
【Holy Maiden】

[Level: Silver 21%]

[Martial Skill: None]

[Magic Skills: High-Order Holy Light Spell, High-Order Life Secret Art, Creation Divine Art]

[Skill: Singing (Advanced)]

[Bloodline: Daughter of Creation] (In a certain world, the God of Creation is called the God of Creation.

The church that serves the God of Creation will refer to the saints as the daughters of Creation, who represent a high degree of aptitude and the spell of the God of Creation.

Sacred spells are greatly strengthened, sacred consumption is reduced, and the qualification for learning the divine art of creation is obtained. )

[Skill Grid: Empty]

[Original Skill: Empty]

This is the detailed information of Finaris. Kane thought it was very outrageous at first glance. The outrageous place was her spell.

These are very beneficial spells at first glance.

There is even a bloodline, and the bloodline is highly compatible with the spells and occupations learned.

It can only be said that Finalis's whole match is very perfect now.

Moreover, her skills and origin skills are not sealed like other spirits of freedom, but Sora shows that she is already a normal explorer.

It's not smuggling or like the free spirits of the guild, they are in an awkward period.

And she is only 21% silver, but the intensity of energy has reached half of silver.

It is also a manifestation of strength.

As for the arrangement for Finaris at this stage, with her consent, Kane decided to let her go out with them to fight.

After all, for such a useful spell, it would be too bad not to follow. Secondly, they helped Finaris fully armed with a large amount of various equipment that had been stored for a long time in the guild.

Of course, this is not free, but it also comes at a price, that is, the items that exploded in this dungeon, Finalis has no right to distribute.

However, the Mist Coins will still be distributed evenly with them.

The main thing Finaris does now is to help them and their soldiers with a wide range of healing and buffs.

After all, if she was allowed to attack, the magic materials bursting out of the soldiers she killed would not allow Kane to charge.

Lombe and the others are Kane's teammates, and the materials that have been exposed are 100% applicable.

Although other guild members have joined the guild, they are still under the mechanism of the dungeon and belong to the soldiers under Kane and their command.

The materials that these soldiers exploded can also be used by Kane.

But Finaris can't, she can be regarded as an explorer now.

After the decision was made, Kane and the others continued to attack back and forth as usual.

They need to be more cautious and more forceful to capture these camps.


Above the earth, golden beams of light were projected from the sky to the ground.

Those are the condensed rays of the sun.

Before the sky was broken, such light was completely blocked by the gray-black clouds and the orange-yellow sky.

But by this time the sky was already completely cracked like a broken mirror.

There were huge voids everywhere, revealing the thick white mist tumbling behind them.

The huge crack that once crossed the sky can no longer be called a crack, but a river composed of white mist.

The crack is no longer limited to this one, but spreads all over the sky.

The sky at this time has been completely broken into pieces after pieces.

Like an island on the sea.

Only two or three huge fragments are still connected, so that the sky is not completely broken.

under the broken sky.

It is a huge battlefield, and the screams and screams of the sky are all over the area.

From time to time, explosions and various vibrations can be heard.

Smoke, fire, and energy effects are concentrated in this area.

Kane is driving a huge mecha, galloping among the enemy troops. No one could fight where they passed, and all the soldiers who blocked were thrown into the air by the random swing of the robotic arm.

The human-shaped mecha sprinted forward for a while and then quickly assembled into a huge Mercedes-Benz chariot.

Countless muzzles were exposed on the chariot, and lethal bullets were fired at the surrounding enemy troops.

The steel plate made of black steel stretched out to both sides, extending one huge muzzle after another, launching missiles into the sky.

Let this missile bomb at will on the ground.


The chariot, which was frantically harvesting the lives of the soldiers, made a huge explosion sound, and slanted and rolled around for a few times.

At this time, I saw a huge gap on the side of the chariot, and there was still a wisp of green smoke on it.

Using a magic teardrop, the mana that was about to dry up was filled again, and the gap where the chariot was struck was quickly repaired.

Kane, who was driving the chariot, opened his eagle eyes and looked into the distance.

I saw not far away, 9 generals dressed like mages were jointly casting spells.

Just now, they created a huge fireball that blew up Kane's chariot.

However, there is no need for Kane to react to those mages, because they have been exposed.

Kane withdrew his gaze and continued to control the lives of the soldiers around the weapon reaper.

I saw more than a dozen lines of black mist under the hillside where the mage was standing, quickly flying towards the mountain.

These black mists appeared directly beside the mage.

It was a petite girl wearing a white mask.

They waved the weapons made of black mist in their hands and attacked these generals.

However, these black fog weapons were all blocked by the magic shield on the mage.

The blue mana missiles attacked these girls.

In an instant, the top of the mountain where these generals were staying was a mess.

However, the Dark Attendants did not confront these mages, but kept dodging, issuing a useless attack from time to time.

Saying that they are here to kill them is more like delaying time.

The mage who was waving his staff and attacked the girl with a shard of ice suddenly stopped.

Blood flowed from his mouth, and he looked down at his chest in disbelief.

I saw the chest part, and a spear penetrated his chest from his back.

