In this inexplicable encounter, while Kane and the others gained a lot, the losses were also extremely heavy.

The more than 5,000 soldiers who were brought here have gone through two battles, and there are less than 2,000 soldiers left.

More than 2,000 of them were lost during the battle with the knights just now.

On the other hand, there were more than 3,000 knights in total, and half of them escaped.

The first time Kane and the others lost more than the enemy.

But even in that case, the victory was a big one.

And the experience provided is extremely rich, the remaining soldiers do not need treatment directly, all of them are restored to full state, and there are nearly 200 soldiers whose strength has reached the bottleneck.

Of course, Kane's soldiers only accounted for more than 60 of them.

The most important thing is that the members of the Knights of the Lantern who have become the spirit of freedom and joined Kane's guild, still have two lost their lives.

What Kane was most worried about before inevitably appeared.

After all, the strength of the Magic Knights was just a little bit worse than the members of the Lantern Knights.

Add to that the number of causes, and death is inevitable.

It is foreseeable that such a situation will occur frequently in the subsequent battles.

After the death of the two members of the Knights of the Lantern Order, their bodies did not turn into blue stars like the other soldiers, but they still kept their bodies.

In the camp of the Guardian Army, a new building was built to bury the soldiers who died.

Knights Cemetery.

The two soldiers were automatically buried in the cemetery after they were taken to the camp of the Guardians.

At least not like other explorers, who can only stay in the dungeon forever after death.

"They are also companions. It is the first time to feel the death of their companions. This feeling is really uncomfortable." Kane looked at the corpse that was sent to the knight's station and said quietly.

Claire next to them just nodded, not knowing what to say.

At this time, becoming a free spirit and joining Kane and their guild is in a rather awkward period.

Having become a spirit of freedom, but not an explorer, Kane and the others are limited in their help.

The dungeon is about to be destroyed, and they are in an embarrassing period, and they can't even be resurrected.

Although it also brought benefits to Kane and the others, such as being on the same team with them by default, the loot that exploded could directly charge Kane for use.

In total, there were 200 mist gift coins that exploded after the death of more than 1,000 members of the Magic Knights.

There are more than a dozen high-quality silver equipment, the rest are all ordinary silver equipment, and there is almost no copper-colored equipment.

The explosive silver magic material directly raised the 7 silver magic stones in Kane's hand to 11.

The gains from a single encounter are worth attacking two or three camps.

Of course, the loss can be worth two or three camps, or even more.

Gather the loot and wait for the camp to be fully converted.

Kane and the others took the remaining soldiers and returned to the fort.

They had just laid down a camp and had to go back to the fort again for repairs.

Kane suddenly remembered what he said when he attacked the camp, and he felt a little crow's mouth.

The quality of the soldiers under their command is indeed too poor compared to the enemy.

In a 2v1 situation, even blocking is very difficult.

Not to mention that the sky is still shattering, the enemy is constantly being strengthened, and the soldiers under their command are more likely to be slaughtered as time goes on.

The problem is that facing such a situation, Kane and the others have no better way.

Because it is impossible for them to rely on a few people to attack an army of thousands of people alone, let alone when their strength is strengthened.

There must be enough soldiers to spread the fire.

The only thing that can be fortunate is that Kane and the others have adjusted their mentality a long time ago, and do not treat the ordinary soldiers under their command as a normal life form.

And there is no need to treat ordinary soldiers as normal life forms, because they can be resurrected after death, and these can also be confirmed with the mouths of those who have become free spirits.

This allows Kane and the others to treat these soldiers as consumables and as a number under such circumstances.

The only thing that will make Kane and the others feel uncomfortable and unacceptable is the death of those who become free spirits and join their guild.

Because they are really dead and have no chance to be resurrected.

And still while fighting for them.

When Kane and the others returned to the fort, Lombe was already waiting for them.

When he saw that the soldiers that Kane and the others brought back were only close to 2,000, he knew that the loss was a bit heavy.

He even saw the Knights of the Lantern at a glance, missing two people.

After all, the Knights of the Lantern had become the spirits of freedom and joined their guild.

In the guild hall a few days ago, I could often see Lombe and the members of these knights drinking and chatting.

The appearance of hundreds of people, Lombe remembered very clearly.

The expected thing inevitably happened, and Lombe could only sigh slightly.

"It seems that the enemy in the future is much stronger." Lombe said as he walked beside Kane and the others.

Kane nodded and said, "It is true that the strength is much stronger than the soldiers in the camps we attacked before, and there are many advanced arms that almost caused a one-sided slaughter to our soldiers."

"Let's go and replenish the soldiers first. I don't know if the military rank can be upgraded this time. The troops are a bit insufficient." Claire said beside him.

Kane nodded and walked towards the recruitment office of the fortress.

However, except for Kane, the military exploits of others are not enough to promote the military rank.

