Edoma was wearing a woolen shirt, holding Moy in her hands, her body like a little girl.

She lowered her head and looked at Moy and asked, "How about Moy, the personal space is very powerful."

Hearing Edoma's question, Moy raised his head and nodded vigorously.

"Hmm! Hmm! It's really amazing, I like it very much."

Entoma raised her head with some air.

"Humph! Of course, this is the most important member benefit of our guild."

Yes, during this month, Entoma did a questionnaire survey, asking all guild members including the Lantern Knights.

The above includes what kind of item exchange system you want the guild to have, and the benefit of the guild that you like the most.

Finally, without exception, the personal space topped the list with far ahead data.

The data is three times that of No. 2.

The second place is the warehouse function. The reason why the second place is the warehouse function is because these soldiers of the Lantern Knights have not been to the foggy world, and naturally they do not have personal space equipment.

They also praised the function of the warehouse, which greatly facilitated their living habits.

Of course, compared to personal space, it is somewhat inferior.

And Kane did not expect that the function that greatly enhances the sense of belonging of all guild members to the guild is actually a personal space.

But if you think about it carefully, the problem is really understandable.

Because it is so convenient.

Personal living space will always be inconvenient or not in line with your own desires due to various situations.

At this time, the emergence of personal space greatly meets the needs of everyone.

A large number of guild members will enter the guild hall almost every day, making them feel at home to the guild.

This also includes Fona and the others, these true explorers.

Even they can't avoid it, no way, personal space is just too good to use.

Afterwards, Entoma led Moy out of the personal space and walked towards the bar.

At this time on the bar, Burton has returned.

Next to Kane sat Metzker.

After watching Entoma and the others come over, Kane waved to them.

Pointing to Metzker and introducing to Moi, "This is Metzker, my teammate, and he prepared the potion you drank for you."

Hearing Kane's introduction, Moy immediately gave Metzker a deep bow.

"I'm Moy, thank you very much for the potion you had before."

Metzker just nodded coldly, then turned around and continued drinking the beer in his hand.

Kane looked at Moy who thought he had done something wrong and comforted: "It's okay, he is such a person, just get used to it."

"Hahaha." Burton laughed, then stared at Moy and said, "Don't look at this guy's cold face, little girl, he actually has a hot heart, but he's shy."

At Burton's comment, Entoma next to her snickered while covering her mouth.

Even Kane couldn't help laughing.

Only the client, Mezke, with a pair of dead fish eyes, didn't want to argue, just silently drank the beer in his hand.

Seeing everyone smiling, Moy scratched his hair and giggled.

After a while of relaxation, the next thing is business.

Kane looked at Moy and said, "Moy, I'm going to improve your fitness now, get ready. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

Hearing Kane's words, Moy nodded, then closed his eyes tightly.

Looking at Moy's appearance, Kane gently placed his palm on top of Moy's head, and then milky white rays of light poured out of his hand, and these rays of light flowed towards Moy along Kane's palm.

It started to spread downward from the top of the head, and in just a moment, Moy was completely wrapped up.

In the entire guild hall, Moy can be seen wrapped in a mass of light, and the soft white light emitted makes the brightness of the entire hall reach a level.

Then there is a brief wait, after all, Moy's strength is also silver in nature, although the silver is the lowest.

The first promotion to use is naturally the number of times the bronze level is used.

According to Kane's previous experience of using it for Claire and the others, the time it takes for the Bronze Rank to be used mostly only takes about one minute.

Basically a fixed time.

Sure enough, after about a minute, the milky white light wrapped around Moi began to slowly dissipate.

At this time, Moi's entire appearance changed dramatically.

Originally, Moi's skin was more brittle and transparent than ordinary people, and even some capillaries could be clearly seen from the epidermis.

Now, the brittleness and transparency were completely gone, replaced by gleaming dots of light on the fair skin.

These points of light are not bright, like the night sky.

Originally Moy's hair was dry gray, just like an old man.

Now it has become very soft, from a dry gray to a silver gray.

Looking at Moi now, Kane asked, "How is it? How does it feel?"

Moy's eyes were a little confused, and he came back to his senses after hearing Kane's question. After thinking for a while, he said.

"It's like being reborn."

As she said that, she stretched out her palm, and a cloud of silver-gray light gathered in her hand: "I can control the power in my body."

Said that the silver-gray light ball in her hand turned into a cloth-like shape, and she waved the wrapped Kane along her arm.

