Early morning on day 2.

The cries of cows and sheep around the villa came in bursts, disturbing the sweet dreams of the sleeping people in the villa.

Under such circumstances, Claire, Saint Finalis, and Lilulu walked out of the room, all dressed up.

As soon as Claire walked out of the room, she saw Kane sitting in the living room.


Claire's voice was full of disbelief.

Li Lulu appeared next to Kane in a flash, looking up and down around him, as if to see if this person was pretending to be.

Finalis was a little puzzled. Why were they so surprised when they saw Kane in the living room?

Looking at the behavior of the two, Kane rolled his eyes helplessly.

What's the meaning? What does this performance mean?

Can't I, Kane, go to bed early and get up early? Kane's heart was indignant.

Last night, he spent almost all the magic stones he had saved in the last dungeon, and unlocked all the expanded functions of the guild system.

But he refrained from checking out the newly unlocked functions, and instead prepared to explore one by one with Claire and the others today.

It was with such an excited mood that Kane became the first person to wake up for the first time ever.

Claire and the others came to the table and sat down. They looked at Kane with strange eyes and asked, "Why did you wake up so early? Did something happen?"

"It's nothing." Kane said angrily.

"Don't be angry, after all, it's the first time I've met you when you wake up first." Claire said with a smile.

Then she entered the kitchen next to her and started making breakfast.

She hasn't cooked by herself for more than a month, and now she has finally cleared the dungeon and rested, so she can use her cooking skills with peace of mind.

At this time, Lombe and the others also woke up from the second floor and walked down. They were also a little surprised that Kane was not the last to wake up and rushed ahead of them.

"Metzker, are we going to bed late today?" asked Lombe.

Metzker shrugged and shook his head to show that he didn't know either.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Kane silently turned his head back.

Did I really like to sleep in before?

Kane asked himself.

I think should not be.

Under such circumstances, Kane and the others had breakfast.

Claire stood up, straightened her body and asked, "Then let's prepare to go back now."

"Should I go back as well? Is there any problem?" Finalis asked suspiciously.

Hearing Finaris' words, Claire carefully recalled her mother.

With his mother's character, it is very likely that he will send someone to the Council of the Mist to simply check Finaris' information.

At that time, it may be discovered that Finaris is not even an explorer. Although there may not be any problems, it will be very troublesome at that time.

After thinking about it, Claire replied: "It's fine, just explain it to my mother a little bit."

After all, I can't just let Finaris live outside alone.

When the two were talking, they only saw Kane dangling beside him.

"What's the matter, Kane?"

Kane coughed lightly and said, "If there is no good way, why don't you ask the magical Kane?"


"Ah, it's okay."

Kane smiled and said, "There are still things to do before going back."

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe immediately jumped up and gave Metzker a high-five next to him.

"Haha, let me just say it, there must be something wrong with Kane getting up so early."

Kane ignored him, but continued: "There are many new functions and new areas in the guild, so you need to take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with it."

After speaking, Kane touched the guild seal on his neck with his hand and disappeared.

Claire and the others looked at each other, followed Kane's movements and disappeared into the guild hall.

At this time, in the guild hall, Kane was standing beside a wall of the guild hall.

On the wall hung an elaborate display case, which was empty and empty.

"What's so good about this? Good bro." Lombe asked behind Kane.

Kane shook his head and took out the dazzling world gem they identified yesterday from the space equipment.

Spread it flat in the palm of your hand, and slowly hand it to the display cabinet.

When the palm of the hand slowly approached the display cabinet, the gemstone in the palm of the hand slowly floated into the display cabinet, like falling into the water, it submerged into the transparent glass of the cabinet and entered the display cabinet.

Then a small pillar appeared in the cabinet, letting the gem float quietly on it, showing its beauty to the fullest.

There is also a metal writing board next to it, which is the introduction of this gem and its origin.

The name of each of them is also engraved on the base of the pillar, which means that the trophy was obtained by Kane and the others.

And the effect of this trophy is to generate magic power in the guild hall and all the attached buildings. If there is magic power in itself, it will increase the magic power.

Similar to adding a mana source to the guild hall.

Originally, the magic power in the guild hall was very thin like the ordinary areas outside, but now it can be clearly felt that the magic power in the hall has become full.

It's like being built on a small magic gathering point.

