An object above the clouds is moving fast, with a long tail of tail gas, and the sound of breaking the sky is heard at high altitudes

This object penetrates the clouds like a sharp sword, and the whole body is made of matte-like material, which still maintains a certain degree of concealment even under the dazzling light of the Golden Bridge.

And this high-speed moving object in the air is none other than Kane and the aircraft he is driving.

The shape of the aircraft is like a shuttle, it is flying fast, there is a huge nozzle at the tail, and the blue magic flame is clearly visible.

The rounded, pointed head has a pronounced sound barrier.

At this time, Kane was sitting inside the aircraft, and the marshmallow was also attached to his body. At such a fast speed, the marshmallow could not keep up.

The entire aircraft is not piloted by him, he just does extensive repairs and power. The specific operation and direction are all operated by Yoyo.

It's not that he doesn't want to operate it, but that the concept of the aircraft that Kane made was designed while sailing at sea half a month ago, and the manufacturing technology was also obtained from the finger of God.

Both ideas and technologies reveal unfamiliar and immature ideas.

There is no way to make a flying vehicle in the sky before, whether it is technology or energy supply, it is too uneconomical.

And what was obtained on the finger of God is too complicated, and Kane has not fully understood it, so it is very good to be able to create a simple type.

Kane never actually drove him, and since it was the first test flight, there was almost no functionality other than speed.

The manipulative Kane has not had time to design, but it has been taken out and used in a hurry, so it can only be operated by Yoyo, and it must be assisted by Kane.

Because the energy supply system is also a bit rough, it needs Kane's full attention, not to mention that the aircraft is not mature enough to use magic power to quickly repair some broken parts during the flight.

To be honest, if it weren't for Kane's source skills, it would be amazing if this thing could fly for 10 seconds.

At this time, Kane was still biting a bottle of blue magic potion in his mouth. Flying at such a high speed naturally took a lot of magic power. In order to maintain his state, Kane must keep the magic power at a full volume. .

He can also use the magic teardrop to directly refill his magic power regardless of the consumption of magic power.

But Kane didn't want this. The magic teardrops stored in him had to be preserved so that he could have a certain trump card against the Red King.

Flying so fast at a high altitude, of course, has the risk of exposure, but if the risk of exposure is compared with time, it is not worth mentioning.

The biggest advantage of this aircraft is his extreme flying speed, so they didn't make Kane wait long before they arrived at their destination.

Finally, Kane was able to see the city on the ground in the distance through the transparent parts at the bottom.

The aircraft also slowly stopped at a high altitude, and then slowly landed downward. On the way to landing, it directly made it all transparent.

Although it is only the aircraft that is transparent, Kane and Yoyo are not transparent, but such a high altitude, coupled with the golden light emitted by the Golden Bridge.

It is difficult to stare at the sky and see Kane and the others clearly, not to mention that this place is not within the patrol range of the Iron Wings.

As the altitude gets lower and lower, every detail of the city below can be clearly seen through the eagle eye.

The city below is the other of the Twin Star City, Kanslow Stan.

The city of Kanslowstan is identical to Zorolostan in a large-scale structure.

The city walls of the same structure and material, the interior of the city with the same structure, and even the layout of some cities are almost the same at a rough glance. The two cities are carved out of the same mold, no wonder they are called double star cities.

The only difference is that it lacks the towers used by the Iron Wings garrison in the middle of its city.

Instead, it was located inside the city wall, the military camp around the edge of the city wall. Kane couldn't understand why the military camp should be built evenly around the inside of the city wall.

Although there is information about the Crimson Legion in the hands of Knife, but compared to the Wings of Steel, the Legion is not detailed. With the military camp around the city wall, he can't tell where the Sphinx is at all?

And because the time is a bit rushed, he can't wait for the Sphinx to come out.

The simple information in hand has already explained that the Crimson Legion is a large legion composed of a large number of ordinary legions and a few special units.

If the Iron Wings led by Alfs were a top troop similar to the Knights of the Guards.

The Crimson Legion is the collective name of the rest of the troops, and the army under the Red King is collectively called the Crimson Legion.

These are only part of the city in front of them, and there are more to maintain the order and security of the territory in all parts of the territory, and to defend against foreign enemies in those other territories.

Especially those places near other kings were heavily guarded.

These soldiers can be called members of the Crimson Legion.

