The magic power began to surge around Kane, and the layers of mechanical structures on his body began to fit into each other and extend outward.

However, the mecha made by Kane this time is much smaller than before, only about three and a half meters, and it is not as good as Lombe's Titan form.

The height of 3.5 meters is because this mecha has no leg structure at all. The lower body is a huge spout from the waist, and the back waist is also a spout.

This is a machine built entirely for speed, designed to allow Kane to face certain situations that require a quick fix.

Possessing such original skills, coupled with mechanical knowledge, can overcome almost most of the difficulties.

The body shape of this body also looks very slender and thin. The humanoid arms are a bit too long. According to visual inspection, the arms are already three meters in length. The palms connected to the arms are also abnormally huge. The head of the armor.

This is a pair of orangutan arms.

And although this machine Kane was not designed for actual combat, he still gave him a suitable name, Raider.

Kane's driver's seat is on the torso, while the mecha's head is the Yoyo seat.

Kane's finished body generally has a long position, there is no way, this kind of intelligent assistant robot is really easy to use.

And Yoyo also likes this job very much.

Especially a large number of weapon aiming and calculations, if you let Yunyou control it, it will be more efficient than Kane's own control.

At this time, the entire body is still in a transparent and invisible state.

Kane said to Youyou: "Calculate the distance between the two sides, directly control the long-range weapons on the body after landing, and attack all the enemies that are approaching. I will deal with the Sphinx."

"Okay, master."

With Yoyo's answer, magic power poured into the mecha from Kane's body, and spread to the entire body through the energy circuit.

Then all the vents on the body spurted out a huge amount of blue flames, and the body reached the speed of sound in an instant.

A huge cracking sound resounded from the sky.

Such a rapid impact made Kane in the body a little uncomfortable, but it did not affect his precise control of the raider.

The body fell from the sky like a meteor in an instant, and his target was the building where Sphink was.

The huge sound of breaking the air made the soldiers on the ground couldn't help but look up, but before they could see what it was.


The loud noise of the collision came from the side, the house used by their marshal had been smashed, and a lot of smoke and dust floated in the air.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Quick, quick, sound the alarm, there is an intruder."

"Come with me to protect the marshal!"

The surrounding soldiers saw such a scene and acted quickly. The scene was chaotic, but they were still orderly.

It can be seen that they are an elite unit.

And Kane had already smashed into the house, and his goal was halfway reached in an instant.

The sound of the siren outside has resounded throughout the city, which is also a reminder to Kane that he needs to fight quickly.

The muzzles and barrels of the weapons on the raider opened fire the moment they smashed into the house.

The other three energy groups in this house were directly locked, and they were hit by various shells and bullets before they even had time to react.

The sound of explosions came from them, and the bullets that hit them were all armor-piercing types.

They were reporting the situation in this room, and they were not fully armed at all.

Under such an attack, they simply could not hold on.

However, Kane didn't care about them at all. The moment he landed, he faced Sphink, and the goal of his trip was completely subverted.

The raider's orangutan arm had a red magic brilliance, and with one punch, the Sphinx fell to the ground, and the shot was a full blow.

Show no mercy.

The sound of broken bones was unusually harsh.

There was no time to react at all, and Sphink was directly smashed to the ground by this blow, and his current state is almost the same if he didn't die.

Kane escaped directly from the cockpit, and the raider also crawled directly on the ground. The barrel of the weapon on his body was completely ejected and turned into a fort.

The firepower was full of fire at the surrounding enemies, and the sound of explosions and screams sounded all around.

This process has not taken 10 seconds in total.

Kane quickly came to Sphink's side, and in his arm was the rune key he got from Yavs.

Looking at the semi-circular key is glowing slightly, indicating that there must be another half around.

Fumbling directly on Sphinx, such an important thing, Sphinx can't be placed in other places, and must be kept close to him.

Fortunately, Sphinx didn't do anything unexpected in this regard, and the key was indeed in his arms.

This also made Kane breathe a sigh of relief, and took out the key directly and put it together with the other half in his hand.

The two semi-circles were put together, quickly fused, and immediately showed a complete appearance.

【Key Rune of the Crimson Palace】


【Color: Silver】

[Attribute: Extremely strong]

[Description: The rune key needed to open the gate of the crimson palace is made by the rules of creation and has indestructible rules. 】

[Introduction: The key created by the Red King Gelf was handed over to his most trusted subordinate, Yafus, for use in emergencies, allowing Yafus to open the gate of the palace and talk to him directly. 】

It is the mark of genuine without that half.


Hearing Kane's cry, Yoyo flew out of the raider's head directly.

At the moment he flew out, the raider rushed out directly, with a strange red light flashing on his body.