He didn't understand why he was suddenly pierced by a spear with a very thick magic shield on his body?

The spear was pulled out, and the master wielding the spear immediately attacked the mage next to him.

All mages don't seem to like dodging physical attacks very much, and of course it's possible that they can't dodge at all.

The spears with the metal spear head one by one, killing all these spell generals.

Some generals responded by using spells to attack their attackers.

However, the magic used, hitting the armor of the enemy and extinguishing it directly, has no effect.

All the generals had expressions of disbelief.

Only one general was quick-witted, and controlled the spell to fly quickly to the side trying to escape.

However, before flying far, the spear was projected.

The thick layers of magic shields on his body were penetrated like thin paper.

The spear came out of his chest.

The general in mid-air fell powerlessly towards the ground.

The spear on his body was automatically drawn and flew towards his master.

Claire on the hillside caught the flying spear and danced.

Drops of blood were thrown from the gun head into the mud.

With anti-magic armor and a spear head made of leftover material, Claire can turn into a mage killer at any time.

A strong light of holy light appeared on the battlefield.

All the soldiers in red and white armor seemed to be full of strength.

The lost stamina quickly recovered, allowing them to pick up their swords and attack the enemy again.

Those soldiers who fell to the ground too late to rescue also got up again under this holy light.

The number of enemy troops on the battlefield is not much, and there are only more than 3,000 people left.

And Kane and the soldiers under his command were also at a huge loss, and no more than 6,000 people could stand up.

If it weren't for Finaris' large-area healing spell, more people would have died.

Metzker was concentrating on rescuing the soldiers in critical condition.

Although Finaris's healing spell is large and wide, it can cover almost everyone, but the effect of the treatment is not as good as imagined, and it can only simply stabilize the current injury.

But that's enough, at least there's time for Metzker to go deeper into therapy.

You can also see a black long-haired tauren on the battlefield waving a huge totem in his hand, and each swing can knock up a large area of ​​enemies around him.

Afterwards, the blood-stained totem radiated green light, treating the friendly troops who fell to the ground.

For some seriously injured friendly troops, the tauren picked it up and ran, and quickly took it to the place where Metzker was.

In addition to these three people, there are nearly 100 members of the Lantern Knights. The armor they wear is much thinner than their colleagues, and there are more fabrics.

The weapon in his hand is a flag embroidered with the mark of a lantern.

These flags are also lit with milky white holy light, which boosts and strengthens the surrounding comrades and performs simple healing.

For some reason, after Finaris joined their guild, many of the newly added soldiers of the spirit of freedom have the qualifications for healing, and the efficiency of using healing spells is also better.

And these are all the treatment teams on the entire battlefield, Kane and his team, and it is they who have ensured that the loss of troops has been minimized during this period of time.

Although the lowest is not anywhere lower.

If you want to say which unit is the most conspicuous on the battlefield, it must be the light cavalry under Li Lulu.

The white horse under these soldiers has completely turned into a rainbow-colored unicorn with a single horn.

The red on these soldiers has also completely turned pink, and all the equipment on their bodies has become pink and white.

The armor on that body is extremely delicate, and it also reflects various colors of light, which is completely a work of art.

The long gun in his hand is even more strange in shape.

There are various animal-like decorations on the gun heads.

The lovely decoration has been soaked in blood.

The special effects of each attack of these soldiers are all kinds of pink and rainbow colors.

How bright and bright.

It was during this time that they were transformed into soldiers of fairy knights by Lilulu with all her might.

20 of them even became free spirits and joined the guild.

They also gave their gang a name called the Fairy Queen's Guard Knights.

He is still helping his colleagues walk the journey of the spirit of freedom.

The entire team of the Lantern Knights has reached more than 800 people.

It has doubled from a month ago.

The girls' arms have all reached the bottleneck of strength that they can currently achieve, which is the peak of silver.

He was only a few steps away from the silver bottleneck period, but he couldn't get out.

Maybe when they really get out of the dungeon and join the foggy world, they can get rid of such shackles.

Claire switched her outfit again in a burst of light.

He picked up the huge mace in his hand and rushed down.

After the recovery of the magic potion and stamina potion, the magic power of her body once again reached a certain amount.

30 ghost knights appeared beside her, following her to gallop in the formation of the enemy, killing them.

The black mist danced back and forth between the enemies, and the black mist turned into a part of the girl's body from time to time, holding weapons to attack the enemy.

All along the way were the remains of various enemies, which were reduced to ashes in a breeze.


A black cloud in the sky struck a bolt of lightning.

A fleeing soldier in blue-and-white armor fell to the ground in the lightning, and then turned to ashes.


All enemy troops were killed.

The dilapidated mecha turned into fly ash, and Kane fell down and lay directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

Take out a bottle of blue and yellow recovery potions to restore your physical strength and magic power.

Look at the blue light spot in the air, floating towards the broken sky.

It has been more than a month since Kane resurrected Finaris.

After more than a month of hard work, Kane and the others finally pushed the red square to the center line of the entire map, occupying half of the entire map.

Looking at his teammates walking towards him not far away, Kane sat up and smiled.

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