The next morning.

When Kane walked out of the room with his sleepy eyes open, he saw that in the center of the living room, besides Lombé and the others, Claire had also come over.

He walked over and sat next to Claire, picked up a piece of bread in front of him and ate it, then asked Claire next to him.

"Why did you come so early?"

Claire replied: "I don't know why this year's kingdom has more things than before, my father and mother have been very busy recently.

If it wasn't for what happened in the dungeon before, it would be impossible to see the two of them when we came back. My mother also rushed to the capital last night to deal with the piled up things. "

After hearing Claire's answer, Kane nodded.

If this situation throws unexpected factors, then it is very likely that something big is about to happen.

So what can happen recently, it is self-evident if you think about it.

Not to mention that the kingdom itself is not that far from the world border.

Even for the whole world, this kingdom can be regarded as a border.

At this moment, Kane suddenly noticed that there was movement in the portable post office in his space equipment.

Reaching out from the void, he took out a teleportation array and placed it on the table in front of him.

At this moment, the teleportation disk was flashing red light, representing that Kane and the others had a new letter to convey.

Looking at this situation, Kane said: "It may be that the reply from Fona and the others has arrived."

Saying that, Kane held both sides of the array in front of him with both hands, and the magic was instilled from his hands.

The magic circle rune in the middle of the keyboard shone slightly with the influx of magic power, and the last teleportation circle was constructed.

With the use of the magic circle flashing, several letters appeared above the circle.

Kane first picked up the top reply and checked it.

The signature above is none other than Burton.

"This is a letter from Burton." After Kane finished speaking, he opened the envelope.

Everyone turned their heads around, wanting to see what Burton had written.

The letter said that although Burton wanted to agree to Kane's invitation, he had already retired and did not participate in exploring the dungeon. He did not know how joining their guild would help them.

Because all chapters and guilds serve to explore dungeons, most chapters and guilds do not have the bells and whistles of the Kane Guild.

When Kane and the others sent a letter to Burton, they did not describe the specific functions of their guild in the letter, but only told him that they and others were going to form a guild warband, and hoped that he would join.

Seeing such a reply, Kane thought for a while, then turned to them and asked, "What's the date today?"

Claire thought for a while and replied, "It seems to be April 23rd."

"April?" Kane was puzzled.

Although his soul is not an aboriginal in this world, he has stayed for so many years. Although he is not very sensitive to the date of this world, he knows it.

It's usually December, and only 13 months occur every few years. What's going on in 14 months?

Hearing Kane's question, Claire looked at him strangely and said, "This year is the year of fog, there are 15 months."

"So this is ah."

Mist Year Kane knows that the first year of every 10 years is the Mist Year, but Kane has only been in this world for less than 10 years, so he has not experienced it yet.

Kane continued to check the remaining two letters.

Unsurprisingly, it was Amis and Fona's.

But it was really an accident. When they sent the letter, they happened to meet that these two teams did not explore the dungeon, and they responded so quickly.

Open Fona's letter first.

What was written in it was pretty much what Kane thought.

Fona and the others agreed to join the guild and asked Kane to set a time so they could come over as soon as possible.

And another letter from Amis showed something else, of course not because they didn't join the guild.

Amis and the others met Raphael and his team in the last dungeon.

It was the team that once experienced the [Eternal Victory Battlefield] with Kane and the others, and twice launched the team that encircled Kane and the others.

They roughly judged the intention of Kane and others to form a chapter guild alone, and also knew that Amis and the others had a connection with Kane.

After meeting Amis, they expressed their intention to join Kane and create a chapter.

Since Amis and the others have just finished their exploration, they are in the same tavern with Raphael and his team at this time.

I was thinking about whether to tell Kane, but I didn't expect Kane to send a letter at this time wanting to invite them to join the guild, so I mentioned it by the way.

For this matter Kane turned his head to look at his teammates.

After thinking for a while, Claire said, "I actually agree with it. I still have a little impression of that team, and I have played against their companions, and their strength is not bad."

Others are also willing to agree with this matter.

Although this team organized two operations to encircle them, they should be hated by reason.

But in fact, it was the two large-scale siege organized by this team that made Kane and the others their reputation, which coincided with Kane and their thoughts at the time, and could be regarded as a kind of alternative help.

And Kane has also played against their squad members twice, and he is still very impressed.

In the silver level, the strength must belong to the top group.

Kane also thought about it. If this team's entry into the guild is not good for them, how can it be bad for them?

To be honest, Kane doesn't think these people can do anything bad, because he has permission to activate this function.

Kane couldn't imagine how, if they had malicious intentions, how could they do things that violated their interests in a guild with system functions.

