"General, Sototos' camp has been taken down, and is now undergoing conversion."

A soldier in blue and white armor was half-kneeling in front of a general, reporting the news of Kane's attack on the camp.

The general asked, "Are the blood washers from the red side attacking the camp?"

"Yes, the general is the bloodbath. We observed it for a long time on the periphery and we did not see it wrong."

"Okay, organize the soldiers immediately and let's go there. Have you finally come here? I really want to meet them."

After speaking, the general went out.


In the camp on the other side, Kane and the others have just attacked the entire camp and are collecting the spoils in the camp.

The color of the entire camp has just begun to be converted, and it will take a while for the conversion to complete.

Although their attack went very smoothly, many soldiers were still injured and were being treated by Metzker.

However, since many soldiers in the Lantern Knights also acquired the skills of healing, Metzker's work was divided, so that he would not be so busy.

Not to mention, there is an extremely conspicuous figure among the soldiers in the camp, who is wearing the wounded soldiers to treat various injuries.

Why do you say he is conspicuous? Because it is really strange to have a tauren appear among the human beings.

It is still a black long-haired tauren, holding a huge totem all the time.

Whether it's fighting or healing, it can be done through totems, and even when dealing with herbs, its totems can help.

If it wasn't for Kane to confirm that it was a magic wood, he would almost think it was a high-tech product.

And this tauren was the general that Metzker recruited. The reason Metzker recruited him was because he really didn't like to command the soldiers under his command.

And the main occupation of this tauren is actually a herbalist, and he is very handy in this aspect of treatment, which can help Metzke share the pressure.

It stands to reason that this dungeon used to be an area where human creatures fought in that world, and it is unlikely that such apparently inhuman tauren would appear.

However, after communicating with Karen and the others, Kane also knew that the theme of the area was the battle between humans and humans, but the hero recruitment of the tavern and the special field camps represented some special individuals.

Their range of action is all over the world, so they can be seen in different areas.

Of course, special individuals must be given special treatment, which is also for better experiments.

This is why you can see some generals and heroes who are obviously different from ordinary people in the tavern.

However, Claire Lombe and the others do not seem to have much interest in recruiting generals.

Kane decided to observe the tauren for a while, thinking about whether to pull him into his guild.

Metzker, who was being treated, suddenly felt something, raised his head and shouted to Kane and the others.

"A portal appeared outside the camp."

Hearing Metzker's words, Kane quickly got up and jumped directly outside the camp.

Claire and the others followed, and the remaining uninjured soldiers also rushed out of the camp.

At this time, in the open space outside the camp, circle after circle of portals appeared in the open space.

In the portal, cavalry after another poured out.

Although the equipment on these cavalry is still blue and white, it can be seen that they are all magic equipment, and they are very sophisticated.

The mount under him is no longer a warhorse, but an indescribable strange creature with dense blue scales all over its body.

One of the knights came out. Compared with the others, this knight was better equipped, and the weapon in his hand was a long-handled curved blade.

The mount under him is also bigger than the others, and this person should be the commander of this unit.

In Kane's eagle eyes, the strength of this knight commander is almost the same as that of Bonona next to him, which means that they have reached the peak of silver.

"It's him?" Bonona next to Kane seemed to recognize the knight commander.

Hearing her voice, Kane asked, "Do you know him?"

"It's an acquaintance. He is Thorien, known as the Nightmare of Youlan. He leads a magic knight who can open portals at will to reach various places."

The knight commander opposite spoke, and his voice came from the helmet and sounded a little dull.

"I didn't expect the green-haired Bonona to be recruited by the bloodbath?"

The green-haired Bonona should be the title of Porona.

So the question is, who is the bloodbath he is talking about?

The knight general on the opposite side raised his long-handled curved-blade spear, pointed at Kane and said, "Bloodwasher, you have finally come to this place, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ah, was that what we were talking about?

Hearing the title given to them by the other side, Kane somewhat did not understand. Does the bloodbath have anything to do with them if they tell the truth? It doesn't match at all.

Playing on the fine tradition of asking if you don't understand, Kane raised his hand and asked, "Wait a minute, let me ask, are you talking about us?"

The knight on the opposite side was suddenly a little confused by Kane's words, but he still replied: "Of course it's you, otherwise, who else can be called a bloodbath here?"

"What does this title mean, can you tell us about it?"


Although Thorien was puzzled, he answered Kane's question in the spirit of a knight.

