Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 482 Glory promotion (ask monthly ticket at the end of the month)

Can't wait for Kane.

Open the [Book of Adventure] directly and wait for the cooling time to pass.

Then directly replaced the newly drawn skill stone with the skills on his own skill grid.

This time, when Kane just put the skill stone on it, his brain became sore after a long absence, which shows that the knowledge of the new skill and the information learned are much more than the previous skills.

Let Kane's brain have to overreact.

This is in the state where the accelerated learning skill stone is placed.

Even when the brain's sensitive thinking, memory and learning are improved, it still feels a tingling pain, which shows how huge this new wave of information is.

Kane couldn't help sitting beside him, rubbing his head with both hands.

Finally, after a while, Kane recovered and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

After a while, Kane sent Lombé and Metzker a message through the ruby ​​clip on his collar to let them enter the guild hall.

Afterwards, Kane entered the guild hall directly, and called out Claire and the others again through the same method.

After Claire and the others all arrive.

Claire asked, "Are you going to experiment with your new skills?"

Before Kane threw the dice, Claire knew that Kane might be about to draw a new skill.

Hearing Claire's words, Kane nodded.

"I'm calling you here to experiment with new skills. New skills are a bit of a benefit, so be mentally prepared."

Hearing Kane say this, Claire and the others instantly became interested.

To know that Kane has so many skills, I have never heard him say that skill is very powerful.

Then Kane spent magic power and began to use skills.

The first skill is that the magic power is transformed into a stream of energy that pours into Kane's eyes.

At this time, Kane can see through vision, who is lower than him and who is connected with him.

The connection here is very abstract, and many situations are counted as connections.

The most straightforward of them is the bond. As long as you have a bond with Kane, there must be a connection. This is absolute.

As for the other circumstances, Kane has not yet understood.

It is precisely this kind of vision that allows him to accurately judge who can use the promotion skills to be promoted.

The judgment of strength is not the level of energy in the body, but a comprehensive judgment of strength.

For example, if it is purely based on energy, Kane's energy is not comparable to that in Lombe's body, it is a little less.

But in such a visual judgment, his strength is still stronger than these two, which means that it is not simply relying on the energy in the body.

Then Kane thought for a while, and waved to Claire: "Clea, come and experience it first."

Hearing the words, Claire came directly to Kane.

Kane put the five fingers of his right hand together into a palm, the palm of his hand facing Claire, and then gently pressed his hand on Claire's abdomen.

With the outpouring of magic power, Kane's hand radiated a soft milky white golden light, wrapping Claire's entire body.

This light is very similar to what Kane and the others saw when they were leveling up their soldiers in the dungeon.

Claire's current strength is at the silver level, so she can be promoted twice, once from bronze and once from silver.

The first thing Kane spends is the number of promotions of bronze color. According to the promotion of different colors, the effect of promotion is different.

But it must be a great improvement to the corresponding level of the current color.

The light of this promotion did not last long, it only took about a minute or so before the light disappeared.

And Claire, who closed her eyes, also opened her eyes when the golden light disappeared.

Kane and the others all cast curious glances, wanting to see how Claire has changed.

However, Lombe and the others did not find Claire any different from before.

Kane found out that he didn't know if it was his own illusion. He felt that Claire's facial features had become more refined, commonly known as becoming more beautiful.

The red hair on the head is also more supple and blood red.

The skin on his body also seemed to be whiter and firmer, and he stretched out a finger to touch the skin of his abdomen.

Well, yes, it's even more slippery.

Claire patted Kane's hand with a blushing face.

Kane retracted his hand, smiled and asked, "How is it? Does it feel any different from before?"

Claire thought for a while and said, "When the light is wrapped, I feel very warm and comfortable, like... like a mother's embrace."

"After the light disappears, I can feel it, and my physical fitness seems to be stronger. Whether it is mental or strength, it has also been strengthened. Even my eyes can see more clearly and farther. It should not be my illusion."

Hearing Claire's remarks, Kane nodded, and then said: "There is another chance, this time the change should be more obvious, feel it carefully."

After that, Kane repeated the previous operation, but the promotion cost was the silver one.

The magic power spent before is nothing, but the magic power spent this time can be clearly felt.

But fortunately, it is completely within the scope of Kane's supply.

The same light enveloped Claire again, but this time it took 10 minutes for the light to disappear.

This time, Claire's appearance changed very obviously.

The red hair on the head has obviously become even more bright red. It used to be only dark red, but now it has completely turned into bright red, which is even more eye-catching. And the hair is even emitting an oily light, and it can feel abnormally smooth just by looking at it.

The facial features have become more delicate and attractive, and they have become significantly more beautiful than 10 minutes ago.