And once Kane has upgraded his military rank, he will have no military exploits to supplement his troops, and the effect of upgrading his military rank will be meaningless.

Finally, after replenishing the troops, he left the recruitment office.

Kane returned to his room and opened the [Book of Adventure].

The plus sign of the guild column has a new highlight again, indicating that a new extension column has appeared.

This makes Kane a little puzzled, there is nothing new in the guild these days.

Click on the plus sign.

In addition to the previous extensions, a new extension appears at the end.

[Guild Hall - Fountain of Rebirth]

You can tell from the name that it is something that allows guild members to revive.

It is self-evident why such a new expansion column appears. It should be unlocked after the death of the previous guild member.

Kane scrutinized his introduction to this extension.

It's not detailed, but it's a general description of the feature.

At a cost, guild members can be resurrected, but resurrection needs to meet certain conditions.

The specific situation is not stated above, nor the cost.

All of these need to be unlocked to be able to know.

The cost of unlocking the column is also the current highest level of 10 silver magic stones.

Kane thought it would cost more to unlock such a column, but he didn't expect it to be 10 silver magic stones.

That probably means that the maximum cost of unlocking the column has a certain limit. Of course, this is just a guess. After all, many very powerful functions now cost 10 silver magic stones.

And Kane now has 11 silver magic stones in his hand. There is nothing to say. Such a function must be unlocked first, so he directly chose to use it to unlock this extension.

After this column was unlocked, click on the Guild Hall column, and a three-dimensional graphic of the Guild Hall appeared on the Book of Adventure.

Next to the guild hall, there is a small space with a fountain inside.

The specific appearance will not be known until Kane sees it in person.

He stretched out his hand and pressed the guild article and chanted the incantation silently, and the whole person disappeared from the room and appeared in the guild hall.

At this time, in the guild hall, Longbe was drinking with a dozen members of the escort army.

They were completely relaxed in this area, so even Kane's arrival did not arouse their vigilance.

Of course, it is also possible that they are drunk now.

Kane skipped them directly and walked to the doorway that appeared next to him.

I took a wooden door from the decoration column and decorated it in front of the doorway.

Finally pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

The space where the Fountain of Rebirth is located is a green woodland.

A fine white stone fountain stands in the center.

In the center of the fountain is a lantern sculpture.

At the position of Mars in the middle of the lantern, the green light is exuding warmly, and everyone in the light can feel a burst of relaxation.

Now Kane is already checking the specific information of this space.

Sure enough, the conditions for using the Fountain of Rebirth are very complicated and expensive.

The first is to be a member of a guild.

Secondly, in order to be reborn, the soul must not be seriously damaged.

And if the soul is imprisoned by some means and cannot be brought over, it still cannot be reborn.

That is to say, the Fountain of Rebirth relies on the soul to regenerate.

And a little fragment of the soul must be thrown into the spring before death, so that when a guild member dies, his soul can be brought here for protection.

However, imprisoned souls will be marked in the Soul Fountain, so that members of the guild can find the place where the soul is imprisoned and release it.

But the Fountain of Rebirth can only be used once by everyone.

If it has been reborn once and died again, the fountain of rebirth can only lead it here, protect its soul, and cannot reshape its body.

But this is still a good thing, because there are still many dungeons in the foggy world that have the means of rebirth, and only need the soul, which is also an opportunity.

The cost is split twice.

The first price he needs to spend is the fountain of rebirth to guide the soul, and the first price he charges is 20% of his current strength.

Although Kane doesn't know how the 20% strength is calculated, if he wants to be reborn, he has to accept the price that his strength will decrease.

The price that needs to be spent afterwards is the remodeling of the flesh.

According to the different strengths, the magic stones spent are also different.

If a bronze-level explorer dies, it will cost copper-colored magic stones to reshape the body, but the specific amount will fluctuate according to strength.

If you can't afford the money, don't worry, because the spring water will still preserve the soul of the deceased from harm.

Of course, there will be a maintenance fee at this time.

The specific consumption is still determined according to the strength, but it is definitely much less than the remodeling of the physical body.

Although the rebirth of the Fountain of Rebirth is not perfect, Kane is still very satisfied.

Because it can be used as a last resort.

After all, there are certain restrictions on the resurrection props that the fog explodes.

Kane decided now to gather all the members of the guild, and first put a few pieces of their souls into the spring in front of them, otherwise there would be no chance of resurrection, and this matter must be done immediately.

Thinking of this, Kane is ready to leave here.

However, as soon as Kane arrived at the door, the thorn pattern on his arm was madly hot.

Constantly exuding a faint light.

Feeling the strangeness in his arm, Kane immediately opened the space equipment and took out the saintess' earrings.

Look at the objects floating in the air, exuding holy light.

A smile appeared on Kane's face.

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