Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 557 Three Authority - Perfect Resurrection

In the ruins of the Valdry family, Kane and the others have obtained the most important information they need from the mouth of the giant tree elder.

However, they did not leave at this time, but continued to stay in the center of the ruins.

Because now there is another thing besides the information they need.

"Come to Warface and enter the center of the mother tree."

The elder of the giant tree said, and brought Warfas and Kane into the center of the unusually huge tree in front of him.

Since the mother tree has died, the whole tree has become a dead wood, so there is a huge crack in the center.

Follow this crack into the center.

As you go inside, you can feel a breath of vitality coming.

A little green light came out from the gap.

Kane and the others followed the gap to the spot where the green awns emanated, and what they saw was a green seed that had already sprouted.

This sprouted seed is not an ordinary seed from the appearance, and its size is larger than Kane's entire body.

It is conceivable how huge the size will be when this seed really grows.

Although the seed looks a little weary, the vitality on his body does not deceive people, this seed is still alive.

Since he grew up here and was said to be the hope of the Valdry family by the elders of the giant tree, it is self-evident.

If this kind of seed is not unexpected, it must be the seed of the mother tree.

"This seed is our last hope, the last seed of hope left by the mother tree."


Warfas heard the words of the giant tree elder and walked over, and gently covered the seeds with his hands, feeling the rhythm of life brought by this last hope.

Not only the rhythm of life, but also the hope of life.

Then he gently picked it up with both hands, his movements were unusually gentle, for fear of disturbing the seed in front of him.

"The maintenance of the mother tree has very important and demanding requirements. Originally, I had no hope. Because the world is about to be destroyed, the whole world is in decline, there is no energy to supply, and I can't leave this area."

"Your presence has given me a glimmer of hope."

"When I knew that you were going to kill Jinqiao and save the world. Then the hope is even greater. As long as the world can recover, the mother tree will surely grow back."

The giant tree elder said happily.

For thousands of years, he has never been so happy as he is today, and all his suffering seems to have come to an end.

Hope seems to grow from here.

The bloody revenge will be avenged, the culprit will be destroyed, and the race will continue to gain hope.

Each of these events is more exciting than the last.

"Come to Warface and listen to me carefully."

Then, the elder of the giant tree began to tell about the maintenance and growth of this seed and all the needs after that.

A lot of various needs and problems were stuffed into Warface's mind, but for the continuation of the race, he had to write it down.

"You're a spirit body now, why are you so anxious? Will there be time in the future?" Li Lulu asked beside her, puzzled.

Hearing Li Lulu's words, the giant tree elder smiled and said: "Little girl, I have no time, the reason why I still maintain the spirit body is entirely because this seed is still here.

Now she needs to be picked up and taken out, and I'm about to leave, and I can't stay here any longer, draining the energy of the seeds. "

"Really?" Li Lulu tilted her head and carefully looked at the spiritual body of the giant tree elder in front of her.

"A very fragile soul, relying on energy and will to persevere, it's really hard."

Li Lulu said while observing the spirit body of the giant tree elder in front of her.

The giant tree elder was also surprised by the natural darling in front of him, and he could see his current state at a glance.

"Then let Li Lulu help you." A faint green gem floated beside Li Lulu.

It was the Soul Stone that Lilulu obtained from the Grey King.

Since Lilulu obtained this gem, Kane and the others have not seen the use of the gem's authority, and they don't know what effect this thing can do.

Then the Soul Stone glowed, indicating that Li Lulu was using the power on this platinum scepter shard.

A faint green light shone on the body of the giant tree elder.

Afterwards, the spiritual body, which was like a transparent holographic three-dimensional image, turned into the state of Claire's soul under the authority of Yunyou's soul.

The giant tree elder looked at the changes on his body, stretched out his palm woven from trees and rattan, carefully looked at it and held it.

"My soul body has recovered, as if I had just died."

Hearing the words of the giant tree elder, Claire also observed carefully: "Is it a soul body that just died? I'll try it too."

The behavior of Lilulu's use of authority just now also brought inspiration to Claire, and he is also ready to use the power of death's authority to reverse life and death.

Saying that, a black gem floated beside Claire.

Fragment of the platinum scepter with the power of death, obtained from the Black King.

The black gem radiated black light, igniting the black and white flames that belonged to Claire, and these flames were passed down the air to the soul body of the giant tree elder.

The giant tree elder, who had not yet reacted from the changing state of the soul body, was wrapped in black and white flames again, and was slightly panicked.

However, these black and white flames did not cause damage to his soul, but were transforming something.

As the flames went out, the soul of the giant tree elder did not see any change.

But it feels different.

Kane looked at the soul of the giant tree elder, frowned and thought carefully. He wanted to organize the language to express the changes in front of him.

Live, yes, live.

