Illuminated by the golden light emanating from the golden bridge in the sky.

On the ground, a group of undead creatures that looked like dead bones and burned with black arrogance were chasing a troop in front.

The golden holy light shines on these black arrogant undead creatures, without the slightest effect, and even provides them with buffs.

Holiness and evil are intertwined.

An embarrassing scene.

But this kind of disgusting scene has long been accustomed to in this dungeon.

And in the team being chased ahead.

A group of light cavalry on horses was at the rear of the line. The equipment on their bodies is a bit worn and various, and the weapons in their hands are also somewhat broken.

But they are still behind the entire team.

Because in front of them are not soldiers or people with force, but a group of women and children.

These people are all defenseless civilians, not only human beings, but also various non-human alien races, or demihumans.

They burrowed their heads and ran towards the front.

"Mom, I can't run!" said a little girl with long ears.

The woman who was leading her to escape heard her daughter's words behind her, and immediately picked her up and continued running, but her speed had to slow down.

Gradually came to the end of the team.

A soldier shouted at her loudly: "What are you doing? Run, the skeletons behind will catch up."

Although the soldier shouted like this, he also slowed down and stayed behind the woman.

And this woman just ran with her head covered, her mouth was panting wildly, and her whole face was flushed red.

Seems to be reaching the limit.

However, the skeletons chasing after them from the rear are not sophisticated, and when they pick up the weapons with black arrogance in their hands, they are about to slash.

"Damn it!"

The soldier who slowed down and followed behind the mother and daughter, gritted his teeth and directly picked up the long sword with a gap in his hand, and slashed at the skeleton that was chasing behind.

The two comrades closest to him watched him stop and turned to follow.

The remaining soldiers continued to escort the civilians to escape.

"Hold on for a while, everyone, it will be here soon."

A soldier similar to the captain shouted loudly to cheer up the surrounding subordinates and civilians.

"Broken bones, come on!"

The soldier who stayed behind used his short sword to forcefully chop off the head of a skeleton, and then punched the head of another skeleton that rushed from the side with a backhand.

However, more black flame skeletons surrounded him.

A bone sword burning with black flame slashed on his shoulder.

"Ah! Damn it."

He gritted his teeth, and at this time he had red eyes, because he knew that he would not survive, and he used his other arm to hammer hard on the head of the skeleton in front of him.

And the flames on the ancient sword chopped on his shoulders quickly spread to his body, burning him into a black fire man.

But even so, he was still fighting.

The two comrades who stayed with him also fell into the flames.

And the woman who was rescued, holding her daughter in her arms, finally lost her strength and fell to the ground.

She pushed her daughter out of her arms forcefully: "Run! Little radish, run quickly."

"Mom! Mom, I'm afraid!" Her daughter had been frightened and cried, staying where she was.

It seemed impossible to run away alone.

And a skeleton behind has arrived, raising the weapon in his hand high, and the weapon is burning with black flames, waiting to burn life.

Hit her hard.

She had to protect her daughter under her body again, closing her eyes tightly, waiting for death to come.

The pain of waiting did not strike.

The woman opened her eyes in a panic, but the daughter in her arms never closed her eyes, she said.

"Look Mom, she's a very powerful big sister!"

I saw that the skeleton who wanted to attack their mother and daughter had been penetrated by a spear and nailed to the ground.

The black and white flames on the spear are madly attacking the black flames.

The black flames were devoured crazily, without the slightest resistance, as if encountering a natural enemy.

And the group of skeletons that caught up behind had been completely swept away by a group of half-man, half-horse cavalry.

These knights were wearing heavy armor, holding huge lances in their hands, and their bodies were burning with black and white flames, like ghosts like flames.

They wore heavy helmets on their heads, and only their eyes burned with emerald flames.

The most conspicuous of them is a long-haired girl wearing a crown.

The horse's hoof in front of her stepped hard on the ground, and the entire ground quickly cracked, and black and white flames spurted out from those cracks, attacking all the skeletons.

She picked up the giant battle axe in her hand and swept the surroundings vigorously.

The surrounding skeletons were all torn apart like brittle bones, and the black flames on the body were directly extinguished by the power.

The mother and daughter, who had been stunned, suddenly saw an arm stretched out in front of her.

She looked up.

One of the soldiers who protected them, dressed in the same rebellion, took off the face scarf that went around his mouth.

