
The dazzling light and the deafening sound came from behind the enemy again.

The generals in the enemy positions seemed to be used to it, and continued to do their own things, unmoved.

This kind of situation has happened countless times in the past two days, and they have long been used to it.

Anyway, it can't be stopped, out of sight and out of mind, let those people die, anyway, they were also mortal enemies in the past, and it's better to die.

Most of the generals believed that the dead troops were not of the same faction as they used to be.

After all, I can't see it now, and I don't know which supporting troop was attacked, and they all default to their opponents.

And the city wall of the huge fortress ahead.

After launching the missile, Kane immediately said: "No, I can't hold on anymore. I'll go to the wooden house to sleep for a while, and call me after two hours."

After that, Kane turned around and entered a small wooden hut next to him, and fell asleep on the bed.

This cabin was also temporarily built by him. On the floor of the cabin, there were potion bottles of magic healing potions sprinkled all over the place.

He has been in this cycle for the past few days, constructing a missile, drinking a bottle of magic potion, and waiting for the magic power in his body to recover.

After the magic power is restored, create another missile. After the body can't bear it anymore, go to the wooden house and sleep for a while.

Rest for a few hours, then wake up and continue with what you were doing.

The cycle goes on like this.

But even then they can only construct and launch one missile every two hours.

In the distance, Claire and the others aimed at some troops and marked them directly. In order to ensure efficiency, they no longer followed and waited beside them as they did the first time.

Instead, they left after marking them directly, looking for the next troop and continuing to mark them.

Therefore, every time Kane attacks, there are usually 1~2 troops marked on the scene, waiting for their choice.

According to their unremitting efforts these days, the roughly 20,000 to 30,000 enemy troops were eliminated.

Although for the enemy's 100,000 to 200,000 troops, it can't be regarded as broken, but it still achieved good results.

Not in vain for them to spend so long.

Two hours later, Kane was woken up by Yoyo.

After the last missile was created in the missile silo, Kane only felt extremely tired.

Then he pinched his ruby ​​lavalier: "Everyone put down their work and rest, the decisive battle is about to begin, be sure to maintain your own state."

Claire was already on her way back, and she found that the enemy's troops were almost ready to assemble.

There is no good target for her to mark, and she has not rested these days. She really needs to return to the fortress to rest for a while.

At this time, Metzker, who was constantly dispensing potions in the room, heard Kane's words.

Only then did he take out a time-recording clock from his space equipment.

"Has it been this long?"

Metzker muttered to himself, then fell directly on the bed next to him and fell asleep.

Li Lulu, who has been controlling energy in the fairy tale world, also heard the message from Kane.

I don't know why the fairy tale world and the dungeon are not in the same space, but Kane and the others are still able to communicate with Lilulu.

And once you enter the guild hall, you can't do it. For such a situation, everyone can't understand why, but it is enough to know what can and can't.

Of the thousands of wizards under Li Lulu's command, only 1,000 have successfully become fairy-tale wizards. Although the others have also changed, they are not complete.

Among the more than 1,000 fairy tale magicians, more than 200 became spirits of freedom.

And as time goes by, this number keeps increasing.

The large-scale intrusion of external energy seems to speed up the process of freedom for these soldiers.

Li Lulu has already pulled them into the guild, and Kane has already received the notification of members applying to join, and has already pulled them all into the guild.

In this way, Li Lulu also directly fell asleep in the fairy tale world.

A huge colorful butterfly flew over, lightly supported Li Lulu, and flew towards her castle.

Kane they are recharging their batteries.

In the guild hall, Karen was waiting with the dozens of raiders he led.

At this time, another dark servant entered the guild hall.

"Karen, the enemy's rear support force has come a long way, and now we can continue to complete the mission."

Looking at the dark waiter in front of her who was about the same size as her, Karen nodded.

"Everyone, the action begins."

After speaking, these people instantly disappeared into the guild hall.

Karen suddenly appeared in the dungeon, and beside her was the dark waiter who was just reporting to her.

They belong to the same team, because their hairstyles and shapes are not very different.

"You should call me sister."

The two dark servants were rushing towards the distance at the fastest speed, when Karen suddenly said on the way.

Another hollow and light voice came from the black mist next to it: "You just go out one step ahead of us, don't call your sister."

After speaking, the black fog flew to the other side.

And the black thing that Karen turned into is still moving forward.

"What an immature sister."

As soon as the voice fell, she arrived at an empty camp and flew directly into it.

As Karen entered, the blue-and-white camp was rapidly changing to red and white.

After about a few hours, the camp completely turned red and white, indicating that the camp had been occupied by Kane and their forces.

One soldier after another quickly began to pour out of the recruited camp, and a general came out of the command camp.

He went directly to the center of the camp and quickly organized the soldiers.

"Act quickly, come out quickly, check their respective equipment collections, and when the number of people is almost there, we will quickly go over to support."

