On the rushing river, the existing bridge is being rebuilt.

An old man dressed as a craftsman took Kane to visit on the bridge.

Everywhere on the bridge, people dressed as craftsmen are building in various places.

"How about Sir Kane, is it feasible to expand like this?" The old man was explaining to Kane with a blueprint.

Kane looked at the drawings for a while, then looked at the progress of the surrounding repairs and nodded: "Just follow the drawings to expand, and the expanded bridge is completely sufficient."

After visiting the expanding bridge, Kane turned and returned to the fortress behind him.

The reason why this bridge needs to be expanded is because the previous bridge has been built relatively narrow for defense reasons, and it is very troublesome to transport soldiers and various materials.

It has now been expanded.

This approach is good and bad. The advantage is that it will be much faster to transport supplies and soldiers from the rear of the bridge section.

The downside, of course, is that if the enemy hits here, the enemy's offensive will definitely not be so easy to block.

After all, the width of the bridge is also a means to limit the enemy.

But it doesn't make much sense anymore. They have all attacked here. If they are still attacked by the enemy, then Kane's dungeon this time can be declared a failure.

When Kane returned to the fortress, Claire and the others were already ready to go, and were counting the soldiers under their command.

Kane's subordinates are led by Abby and Bonona.

After all, there are more than 300 free spirits among Kane's subordinates. With their existence, Kane hardly needs to read the hearts of his soldiers.

"Lombet will leave it to you." Kane walked over and patted Lombert on the shoulder.

Longbe crossed his hips and waved his hands: "Don't worry, no one will be able to break into the fort with me."

Yes, this time, Lombe was in charge of defending the fort and staying behind, and the work of attacking was left to Kane and the others.

But this time, they no longer divided into two teams to attack outward according to different routes, but joined together.

After all, yesterday's battle had already made them know that if the enemy soldiers were divided into two groups to attack the enemy's camp, then every time they attacked the camp, their losses would be very heavy.

So after discussion, they decided to reunite.

This is also something that can't be helped. Now they can't rely on Horn and the others to attack the enemy's camp.

Before Horn and his soldiers were able to fight the enemy, but now, the soldiers under Horn can almost only take over the defense.

This is also something that can't be helped. The shattering of the dungeon and the desperate gamble of the dungeon have made all the enemy troops strengthened, and they are still being strengthened continuously.

Every time the sky is broken, the enemy army will become stronger.

Horn's subordinates are the soldiers of the red side and Kane, they are a group, naturally they will not be strengthened.

This has resulted in an ever-widening gap between them and the enemy, and until now it was almost impossible to qualify for a head-to-head battle with the enemy. Only relying on the city wall and conducting defensive battles on the face may be the only way to play the role they can play now.

Kane rode a mechanical warhorse under him, and said to Lombe who was left behind: "Then let's go first."

After speaking, they and Claire left the fortress with more than 5,000 soldiers behind them.

There are still 2,000 soldiers left at the fortress, and they are handed over to Lombe to command.

After several days of fighting, their military exploits are still not enough, and they spend a lot of money on the soldiers who have been consumed when they upgrade their ranks.

No way, now that the casualties of the soldiers are getting heavier and heavier, Kane and the others need to spend more military merit every time to refill the vacant troops.

In this way, Kane and others rushed out of the fortress with the soldiers, and they could see that there were many craftsmen outside the fortress repairing and expanding the fortress.

They are spending materials to expand the entire fortress to be stronger.

After leaving the fort, the outside is almost a plain, only a few small woodlands from time to time, dotted with small hillsides.

It's almost endless.

Not long after they ran out, Kane and the others felt the sight of the enemy.

Kane frowned and looked at a small wood in the distance: "There seems to be an enemy sentinel watching us."

"It should be, I feel it too." Claire nodded and said.

Kane didn't say much. Among the soldiers behind him, there were 5 fog clouds composed of black mist, which turned into sharp arrows and flew towards the grove.

Of course, the pursuit of the sentinel must be handed over to the dark servants who are also assassins.

After a while, the dark servants flew back with their spoils.

It was Ava at the head.

"Master, a soldier escaped our pursuit."

Although the enemy's sentinels are in a favorable position, being able to escape from the servants of the dark servants shows that their strength should not be underestimated.

Hearing Ava's report, Kane nodded, and then put away the spoils they handed over.

Claire next to him said: "I ran one, it seems that it will not be long before we have a battle."

"No matter what, go to the target camp we have set."

After Kane finished speaking, he acted again.

According to Horn's general information, that camp should now be without generals.

It was the camp that supported the fort before, and even the generals followed, so it was the easiest place to attack the fort now.

If you don't take this opportunity to take him down, what are you waiting for?

As Kane and the others marched, they felt the sight of observation from all directions along the way, indicating that the sentries of various camps and forces were all over the place.

As mentioned earlier, even if these camps and forces are forcibly combined into one force by the dungeon, there are still many forces that are not happy with each other.