Moreover, they will definitely start recruiting people aggressively when they reach the golden period in the future. It is even harder to judge the people who come in at that time. It is better to pull them into the guild.

As long as various functions and systems are integrated in a good and reasonable manner, there is no fear of things that harm interests.

Kane thought for a while, and wrote a reply letter, which agreed to let Raphael and his team join his guild.

And it was written that on April 26th, they will meet in Sokoyamas, and bring Raphael and the others along.

And wrote two more letters at the same time and place, and mailed them to Burton and Fona respectively.

After all this is done, it is a rare leisure time, without any troubles, you can have a quiet rest and entertainment, and do what you want to do.

Thinking of this, Kane changed the skill stone of his skill grid again.

Magic power poured out of his hand.

An eight-sided dice appeared in his hand, which became usable with the blessing of the angel's phantom.

Look at the dice in Kane's hand.

Claire thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the guild hall to see how Finaris is doing, and by the way, decorate the room for a while."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on his seal, uttered the secret words, and disappeared into the large living room.

"Li Lulu will go too." After speaking, Li Lulu also disappeared into the living room.

As for Lombe, he walked out of the room silently as early as when the magic power appeared in Kane's hands.

Kane looked at the remaining Metzkers.

Metzker looked at Kane staring at him, then looked down at the potion bottle in his hand, shook it at Kane, and walked into his room.


Kane reluctantly looked at the dice in his hand and threw him into the air.

In fact, he has already figured out most of the laws of this dice during this time.

Without spending mana infusion to make the dice usable in advance.

The energy of the dice is automatically restored, that is, it is used once a week.

The dice can basically be maintained between a black point and a red point and a red point.

There will be no great joy or great sadness.

Especially in the case of having the Mist Medal, it is basically a red one and two red points, all of which are lucky.

But if you want to cast great joy and great sorrow, you have to spend magic infusion.

Using dice in such a situation is either extremely unlucky or extremely lucky.

Mostly unlucky, Kane has yet to throw extreme luck.

So as long as you cast once a week and wait for him to recover naturally, there is actually no problem, and it can be used as a fixed luck promotion skill.

Just as Kane thought about it, the dice in front of him stopped, and the one facing up was exactly the red 2 o'clock.

Once again proved, Kane's ideas and verification.

And the reason why he wants to use this dice is also very obvious, he wants to draw skills.

After confirming that he was lucky, Kane opened the [Book of Adventure] and turned the page to the page where the magic circle was drawn.

The other hand took out the remaining silver magic stone and the magic material with rules from the space equipment.

Press the free hand on the magic circle.

[Whether to consume the silver magic stone extraction skill]



[Magic materials with regular properties detected]

[If you need to use it, please throw the magic material into the magic circle first]

Kane picked up the jade plate in the shape of the altar base in his hand and threw it into the magic circle in front of him.

【Rule: Promotion】

[Skill extraction is in progress...]

With the slow rotation of the magic circle in front of him, the altar-like jade slowly turned into a magic powder of the same color as the jade, and merged into the magic circle.

After the material disappeared, the magic circle continued to run, and the silver magic stone in Kane's hand disappeared, and a metal piece appeared in his hand.

Kane looked at the metal piece in his hand.

It has the same rune as the base of the simple altar, perhaps this is the rune representing promotion.

Then look at its specific properties.

[Name: Glory Promotion] (unique)

[Category: Active Skills]

【Color: Silver】

[Description: Spend magic power to promote a life unit in front of you.

Requirements for the promotion unit: The strength of the promoted person shall not be greater than that of the promoted user. The promoted person must have a certain connection with the promoted user.

A unit of life, each level can only be promoted once. 】

[Introduction: Rules created by a group of Arcanists who are comparable to gods. They have created a rule based on their own needs and ideas and countless hours of research, merging the properties of many rules in nature. 】

Kane can ignore the other things in it, only the word written in the parentheses next to the skill name.


With a unique logo, it means that this skill must be the top in previous games.

Not having the only skill is not necessarily the top, but with the only skill must be the top.

With the only skill, it cannot be copied and acquired by any means, and it is bound to the user.

Once this skill stone disappears for any reason, it can no longer be obtained.

But that unique identification allows Kane to use and improve mindlessly. And become the most preferred upgrade skill in each level of Kane.

Although there are many limitations in use, the introduction has explained the origin of this skill.

Absolutely strong and unambiguous.

The only puzzling and ambiguous part of this is the promotion mechanism.

What kind of promotion is the promotion needs to be confirmed immediately.

Move as soon as you say it and try it out.

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