The silver-gray dark cloth leather was covered on Kane's armor in this way, and then disappeared. Only the silver-gray light flickered from the armor, and a little trace of the silver-gray light could be seen.

Kane felt it, and he was strengthened and received some kind of buff.

This buff seems to provide something similar to magic resistance.

Unexpectedly, Moy is still a role like a support.

"Okay, don't rush to feel it, a bigger reinforcement is coming, just a small test."

Kane said, let Moy get ready, and then put his palm on Moy's head again.

The energy in his hands poured out again.

Moy was enveloped in the same milky glow again.

But this time it took longer, and it took about 10 minutes before the whole light completely faded.

Moi's appearance has completely changed at this time.

The skin has the same crystal light spots as before, and the silver-gray shimmering gravel like quicksand twists around her like a streamer.

On the other hand, Moy didn't need to step on the ground at all, and he was completely floating on the ground.

The toes are two or three centimeters away from the ground.

Moy opened his closed eyes, which had completely turned into shiny crystals like gems.

It looks like a moon is wrapped around it.

Only in this state can it be called a child of the moon.

And now she waved her hand instinctively, and the sparkling spots on her skin, as well as the sand particles floating around her, disappeared.

Only the whole person is still floating on the ground.

"Lord Kane, I feel like a new born."

Then she waved her arm, and inexplicable light spots appeared in the air. As she waved and flew, they gathered and dispersed in the air and changed their shape.

At this time, Kane directly opened the [Book of Adventure].

Go to the guild's members page.

View his Moi's personal details.


[Yuehua Shi] (Only a pure auxiliary occupation that the son of the moon can hold, controlling the magic of the moon.)

[Level: Silver 1%]

[Martial Skill: None]

[Magic Skill: Moonlight Spell]

[Skill: Maid (Low-level)]

[Yuehua Manipulation (Instinct)] (It controls the brilliance of the moon like an instinct.)

[Bloodline: Son of the Moon] (Having the magic power of the moon, can use the magic of the moon, and under the illumination of the moon, can obtain all-round reinforcement. Learning ability and strength growth will be improved under the moonlight.)

[Skill Grid: Sealing]

[Original Skill: Sealing]

Compared to before, he has taken up a special auxiliary occupation that is exclusive to the Moon Child race.

Because of the promotion of glory, the loss of blood caused by the world has also returned.

The body becomes able to regain control of the blood vessels in the body.

Instinctively, he mastered the moonlight spell and Yuehua's manipulation skills.

Although Kane doesn't know what Yuehua is, but looking at the name, he knows that it must be exclusively for the children of the moon.

However, among these changes, there was no improvement or transformation of the bloodline. I don't know why it is different from Claire and the others.

Adoma next to him looked at Moi's change, with envious gleams in his eyes.

She also knew the existence of Glory Promotion.

In fact, Entoma can also be promoted to the bronze level, but Kane suggested that it would be better to have the original magic power through a dungeon first.

And he planned to recruit some bronze-level explorers later to let them be bodyguards and lead Entoma to clear a copper-colored dungeon.

However, what Edoma is actually greedy for is not the increase in strength brought about by the promotion of glory, but the change in appearance.

In the entire dungeon, apart from Burton and Moy, only Claire and the others were promoted to glory.

And the soldiers of the Spirit of Freedom who came out of the dungeon have always been promoted through glory promotion.

I don't know how many times I've been promoted in the dungeon.

After all, the prototype of this skill is the upgrade of soldiers in the dungeon.

Even generals like Bonona cannot use it, because they have also used this essentially similar skill.

Kane's Glory promotion was long overdue for them.

As for the explorers like Fona, Kane decided to set this as a guild reward that requires magic stones or major contributions to be exchanged.

Such an improvement is totally worth it.

After doing this series of things, Kane patted Moy's head next to him.

"Then let's go out now. If someone knocks on the door outside and finds that we are not there, it will be difficult to explain."

Hearing Kane's words, Moy nodded.

Kane touched the seal on his neck, and when he was about to go out, he felt his trouser legs being pulled, and looked down at Moy.

Moy looked up at Kane and asked, "Lord Kane, can I still come in here later? I like the atmosphere here, it's like home."

No contempt and discrimination.

Kane said with a smile: "Of course, as long as you meet the external conditions for entering, you can come in at any time. This is already your home, isn't it?"

"Yeah!" Moy nodded vigorously.

Then the two disappeared into the hall.

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