A white ghost rider, traversing the woodlands.

There was a thick white mist in the sky.

Behind the Ghost Rider are dozens of lantern knights in fine armor, and the cloak behind the armor is tattooed with a lantern pattern.

They walked out of the fortress, bypassed the army gathered in front of the fortress, and plunged straight into the rear of the enemy army from an inclined plane.

Claire sent her ghost riders out to scout the surroundings.

Originally, this kind of work should be given to the dark servants, they are very talented in this aspect.

However, now that they have entered the enemy's rear and are occupying the camp, they can only leave this kind of work to the relatively suitable Ghost Riders.

Mainly to let them explore the surrounding army and find a suitable army.

A white ghost rider of the same size and structure as Claire hurried over.

She ran over and did not communicate verbally, but directly touched Claire's body, and the information she saw entered Claire's mind.

Claire immediately raised her hand and waved, then ran in the direction the ghost rider came from.

Not far away, Claire was on a hillside and saw an enemy support unit in the distance.

She could feel the strength of the support troops, almost all of them at the silver level. Judging from the makeup and aura of these soldiers, they should all be mid-level troops.

It means that this troop came from the middle area, not the rear.

However, only the area closer to the battlefield can come so quickly.

Claire carefully checked the number of this army, about 4,000 to 5,000, all of them are melee units, and did not find any soldiers with mage costumes.

This target is very perfect, very suitable for Kane to carry out long-range strikes, and the number is sufficient.

A mechanical device similar to a compass was pulled out directly from the space equipment.

Picking up the device, facing the troops in the distance, he threw it out with force.

The compass-like mechanical device quickly flew towards the distant troops.

In the air, he directly entered a state of stealth, and reduced his own weight. On the way to the invisible body, he accurately hit a soldier's body, and the compass was lightly attached to his armor.

And the soldier was still advancing with the large army, and he didn't notice anything wrong with him.

Later, Kane, who was far away on the wall of the fortress, heard the words from Youyou: "The information from the locator has been received, the target location has been successfully calculated, and the signal position has been locked. Is it transmitting?"

Kane immediately returned: "License to launch!"

A missile has been constructed in the missile silo, and Kane is now sitting next to the missile silo drinking the magic potion to restore the magic in his body.

A missile is basically about to completely drain the magic in his body.

Of course, the power of this missile will certainly not disappoint him, and it is worthy of his spending so much magic power.

It's been a long time since Kane experienced the lack of magic power.

But because the strength of these soldiers in this dungeon is getting stronger and stronger and the defense is getting higher and higher, Kane has to update and iterate on his weapons.

Better damage and better techniques certainly require more mana, not to mention that these techniques have fully utilized the fusion of magical runes and machines.

The source of technology is the body of the God of Myriad Machines, which leads to a higher cost of magic power.

Correspondingly, the damage of the weapons created is also beyond Kane's conception.

In the distance, Claire looked at the compass she threw out, and she didn't know if it was useful.

There are more than a dozen of this compass in her space equipment, which were temporarily constructed by Kane when he was leaving, and turned it into reality.

It is said that this compass is a kind of magical mechanical device, the structure is very simple, a small energy core plus information transmission and environmental scanning system.

Also comes with a simple invisible magic circle.

The way to use it is to hold it forcefully and throw it at the enemy's army. It will automatically identify and attach to the enemy's body invisibly, and then provide Kane with a signal.

This signal is set according to Yoyo's body, which enables Yoyo to accurately receive and analyze the meaning conveyed by the signal, and accurately calculate the location of the signal.

With the influx of magic in Kane's hands.

Wrapped like a cylindrical missile launcher, it began to spread around.

With the sound of the mechanical gears turning and colliding, the shells began to pop open and spliced ​​together, and the magic runes on them glowed slightly, indicating that they were working.

A pointed warhead slowly stretched out from the mouth of the cylinder.

The eerie smiling face logo on the warhead is still clearly visible.

Then all the runes on the entire missile silo began to glow with blue magic light, and the energy fluctuations gathered from above and spread to the surroundings.

"call out!"

The piercing sound of the launch sounded, and the powerful force made the entire city wall burst out with smoke and dust again.

I saw a missile flew out of the silo quickly, disintegrated in the air, and then slanted towards the army that Claire had just aimed at.

Watching this attack, the army in front of the fortress quickly opened the barrier.