After all, they were still fighting to death before.

Secretly, they are still divided into small gangs one after another with their previous power.

They are largely unlikely to aid others unless they have to.

This is also the reason why Kane and the others have not been attacked on a large scale.

It didn't take long for Kane and the others to see a camp from a distance, which should be the target of their trip according to the indication on the dungeon.

The camp run by the mage general.

A white cloud in the sky has floated over the camp.

The magic eye on the cloud has seen the entire camp at a glance.

The number of soldiers inside, their positions and their specific strengths are all clearly visible under Hawkeye's skill vision.

Metzker next to him was already reporting information about the entire camp to Kane and the others.

As expected, this camp has no generals as Horn said, and is in a state of leaderless.

The soldiers among them are also very few, only about 2,000, and most of them have not yet reached the bottleneck period.

Not to mention the middle class.

You must know that in this area with the most intense conflict, the soldiers in each camp are almost all intermediate arms, and even if there are juniors, almost all of them have reached the bottleneck period.

The situation in this camp shows that these soldiers were recruits who had just been recruited and were placed in the camp by the previous generals.

If it was in the past, this general would definitely not dare to do this.

But now all the forces have become the same force, and they have all become the blue side. Although they are dissatisfied in their hearts, the rules they should have are still necessary. Naturally, no one will attack his camp.

And it won't matter if they attack, it's not the blue side.

It is precisely because of such a situation that it is easy for Kane and the others to attack such a camp.

"It's not bad luck. The enemy we encountered in the first battle was not very strong. At least we won't be able to fight a battle. We have to go back and replenish our troops." Kane complained beside him.

After he finished speaking, a metal structure appeared directly on his body, quickly forming a mecha.

The style of this mech is exactly the Ruin Maker.

However, this time, the appearance of the Ruin Maker seems to be a little different. The various magical patterns and energy circuits on his body are more dense and clear than before.

The aura emanating from it is also much stronger.

It seems that the finger of the God of All Machines has indeed brought a huge improvement to Kane.

The vents under the feet remain the same, but two larger vents appear on the back.

Jumping slightly, the nozzle spewed out blue magic fire.

"call out!"

The driving mecha, the speed of rushing towards the camp, even heard the sound of breaking the air.


Claire issued an order right after.

The soldiers behind them charged directly with them.

There are few strategies available for such a camp attack.

All attacks are around the camp's shield, and once the shield is broken, it's almost an announcement of the camp's collapse.

It was definitely not like this before, but it became like this when Kane and the others came.

Because once the protective cover is broken, even if Kane and the others do not attack, the camp will be washed by artillery shells.

And once the protective cover still exists, the defense in the camp will have room to maneuver.

Now that Kane's attack method has been thoroughly understood, the camps in this area have already made various preparations for Kane and the others.

This also caused Kane and the others to want to take the camp here, and it seemed that it would be a little difficult to move.

But fortunately, the first battle encountered a camp without a general and the quality of the soldiers in the camp was not good.

Be a good starter and be lucky.

The Ruin Maker that Kane drove directly hit the magic hood of the camp.

His hand was no longer the drill bit before, but was directly transformed into some kind of device that was attached to the shield, and a huge drill bit was drilled on his back, and turned frantically against the shield.

The equipment of both hands kept launching unknown ripples on the shield, causing the shield in the entire area to fluctuate.

Such fluctuations become more and more pronounced as the drill bit rotates.

And the soldiers in the camp didn't watch, and frantically attacked Kane's mecha.

Various gaps kept appearing in the ruin maker's body, and then they were quickly supplemented by the magic power spent by Kane and reconstructed.

There are also many fireballs, hitting the ruin maker.

Although these soldiers did not reach the bottleneck stage, they still entered the silver stage. So many attacks hit the ruin maker, and they were constantly consuming Kane's magic power.

Kane's defense is generally maintained by a huge amount of magic power, because his source skills have such characteristics.

For example, Kane makes a shield. If you can't smash it into pieces at one time, the smashed part will be quickly replenished by Kane's magic power.

Then you can only have a war of attrition with Kane. As long as there is magic in Kane's body, it is almost difficult for you to penetrate his defense.

Of course, in such a situation, we can only bully those who are weaker than Kane, stronger than Kane, and even Kane, who is on the same level as Kane, can't suffer very much in defense.

After all, the material used in its original skill is still steel, but it takes more magic power to make the steel harder.

Essentially nothing has changed, which is what Kane has been thinking about.

Now it is basically solved with magic runes and energy circuits.

After enduring the attack for a while, the sound of glass-like shattering was heard, and the entire protective shield was shattered by Kane.

As Kane and the soldiers behind him rushed into the camp, what appeared was a one-sided massacre.

This camp was easily taken by Kane and the others.

With the cleanup, the entire camp began to gradually change from blue and white to red and white.

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