"Every time you fight, you take absolute measures of annihilation against the enemy. You don't let anyone go to the enemy who fights with you. Almost no one escapes back. That's why you are called blood washers."

Oh, so that's the case, Kane nodded to understand the origin of their titles.

Although he really wanted to refute the fact that they were not such ruthless people on the opposite side, there was really no problem thinking about it.

After all, those soldiers who escaped are all gold coins and resources that can walk one after another.

If you let one go, you will feel a little bit of a loss. Naturally, you will kill them all and leave no one behind.

Didn't expect that the good quality they didn't waste would be so cruel to the other side.

Thinking of this, Kane looked at the seemingly strong opponents and asked, "Are you here to support this camp?"

"Mainly to annihilate you, now that the question is over, are you ready to die?"

Hearing Thorien's words, Kane nodded.

The number of this magic knight is about 3,000 people, and the strength is almost in the silver bottleneck period or the silver peak.

Whether he will be annihilated, Kane does not know, he only knows that this is going to make a lot of money.

It's been a long time since I fought the enemy face to face. Every time I try to remove the magic cover, Kane is already a little tired.

This has to be a good thank you to the other side.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to say." After Kane finished speaking, he rushed out.

On the way, the expansion of mechanical parts began to appear on the body, but a heavy mecha was put on the body in an instant.

The style of this mecha is no longer the commonly used ruin maker during this time, but it is more suitable for the style of daily combat, and the proportions of the body are very coordinated.


As Cainde charged Claire also launched the command to attack, the blood lion phantom and various auras were attached to the soldiers behind him.

Although Kane and his soldiers are more than the other side, the strength of the opposite is far more than the soldiers under Kane and his command.

Basically, only the Lantern Knights and the 30 girls could have a kill record, and the rest of the soldiers had a hard time even resisting.

Even if Claire and the others wanted to kill the enemy knights, it would take some time.

Since almost all the opponents were magic knights, various magic resistance spells prevented Claire from rampaging like before.

Even the ghost maid must attack cautiously and not act recklessly.

Various blue arcane arrows and orbs exploded among Cain's soldiers.

Kane, who rushed out, went directly to the full-fire mode, and dragon scales and dragon horns appeared on him.

The golden light wheel behind the mecha also appeared, and the entire mecha turned into a golden coating.

Not only that, but he also carried a backpack composed of a fire-launching platform on his back. Under the control of Yoyo, he kept firing all kinds of shells around him.

These cannonballs are not the previous ones, but were reconstructed after Kane recently, and they cost more magic power.

And Thorien also saw the strength of Kane.

He wanted to stop Kane from slaughtering his soldiers, but was directly thrown by Kane with a punch.

Although he did not suffer any serious injuries, he was indeed not qualified to stop Kane's attack.

When Kane is driving a mech, he usually does not fight with a humanoid that is over one meter long, because it will make his movements very inconvenient.

His primary goal was to get rid of these enemy knights first.

As for Thorien, of course, it was handed over to Metzker first.

When Thorien tried to stop Kane again, four blue iron fists blocked him.

These 4 iron fists are extremely sharp in their attacks, and each strike can penetrate his armor and cause damage to his interior.

In this way, Sorian was directly dragged by Metzker, and he was still dragged by Metzker's original skills. Metzker himself was still controlling the power of red, trying his best to rescue the soldiers below.

The loss of Kane and his soldiers in this battle was basically unpredictable.

No way, after all, their soldiers are too different in quality compared to the enemy.

It's almost in exchange for each other now.

The enemy's knights caused massacres against the ordinary soldiers under their command, while Kane and the others were slaughtering the enemy's knights, and now it was who was faster.

Who can't stand it first.

In the sky, rainbow-colored meteorites kept falling downward, and various rainbow-colored stars kept falling, causing large-scale damage.

Not to mention all kinds of explosions and inexplicable bullets.

The mecha driven by Kane can take away a large area of ​​the surrounding enemies with each attack.

Under the circumstances of mutual slaughter, Thorien finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he shouted at the remaining soldiers: "Everyone retreat!"

After the words of retreat came out, a blue portal appeared behind the remaining magic knights.

Only the enemy soldiers on the battlefield disappeared without a trace, including their commander Thorien.

All that was left was shards of ashes on the ground.

And slowly rising from the ground into the air, the blue magic particles in the sky.

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