This situation has been staged countless times in front of Karen, and she has no mood to watch it. When the camp turned red and white, she disappeared into the camp and rushed towards another camp.

They headed straight to the top of the entire map at first.

Why not choose the camp in front, because if the support soldiers in the rear pass by, won't their efforts be in vain?

So go directly to the last camp, and from there slowly advance towards the full.

Since they have dozens of members, this means that they can occupy dozens of camps at one time, and there are often idle camps that are not enough for them to occupy.

Others need to follow the last soldiers forward, and once these last soldiers cross the camp, they will mark the camp, and then record it in the guild hall.

And every other day they need to gather in the union hall to discuss the next action.

At this time, I had to sigh about the convenience of the guild hall.

Therefore, at the rear of the soldiers supported by the enemy, as soon as they left, the camp behind them was immediately occupied, and then the red and white soldiers came out to follow behind these supporting soldiers, advancing slowly.

When the time comes, they will be caught off guard.

And these are the fruits of Karen's efforts.

Although for these ordinary soldiers who have just been recruited, such a situation is unlikely to occur.


"Master, wake up, master, the troops are about to be assembled, and the enemy may be about to attack."

The long mechanical voice slowly rang in Kane's ears.

Kane slowly opened his eyes.

"Yuyou, how long have I slept?"

"Master, it has been hundreds of years."


"Hee hee, just kidding, the master has slept for 7 hours."

Hearing Yoyo's words, Kane got up slowly and tapped his steel head.


Although he said that, Kane was still very happy that Yoyo could have a more independent performance.

The current situation is a bit depressing, Yunyou noticed the current atmosphere, and made a little joke to liven up the atmosphere, there was no problem.

Not bad for that little joke, Kane thought.

After getting up, he walked out of the cabin, and asked his teammates about their status at this time through the ruby ​​clip on the collar.

Among them, since Lombé has been guarding around Kane, he is not too tired. After resting for a while, he has been waiting on the city wall.

Claire had just woken up at this time and was rushing towards the city wall.

Metzker and Lilulu are already making preparations.

After knowing their respective situations, Kane observed the current situation on the city wall.

On the towering wall of the fortress, there are already densely packed soldiers.

Except for the soldiers in the front row holding heavy tower shields, the soldiers in the back all held a variety of long-range weapons.

The interior of the fortress is densely populated with various soldiers. While they are waiting for the city gate to be broken through, they are also ready to replace the soldiers above at any time.

In the face of so many enemies, it is inevitable that the city gate will be breached, but it is just a matter of time.

And Kane looked at the opposite side from a distance.

The front lines on the opposite side are densely arranged, and all the soldiers are like ants.

Pieces of phalanxes gathered together, like black spots.

The end of the field of vision is full of black figures composed of these soldiers, open it and take a look.

Within the entire field of vision, there is a long strip of energy reactions that gather together and spread over the entire area in front.

While Kane was observing the surroundings, the fortress raised a thick magic cover, covering the entire fortress.

This is the shield generator discovered by Kane and the others after they captured the fortress. It was transformed by Kane and Lilulu and became theirs.

After all, all the places in the fortress are now full of soldiers. If the enemy uses some engineering equipment to attack, it will be a large area, making them at a disadvantage even more difficult to resist.

So the city defense-shaped shield is a must.

At this time, Kleiamezk and the others had already rushed over.

When he came over, Metzker was frantically taking out all kinds of potions, and everyone's logo had been marked on it, representing who it was customized for.

For such potions, Kane has collected them separately, and these are the guarantees for their subsequent battles.

Kane then made regional allocations.

The entire fortress is square, and given the number of enemy troops, they will definitely surround the entire fortress and attack from 4 directions.

After all, with their number, if there is only one aspect, it is wasting their own troops, which is completely foolish behavior.

Although this can reduce the attrition of their soldiers, they don't care about it now. The order they received is to push the fort down flat.

If you can kill Kane and the others, try to kill them as much as possible.

Of course, how to be efficient.

The front must be where the attack is most intense, so Kane and Lombe are responsible for the defense.

Lombe's main job is to defend Kane from ranged attacks while he's attacking.

After all, these attacks distract Kane, slowing his kill efficiency.

Since Metzker needed to heal the soldiers, he had to be in the center of the fortress, where a large healing camp had already been set up.

Horn's ambulancemen and a dozen lantern knights who were studying with Metzker were also among them.

Saint Finalis rides a marshmallow, patrolling the entire fortress and providing large-scale healing buffs.

The remaining dozens of lantern knights studying the Holy Light were distributed in all directions.

The rear and left side of the fortress were guarded by Lilulu and Claire.

On the right was handed over to Bonona and the other three Lilulu tauren generals. Most of the Lantern Knights and various advanced units were located in that area.

As for Iron Hoof, the black-haired tauren, of course, he had to follow Mezik.

Everything is ready and perfect.

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