warehouse in different categories.

At this time, if you look at the warehouse of the guild, you will have a feeling of a warehouse.

Many extended functions of the guild require silver magic stones to unlock, but they are not necessary at this stage.

So Kane was not in a hurry to unlock it, and left it in his hand to see if there would be new columns in the future.

And he also threw the angel dice to see if it was suitable for skill drawing today.

However, a black black dot dispelled Kane's idea of ​​extracting skills.

It seems inappropriate to do anything about luck today.

They found a nice area in the camp and placed the soldiers in it.

They found a nice stone house next to them as their temporary residence.

Returning to the stone house to find a suitable room for each, and resting, Kane sat cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes.

If you lift his eyelids at this time, you can see the hollowness in his eyes.

At this time, in the skill grid of Kane, the skill stone of the limb of the God of Myriad Machines was placed on it.

Kane entered the space sealed by this skill.

In front of him was the one that had been used before, the index finger that summoned the God of Myriad Machines, the sealed finger.

Kane has only used this skill stone once in total since he was drawn, and he has never used it since then.

The reason why he didn't use this skill was because he felt something was wrong when he used the skill stone for the first time.

It was his Shenwu Shi who gave him a bad premonition.

Regarding the sudden danger of Shenwu Shi, Kane also sealed this skill in a cautious style and no longer used it.

But he found that as long as the sealed limb was not summoned, there would be no sense of danger, and he could use this skill stone to enter the sealed space of the limb of the God of Myriad Machines, and carry out actions on the limb. Research.

When entering the space, his Shenwu Shi will not give him any dangerous predictions.

Although there is no guarantee that it is completely risk-free, it can at least give Kane some peace of mind.

Although there may still be unknown risks.

But the foreseeable benefits make the unknown risk of such existence a little small.

Kane's mere research and magic on the surface of this finger allowed him to make a huge advance in his mechanical knowledge.

The biggest improvement is the fusion of magic runes and various energies and mechanical structures.

It can be seen from this finger that although the God of Myriad Machines is man-made, the process of making it perfectly integrates machinery and magic.

The main problem is that some of the manufacturing technologies that Kane saw and the energy circuit technology he is using should belong to the same style.

Even the shadow of the energy circuit can be seen in some technologies.

This had to make Kane suspect that the world that created the God of All Realms might be the world where energy technology appeared.

This also allowed him to have an easier cracking method and faster progress in cracking the surface of the body of the God of Ten Thousand Machines.

After all, this is basically the same technology that Kane has been learning.

During the period of Kane, the great improvement of mechanical weapons was the inspiration and technology obtained from this.

It can be seen that there are more and more magical runes on the mechanical structures he made during this time.

It shows that he has gone further and further in the fusion of machinery and magic.

These are all what he has obtained in this sealed space recently.

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