A new raider quickly reappeared on Kane, and Yoyo flew directly into his head.

"Da da da!"

A shuttle of bullets hit the ground Sphinx, and he passed out. The dying Sphinx lost his life directly under the attack of the bullet.

Don't forget to make up before leaving.

After doing all this, another raider driven by Kane, the nozzle of the lower body spewed flames again, and the raider flew into the sky again like a sharp arrow.


There was a violent explosion on the ground, which was the self-devotion of the new raider on the previous unit.

And the transparent magic stone on Kane's chest was finally filled with silver magic.

The raider flew high into the sky and turned into an aircraft, carrying Kane towards the location of the Crimson Palace.

Now is the last and most important goal.

Kane looked at the silver magic stone in his arms. The income from abnormal dungeons is really too low. Without the blessing of the fog rules, the energy that can be absorbed by killing life is indeed too rare.

He killed Aves, Sphink, and a lot of silver soldiers in total, and he finally sucked up a silver magic stone.

If it was a normal dungeon, the magic materials that Aves and Sphink exploded would be enough to charge a magic stone. Not to mention the other equipment they exploded, there must be one or two top-quality items.

This also confirms that if you help Misty, Misty will definitely not treat you badly.

It's a family after all.

Now, Kane is going to the Crimson Palace.

Slowing down the speed of the aircraft a little, Kane poured a bottle of magic recovery potion and a bottle of yellow stamina potion in the cockpit of the aircraft and rested.

He must deal with the Red King in a perfect state, which is definitely a formidable opponent, and he can't have any luck and relax.

You need to use your full strength to deal with it.

Readjust your skill set and make sure some life-saving things are okay.

The Red King's palace is located in the interior of the double star city. Even if Kane slowed down the speed of the aircraft, it only took half a day to reach the destination.

In the transparent cabin of the aircraft, Kane had already seen where the palace was from a distance.

First of all, you can see how special this place is from the surrounding landforms.

There are no traces of nature at all here. Huge blocks of mud composed of huge square rectangles, diamond-shaped squares, and triangular-shaped squares appear around.

There are still vegetation and trees on the surface of these soil blocks, and the maple trees above are even down, with red maple leaves falling.

There are even peaks with several weird blocks stacked on top of each other.

Various trees and plants are randomly spliced, and stones composed of multi-faceted diamonds are randomly spread around.

What kind of landscape boundary is this, it is completely like an exhibition hall of modern art objects.

The most striking of these is the center of these eerie natural landscapes.

Kane originally thought that the Red King was a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. After all, whether it was the road plants in the territory or the architectural style of the double-star city, they were all square and orderly.

However, these weird peaks here, except for the slightly regular shape, the area where the stacking positions are located seems to be discarded at random, which is very scattered.

And the crimson palace of the red king in the middle is even more so.

Viewed from the altitude where the aircraft is located.

Various polyhedrons are stacked at random. The cube is a small triangle, and the tip of the triangle is a huge cuboid, and there are rhombus lying around.

Such block buildings can be found everywhere, and they are randomly stacked into a huge building.

And these squares are all crimson appearances, no wonder they call him the Red King.

I don't know if it's because of the autumn, even the surrounding trees are red maples, and the red maples in one place have fallen leaves.

Kane seems to have entered a natural red world.

As it got closer, the crimson palace showed more and more scenery, and the palace was much bigger than Kane thought.

This is quite a gigantic building, a huge fortress.

Looking closer, the palace is not so messy. The seemingly weird stacks of various squares, standing in front of him and watching his whole, have a strange beauty.

The overall building is biased towards a rhombus-shaped cone standing on the ground, with the bottom invisible from the sky.

Only by standing on the ground and looking at it, can you see that it was originally a small cone supporting it.

The building blocks that make up the crimson palace are still squirming and splicing at will, as if the entire palace is like a living creature.

Kane came to the front of the building, and his head was no longer illuminated by the golden light, because the sky above was the middle part of the palace, which had already covered the sky for him.

Kane slowly took out the circular rune key in his hand from the space equipment, holding it up in both hands.

The rune key also detected the current position, emitting a strong red light, and wanted these lights to converge into a beam and project it directly in front of Kane.

The square in front of it began to expand outward, and as soon as it could be roughly seen that an oval-shaped gap appeared.

It looks like this is the entrance.

The magic power poured out, and Kane's body was covered with a thick layer of exoskeleton, making his entire body more than two meters tall.

At this time, Kane slowly walked into the gap with the rune key.

It didn't matter whether the Red King knew that he was here.

No matter how you want to kill the Red King, you must enter this palace.

As Kane entered, the block in the gap quickly returned to its place and closed the door.

As if there was never a gap here.

The whole palace seems to be a whole without an entrance.

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