The broken sky and the confusion of light have made it impossible to tell the approximate time now.

Only by the sunlight projected from the gap can tell whether it is day or night.

On the ground battlefield at this time, there were not a single enemy in blue and white armor left.

The soldiers still wandering on the battlefield were all wearing red and white armor.

Many places on the ground have been covered with a thick layer of ashes. These soldiers in red and white armor are looking for something in these ashes.

Lombe came to Kane's side and sat beside him, grumbling.

"It was intercepted by other enemy troops after attacking the camp again. There were still some troops left, but now they have suffered heavy losses."

Listening to Lombe's words, Kane looked at the remaining soldiers on the battlefield.

If you count them carefully, there are indeed only about five or six thousand left.

It is said that the loss is heavy, and there is really no big problem.

Kane patted Lombe on the shoulder and said, "Shouldn't you be used to it all this time? There's nothing you can do about it."

They have now captured half of the map.

The central part of the dungeon has always been the place where the fighting was fiercest, and the soldiers and various generals in this place were very powerful.

If the whole map is divided according to the distribution of strength, it can be divided into three parts.

The top 1/4 and the bottom 1/4 belong to an area with almost equal strength, and most of them are the most common recruits.

The strength of the generals is not very strong, and they are the rear of both sides.

Then there is the middle 1/2 area.

This place has always been the most fierce battle in the entire dungeon, so the soldiers here are almost all intermediate, and most of the arms have reached silver.

The generals of each branch are powerful.

When Kane and the others attacked the rear quarter before, it was very easy.

The loss of a few hundred soldiers of the leading soldiers can be regarded as a heavy loss.

And they are now knocking down the middle half of the 1/2, which took more than a month.

And almost every battle suffered heavy losses.

Over the past month, each of them has been upgraded to a military rank capable of carrying 5,000 troops.

Because one person needs to be guarded at the big camp, they have reached 20,000 troops each time they go out.

Attacking the camp generally requires the loss of six or seven thousand troops. If other enemy forces intercepted the camp after attacking the camp, there would almost be only six or seven thousand troops left.

As is the case now.

They had just laid down a camp, and just after they had finished fighting, they encountered it not long after, and came to intercept their enemy.

Moreover, the number of troops led by the enemy is generally smaller than that of them, which means that they have always fought more with less.

However, the quality of the soldiers is there.

One soldier of the enemy army can fight against two or even three of the ordinary soldiers of the enemy Kane.

These are all things that can't be done.

And if the enemy's support troops come to support, if Kane and the others have already attacked the camp and left, they will counterattack the camp, and they can easily retake the camp that Kane and the others finally took back.

Although Kane and his troops also had a lot of intermediate arms during this time, but compared to the enemy army, they were both intermediate arms and the reinforcement of the dungeon.

It can only be said that it is a drop in the bucket.

But fortunately, once the soldiers under Kane's ranks are promoted, they can become spirits of freedom and join the Lantern Knights, and their strength will be greatly improved.

At present, there are more than 800 people in the Knights of the Lantern under Kane.

In addition, among the remaining troops, Kane has just checked, and more than 100 soldiers under his command can be promoted.

After returning this time, the size of the guild's escort army will reach more than 1,000.

Many of these spirits of freedom have taken advantage of the rules of this dungeon and raised their strength to the peak of silver.

If they become explorers from the outside world, they must clear the entire dungeon to get the power boost.

But in this dungeon, as long as their soldier level bottleneck has not been reached, they can always improve by winning battles.

The highest can reach the peak of silver, but not the bottleneck.

But this is enough. Once they become explorers freely, they can save a lot of time and energy.

But because they can't wear explorer's equipment and don't have the explorer's original skills, their combat effectiveness is not as good as the explorer's.

And most of these soldiers have less potential and aptitude than explorers.

Fortunately, there is a system of escort troops to escort them, so that they can at least maintain the highest level of combat effectiveness in the dungeon.

However, it is precisely because of the healing skills provided by the Guardian Army that the Knights of the Lantern have more than 100 healing troops.

The more than 100 members of the Knights of the Lantern have fully specialized in various medical and ambulance professions.

In his spare time, he also learns Holy Light spells with Finaris, or learns human anatomy and healing techniques with Metzker.

Sometimes they will find iron hoofs to teach them the knowledge of herbs.

The iron hoof is the general of Metzik, the black long-haired tauren.

The knowledge of herbal medicine is not even weaker than that of Metzker.

And he is also the spirit of freedom, and was pulled into the guild by Kane.

Fortunately, these people specialize in healing and buffs, which has reduced the loss of soldiers a lot.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for tens of thousands of soldiers to take care of them by relying on Mezick and the three of them alone.

