The next morning, Kane woke up from his sleep.

After a simple cleaning, he let the marshmallow attached to his body, let Yoyo hide in the room, and pretended to be an iron ball once someone came in.

After doing all this, Kane left the door and came to the bar of the tavern.

At this moment, Ke was biting a red rhizome, lying leisurely on his rocking chair.

He looked at Kane who came out and said with a smile: "I must have slept well, maybe I haven't slept all night. It's all dead. In fact, it doesn't matter if I sleep or not."

Seeing how he smiled, Kane had been sitting on the rocking chair at the bar during Kane's feelings last night. Kane thought he had fallen asleep on the chair at the time.

I didn't realize that I didn't need to sleep.

It seems that even more time comes out after death.

Kane echoed with a smile: "Yes, it seems that I have to get used to my identity as a dead person in the future."

The whole process of Kane crawling out of the coffin was watched by others, so no one in this village would question the identity of his dead man.

No normal person would want to hang out with a bunch of dead people, let alone a rotten smell in the whole village.

In particular, the iconic dry body of the dead, under the equipment that shrouded him in Kane, was also regarded by others as not accepting his own status quo.

And this situation is very normal. Almost every dead person who just got up can't accept his identity for a while.

They will do the act of covering up a certain dry body on their own body.

"Going to build a house? Do you want me to recommend some good places for you?"

Looking at the enthusiastic Ke, Kane waved his hand and said, "No, I want to observe and understand the village first."

"Haha, it should be, then you go early and return early, the people in the village are relatively indifferent."

After Kane said goodbye to Ke, he pushed open the door of the tavern and walked out. Although it was very early, there were still many pedestrians on the way to the village.

For these villagers who have become dead, there is no such thing as going to bed early and getting up early, and there is no need to eat, drink and sleep anyway.

Kane just wandered around the whole village.

When passing by a wooden house, I saw two children running out of the door.

Kane could also smell the rotten breath on them, indicating that the two children were also dead.

Such a young child died early, and now he is getting up again, I don't know if it is a good thing.

No one is doing farm work in the whole village. After all, they don't need to eat or drink. Even if they eat and drink, they can't experience any feeling or even taste.

The only thing Kane saw growing was the red rhizomes in the tavern.

And there are very few people who plant it, but I only see this kind of thing planted in the backyard of two or three households, which means that not everyone likes this kind of taste. Strange smell of red rhizomes.

Since there is no need to eat, drink, or rest, there is no physical desire and excretion problems. Kane can see many villagers doing nothing along the way, as well as some villagers who behave strangely.

The idle villagers gathered together to chat or play various recreational games, something similar to playing chess, but Kane couldn't understand it.

But more are villagers who carry out various hobbies.

For example, Kane saw three blacksmith shops along the way, accompanied by the sound of ding ding dong dong.

There are also those who grow flowers and draw on the ground with branches.

Non-stop doing all kinds of furniture, as well as wood and stone carvings.

Although there are many villagers, Kane found that most of them were elderly people or children, and he hardly saw any young people in the village.

But thinking about it is also right, there is a lot of time to eat, drink and sleep. In such a village, if you continue to live like this, sooner or later, you will be crazy, it is better to leave.

When young people die, it is still the mentality of young people.

Kane thought about it as he walked, and suddenly saw the old man who carried the coffin from yesterday in the distance.

At this time, he was dragging the wooden cart from yesterday to the outside of the village, and the route was exactly the same as when he came yesterday.

According to Ke, the old man who transported the coffin often had dead people crawling out of the coffin.

But he didn't tell Kane why he had been transporting the coffin and where it was going. Kane was also a little curious, and he felt that the old man must know some useful information.

Kane walked over and said politely, "Does Grandpa still remember me?"

The old man looked at Kane and said, "Don't call me grandpa, your actual age may be older than me."

"I really don't know what it's called, just call me Ji'an."

Kane nodded and said, "Okay, Ji'an, thank you for taking me to this village yesterday."

"Are you going to transport the coffin now?"

For Kane's question, Ji An nodded and said, "Yes, why do you want to follow?"

"is it okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with that, come on."

Saying that, Ji An dragged the scooter and continued to walk outside the village, and Kane followed him.

Ji An spoke up first: "Kane, what era are you from?"

Kane thought for a while and said, "I don't remember very well, but it should be the so-called Sun Age."

"The age of the sun? Oh, the age of the sun."

"Then you died a long time ago. You must be very unaccustomed to the current situation."

"What about you?" Kane asked back.

"Me." Ji An looked up at the sky, with a look of memory in his eyes.

"I died after the Broken Age, which means that I may have died hundreds of years ago, so I haven't seen anything too glorious."

"When he was alive, he was a resident of the Red King's territory. Now he is dead and still lives in the Red King's territory."

Hearing Ji'an's words, Kane asked with joy in his eyes, "Then do you know which five princes are?"

"I know."

