After talking to Claire.

Kane sat up again and jumped off the cotton candy.

He came to the desk and sat down. There was already a document written on thick parchment.

Kane picked up the stack of parchment in front of him and looked at it, then picked it up and smelled it.

A little bit behind.

These are the materials sent by Heidilin just now. The information above is what Kane needs, for the Red King.

This information is ready-made, freshly released, first-hand information that was only updated not long ago.

Kane picked it up and read it carefully for a while.

First of all, the first target is an important subordinate of the Red King.

Said to be the captain of the Iron Wings and the right-hand man of the Red King.

He once had a record of killing subversives. Kane can test his strength first, and then judge the strength of the Red King.

If you can kill him, you should be able to find the key to the Red King's Palace from his body.

According to the sources, the Red King spends most of the time alone, in his own crimson palace.

It is said that there is not a single living person in the entire palace, unless it is a subordinate trusted by the Red King or someone he has ordered to meet, and other people are not allowed to enter.

According to the intelligence, the longest time, the entire Crimson Palace was closed for nearly 20 years.

And there are very few people who have the keys.

It is said that the key to open is usually rotated in the hands of the captain of the Iron Wings and the general of the Crimson Legion.

Kane looked at the information and raised his brows.

So this red king is still a nerd?

It can't be social fear.

Kane thought wildly.

He shook his head, got rid of the strange thoughts in his mind, and continued to check.

The head of the Iron Wings is usually in one of the twin-star cities in the Red King's territory.

Among Zorolostan, it is a city that guards the crimson palace.

The location is in the outer periphery of the Red King's territory.

Another city is guarded by the head of the Crimson Legion.

There are also two maps in Kane's hand, the map of the Red King's collar and the city map of Zorolostan.

The latest information shows that the Iron Wings are now staying in the city, which means that their head is among them.

After reading the information, Kane thought.

Therefore, he first needs to kill the captain of Steel Wings and get the key in his hand.

It is said that this thing is very important and is kept by him personally.

Then take this key and go straight to the crimson palace, pull out the red king and kill it.

Well, the whole line of action is quick and easy.

The Red King has also been left alone.

I just don't know if there are any traps in the crimson palace.

But it doesn't matter, you will know when it arrives.

After thinking about it, Kane sorted out the information in front of him and put it in his space equipment.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Moy came in through the push door.

Looking at Moy, Kane asked strangely, "What's the matter, Moy, is there something wrong?"

Moy came to Kane, holding the corner of his shirt with both hands.

After struggling for a while, he said, "Lord Kane, can you also help my clansmen to return to their former state."

Come, just wait for your words.

Kane said with a smile.

"Of course, but you must know that this ability of mine is not applicable to everyone, and you must have contact with me." There was helplessness in Kane's tone.

"Contact?" Moi was a little puzzled.

"Then why can I?"

Kane stretched out his finger and nodded her head: "Because you have a connection with me."

The words made Moi even more puzzled.

She never found out what kind of connection she had with Kane.

Then she suddenly thought of something and said, "Ah! Is it that scroll? Or is it because I became Lord Kane's subordinate?"

"No no no." Kane shook his finger: "These are all prerequisites, that is, you are willing to pay for me."


"Yes, for example, what would you do if a beast wanted to hurt me right now?"

Hearing Kane's question, a silver-gray light spot appeared in Moy's hand, clenched his fist, and said viciously: "Ha! Now Moy is very strong, and will protect Lord Kane, so he beats him hard. "

"What if it's a civilian in the town?" Kane asked with a smile.

"Anyone who hurts Lord Kane will be beaten!"

"And what if it was Heidiline?"


Moy frowned and said, "Lord Heidilin is very strong. I will protect Lord Kane from retreating."

"What if it was your clan?"

"Ah? This, this, if it's their fault, I will punish them severely. Lord Kane will not intentionally hurt them."

Kane nodded and asked one last question.

"So...what if it was Peddie?"

Kane's question made Moy directly silent.

She lowered her head and shook her head and said, "I don't know, I don't know what to do."

"Lord Kane and Lord Peddie are important."

This is the bond. Moy has the most basic bond with herself, which means that she will stand on Kane's side unconditionally without violating Moy's bottom line.

And her clan, even in the bottom line.

As long as Kane doesn't intentionally hurt her people, Moy will always help Kane.

In her heart, Peddie may have been above Kane before, but when Kane promoted her to their original form, Kane's status in her heart may have been slightly higher than Peddie.

Kane patted Moi's head: "This is the connection between us. The reason why I will help you and pull you into my guild is because of this connection."

"However, there is no such connection between your clan and me, so there is nothing I can do."

After thinking for a while, Moy looked up at Kane and said, "I will persuade them. I will make them agree with Lord Kane. Will Lord Kane be able to help them then?"

"Of course, at that time, of course, I am also willing to help your clan like helping you."

"Don't lie?"

"Don't lie."

"Okay, then I'll work hard." Moy raised his little fist to cheer himself up.

Kane looked at her and smiled, then said.

"Before this, I have other things to do and will leave the city. When I come back, I hope you have succeeded."

Moy didn't ask Kane where he was going.

Instead, he nodded and said, "No problem."

"Then I'll go first. You should hide your moonlight carefully during this time."

After he finished speaking, he let the marshmallow attached to his body, and walked out of the door with Yoyo.

