At this time in the guild hall.

When Kane heard the voice behind him, he turned his head and saw Longbei appearing in the center of the guild hall, walking slowly over.

When Lombe came over and sat by the bar, his brother had prepared him a beer.

Lombe picked it up and drank it in a big gulp, drinking all the beer in the glass in one breath.

"Hoo! Cool!"

Throwing himself heavily on the bar seat, Lombe grumbled.

"That damn place is really not for people to stay in."

After he finished speaking, he took out a bag of sandwich bread from the space equipment and gnawed it fiercely.

Burton looked at his brother and asked, "What's wrong with you? Did a starving ghost reincarnate? No one robbed you."

"You don't know." Lombe said to the people in front of him: "The place where I fell is in a cave, and there are all kinds of stone heads in it. Those who don't eat don't even drink water."

Ah, me too, only the people on my side are not made of stone, but resurrected from the dead. Kane thought.

"But fortunately they have a good temper, otherwise I would fight them."

Kane said lightly beside him: "This dungeon is different from the dungeons we have encountered before. There will be no creatures attacking us for no reason. Those creatures are free."

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe nodded, and even he noticed that the various rules were different.

Although the angel had already explained to them before they came in, this kind of thing still had to be experienced in person to have a clearer understanding.

Burton looked at Kane and they hesitated.

"Brother, what are you trying to say? Look how uncomfortable you are."

"Hey, I want to say why you always encounter these strange dungeons? I've been exploring for hundreds of years and may not be able to meet them once."

Burton's voice revealed helplessness.

Since joining the guild, he and Kane have often chatted with them, and naturally they will talk about the dungeons that Kane and the others have cleared before.

Then Burton discovered that the dungeons that Kane and the others experienced always had some strange accidents and inexplicable rules.

Kane smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

How to say this? Could it be said that they were lucky, but this was not the case.

It can't be said that they are deliberately looking for such a strange dungeon to clear the customs.

Then everyone started talking about other things.

However, although Kane and Lombe first entered the guild hall, they did not exchange information with each other, but waited for Claire and the others to communicate together after they came in, otherwise they would have to repeat the report later, how troublesome .

Kane is a very typical person who hates trouble.

They continued chatting and drinking like this, and it didn't take long before they saw Claire and the others enter the guild hall one after another.

From the outside, they didn't get any injuries, but that's right, if the situation is not safe, they won't be able to enter the guild hall.

Everyone came to the small conference room next to them.

Kane sat down and said, "Now let's share the information we know."

Lombe said first.

"I woke up from the coffin and appeared in a cave. As soon as I came out, I was taken away by a group of stone figures like humanoid sculptures, but they didn't attack me."

"The place where I am at this time is in a mountain range. It is said that it is close to the White King's territory. I have not been too familiar with them, so this is the information I know."

After Lombe finished speaking, Claire said, "Let me tell you next, I have a rough map of the dungeon here."

Saying that, Claire spread the map in the dungeon on the table.

The whole map is not Fang Fang's real, but very tattered.

Only the mainland in the middle can be seen clearly, the surrounding sea area and other island land have been damaged and cannot be seen at all.

Claire pointed to the middle continent and said, "This continent is the entire map of this dungeon now. As for the surrounding oceans and islands, these have long since disappeared."

"I also crawled out of the grave, but after crawling out, I mixed into a small group of refugees passing by, and now I am in a rebel camp."

"They are said to be fighting the Black King."

"This map is relatively old. It is said to be the map before the world was broken, so I can only look at the topography and outline."

Kane looked at the map, and it was indeed like this. It was marked with various town landmarks and areas, and it did not write where and what was the king's territory as it is now.

It can only be seen from the map that the dungeon they are now in is a huge area and is a continent.

Claire's information is also relatively scarce, but this map has brought them great help.

Finally, there is Li Lulu.

"Li Lulu also woke up from the coffin, but it was a wooden coffin, which was opened by Qi Ling and the others. Now I am in their gathering place."

"This ethnic group had a premonition of danger when the world was broken, so they fled to this hidden place to hide, knowing something before the break."

Afterwards, Li Lulu spoke slowly: "Before it was broken, this continent was ruled by a man called the King of Platinum, and this continent was also called the Kingdom of Platinum."

Lilulu even waved her wand and drew simple images in the sky to more vividly depict the stories she told.