Ji An dragged the wooden cart and replied slowly: "The five kings are the eldest prince, the red king, the princess green king, the third prince white king, the fourth prince black king, and the sixth prince gray king."

"It turns out that the King of Platinum has more than 5 children?"

Hearing Kane's words, Ji An looked at him strangely.

"He has been the platinum king for an unknown time. How could he have only five children, but these five children finally gained his power."

Said Ji An and showed the expression of memory.

Kane found that once these dead people think about the memories of their past lives, it is very easy to fall into the memories.

"These are what my son told me." There was a sadness in his voice.

"Who is your son?" Kane asked.

"My son?" Hearing Kane's question, Ji An suddenly became excited.

He said cheerfully: "My son was one of the most important knights under the Red King while I was alive."

"That's a real elite knight, Iron Wings, Iron Wings, you know?"

"No, how do you know the Wings of Steel, I'm really confused, anyway, this knight order is very powerful."

He smiled, with a look of happiness on his face: "Every time my son comes back, he will tell me about the current situation in this broken world."

"He also said that the Red King, you can make a castle on the spot just by waving your hand."

"I said he was bragging, he wasn't happy at the time, hahahaha."

Laughing and laughing, Ji An's voice slowly sank.

"Unfortunately, he died at the hands of the enemy in the end."

With that said, he dragged his wooden cart towards the maple forest on the hillside.

Kane looked at Ji An's expression that he had no interest in continuing to chat, so he stopped talking and walked up slowly.

Ji An dragged the wooden cart through the maple forest on the hillside, and then continued to walk forward.

It didn't take long to see an area that looked like a wasteland.

Ji'an put the wooden cart next to him and said to Kane: "This is a cemetery. It is said that many people have been buried here for thousands of years. You were dug out from here."

Kane looked at the wasteland in front of him, or the cemetery. The cemetery was huge, and he could see that the tombstones had already collapsed and damaged, and there was hardly a single intact one.

The surroundings were overgrown with weeds, and there were potholes everywhere.

If it weren't for those potholes, some of which showed half of the sarcophagus, Kane would not think this place was like a cemetery.

Then Kane saw Ji An dig out the potholes where half of the sarcophagus was exposed, planed the soil above, and shoveled out a ramp, pushing the sarcophagus up from the bottom of the pothole.

Kane raised his hand and took the whole coffin up.

He couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing with these coffins dug up and transported to the village?"

"Rebuy the corpses at the edge of the village. If it is mud, they can easily dig it out after they come alive, and some dead people in the village can't sleep without sleeping in coffins."

That's what it is, kill two birds with one stone.

But it's really a quirk that you can't sleep without a coffin, anyway, why are you sleeping when you're dead?

Kane just watched, chatting with Ji An, watching him digging slowly.

From time to time, he would go down to help him and lift the dug out coffin.

In chatting with him, Kane learned some subtle information.

For example, the territories of the Black King and the White King are very close to each other, and they seem to be a pair of rivals. They have been waging war with each other, and they have never stopped.

In other words, the opponent of the Black King that Claire had learned from the rebels was the White King.

The distance where she is located may be closer to the mountains of Lombe.

and the Red King's domain, the largest of all the kings.

There are still many races in this world, and they have been oppressed when the Platinum King still existed.

After the death of the King of Platinum, the world was broken and they rose up one after another, fighting for a right to their freedom and their people.

So it can be said that war is spreading across the entire continent now, and it has been spreading for an unknown number of years.

According to the dead who have traveled and returned, it is almost impossible to see living beings outside now.

The war took a heavy toll on lives and races across the continent, and their numbers dwindled sharply.

Compared with intelligent life, the number of dead bones in the open air is unknown.

Due to its remote location, Dead Man's Village is in a stable area.

At this moment, Ji An seemed to have dug up a very exquisite coffin, with an excited expression on his face.

Throw away the shovel directly and quickly dig the soil on it with both hands.

Kane walked over to take a look, and saw that the coffin was more beautiful than other coffins.

It has a glyph of a bird with outstretched wings.

Ji An opened the lid of the coffin directly after digging out the soil. However, there was only a skeleton and rotting black cloth inside. There is also a long sword and shield, but they are all rotten.

Gold and various precious accessories can be seen on the head and feet. Although it is a little dark, it can still see its precious value.

But Ji An was not interested in those wealth, just looked at the skeleton carefully, and then shook his head in disappointment.

He sighed, closed the coffin lid again, and pushed the coffin up himself.

Refused Kane's help.

Then the coffin was lifted to the wooden trailer, and there were already a lot of coffins stacked on the trailer.

"Let's be here today, let's go back."

Seeing Ji An inexplicably fell into a low state again, Kane stopped disturbing, and followed Ji An towards the village of the dead.

When they left the maple forest, they were walking towards the village downhill.

At this time, I saw a few huge birds flying in the distant sky. The sun shines on those birds and reflects the luster of metal.

Seeing such a situation, Ji An was very excited, threw away the trailer in his hand and ran to the village below.

Seeing this situation, Kane quickly chased after him.

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