At this time, everyone in the room was chatting about Kane and Lombard Burton drinking beer.

At this time, Kane felt something, got up and walked to the door.

And there was a knock on the door.

At this time, among the people that Kane and the others invited, the last group should have arrived.

Opening the door, there were indeed two teams standing outside the door.

And these two teams are very distinctive, all of them are some rare and uncommon races.

Half-born snake girl, demon, puppet girl, elf.

Compared with the horned orcs, they can only be regarded as sparse and ordinary.

"Come in, we'll be waiting for you."

After saying that, get out of your seat and open the door completely.

A green figure flew into the room like a light arrow.

"Sister Lilulu!"

"Long time no see Phyllis."

The two little guys happily hugged each other in the air and turned around.

Kane can still clearly see the traces of Amis and the others: "You have worked hard on this journey, and let you come from so far away."

"Inviting us to join your guild should be our thanks."

"Haha okay, come and sit first."

Kane said with a smile.

Then he stretched out his hand and shook Rafael behind them: "It's been a long time since you both."

Saying that, the two of them hugged each other with one hand.

No one will talk about what happens in a dungeon, let alone a dungeon where no one will die.

At some point the explorer must score a clear distinction between what is inside the dungeon and the outside world.

At last everyone was seated, sitting around the huge round table in the middle of the room, and all the positions were just right.

The two angels and Raphael's devil teammates observed each other.

However, the two sides did not have a tit-for-tat momentum, and there was only curiosity in their eyes. They could see their opposition from many dungeons and history.

But in this world, they are just ordinary members of it.

Not to mention that the races on both sides are relatively rare, and it is rare to see each other.

Others don't think there's anything wrong with mixing angels and demons.

Of course, this has to exclude Finaris.

And Kane sat in the main seat.

He tapped the table lightly, attracting everyone's attention.

"I'm here to thank you all for accepting my invitation to come here, and then I'll get to the point."

"In the last dungeon, because of the opportunity, I created a guild or a warband named Lantern."

"The purpose of inviting you all here is to hope that you can join my guild."

After speaking, he took out a stack of parchment from the space equipment, and sent them one by one to those who had not joined the guild on the table through the original skill.

Everyone looked at the parchment in front of them, and there was a trace of doubt in their hearts.

Of course they knew the purpose of coming here, and their willingness to come here also formally stated that they wanted to join the guild that Kane created.

As for the parchment in front of them, if they guessed correctly, it should be regarded as a contract item.

This contract item will generally form a certain binding force on both parties.

Most of the chapters and guilds will use such props, but generally they will only sign after joining in and understanding the guild.

Didn't expect Kane and the others to sign it directly.

However, they came here to join Kane's guild, so they didn't care too much, but carefully checked the terms of the initial signing.

But what was written on the parchment was even stranger.

Only one line of words.

Kane invites you to join the Lantern Guild.

There is also a signature area below to sign your name with consent.

That's it?

They carefully turned the paper over and over, and confirmed that they didn't see even a single character except this row.

Shouldn't it say what can I do after joining a guild? Can't do it?

Or is it that Kane and the others are so extravagant that even the signature certificate of joining the guild is so ceremonial.

You must know that the props of each contract are not cheap.

Although it may not be a big expense for Kane and the others, it shouldn't be such an extravagant waste.

And this typesetting can't do much restraint. If you want to restrain people through contract props, you must write them out in detail.

Even ambiguous words are not acceptable, and there is no final interpretation right on contract props, who owns it.

For example, after joining the guild, what kind of regulations must be followed after signing the name.

But there is no such overlord clause, as long as it is not written on it, there is no real binding force, and it all depends on self-consciousness.

If you write to join the guild, you will only join the guild after you sign your name, so you can decide whether to write or even quit.

This is where the question lies.

In the end, it was Burton who asked.

"Kane, do you write such a line on this parchment?"

For Burton's question, Kane was a little puzzled: "Yes, otherwise should I write something?"

After listening to the answer, Burton himself was a little speechless, and it was true that no one stipulated the contract items, so he couldn't just write them.

After all, they didn't know that this parchment was not a simple contract item, and they couldn't think of its main purpose.

Helplessly shrugged and signed his name on it.

Then I saw the parchment shattered into blue light spots, and these light spots poured into Kane's body.

Seeing that someone has written it, and the others are not in the ink, all of them have written their names on the contract scroll.

Then these contract scrolls shattered one after another, and all the blue light spots poured into Kane's body. These things all entered the book of adventure along his body.

And after the signing, Fona and the others didn't feel anything strange.

"Since you have joined the guild, then I will first talk about the three requirements of the guild, and then I will take you to understand the guild."

Know about the guild? Wouldn't even the guild residency be done?

Questions flashed in everyone's mind. As for the guild's request, isn't that what it should be?

"Point 1, the information of the guild must not be rashly leaked to non-guild members.

Point 2, guild members must not hurt each other.

The third point is not to intentionally damage the reputation of the guild. "

For Kane's three-point request, the unanimous evaluation that flashed in everyone's mind is that it is classic and simple.

