Claire and the others looked at the copper-colored magic stone in their hands.

The copper-colored magic stone in their hands was the magic stone they had obtained from their first charging alone.

Very memorable.

Kane looked at them and asked with a smile, "How is it? Do you want me to fix it for you and put it on a necklace and wear it, like this."

After that, Kane shook the blank magic stone he was carrying around his neck.

Claire next to her thought for a while, then bought a blank magic stone from the shop page again and handed it to Kane.

"Let's make it with this transparent magic stone."

Kane smiled and said, "Okay, no problem."

"Then help me make one too, and use the blank magic stone."

"Then Li Lulu also wants to."

"Then I too..."

"Then I..."

Looking at their appearance, Kane said immediately: "Okay, don't worry, everyone does one."

With Kane's original skills, in just a moment Kane made a necklace according to each person's body shape.

Several people afterward, including Finaris, wore a necklace made of transparent magic stone around their necks.

Don't tell me, it looks good.

"This thing will not become another symbol of the guild in the future." Longbei put on his magic stone necklace and said strangely.

"Are you going out now?" Claire said.

"Don't worry, there's more."

"Any more?"

After speaking, Kane opened the [Book of Adventure] and checked the new extension function, the [Instructor] that was unlocked last night.

In the instructor column, there are rectangular photo frames one after another, and Kane can drag the members of the guild onto this.

But if you want to become a guild instructor, you must have a certain skill that is extremely outstanding.

If a skill in a certain area reaches an advanced level, it can become a trainee instructor, and those who learn this skill from this person can obtain higher learning and understanding capabilities.

If one aspect of the skill has reached the master level, it is a complete instructor, and those who learn this skill from this person can gain double the ability to learn and understand.

And even when the instructor himself practices this skill, he can get better improvement.

At this time, among the more than 1,000 people in the guild, only a few people met these conditions.

The information column also carefully marked what one of their special skills was for those who could become instructors.

First of all, President Kane's specialty is [Magic Power Machinery Knowledge], which has reached the master level. Among them, [Spearmanship] has also reached the master level, and [Shooting] is also a master level.

However, in Kane's specific information, except for [Magic Power Machinery Knowledge], [Spear Technique] and [Shooting] were not displayed.

I don't know why.

Two of Claire's specialties actually reached the master level.

They are [Common Cold Weapon Combat Skills] and [Cooking].

Especially the [Common Cold Weapon Combat Skills] is very outrageous, covering all kinds of common cold weapons.

This includes spears and sticks, swords and giant hammers, and this one specialty is worth a lot of master skills of others.

Lilulu also has master-level skills, [Basic Magic Theory], and [Fairytale Magic] that very few people can use.

There is also [Plant Cultivation] also reached the master.

Unexpectedly, Li Lulu has these three master skills.

Next is Metzker, whose [Pharmaceutical Knowledge], [Medical Treatment], and [Herbal Identification and Use] have all reached the master level.

The same three master skills.

He also has the master level of [Herbal Identification and Use], as well as Metzker's former general, Iron Hoof.

[Defense Skills] (Master), [Ore Identification] (Advanced): Longbei.

[Healing Holy Light Spell], [Singing], Saint Finalis of the two masters.

[Bow and Crossbow Shooting Skills] (Master): Bonona.

[Natural Environment Protection] (Advanced): Stone Hoof and Stone Horn, these two are the two Druid generals under Li Lulu, and the two twin brothers of Iron Hoof.

[Communication of Natural Spirits] (Advanced): Bai Jiao, another Tauren general of Li Lulu. That shaman, the older sister of Iron Hoof.

I don't know if I don't see it, but only when I look at it, I realize that there are a lot of talents in my guild.

All the skills that meet the requirements have the master level, as well as several master levels.

All of them can become instructors, but they are trainee instructors, and there is not one.

Especially the teammates around him possess unique skills, although he knew it before, he just didn't expect there are so many less conspicuous skills.

Pull each of them directly onto the box.

When Kane pulled them all to the instructor's box and made them all become instructors, Claire and the others were obviously stunned.

Suddenly, all kinds of information about the instructor appeared in their minds.

"This instructor..."

Kane nodded and said, "Yes, this is the new guild function. You can make the skills you are already familiar with easier and further, and others can learn from you faster and understand faster."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone nodded.

Then they closed their eyes and felt the new function carefully.

Kane can clearly feel that even if he does not use the accelerated learning skill stone, he is now learning the knowledge related to the mechanical power machinery faster.

It is also easier to understand those complex and cumbersome knowledge, and even more inspiration and ideas.

These should be able to stack with accelerated learning skills, allowing him to learn faster and understand better.

This is incidental, more of a doubling of learning and understanding when others learn from him.

This function can only be experienced later, when Kane learns spear skills from Claire.

"Come over after the experience, there is one last function to show you."

Kane said and walked towards the bar.

"Anything else?"

"How come there are so many new features all of a sudden."

Although everyone was puzzled, they still followed Kane.

Finally, next to the bar, three new wooden doors were added.

Lombe stepped up and knocked: "Where does this lead to? Three came directly."

"Three doors lead to the same place, and everyone's is different," Kane said.

Then he stepped forward and opened the first door. There was a layer of shiny film on the door frame, and the scene behind the door could not be seen clearly.

Kane stuck a hand inside.

Then personal space information flooded into his mind.

Kane was stunned for a moment, received the information and quickly understood it, and soon understood the general situation and specific operations of the entire personal space.