Claire opened her eyes and started talking about her feelings.

"It still feels the same as before, very comfortable and reassuring, and I even fell asleep later.

The physical strength of the body has been greatly improved. "

Saying that, Claire squeezed her fist, and then gently placed it on the table next to it.


The table was directly smashed into a gap in an instant.

"The increase in strength has made me a little uncomfortable, it takes a little time to control, and..."

Before the words were finished, Claire entered the ghost mode, and then a blue flame ignited on her body, and the gray-black death was infected, and the flame turned black and white again.

The whole ghost turned into a flame knight burning with black and white flames.

"The use of skills has been strengthened, even the energy has been strengthened, and the magic power in the body has also increased."

Then Claire returned to her normal form and came to a conclusion.

"The all-round enhancement can even be regarded as the same enhancement as the level increase. It's just the amount of improvement, not so exaggerated. Very powerful skills, very powerful."

The last sentence, Claire said decisively.

After listening to Claire's feelings, Kane nodded as he thought.

The promotion is just like the upgrade of the soldiers before, it is an all-round improvement from the inside to the outside and even the essence of life.

Both belong to the same thing.

Kane had thought about in the dungeon before, whether the upgrade of these soldiers gave the same feeling as the level span outside.

It can only be said that it is indeed the only skill, and the form of the skill displayed is indeed exaggerated.

What does this mean? It means that even if the level is increased, those who are promoted must be one level higher than those who are not promoted.

It's all about winning directly at the starting line.

Straight ahead of you at the start of the run.

Now that the general effect has been understood, the next step is to improve Lombe and the others.

After spending most of the day, Kane even used a magic teardrop to finally complete the two promotions for the rest of the people.

The only regret is that Kane cannot promote himself. The use and ritual of promotion cannot be used by himself, but only by others.

After all, you can't use your own magic to upgrade yourself. Even through the energy transformation of skills, its essence is still your own magic.

You can't let something that's always been on you, a change of clothes upgrade your body.

He just can't wait to rip off his clothes and fit inside you like he's coming home.

This made Kane a little irritable. It was outrageous that such a useful skill could not be used on himself.

Kane can only pray that after upgrading this skill to gold, this drawback can be corrected.

Then he opened the book of adventure, ready to check Claire's detailed information to see if anything had changed.


[Blood Lion Knight. Weapon Master. Death Messenger]

[Level: Silver 80%]

[Martial arts: all kinds of martial arts, bloodshot martial arts, lion dance]

[Magic Skills: Furious Battle Cry, Incarnation Ghost, Strength Aura, Tenacity Aura, Glory Aura, Heroic Aura]

[Skill: Cooking]

[Bloodline: Condensing] (Affected by promotion skills, the first bloodline will be generated according to physique and energy.)

[Skill Grid: Death Qi]

[Original Skill: Knight's Treasure]

Among them, Claire's detailed information, the biggest change is the addition of a profession, there is nothing to say about this profession, it is all because of the changes brought by Kane.

The skills Kane has always given Claire are a series of skills related to death and the undead.

The most interesting thing is the information in the bloodline column.


It means that the new bloodline starts to condense again, it may take a long time, or it may take a long time to have a new bloodline.

And it is still affected by the promotion skills.

The bloodline produced is also the first bloodline. The meaning of the first bloodline is that it is not inherited from the elders or other creatures, but its own strength is enough to pass on its own bloodline to the offspring, bringing happiness to the offspring.

The evaluation of this promotion skill must be improved by another grade.

Kane looked at everyone's detailed information, not just Claire, as long as they have no blood.

And those who already have blood, such as Lombe, are another form of expression.

[Bloodline: Changing] (Affected by the promotion skill, the bloodline can be generated independently. The changed bloodline will be strengthened on the original bloodline and merged.)

Also because of the changes in promotion skills.

The only deserves to be the only one.

The effect of the top-level skills is different, and it is more exaggerated than the original skills.

Kane watched Lombe as they adjusted to their powers.

Since they couldn't use it here, they were preparing to exit the dungeon and go to the training ground at Claire's house outside for training.

"Then let's go, let's go out."

Then he turned his head and said to Finalis: "You can only be wronged for a few days. We will leave in a few days, and then you will be able to come out."

Finalis smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm very satisfied with the personal room here."

Kane nodded, then reached out and touched his badge.

Just when he was about to say the secret words to leave, he stared at the front with wide eyes.

"Wait, stop."

Kane stopped in an instant, Claire and the others who were about to leave.

Because there are rays of light appearing in front of them, it means that someone has entered through the seal of the guild.

And so many numbers, and at this time don't have to think about it.

The spirits of freedom slowly regained their freedom.

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