These three points are the rules that almost all forces will exist, and they are the most basic.

After speaking, Kane took out the guild seal device from the space equipment.

He said to everyone: "This thing will print the seal of the guild on the skin. The seal has a magical effect, which can bring unexpected benefits to everyone. It is a necessary procedure after joining the guild. If you refuse, you will not be able to enjoy the guild. benefits."

Fona and the others have discovered since they came in that Kane and the others have a simple lantern pattern all over their bodies.

After hearing Kane say the name of the guild before, they knew that this should be the pattern of the guild.

If there is anything in common, it is to see that Kane and the others are wearing a necklace. From Longbei and Lilulu, you can see that the necklace is a transparent crystal.

Finaris also has the same necklace, which is reissued by Kane.

No one resisted this procedure. After all, the effect shown on Kane and the others looked pretty good.

"I'll come first, I'll come first."

Xipu flashed his white wings and came directly to Kane.

Kane smiled and said: "Choose a favorite color, choose a size and tell me where to print it."

In the end, Kane did not expect that the position she chose was the root of the left wing.

Kane could only helplessly imprint a silver-gray mark there.

However, it was found that the effect was not bad, and the imprint was not destroyed due to the relaxation of the wings. I don't know what the principle is.

"How is it? Not bad."

As soon as Xi got it done, he came to show off in front of his brother, and smiled and pressed his brother under him.

At this time, Rui realized that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't overturn his sister.

It doesn't move at all, why does this happen?

"What's the matter, why did your power suddenly increase, are you cheating?"

They had previously stipulated that magic could not be used to fight each other.

It was only at this time that Xi flew up and laughed and said, "Hahaha, I didn't cheat, it's the power given by this mark, the attributes he enhanced are worth a piece of silver equipment of the highest quality, and it's very comprehensive."

Hearing Xi's words, everyone's eyes lit up, but they didn't expect it to have a strange effect.

Rui immediately flew over, and also stamped the seal of the guild.

He put his stamp on the root of his right wing.

After finishing the cover, I closed my eyes and felt the power in myself: "It's actually true."

He just thought for a moment that his sister was joking with him, but he didn't expect it to be true.

After all, they are very sensitive to energy, there is only a faint layer of energy reaction on the seal of the guild, and it is impossible to have such an effect.

It turned out that they really did, which made their evaluation of the guild inexplicably raised a level.

Just this seal is not so easy to get out.

With the release of the two, the remaining people asked Kane to put the seal of the guild on them one by one.

Moreover, the colors of the seals are different, and they look very textured, and they will not make people feel ugly.

However, the more troublesome among them is Rafael's teammates.

The white-skinned puppet girl is called Asterisk.

She will replace some parts of her body every once in a while, so the last way Kane and the others think about is to print it on a thin piece of skin.

After the replacement, the skin is also attached to it, but I don't know if the function can be used.

However, I didn't expect the imprint to be very intelligent and successfully completed the test.

Seeing that everyone is experiencing their own body, because the additional attributes of the guild seal are enhanced.

They are very satisfied with the attribute enhancement provided by this seal. After all, this is a small silver product with the same attribute enhancement.

But don't underestimate it, this basically means that you have one more equipment slot than others.

It is still a very useful three attribute improvement.

This function alone is worth their joining this guild.

The original idea of ​​those who joined the guild was that Kane and the others just started the guild and let them join together to form a simple prototype.

The current seal has already exceeded their expectations.

As long as their expectations are kept low enough, almost everything can surprise them.

And now, almost all of them had such expectations before they came.

After watching everyone experience enough, Kane clapped his hands.

After everyone focused their attention, Kane said: "Now I will take you into the hall of the guild and get ready."

After listening to Kane's words, they all took their belongings and prepared to leave the room.

Looking at the behavior of everyone, Kane realized that his words were not explained clearly.

"Wait a minute, let's enter the hall of the guild in this room?"


After listening to Kane's words, everyone who had just joined the guild showed a puzzled expression.

Kane looked at Lombe: "Lombet demonstrates."

Lombe nodded happily and came to his brother deliberately.

"Brother is optimistic, wait a minute and don't forget my actions."

Seeing his brother's dazed appearance, Burton couldn't help but break his hands again.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, Longbe reached out and pressed the mark on his neck, uttered the secret words in his mouth, and then disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the confused eyes of everyone who didn't respond, Kane immediately explained: "The hall of our guild is built in another space. Through the guild seal on the body, and then recite the correct secret, it can be teleported there."

Then he said in a serious and serious tone: "Even in the dungeon, you can teleport, but you must keep it in a safe state, and after you leave the guild hall, you will appear where you left before, you must Keep it firmly in mind."

After listening to Kane's words, their eyes widened.

The guild hall is built in another space?

This is an explorer of silver strength, a force that can be rectified?

Could it be the Silver Explorer who made this thing?

These are the thoughts that linger in their minds.

But no matter what was in their minds, Kane was still teaching them how to enter the guild hall.

And told them the secret words to enter.

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