There is also the simple information of Sphinx. Although this person is also called the right-hand man of the Red King, his personal strength is weaker than that of Yafus.

He is famous for his leadership skills and his fighting skills.

So if Kane is going to kill him, he may spend a lot more energy than Aphos.

But this is also the problem. Sphink spends most of his time in the barracks busy with his official business, and rarely sees him anywhere else.

Not to mention seeing him appear alone outside, which means that if Kane wants to kill him, he must be killed quickly under the pressure of those soldiers.

This has to be Kane, who has accurately found the location of Sphinx.

Of course, you can also wait for a good time to appear, but time waits for no one. The longer you wait, the easier it is to expose what Yaves has been killed.

Although Kane has cleaned up the battlefield where he and the Red Eagle fought, and put the wreckage of the Red Eagle into the guild warehouse.

But Yafus's death will definitely be exposed, it's just a matter of time. Once his death is exposed, the Red King will definitely be disturbed, and it will not be so easy to kill him at that time.

After all, killing the Red King is the most important goal of Kane's trip. If the Red King is disturbed, then Kane's killing Yafus will have no effect for the key in his hand.

This situation can only be a fight.

Kane began to condense a lot of magic power in his hands, and one after another reconnaissance semicircle marbles were made by Kane.

It was made into reality at the same time, and then let Yoyo connect to the barracks below.

In this way, the magic power in Kane's body was quickly consumed, and Kane took out a few bottles of blue magic recovery potion and poured it directly into his mouth.

Fortunately, the consumption of magic power this time is not a one-time large consumption, but a long stream of water.

Let the pressure of Kane's magic power not be so great.

"Yuyou, control these scouts and let them turn off the camera directly, turn on the sound reception to the maximum, and lock the name of Sphink."

"Okay, master."

After finishing, Yoyo's eyes flashed red, which meant that he had entered the full power-on mode.

Kane didn't have the specific appearance of Sphink in his hands, so he could only identify his position by his name. It was impossible for so many soldiers not to talk about their generals.

As for whether the scout bug will be discovered, Kane doesn't care anymore, because if he wants to kill Sphinx, he will definitely expose himself.

As the scouts fell one by one, Yoyo received more and more voices, and at first he would even spend a lot of time understanding and searching for different answers.

He began to quickly analyze from these voices, processing and locking the name of Sphinx.

With the increasing number of scouting insects, the coverage of scouting is also getting wider and wider.

In just ten minutes, Yoyo locked the location of Sphinx.

"Master, the target has been found through the reconnaissance bug."

After speaking, Yoyo directly projected the model of the city, and marked the location of Sphinx with a red dot.

Kane quickly compared the city model to the city below.

In an instant, the building where Sphink was located was locked.

"Good guy, it's really hidden."

Looking at the building where the Sphinx was, Kane couldn't help but spit out.

Since many of the buildings in the city are identical in one area, it's easy to get confused by looking at them.

In the circle of military camps within the city wall, the low-rise buildings used by all the soldiers' buildings are almost the same.

The Sphinx is close to one of them, and the one in the corner of the city wall at the bottom left is no different from other buildings. Even the flags and items outside the house are exactly the same.

No one would have imagined that the Marshal of the Red King's army would be in this position.

Kane's eagle eyes were turned on to the maximum power, and the building was completely locked. He also successfully detected the energy reaction inside through the stone wall outside.

There are a total of 4 energy reactions in it, one of which is the strongest and reaches the peak of silver, but it is still one section worse than Yafus or Heidilin.

It is roughly 80% silver, which is similar to the energy in Kane's body now.

Don't think about it, he must be Kane's target, the Marshal of the Crimson Legion Sphinx.

There are also many soldiers coming and going in the buildings around him. The strength of these soldiers has reached the silver level, and they are purely a coalition formed by a small team.

This point reveals the difference in this position.

So the question now is how to kill the Sphinx from so many soldiers, and then leave calmly.

First of all, the strength of Sphinx must be weaker than that of Fuss. From the clear report given by Heidilin, it can be seen that there are not many people who have played against Sphinx.

Even Heidilin had played against Sphinx in the past. He was an ordinary strong man, not a top player, and he had already reached his end, with no potential to improve.

If Kane uses Reverse, it can also be solved with a single blow, so that Kane can answer the purpose of a quick solution.

Now that it has been decided, how to capture the enemy and get what they want, the action is about to begin.

Then there is no other way, just make a quick decision and rush down directly.

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