"As for how long the King of Platinum has ruled this continent, no one knows, only that it seems that he was born to rule."

In the image drawn by Li Lulu, the King of Platinum is a figure wearing a crown and holding a scepter.

"This is what I saw from the murals of the strange spirits."

"It is said that the road that the King of Platinum walked was full of life, and the dead trees brought spring. He was able to resurrect the dead and subside suffering. He was able to turn stones into gold and fabricate all things."

Listening to Li Lulu's story, the King of Platinum seems to be a god, with a very fantastic color.

Kane couldn't help but think, is the King of Platinum the beacon of the world?

But the King of Platinum is dead, isn't he dead but suspended animation?

The current information is not enough to know the specific situation, and it is necessary to collect more.

In the end, it was Metzker who made the report.

"I was dug up by a group of humanoid intelligent creatures with red skin and a height of more than two meters. They are the gravel tribe and call their race Fireborn."

"Following the fist-to-meat fight, after a fight with me, I'm now a guest of their tribe."

"Their current group is fighting against the gray king next to them. As for the intelligence, they have not collected much information. Their history is very simple. There is almost no history at all, and they don't know much."

Kane nodded after listening to everyone's information.

"Then it's up to me to make a summary of everyone's information and tell you what I know."

"The death of the Platinum King may be related to the shattering of the world. After that, his 5 princes took some kind of power, which may have come from the Platinum King, and are now in their respective territories."

"I'm in the Red King's territory now, Lombe is next to the White King, Claire is on the Black King's side, and Metzkerna is the Grey King."

Kane knocked on the table, pointed to Li Lulu and said, "That means, except for Li Lulu who doesn't know who is next to him, each of us is near a different king."

"What we know now are the red king, the white king, the black king and the gray king, a total of 4 princes."

At this time, Claire added: "I heard from the rebels that the black king is still at war with other kings, and it may be the other kings mentioned here."

"It's possible, because these five princes want to rob each other of each other's strength." Kane nodded and said.

Then continued.

"We came to this dungeon to clear the goal. Now there are two possibilities. One is the golden bridge in the sky, and the other may be the King of Platinum, if he is not dead."

"Golden Bridge?" Claire was a little puzzled.

Although the golden bridge in this world is very peculiar, the dungeons that explorers have experienced are so peculiar that there are countless dungeons like this, and the golden bridge in the sky is nothing but spectacular.

Kane nodded and answered for them: "You may not know that the first dungeon I experienced, the Golden Bridge in the sky, is exactly the same as the one in the sky now, and I also became a Mist Warrior in that dungeon. "

Hearing Kane say this, Claire and the others recalled the previous act of the angel handing over the ancient golden bridge coins to Kane. These coincidences came together.

The reason why they were chosen to come to this dungeon is very clear.

"And the world was not broken long, long ago, before even the Platinum King.

Originally, it was not the golden bridge but the sun in the sky, and the golden bridge later replaced the role of the sun. "

In this case, then Jinqiao is indeed suspected, and there are many suspects.

Because this means that the Golden Bridge is not a spectacle born out of this world, but an alien invasion.

This is very in line with the purpose of some supreme existence putting Jinqiao into this world and controlling this world.

"However, there is still very little information, so we can't jump to conclusions, just draw up possible targets first."

Then everyone exchanged some details.

Finally, Kane said: "Then we will not be in a hurry to gather together now, and it will be no later than the gathering after the target intelligence is determined later."

For Kane's idea, everyone nodded in agreement. After all, the area of ​​the dungeon where they are now known from the map is extremely huge.

The area of ​​this dungeon can even be regarded as the largest of all the dungeons they have experienced.

If such a large area wants to be brought together, I don't know how much energy and time it will take.

Before everything is still vague and unclear, it is useless to rush together.

Then they dispersed and returned to the place before entering the guild hall.

In the hotel room, Kane released all his perceptions and felt the surrounding situation.

Released Yoyo from the space equipment and restarted.

"Ugh! Youyou slept and woke up now."

Kane smiled when he saw Yoyo turning on the spot after turning it on, and then said, "Don't move around, you seem to be out of power, I'll charge you."

After charging Yoyo, Kane lay on Marshmallow's back, ready to take a good night's rest.

Marshmallow had been in Kane's body until now.

Tomorrow, I need to take a good look at this village and find out some news.

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