inside the room.

Kane sat cross-legged on top of Marshmallow, half-lying.

A simple and simple book that only Kane could see was opened in front of him.

On the back of the book is written [Book of Adventure].

Kane turned the page to the guild column.

At this time, on the page of the guild column, the plus sign was flickering slightly to remind Kane that there was a new expansion column.

Kane doesn't have too much ink. Click the plus button, and the entire page becomes an unlock page for the extension column.

In addition to the previously displayed but not unlocked extension fields, two new functional extensions have appeared and are shimmering.

One of them is [Guild Hall - Booty Display].

Unlocking only requires two silver magic stones, and the function is not complicated, just expand a display box in the union hall that can display the spoils.

The display cabinet will give some buffs, some special skills or special buildings according to the things displayed in it.

Of course, not everything can be displayed on it, it must be some rare or commemorative items.

Of course, the scope of acquisition is all members of the entire guild.

This should be what the Secret Intelligence Department said when Kane looked at the gem, the new extension.

A place where some less functional, but highly commemorative and rare items come into play.

The function is simple, the cost is not high, and it is more cost-effective to be able to turn some items into treasures.

Another slightly shining extension function is [Guild - Exchange].

This is actually an additional extension function of the guild, and Kane almost regarded him as an additional extension function of the guild hall.

But after a closer look, I found that the word guild was in front of it, an extended prefix I had never seen before.

It is to provide additional extension functions to the guild.

Although it is an additional expansion function of the guild, the magic stones that need to be spent are only two silver magic stones, which is not an exaggerated number.

The function is also very interesting, allowing the guild to open the exchange function.

Let Kane set up a currency that can be exchanged in the guild, and you can use this currency to exchange some items that Kane put on the interface.

You can operate it anytime, anywhere, without worrying about it, as long as you are a member of the guild and have the permission given by Kane, you can use it.

For example, Kane sets the magic stone as currency, and then puts the equipment in the guild into the exchange column.

In this way, other people can use the magic stone to exchange equipment, and the magic stone naturally falls into Kane's pocket.

Although such a function can also be implemented manually, it is just a little more troublesome.

However, if this kind of guild extension function is used to implement it, it will slightly improve the guild's force, and it will be more convenient and fast.

It can also prevent bad things from happening.

And these two extended functions are newly unlocked this time. They are not very important functions, but they are not a series of losses when they are unlocked.

After all, the magic stone cost is not much.

Now the guild has a lot of expansion functions to be unlocked, and Kane has only unlocked some cheap and practical ones before.

Most of the expensive and currently less needed ones are still in the plus column. Now that there are enough magic stones, I can finally start thinking about which ones need to be unlocked.

The magic stone is for use.

All the silver magic materials that will be stored, except for the one with the rules, have all been charged.

A total of 52 silver magic stones were obtained.

Absolutely huge sums of money, a lot of silver magic stones were laid in front of Kane, even now Kane looked very excited.

How can I hold so many magic stones without spending money?

[Shop - Blank Magic Stone] The first is this new item that requires two magic stones to unlock.

Adds a free purchasable blank magic stone to the guild shop.

The reason to unlock this item is because it can be linked with [Permission-Store] and [Permission-Magic Stone].

By swapping out the three functions, other guild members can buy blank magic stones and charge them.

[Permission-Store] also allows guild members to freely buy items that have been listed in the store, of course, it also costs magic stones.

[Permission-Magic Stone] was unlocked a month before the dungeon, so that Li Lulu could also use the essence energy in the copper-colored magic stone.

The other two add up to cost 7 silver magic stones.

Like these extended functions, which must be unlocked, there are two other extended functions attached to the [Gain] column.

They are [Benefit - All Partners] and [Buff - Let me see].

The previous magic material that exploded all guild members has a 10% chance of being used by Kane's magic stone.

The latter allows all guild members to identify which magic materials can be charged by Kane's magic stone.

The two together are the full version.


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