Kane was chatting with Lombe, and seeing that Claire had organized the soldiers, he got up and pulled Lombe to prepare for the return trip.

And Metzker and the others have rescued most of the soldiers who were in danger of life.

Ready to go, they returned to the big camp with the remaining troops, Kane.

Kane rode his mechanical warhorse to Claire's side.

"Whose unit does Claire intercept us this time?" Kane asked.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire took out a list and flipped through it: "This time it should be the magic group who came to attack us, and the 9 mages who put magic on you should be their people."

"Aren't the people of this force dead yet?"

Claire silently crossed out the magic group from the list, and then said: "The last person who came to intercept us today should be the last remaining people of their strength, and there will be no such small force in the future."

Hearing this, Kane nodded. After fighting for so long and not dying, he is about to admire these people.

The reason they fought so hard in this place is because the area is full of militants.

Even if the camp that Kane and the others attacked did not belong to the same faction before, other generals would also come to intercept and attack Kane and them.

They even team up to conduct ambushes and sneak attacks.

Not for anything else, just because of Kane and their names.


Known for being cruel and not letting go of an enemy.

But fortunately, Kane has eagle eyes and cotton candy who has been scouting for them in the sky.

So almost all ambush and sneak attacks didn't work, but instead were ambushed by Kane and the others.

This led to the fact that there would be no more ambushes and sneak attacks in the future, and all of them rushed directly to the front.

The worst was when Kane and the others encountered a wave of enemies on their way to attack the enemy camp.

When attacking the camp, the opponent's camp received support from other forces.

When they attacked the camp, they encountered another wave of enemy attacks.

After several battles, only a few hundred of Kane's soldiers were beaten on the spot.

Kane even used up all the magic teardrops in that battle, and Lombe and the others were also seriously injured.

This made Kane and the others very cautious every time they chose to attack the camp and route, and they would continue to send sentries and dark servants to patrol around.

It didn't take long for them to travel, and they saw the big camp at this time.

This time, the big camp is located in the fortress at the front, which is grouped together.

This fortress is erected in the center of the entire dungeon.

Majestic and huge.

Kane and the others spent three days and two nights in order to attack the fortress.

He dared to attack him after cleaning almost all the camps around the fortress, and cleaning up all the camps that belonged to the same faction as the fortress before.

A lot of soldiers who stayed in the camp were also pulled from the rear to defend the surrounding area.

It was foolproof, and it took so long to attack.

However, after the attack, the fortress is worth taking.

Because they can directly recruit intermediate soldiers through this fortress, and there seems to be some kind of morale bonus, they can feel that their soldiers' attack and morale have been strengthened.

However, if Kane directly recruits mid-level soldiers, these mid-level soldiers will not directly become spirits of freedom.

Instead, it is necessary for Kane to promote them, and only after promotion will he become a spirit of freedom.

The potential of these intermediate-level soldiers to become Spirits of Freedom is not better than that of ordinary soldiers. Almost all of them are carved out of the same mold, but they have mastered some better skills.

Therefore, Kane basically does not recruit intermediate soldiers very much, and still brings ordinary soldiers to promote and fight.

However, Claire and the others basically replaced all the soldiers with mid-level soldiers. After all, they didn't need to be like Kane.

Ordinary soldiers are almost dead in battle if they are not promoted to mid-level soldiers.

After Kane and the others entered the fortress, the soldiers behind them were taken away under their respective adjutants and generals.

The Knights of the Lantern also entered the knight's quarters.

From a distance, I saw Li Lulu flying towards them with a wave of people.

First of all, the two little girls with green hair jumped directly into Bolona's arms.

Among the people who followed behind Li Lulu, the three tauren were the most conspicuous.

Two long brown hairs and one white long hair.

What he is holding in his hand is not a totem, but a wooden stick made of dead wood.

The three of them are the generals who introduced Kane and the others after Iron Hoof entered the guild.

They are brothers and sisters of iron hoofs. These brothers and sisters are not trash, they are all legal professions.

It seems to be a legal profession similar to a shaman or a druid.

And they also became Li Lulu's generals. There was no way. As a legal profession dealing with nature, they fell in love with Li Lulu at a glance, vying to be Li Lulu's subordinates.

Now it can be seen that vines are still wrapped around them, and some vines are already blooming with small flowers.

The three of them are even stronger than iron hoofs.

In addition to guarding Li Lulu now, she is also responsible for helping Li Lulu take care of various plants in the fairy tale world.

Help the animal and plant life in the fairy tale world to evolve and maintain, teach them and enhance their strength.

Can be regarded as the administrator of the fairy tale world.

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