However, what they saw was that the missile ignored them, flew straight over their heads, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Where did this attack go?" the strong man murmured in the enemy's formation.

However, the general beside him did not speak, but frowned at the direction the missile flew.

They all knew that the missile was flying behind them and what was behind them, some friendly troops were coming towards them.

A general dressed as a mage said indifferently, "Can you attack that far away? I don't know what position it's attacking, so it's not easy to defend."

"What are we going to do now, Captain Stern?"

The middle-aged male general in heavy armor frowned and said helplessly: "If we can attack the troops behind us at such a long distance, then we have no choice but to let them speed up their progress. Came quickly."

Then he turned his head to look at the towering fortress on the opposite side, and said, "It took so long to launch such an attack, which means that the frequency of this attack must be very low, and there are many prerequisites, and it's just a needless struggle."

After listening to his words, the expressions on the faces of the surrounding generals were different, but they didn't say anything.

Claire on the other side was still closely following the troop she marked.

She needs to see the unit being hit by Kane's attack to have a clear perception, so that her subsequent actions can be more efficient.

At this moment, she heard the sound of breaking air in the air, and an unknown object was approaching fast.

I haven't had time to look up yet.

I saw an object, in the middle of the fast marching troop not far from her.

The first thing that lit up was the sun-like light. This dazzling light made the surrounding bright as day, turning it into a vast expanse of white.

Claire couldn't help but put her hand in front of her, tilting her head to avoid the light.


Then came the huge explosion sound, but fortunately now Claire is in ghost form, the normal violent sound can't cause any damage to her.

And the dozen or so members of the Lantern Knights who had been following behind also quickly covered their ears the moment the light came on.

They already had bloody experience.

This light came and went quickly, and it didn't take long before the light disappeared without a trace.

When the smoke was blown away, Claire and the others looked towards the position of the troop.

Because it was a marching array, the troops were very close together.

In addition to the survival of some soldiers at the head and tail, a huge deep pit has appeared in the middle part, and the bottom of the pit even crystallized in front of the huge energy.

As for the soldiers among them, they have long since disappeared.

Claire saw that there were less than 200 soldiers left.

The halo under him and the phantom of the blood lion on his body immediately appeared.


Speed ​​and attack buffs come out of her mouth.

The Ghost Rider beside her and the Lantern Rider followed her and charged directly to the remaining enemy troops.

Although these remaining soldiers were not dead, they were all wounded, and the soldiers Claire brought were not ordinary soldiers.

They are all soldiers who have overwhelming strength over the current blue squad.

All kinds of factors were stacked together, and the hundreds of soldiers who survived by chance were wiped out by Claire in just a few minutes.

"Quickly pack up the spoils and prepare to evacuate."

After Claire finished speaking, she immediately dispersed her ghost cavalry, paying attention to whether the surrounding enemy support was coming.

Cain on the fortress walls.

Look at the huge light rising in the distance, and the slight tremor from under your feet.

Yoyo next to him also said, "Master, the surprise gift has been delivered successfully."

"I saw it, Yoyo did a great job."

Not only the soldiers around Kane saw the huge light rising into the sky in the distance.

The enemy on the opposite side of the fortress felt it even more strongly, including the slight shaking of the ground after the explosion.

"Damn, with such violent explosions and vibrations, at least one camp's troops suffered heavy casualties."

"Can no one stop him?"

"It sounds so nice, then you go."

"You tmd..."

"Okay! Stop arguing, hurry up and urge the soldiers in the rear to come as fast as possible, march quickly, and stop procrastinating."

The head of the enemy team stopped the conflict between the generals behind him.

If he doesn't stop such language clashes, it will turn into bloody clashes after a while.

There was no other way, they were originally unbalanced, under the order of the dungeon, they had to all gather together to attack the enemy.

Most of these generals have become free spirits, but they still follow the orders of the dungeon.

Because for them, even if they become free spirits, the world is not much different from the world they used to be.

Anyway, they follow the orders of others to fight for their recruits, which is already engraved in their souls.

So freedom or unfreedom has little effect on their behavior.

Therefore, if their leader lets these people quarrel, they will never take into account the relationship between the same forces and swallow their voices.

Definitely going to hit it right off.

When they fight, the soldiers behind them will naturally riot.

Stern sighed and turned his head.

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