He stretched out a hand and pulled Claire next to him, and then said, "You pull each other, and I'll take you in."

Although they were puzzled, everyone still followed Kane's statement and was led into the door by Kane holding hands.

When Kane and the others entered the door, there was a pure white room behind. The surrounding walls, ceiling and floor were pure white without any impurities.

Kane looked around and explained to everyone.

"This space is a personal space. After everyone pushes the door, they enter their own space. If they want to enter other people's space, they must hold their own hands to enter."

"The area of ​​this space is 20 square meters. The specific shape can be freely changed according to your preferences. If you want to increase the area, you need to spend magic stones to expand."

After speaking, Kane waved his hand, and the square room began to change. With Kane's mind, it became a triangle, then a rectangle, and even an octagon.

It finally turned into a rectangle again.

"like this."

After saying that, Kane came to the wall.

Reaching out and knocking on the white wall, a seal with the pattern of the guild lantern appeared. It became the size of a palm following Kane's mind, and the color became exactly the same as the color on Kane's neck.

Click the seal, and a virtual column appears.

Shown above is an assortment of furniture, many of which are free.

However, some furniture is charged, but the purchase of these charging furniture is all copper magic stone Kane, and I have not seen the cost of silver magic stone.

Neither are expensive, within the acceptable range.

Clicked some above.

Turning around and explaining to Claire, "You can choose the furniture in the room here. Most of them are free and there are charges. It's up to you to choose."

Then waved.

The ceilings were turned into wooden beams, the 4-week walls were painted pale blue, and the floors were turned into planks.

There are sofas, coffee tables and various seats in the room.

The colors of various furniture also change back and forth with the gesture of gratitude.

"No, use it like this."

In the end, the ceiling became like the sky, and the floating clouds in the sky became the source of illumination.

"As for this kind of decoration, it costs money."

When Kane explained all the functions of personal space.

Lombe and Metzker showed interest, and even they had to admit that the space was so nice and sweet.

As for the other three women, dazzling rays of light already burst out from their eyes, and the special effects of stars kept popping out of their eyes.

Of course, only Li Lulu really has such special effects.

"Li Lulu is going to build her own room, bye!"

After speaking, Li Lulu opened the door and flew out.

Finalis came over, and the elegant and polite smile on his face could not be maintained anymore.

Holding Kane's arm with both hands, he looked at Kane with tears in his eyes and asked, "Kane, no, President Kane, do I have it too?"

"Every member who joins has it."

"Thank you! Yay!"

Regardless of his image, Finalis shouted, thanked him, and ran out immediately.

Claire came over last, put her hands on Kane's wrists, and kissed him on the face.

Kane smiled and took out a handful of copper-colored magic stones from the space equipment and handed it to Claire.

I saw Claire hurriedly leave the room.

After watching Claire leave with a smile, Kane turned his head and saw Lombe and Metzker looking at him quietly.


Grabbed a handful and handed it to Lombe.

"Thank you, good brother." Lombe smiled and walked out of the door.

Grabbed another handful and handed it to Metzker.

After taking it, Metzker thought about it, took out a potion from his space equipment and handed it to Kane.

Then he left the room.

Kane looked at the medicine Metzker handed him.

【Romantic Love】


How can there be such a strange potion, do I still need this?

Seriously, talk to Metzker well next time.

After finishing speaking, Kane carefully put the potion into the space equipment for storing important items.

Then he quietly walked out of the room.

Sitting at the bar, poured himself a glass of wine, and slowly waited for Claire and the others to finish their addiction to decorating the room.

It didn't take long to see Li Lulu rushing out.

A flash appeared on his shoulder, hugging his neck, crying in his ear.

"Kane, Lilulu wants those nice decorations."

Listening to her words, Kane silently grabbed a large amount of copper-colored magic stones and handed them to her.

Then I saw her flying in again happily.

Looking at Finaris who just walked out not far away, Kane also gave her some of the same trick.

There are a lot of copper-colored magic stones in Kane's space, and they have reached the point where they don't know how to use them.

In addition, many functions of the current guild system need to be purchased using copper-colored magic stones.

So Kane is going to put some in the shared space equipment of their team, so that people in their team can use it when they need it.

After waiting bored, Kane left the guild hall and appeared in the villa.

They did not appear in the villa until the afternoon.

"How is it? Are you still satisfied with that space?"

Kane asked Claire next to him.

Claire said with a smile, "Of course I'm satisfied, it's really interesting."

However, only Claire and the others came out, while Finaris stayed in her room, where she prepared to rest for a while.

This also avoids the doubts of others.

"So are you going back now?"

"Well, it's alright, let's go."

Then everyone walked towards Claire's house.

It is still a long-lost RV, and it has not been used for a long time.

Along the way, the car was full of people discussing the various decorations of the room.

For example, Claire discovered a home that needs to be purchased with magic stones, which has very interesting special effects.

Others didn't find it, and couldn't help but want to go in and buy it on the spot.

Even Kane couldn't help but join in.

Finally, as dusk approached night, they saw Claire's house from a distance, the manor with a huge area.

After getting out of the car and walking in, I saw the butler waiting at the door.

"Miss Claire, you are finally back."

"Where's my mother?" Claire asked.

The housekeeper walked beside him and replied, "In the hall, His Royal Highness the King has also returned."

"Dad is back?"

When Kane heard that Claire's father had returned, he couldn't help but panic.


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