After walking out of the door, he turned to Moi and said, "Hide the moonlight, but you don't need to hide your fists."

He gave Moy a fist, blinked his eyes and left with a smile.

Moy looked at Kane's back and waved his hand.

"Lord Kane, pay attention to safety on the road."

"Do not worry."


After saying goodbye to Moy, Kane has come to the outskirts of the town.

Looking at the city wall that was already 1 km away from him, he handed the token in his hand to him and put it into the space equipment.

The moment when Kane put the token in.

The entire city disappeared in Kane's eyes, and what appeared in Kane's eyes was a wasteland that was indistinguishable from the surrounding woods and rocky hillsides.

Looking at this situation, Kane's eyes changed to eagle eyes.

However, even with eagle eyes, there is no sense of incongruity when looking at that area, and you can see the leaves blowing in the wind, the texture on the leaves, and even the bugs crawling on the branches.

"It's amazing."

Kane said with a sigh, this kind of illusion is hidden in the silver level, and Kane has never seen it.

He even released his perception with Shenwu Vision, but he still didn't notice anything wrong.

Only Shen Wu Shi's intuition felt that something was wrong.

But this kind of intuitive premonition occurs frequently, and it is impossible to pay attention to it all the time.

So even if Kane passed by the side of the city, he would ignore it as Heidilin said.

Kane retracted his gaze, turned his head, and the magic in his hand poured out, and a large locomotive condensed.

A pale white cloud floated out of his body, floating above his head.

Sitting cross-legged on the locomotive, Yoyo automatically flew into the groove in front of him.

"Yuyou, the goal is set to be one of the twin-star cities, Zorro Lostan."

"The setting is successful, start."

Afterwards, the whole locomotive started and galloped quickly on the ground.

The reason why Kane uses the vehicle now is because it doesn't matter anymore, the detailed map of the entire Red King's Collar has been entered into Yoyo's information database.

Apart from the Double Star City in the Red King Collar and the surrounding cities and villages, there are almost no other gathering places for civilians, and some are just alien robbers and beasts.

In this way, the entire locomotive galloped faster and faster on the ground, almost without hindrance.

For some reason, the Red King's territory always feels weird.

The further this feeling went toward the center of the Red King's territory, the more so.

And the source of this strange feeling is the environment of the whole territory.

At the edges, the ground is mostly flat except for some hillside bumps and bumps.

And the trees and plants above give people the feeling of being neat and orderly.

But at that time, Kane didn't take it to heart.

However, the more you go inward, the more exaggerated the situation is, and now the entire ground is completely flat.

Kane even had the feeling that he was speeding down the wide road.

The trees and plants on the roadside are more like being artificially planted, and they are arranged neatly. Even the clouds in the sky seem to be fluttering in a line, and the position of each cloud is just right.

It's so weird, it feels so fast.

Kane felt the goose bumps on his arm.

Such a scale is definitely not something that can appear naturally, and then think of the Red King's creative authority.

For such a situation to occur, it must have been artificially transformed by the Red King.

It's an outrageous exaggeration.

Just then the car stopped.

The moment the locomotive stopped, Kane's thoughts quickly retracted, spreading his perception to the limit.

Immediately, he felt a large group of energy reactions in the ruins of a village not far ahead, waiting for him.

Soldiers of the Red King's Collar? Or a roadside robber?

Kane didn't know either, he had already walked over with a crystal spear in his hand.

When Kane had reached the edge of the ruins, the hidden people in the village finally couldn't hide and jumped out one after another.

This is a group of humans, wearing brown cloth robes with large patches of dirt on them, and flies buzzing around them.

Kane couldn't help frowning.

A stench of rotting blood penetrated into his nostrils.

The source is the group of humans in front of them.

The dirt on their bodies was actually blood infested on their clothes, and the black things seemed to be blood clots.

These human beings also held various ferocious weapons in their hands, which were also covered with blood.

One of the leaders raised the giant bone knife in his hand and shouted at Kane.

"Haha, a living sacrifice, fresh, people can't help trembling."

In his open mouth, his teeth are yellow, and his whole person is as ugly as a monster.

The group of people in front of them are a group of cultists, and the energy response in their bodies is not very good.

Kane waved his hand in disgust.

I saw that the leading cultist had a big hole in his mouth, and he could see the scene behind his head from his open mouth.

The gushing blood infiltrated the shape of a thorn, protruding from the ground.

It was Kane who used his primordial skills to create a thorn that stabbed the blasphemous cultist to death.

The cultist next to him rushed towards Kane frantically, waving the weapon in his hand, trying to attack.

"Needle Forest."

One after another spikes protruded from the ground, directly piercing the cultists who rushed over from the ground.

In this way, these cultists hovered in the air, and the blood holes on their bodies were still facing downwards with blood.


And those cultists who took a few steps slower, shouted in fear when they saw such a situation, and turned to run away.

"Is this scary?" Kane said lightly.

A few balls appeared beside him, and there were several gun barrels on the front of the balls.

"Da da da!"

The gun barrel spewed out in an instant, spit out blue flames, and made a sound of firing.

With the sound of gunfire, the fleeing cultists were shot in the back and fell to the ground.

A simple metal storm.

The only one who can stand in the ruins is Kane.

Kane looked at the corpse that was still pierced by transparent spikes and hovering in mid-air.

"Didn't it turn to ashes?"

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