"Are you all right? You are safe."

Afterwards, the soldier looked at the mother and daughter and looked at the cavalry raging among the skeletons and the dazzling female warrior.

"It's amazing, right? It's like a Valkyrie." The soldier also looked over and said.

Her words made the mother and daughter nodded.

Claire smashed the last skeleton burning with black flames with the long-handled battle axe in her hand.

The battle axe in his hand disappeared directly, and the whole body also receded from the ghost form of burning black and white flames and turned into a normal form.

And the 30 ghost cavalrymen who had been fighting around her also disappeared.

Looking at the broken bones in the surrounding area, they did not dissipate like other dungeons, but just scattered on the ground.

Then he stretched out his hand and pulled the chain around his neck, pulling out the magic stone in his chest.

At this time, the blank magic stone has been completely filled with silver energy.

Seeing such a situation, Claire smiled, then took down the silver magic stone and carefully placed it in her space equipment.

Then he took out a transparent one and placed it again.

He stuffed the magic stone into his arms again, and walked towards the large army not far away.

There are many rebels there who are checking on the refugees and treating some of the wounded.

After seeing Claire approaching, the resistance troops on the periphery immediately stood up and saluted.

"Master Claire!"

At this time, a revolutionary soldier riding a horse in the distance was rushing over quickly.

Then he stopped beside Claire and said, "Lord Claire, more Black Flame Legions are coming around."

Hearing this, Claire immediately shouted: "Prepare to organize these civilians to continue to retreat, you come with me, we will lead them away!"

Hearing Claire's words, the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army who were riding horses immediately nodded: "Yes!"

They immediately formed a formation, followed Claire and ran in the direction the enemy was surrounded by.

After not running far, Claire stopped and looked into the distance.

I saw a large number of troops rushing towards this in the distance, and at the forefront of these troops were the skeletons that were burning with black flames.

The rest are pure black knights covered in heavy black armor with black mist in the gaps.

There are also giant beasts composed of various dead bones.

Next to Claire, 30 Ghost Riders appeared again.

But this time, these Ghost Riders were dressed in light armor and held spears in their hands.

The soldiers of the revolutionary army behind them also held spears of the same style in their hands.


command issued.

Then Claire and the surrounding Ghost Riders cast the spears in their hands at the same time.

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army behind him followed closely.

The spears roared through the air and slammed into enemy formations.

A character similar to a general saw the direction of the attack at a glance, and then found Claire.

"It's that 4-legged alien woman! Give it to me, kill her!"

Then, under his order, the entire force began to turn and rush in the direction of Claire.

And Claire and the others achieved their goal, and began to take these soldiers for a walk.

After an unknown amount of time, Claire and the others emerged from a withered forest.

As soon as she got out, Claire felt a vibration from her ruby ​​collar clip.

Feeling the person who sent the message, Claire smiled, then turned her head and said to the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army behind her.

"You go back first, I'll take a walk around here."

The soldiers nod their heads immediately without doubting him.


"Lord Claire, we'll go first, please pay attention to safety!"

After speaking, the group of revolutionary army soldiers ran towards the resistance camp not far away.

When they disappeared from Claire's field of vision, Claire received Kane's message.

"Hello? Can Claire hear me?"

Hearing Kane's voice, Claire had a sweet smile on her face.

"I hear Kane, what's the matter?"

At this time, Kane had just come out of the guild hall, and after arranging Moy out, he sent the person who knocked on the door and sent him information away.

He was lying on the cotton candy and said with a smile, "I just heard from Entoma in the guild hall that you haven't entered the guild hall for the past few days. I want to ask what happened to you?"

Because entering the guild hall requires absolute safety, and I haven't entered the guild hall for a few days, I think something happened to Claire.

So after coming out, Kane immediately sent a message to Claire and asked about her situation.

Claire's voice came from the ruby ​​lapel.

"Because of the recent battle with the Black King's legion, I have not been in a safe area."

"Can you handle it? Need help?"

"No, the situation is still under control now, don't worry."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane replied with confidence: "Okay, that's good, pay attention to safety. If you can enter the guild hall in a safe area, remember to notify me first, I miss you."


Hearing Claire's low hum, a bright smile appeared on Kane's face: "That's it, hang up."

Claire's ears on the other side were slightly red.

what happened? Why are you still shy now? Kane's last sentence just now really hit him.

Claire thought.

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