The golden light shot straight down from the sky and shone on the earth.

A towering mountain range stretches all the way from the horizon.

The entire mountain range is composed of uneven peaks. In the second half of the mountain range, there is a towering giant peak that ranks in the entire mountain range.

At this moment, on the golden ground, a huge, truck-like vehicle was galloping at a speed that did not fit his size.

Like an angry giant bull, roaring furiously.

The huge front and carriage are composed of 12 wheels at the bottom of the entire vehicle, and you can see that each tire is composed of two tires.

Obviously such a huge vehicle is driving on the ground, but it is unusually quiet, and the entire body has a hazy feeling that seems like a psychedelic.

Under the golden light, it appears and disappears like an illusion.

Came all the way, but did not disturb any creature, which was extremely inconsistent with its size.

The huge vehicle stopped at the foot of the mountain.

As the vehicle stopped, the entrance to the compartment behind the vehicle opened to both sides, and the first thing that came out was a tall Waldley like a big tree.

With a large wooden stick, he slowly moved down the slope extending from the bottom of the vehicle.

With his appearance, Kane and the others also got out of the vehicle with Moy and Warfax.

The reason why they constructed such a large vehicle is because the size of the giant wood elder is really too big.

In order to quickly reach the ruins where the destination is located, a large RV was directly constructed, with the blessing of magic, no matter how large the body is, it can fly on the land.

This can also be regarded as the advantage of magic technology.

Not to mention that in this dungeon, Kane's manufacturing consumption has reached the lowest level, and the consumption of this thing is now negligible for Kane.

In this dungeon, he can even take down the magic reserve, a standing skill, which is rarely used in dragon form.

However, it should not be overly reliant. After all, the reason why the source skills are as powerful as they are now is entirely because the authority in their hands is too suitable.

And the strengthening effect of this thing can only take effect in this dungeon.

You can't develop dependence and habits. Once you go out to fight, if you develop bad habits in this dungeon, your strength will decline and you will not be able to adapt.

Therefore, Kane tries to maintain the original attack strength as much as possible in battle, but in normal life, that is to try to use the enhanced ability as much as possible.

In this way, we can try our best to understand and learn the rules.

However, without reaching the gold, the understanding of the rules has no clue at all.

It's like a person without any mathematical foundation, looking at a mathematical problem, even if he sees it through, he can't understand or solve it no matter how many times he rewrites it.

In Burton's words, neither the physical quality nor the structure of the brain is enough to support the understanding of the rules.

Only when you reach the gold level can you be regarded as opening your eyes to see the world, and you can be regarded as academically successful.

The best thing to do now is to experience the rules, and let the body produce a memory. Until it reaches gold, such memory can help individuals master the rules more quickly.

Therefore, whether it is Kane or Claire, they are now in a state of coincidence.

Not deliberately to learn, but to deliberately use.

As everyone left the vehicle, Kane waved his hand and scattered the huge vehicle.

The giant wooden elder who got out of the car and shone into the light of the Golden Bridge had a look of disgust, and the wooden staff in his hand emitted a faint emerald green light.

A layer of magic shield that wraps it around.

The only function of this layer of magic shield is to cut off the sunlight outside, and it acts like a parasol.

Then the giant tree elder turned his head to look at the crowd and asked, "Do you need it?"

Claire and the others all shook their heads. They didn't have any hatred with Jinqiao in essence, so it wasn't to this extent.

Kane looked up at the towering mountains that stretched across the sky not far away.

This mountain range is also the only mountain range on this continent. The place where Longbei appeared before is also in this mountain range, but only the first half.

Although they are in the same mountain range, the distance between the two is very different.

Because of the length of this mountain range, it connects almost 1/3 of the continent and is a veritable continental barrier.

In the past, this mountain range blocked the cold current and sea breeze on the other side, but now, it has no such effect.

Since the Golden Bridge reigns in this world, there are not too many concepts of four seasons.

In order to maintain the basic operation of the world, most of the seasons are in the spring and autumn, and the creatures in this world may not even see snow for thousands of years, let alone experience the hot summer.

Now that the world is broken, it is difficult to maintain even the seasons of spring and autumn, and the whole world has fallen into a kind of silence.

Kane glanced at the map Hedilin gave him: "The ruins of the Moon Child are in the center of the mountain range, which is the highest mountain range."

He pointed to the highest mountain in the mountain range in front of him. According to the map, the ruins of the Moon Child were there.

They had to climb over a few hills to reach the base of that hill.

"Okay, everyone, let's do it."

After speaking, the crowd climbed towards the mountain in front of them.

The easiest of them may be Moyi, she directly turned into the original form of the Moon Child and the whole person directly floated up and suspended on the ground.

Said to be climbing a mountain, but the whole person actually floated up with the soles of his feet against the upward rocks, which was extremely relaxed.

Even the way the giant tree elder climbed the mountain was fast and steady.