The former soul was a dead soul, and the present soul is like a living soul.

Similar to the ghost that becomes after the body dies, and the soul that comes out of the body because of skills or some kind of ability. The two appear to be the same, but are fundamentally different.

Look at the current situation.

Claire and Lilulu both turned their heads and looked at Lombe, who had a curious expression as if he was looking at something new.

Longbei felt that someone was looking at him, and turned to look at the two of them, with confusion in his eyes: "What are you looking at me for?"

In addition to confusion, his expression also revealed doubts and confusion.

Kane now almost understands the thoughts of the two Claires: "The legendary King of Platinum can resurrect the dead and subside suffering."

This is an excerpt from the epic poem of the Platinum King.

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe stared at him with bewildered eyes, as if he hadn't reacted.

Feeling everyone's gazes towards him, Lombe finally reacted. Knowing what the two of them were doing just now, he patted his head suddenly.

"So that's the case, why don't you say anything? Can you just say it? Really."

Lombe was chattering and whining. I am very dissatisfied with the behavior of Claire and Li Lulu and everyone's riddles.

Then a white gem floated around him.

Recently, in order to restore the bodies of those deformed deformers in the White King's territory, he has become more proficient in the authority of the white gem.

The white gemstone shines brightly.

The white mist light passed from the gemstone, exuding a strong vitality and poured into the soul of the giant tree elder.

With the influx of fog, the soul of the giant tree elder gradually solidified, as if from the soul body to the reality.

The gray-white soul body gradually became colored, the brown tree body was covered with dark green moss, and the emerald green rattan was wrapped around his body.

There are wild flowers of various colors blooming on the rattan, and the branches and leaves on his body glow with a green luster, and his body is revived with vitality.

Except for Kane and a few others, Moy and Warfas stared blankly at this scene.

The giant tree elder was also there, standing blankly on the spot, watching his body silently.

Kane watched this scene and had a clearer understanding of authority.

The cooperation of the three authorities realizes the words of resurrection life to eliminate suffering in the hymn of King Platinum.

And it can be seen that the effect of this resurrection is extremely exaggerated.

But this scene also reminded Kai of something, he narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Such a resurrection effect has exceeded sixty to seventy percent of the effect of the resurrection props on the market.

Most of the resurrection props used by explorers cannot achieve such an effect. Of course, there are some resurrection props whose effects are even more exaggerated.

But the same is also accompanied by an extremely outrageous price and a rare rarity that is rarely seen in a hundred years.

Claire, Lilulu, and Longbe used their respective powers to achieve a true resurrection of the giant tree elder.

Although such a resurrection can only affect the original life in this dungeon.

Now the three of them also looked at the gems beside them, and seemed to have a deeper understanding.

"It's really... a miracle."

The giant tree elder doesn't know what to say now, and he doesn't know how to use words to describe what he is experiencing now. Only a miracle can express it.

"Hee hee, don't you need to worry now?" Li Lulu said with a smile beside her.

Facing Li Lulu's words, the elder Jumu smiled and said, "Yeah, don't worry now."

Warface next to him is also very happy, he now has a new kin.

Finally no longer alone, and there is a new hope to save the race.

【Link with Warfaus】

The news of the bond link appeared in front of Kane.

Kane just smiled.

He looked at the resurrected giant tree elder: "So elder, what are you going to do now?"

The elder of the giant tree looked at Kane in front of him. When he communicated with Warfas to learn about the outside world, he already knew the identities of the group of people in front of him, and Kane was their leader.

He took a few steps forward and came to Kane, with a huge wooden staff wrapped around dead wood in his hand.

He was holding a wooden staff in one hand, and his legs, which were wrapped by vertical vines, were like kneeling on one knee, and they were a little shorter in front of Kane.

"I will be loyal to you, Your Majesty, and dedicate my loyalty to you. I only ask that you help us restore the mother tree and revive the tribe."

Kane looked at the giant tree elder in front of him and was a little surprised by his sudden behavior, but nodded and said, "Of course, I promise."

Hearing Kane's words, the giant tree elder stood up, then came to Warfas, and took over the seeds of the mother tree with both hands.

Then a crack opened slowly in the huge body, and the seeds floated in towards his body and hid in his body.

"The last hope needs to be carefully preserved."

The elder Jumu said with a smile, and he even made a joke when he was in a good mood.

Then he came to Kane and said, "Let's go, Your Majesty, I will protect you at any time."

The purpose of coming to this ruins has been completed, and even more harvested than the purpose, now it is time to leave.

Everyone went back the same way and left the ruins.

With another wave of water ripples, several people appeared in the outside world, and there was a huge tree man when they came and left.

Looking at the forest behind, the giant tree elder waved his cane.

Kane could feel that the woods were more hidden.

Now, in order to be safe, it's time to go to the ruins of the Moon Child.

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