After Kane explained all the details bit by bit to everyone in front of him.

Let Claire and the others teleport into the guild hall again.

"Okay, let's try it out."

Saying that, Kane looked at them from the side.

As soon as Kane's voice fell, the angel siblings reached out and touched the base of the wings behind them, uttered the secret words, and disappeared instantly.

The rest also disappeared one by one.

Finally, after watching all these people enter, Kane followed.

When they came in, they found them standing there dumbfounded.

The first thing they felt when they came in was the surging magic in the guild hall, as if the entire hall was built on a magical gathering point.

For people in this world, magic is like air, and the higher the magic, the more comfortable they feel.

Of course, it can't be too high.

Then, what they saw was the ceiling of the entire hall.

Said to be the ceiling, the props that Kane and the others purchased through the guild system had been changed into a sky like a starry sky.

Glittering candles floated freely in the entire starry sky.

"It's so beautiful!" Phyllis said blankly, looking at the sky.

Listening to her good friend's words, Li Lulu said with a smile, "Yes, yes, those candles were chosen by me."

The overall area of ​​the entire hall has reached 1,000 square meters. Under the transformation of Kane, it has been transformed into several areas. If you want to upgrade, you need to spend silver magic stones.

Looking at the shocked appearance of everyone, whether it was Kane or Claire, they all felt very useful and had a sense of pride in their hearts.

After all, when they first came to this space, this space was still empty and there was nothing.

After their various transformations, they became what they are today.

The magic stone obtained from the transformation and purchase was also filled with the materials they obtained by fighting together in the dungeon.

There are also large and small tables and chairs in the hall of the guild. Kane found the largest table and let everyone sit down.

Funa and the others were watching their surroundings even when they sat down.

With Kane and the others sitting, a light blue metal lantern floated in the air, slowly floating down and turned into a ghost maid.

She floated to the side of the crowd, raised her skirt and bowed, and asked, "Welcome to the Lantern Guild. What would you like to eat?"

"Just order some special dishes that you are good at. They will also be members of the guild in the future."

"Okay, master."

Then she turned her head and said to Fona and the others: "Every new partner, please wait a moment."

As he spoke, he floated towards the counter.

Funa and the others thought that this guild was in the embryonic stage of its start-up. Didn't they expect that it already had members?

And they can also feel that this ghost maid like a waiter has reached the peak of silver strength.

This strength is stronger than most of them present.

"Who was the one just now?"

Raphael couldn't help asking.

Looking at the curious crowd, Kane said: "She is a member of the guild, responsible for part of the operation and service of the hall, and is a ghost girl."

The lantern guild at this stage has already given them enough surprises, whether it is the attributes provided by the guild seal or the guild hall in other spaces.

Not to mention that this guild hall can also be entered in the dungeon.


From the side of the guild hall, Xi and Phyllis exclaimed.

"Funa, come and see!"

"Amis, Amis, look."

The two also called their female teammates, and beside them was Li Lulu, who was showing off and proud.

Hearing the call of their teammates, the two couldn't help but walk over, and the other guild members who joined also followed over to check.

And the place they went to was the exhibition cabinet of the guild.

There is only one item on display inside.

That is the brilliant gem they obtained in the last dungeon Kane.

The beautiful and attractive appearance attracted all the female members present.

Even the puppet girl couldn't help watching.

In particular, they also saw the introduction next to the gem, and the recipient of this exhibit item.

The introduction next to this gem startled them.

In the dungeon that was about to be swallowed up, I stayed for more than a month, and also got rid of its strategy.

It's outrageous, it's something they can't even think about.

However, Kane and the others did it, but this is also inexplicably reasonable.

After all, everyone present knew the combat effectiveness of Kane and his team, and they had either become opponents or fought together.

It's actually quite reasonable if you think about it.

Then several ghost maids brought the food together.

Only at this time did Raphael and the others know that there were more than one ghost maid just now.

Once again refreshed a wave of understanding of the strength of the guild.

Then their attention was all attracted by the dishes on the table.

Because the dishes on the table are all copper-colored magical delicacies.

After taking a sip, Burton said, "These were made by the ghost maids just now? They were taught by Claire, right?"

As a master chef, Burton tasted it at once, and the craftsmanship of these ghost maids is exactly the same as that of Claire.

"Brother, your mouth is like a dog, you can guess it."

Lombe was praising his brother next to him.

However, Burton didn't appreciate this, and knocked his younger brother to the ground with one punch.

And Raphael next to them also learned from this conversation that the ghost maids just now are only strong, and they are still chefs who can make magical delicacies.

Surprised so much, there is nothing to be surprised about.

Anyway, they are also members of this guild now, just be happy.

After a meal, Kane got up and said.

"Now I'll take you to a real introduction to the benefits and functions of the guild."

"And benefits and functions?"

Raphael said in surprise.

For Raphael's question, Kane frowned and said, "Have I introduced any useful functions and benefits of the guild?"

What? It turns out that these are not the benefits of the guild?

Fona and the others thought in their hearts.

"Okay, stop talking about it, come with me."

Saying that, Kane led the crowd into another space through a small door next to him.