The tree roots that were shaped like feet were scattered and turned into a patch of tree roots rooting on the ground.

The roots are intertwined, rooted on the ground, wriggling steadily.

And the most difficult thing, don't think about it, is Claire, whose body structure makes it extremely difficult for her to climb when faced with this kind of geographical environment.

It takes several times the physical strength of others to be able to move forward steadily, at least not to the extent that it is impossible to move an inch.

But after walking for a while, no one walks on both feet anymore, because Kane wants to be lazy, so all the marshmallows are on the load.

The current cotton candy, even if Kane and the elders of the giant tree are loaded, there is no problem.

And it can carry them stably and fly far away, but it can't reach the highest height.

Kane patted the soft clouds under him: "Thank you for your hard work, Marshmallow."

"Serge!" Marshmallow said, meaning petty, and he was light on the weight.

Kane and the others haven't let the marshmallows carry them for a long time, and they didn't expect to have grown to such a point now.

In this way, everyone easily passed through the two hills blocking the road in front, and arrived at the destination they needed to reach very easily.

"Let me show His Majesty the way here." Moy said to Kane and the others, looking at the majestic mountains in front of him.

For Moy's request, Kane nodded and agreed.

After all, it is the relic of the Moon Child, and Kane and the others don't know where the relic is.

Moy didn't take Kane and the others to climb the mountain, but he still circled around, all the way to the back of the mountain.

After a long journey, they finally reached their destination.

Since the area where the Golden Bridge is located is just blocked by the front of the mountain, the backside is not illuminated by the light of the Golden Bridge, which blocks all the golden light.

Although the Golden Bridge does not move like the sun, it is huge and spans the entire sky.

Looking at the sky, the Golden Bridge spans almost from the center of the sky, which can reach 80 to 90% of the sun's daily exposure range.

Most of the remaining places that cannot be illuminated by the light are because there are too many occlusions. There is no way, unless it is deliberate, it will not be illuminated.

And this mountain is not so much a natural formation, it is better to say that it was modified by the child of the moon.

This modification resulted in almost no golden light of the Golden Bridge on the back of the entire mountain, making it completely dark.

And here is the entrance where Moy led Kane and the others in.

From here, many man-made traces can be seen, a sloping path spreads into the mountains, and there are huge braziers built and polished with boulders on both sides.

Such huge braziers exist everywhere on the back. Not only on both sides of the road, there are such braziers on some mountainsides.

This kind of building is generally used in the snow-capped mountain area, indicating that this area should be a snow-capped mountain before Jinqiao has completely ruled the world.

Following the path on the slope, everyone went all the way down to the mountain between the two high mountains.

Then Moy stopped at an extremely ordinary place at the foot of the mountain, and in front of him was a mountain wall that was indistinguishable from the surrounding area.

Kane couldn't see any problems even with his eagle eyes. With the perception range of Shenwu Vision, he could only find out that there was an empty but abnormal blur in the surrounding area.

If Kane hadn't deliberately used Shenwu Vision to explore this area and scan back and forth, he would have been completely deceived by this vagueness.

Moy came to the mountain wall, surrounded by the silver-gray beside him, and the magic energy floated on the mountain wall in front of her with the dancing in her hands.

The silver-gray light radiated out, and the magic light lit up the lines on the mountain wall.

These lines form a pattern, and in the middle of the pattern is an unusually conspicuous meniscus.

With the sound of vibration, the ground began to shake slightly. On the mountain wall where the pattern was drawn, the pattern formed by the magic lines gradually disappeared, and then the entire mountain wall returned to the normal scenery just now.

At this time, Moy stretched out his hand, and the whole hand penetrated directly from the mountain wall with the pattern just now. This mountain wall has disappeared, maintaining a phantom that merely deceives vision.

"Your Majesty, the passage has appeared, come in with me." Moy said and entered the stone wall.

Kane followed closely behind.

When Kane completely crossed the mountain wall and entered the space inside the mountain wall, the scenery in front of him made him unable to stand and watch.

The space here is extremely huge, as if the center of the entire mountain has been hollowed out. Above the entire space is a night-like scene.

A little bit of starlight, sometimes dim. A crescent moon hangs in the sky, providing a cool light for the entire space.

The outside world is always bright, and the children of the moon have personally created a false night sky in this space, and an illusory crescent moon to comfort their blood.

Such a scene did give Kane and the others a lot of shock.

Then the whole space is a variety of stone buildings, the appearance of the building is very fine, and the decorative carvings are displayed on it.

But looking around, except for a few buildings, most of the buildings have already collapsed and destroyed.

More are ruins that have been shattered into rubble, and some of the damage ranges from small to large.

Only a few far away are still in good shape, and they are all ordinary buildings.

With such a scene, even Moy was a little shocked, and stayed where he was.

This place was not discovered by the Son of the Moon, but the ruins that Heidilin found from her brother's notes.

Knowing that it was related to the Son of the Moon, he sent Moy to follow them.

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