"Why is there so much magic in the hall?"

Li Lulu, who is most sensitive to magic power, immediately noticed the changes in the hall and asked questions.

Kane explained: "That's what's changed with this gem exhibit on it, and this new feature isn't bad."

Received unanimous praise from everyone.

"So are you going out now?"

For Claire's words, Kane shook his head: "Don't worry, there's more, take your time."

Then Kane took everyone and sat down at a table next to him.

First, open the [Book of Adventures], first open the newly added permissions to Claire and the others, and open the buff bar.

Light up the two new gains.

Among them, the probability of [all partners] is 10%. If you want to increase the gain, you need to spend two more magic stones to increase it.

The next stage is 20%.

This is nothing to say, Kane immediately used the remaining magic stone to upgrade it, leaving only the last silver magic stone, which was reserved for the extraction of new skill stones.

After doing all this, take out a large pile of copper-colored magic materials from the space equipment and pile them up in the center of the table.

Claire and the others looked at Kane's behavior suspiciously, until the magic material in front of them seemed strange.

"Did you see it? These materials are framed by a white border," asked Lombe.

"Li Lulu saw it too."

It turned out that everyone could see the material with a white border.

At this time, Kane took out another copper-colored material and placed it on the table: "This material does not have a white border, right?"

"Okay, let's not sell it." Claire next to him looked at Kane, pinched him and said.

Kane laughed haha: "Don't worry, wait for me to speak slowly."

"Now you open your guild magic phantom and see what's different from before."

Hearing Kane's words, they immediately smeared their guild seal with their hands, and then various energy groups appeared in their hands and bent over the table, and a simple phantom bar composed of magic was displayed.

At this time, in addition to the previous information and warehouse, there is a new phantom frame in the phantom, which displays the simple store information.

There are goods in Kane's store, and Claire's store also has them. These Kanes can also control permissions and make them visible.

But the items in the store now have nothing to hide, so Kane didn't set it up.

"What is this BB machine?"

"This magnifying glass is so beautiful!"

"Contract scroll, is it the kind of contract Bonona and the others before?"

"Don't you think this introduction to Hearthstone is outrageous?"

The new functions and the products displayed inside made Claire and the others extremely enthusiastic in their discussions.

Countless doubts and questions appeared in their minds and kept asking them.

These all need Kane to answer, so everyone is looking at him.

"This magnifying glass is so beautiful." At this time, Li Lulu's words came over.

At this moment, Li Lulu was holding three golden magnifying glasses in her hands.

It is the item used for identification.

Looking at this scene, Kane was puzzled: "How did you get it out, Li Lulu?"

"The copper-colored magic stone that Kane gave to Lilulu last time, Lilulu has not used up yet, there is the last one left, just saw the price below is a copper-colored magic stone and bought it."

"All right."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane nodded, then looked at the others and said, "See, that's what it's used for. You only need to spend a copper-colored magic stone to buy it."

"Let's not talk about this, let's see if there is a transparent blank magic stone inside, which can be purchased for free."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone bought a blank magic stone from the magic virtual column on the desktop.

"Now, you can charge the blank magic stone with the materials marked by the white frame."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone started to get started. They have been curious about this behavior for a long time, but they couldn't do it before, and now they can finally try it themselves, of course they can't wait.

Especially Li Lulu, she has been jealous of this kind of behavior for a long time.

"It feels really interesting," Claire said.

While they were experimenting with each other, Kane continued to tell them about some new features.

"Now that the members of the guild have started to join, even if I am not in a team, there is a 20% chance that the magic materials they explode can charge the magic stone."

"I'm going to ask the people who join the guild to hand in certain magic stones from time to time as maintenance costs for each function."

"The rest of the magic stones are used by them to buy items in the store or to exchange equipment in the treasury that we don't need."

These are Kane's initial thoughts on the operation of the guild. As for how to implement it later, it will be carefully discussed and considered later.

For Kane's words, everyone nodded without any objection.

It is indeed such a useful function, although it is a benefit of the guild, but it should be used at a cost.

Not to mention that joining a guild can get various buff enhancements.

And the items in the store are all life-saving things, and Claire and the others were already very surprised when they first checked.

They no longer have any worries about whether the guild can develop. As far as benefits and functions are concerned, it is impossible not to develop.

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