Everyone followed Kane to a green space full of vitality.

The life energy in this space is extremely active, and every breath can make their bodies jump.

Passing through a door, everyone who seemed to pass through couldn't help but froze in place.

Kainze continued: "The two spaces are essentially one space, they just look different."

As he spoke, he came to the front of the fountain.

It is self-evident that she likes this space the most, it is the elf Phyllis. The atmosphere and energy of this environment make her feel like she has returned to her hometown.

And the life energy in the fountain in front of it is about to overflow, and anyone with a little strength can feel it.

"This is the fountain of rebirth. If you die, you can have a resurrection here, but remember that there is only one chance."

Hearing Kane's words, Rafael couldn't help but asked in shock: "Resurrection, you... Does our guild still have buildings that can be resurrected?"

"Of course, this is the first benefit of the guild." Kane said lightly.

Then he continued to explain: "However, such a rebirth building has a price. If your soul is not broken into pieces or lacks too much when you die, it will be led to the spring water, and the subsequent resurrection will lose 20 of your current strength. % to pay the price, and the body needed for resurrection also needs this magic stone to construct."

Saying that, Kane also took out a silver magic stone.

"As for how this magic stone came, I'll tell you later."

"Now each of you drops a drop of blood into the spring water, and binds a piece of soul fragment to the spring water, so that the spring water can pick you up when you die."

Then they dropped a drop of their blood in the spring one by one.

After watching everyone do all this, Kane took them out of the area.

Looking at Phyllis, who was reluctant to part, Kane said, "You can enter this space at any time, as long as you are careful not to damage the surrounding vegetation."

As for the safety of the spring water, Kane is very relieved that the spring water in this space is under an absolute defense rule.

Back in the hall.

Kane turned around, looked at the dozen or so people behind him and said, "Now, what I want to demonstrate to you is the most important function of the guild."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone instantly became serious and looked forward to it.

They couldn't help but look forward to it. From just now, their impression of this guild has been constantly raised, and now it has reached a very exaggerated height.

And what is Kane talking about now?

The most important function of the guild is that what they have seen before is not the most important.

How can this make them not expect it?

Kane suddenly thought about it and said again: "Let Claire show it to you."

He suddenly thought that he mostly used the book of adventure to check the functions of the guild, and the information displayed by the guild seal was not the same as others. After all, he was the guild leader.

So it is really not suitable for him to do a demonstration.

After hearing Kane's words, Claire walked in front of everyone, and then stretched out her hand to support the lantern seal.

"Pour in a touch of magic."

After speaking, the magic power poured into the seal, and then a group of energy with the same color as the seal appeared in his hand.

He brushed the energy ball in his hand on the table next to him, and a phantom frame made of magic power appeared on the table.

"If you expand the energy group on a flat surface, you can get such a phantom frame. If you're not a guild member, you can't see the box, and you can only see the pattern of a seal, so don't worry about that."

It can be clearly seen that there are now three areas in the box.

They are members, warehouses, and stores.

Claire began to introduce them one by one.

"Member is to let you know the general information of the guild partners, and you can perform different operations according to different permissions.

The warehouse is a self-contained space equipment, but it is common to guild members, and the scope and area of ​​use are different according to their respective permissions.

The shop is a place where you can buy very important items, and the currency is also magic stones, but they are all copper-colored magic stones. "

After finishing speaking, Claire began to demonstrate it to everyone, focusing on the warehouse system.

A black spot appeared in his hand, touched the chair next to him, and then the chair was sucked in.

Then he opened the warehouse and took it out.

After watching Claire explain.

Kane said: "Now I have opened the permissions for you. Note that the permissions you have are different depending on your contribution and status in the guild."

After speaking, they all changed their titles from [Members] to [Explorers].

[Explorer] has the right to enter the guild hall at all times, the right to purchase in the store, and the right to take and put in the warehouse material area.

The so-called material area is the area where various daily necessities are stored, including safe food and water, as well as some props for survival in the wild.

They are all things that are worthless to Kane and the others, but they are really needed, things that can save lives in an emergency, and can easily explore the dungeon.

So this space is actually open to all guild members, even if you empty it, Kane won't feel bad, because it's really worthless.

With the opening of permissions, information of various permissions poured into their minds.

They couldn't help but started to follow Claire's previous explanation and acted on their own.

Raphael, first clicked on the member's information bar to check it out.

Then what he saw was a dense list, a long list that didn't reach the end after a long time.

And these members have different titles in front of them.

Except for the simple and easy-to-understand ones such as [President] [Explorer], other [Instructors] [Guardians] are not very understandable.

At the end of the turn, Raphael couldn't help but be shocked. He roughly counted the members of the guild, which was close to 2,000.

And according to the silver dots at the back, that is to say, these people are all silver-strength.

Except that I just saw two small copper dots.

He couldn't help turning his head, looked at Kane and asked in shock: "The guild has nearly 2,000 members?"

Kane was well prepared for this question, smiled and nodded and said, "Of course, now, you see they are here."

After Kane finished speaking, everyone looked in the direction of Kane's gaze.

One figure after another appeared in the hall.

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