"Coronation ceremony?"

Kane looked at Sophia in front of him and asked suspiciously.

Sofina nodded, then reached out and plucked out her ear, and a small golden flying insect flew out.

Looking at the little flying insect in her hand, a layer of transparent crystal appeared in Sofina's hand, and she held the little flying insect in her hand.

After completing this series of actions, Sofina turned her head and continued: "Yes, Your Majesty, for the coronation ceremony of becoming the King of Platinum, the Golden Bridge will throw down the bridge to greet His Majesty. Only in this way can His Majesty be able to hurt him. Golden Bridge."

Hearing Sofina's words, a pale pink spell appeared in Heidilin's hand.

Kane reached out his hand to stop her behavior, squinting slightly at Sophia in front of her, she still had that expressionless and indifferent face.

"You knew already?"

"Guess what, Your Majesty."

"Then your guess is quite accurate." Kane said with a smile.

Then he looked at Sophia and said, "Since you dare to say it now, then you must have your own ideas, let's talk."

Sofina nodded: "If Your Majesty wants to destroy the Golden Bridge, the coronation ceremony is a must, otherwise the Pope will not believe you and will not call for the Golden Bridge to appear."

Kane entered the previous state of God and Man, and has already noticed the secret location hidden by the so-called Golden Bridge Church.

The only thing not found is the so-called core of the Golden Bridge, which may be hidden by the previous seal.

If you want to achieve the final goal and find the core of the Golden Bridge, it seems that you have to cooperate with the Pope.

"Okay, then you can start arranging. I hope you don't disappoint me."

Sophia nodded.


Two days later.

At the center of the map, the central location surrounded by the realm of the kings.

The former Platinum Palace is located here.

Kane followed Sofina's guidance and came here.

Looking at the large ruins in front of you, you can see that it used to be an extremely huge building complex.

From the details of some buildings that have not completely collapsed, we can see how grand and gigantic this palace used to be and how meticulously it was built.

But it has long since turned into a wasteland.

"Your Majesty, this used to be the Platinum Palace"

Claire and the others, who came with Kane, have already started to wander around the ruins.

Listening to Sofina's words in front of him, Kane took another look at this large piece of ruins.

Some helplessly said: "Do I have to be crowned on this piece of ruins? Can't Zororo Stan do it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Sofina nodded: "The coronation ceremony must be performed in this place."

As he spoke, he caught the little golden flying insect in his ear and framed it.

It is said that this thing is used to communicate with the church and has a certain role of monitoring and monitoring.

"This Platinum Palace was once the coronation place of the King of Platinum. When the Golden Bridge was first sealed, it was also in this area. The sealed Golden Bridge can only be here if he wants to cast his guidance."

Hearing Sofina's words, Kane could only nod helplessly.

Since the sealed Golden Bridge can only move in a limited manner in this area, there is really no way.

"Shouldn't the Platinum Palace be the residence of the King of Platinum? How could it be destroyed like this, and the kings did not repair it?" Looking at the ruins in front of him, Kane said helplessly.

Heidilin on the other side said: "It is said that it was the result of my brother's rebellion and the battle with the King of Platinum and the Golden Bridge. The kings later grabbed a piece of debris and left, so this place has been abandoned. No one dares to come and occupy this place, after all, the kings have always been alive, although they didn't say anything, they all divided this area into their own territory very tacitly."

Hearing Heidilin's words, Kane turned his head to look at her: "Do I have to be crowned in front of everyone?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Seeing Kane's reluctance, Heidilin continued to tell Kane what was the benefit of such a coronation ceremony.

"Your Majesty, all the remaining intelligent beings don't have a pillar in their hearts. At this time, you are crowned King of Platinum, which can greatly awaken their vitality."

"And, many people's understanding of the King of Platinum is still on this continent, and there are legends about the King of Platinum everywhere."

"Although everyone hates, and even hates, the Hundred Years' War caused by the kings, they are also curious about the throne of the Platinum King that the kings are fighting for."

"You defeated the kings, saved them from suffering and ended hundreds of years of war, and successfully crowned the King of Platinum. Such an epic can greatly inspire them and make them identify with you."

"and also……"

Seeing that Heidilin wanted to continue speaking, Kane quickly interrupted with a wave of his hand: "It's alright, alright, I understand."

At this time, Claire came over and looked at the smiling expressions on their faces.

"What do you want?" Kane asked cautiously.

Claire didn't speak, but stretched out her hand to take Kane's arm and leaned against him.

Li Lulu also flew over Kane's shoulder on the other side, massaging him with both hands.

Lombe also hurriedly took out a chair from his space equipment and put it aside, let Kane sit down, and then knocked Kane's leg.

4 blue magic palms floated in front of Kane with various drinks for him to drink.

Looking at the behavior of everyone, Kane immediately broke free and jumped up.

There are big problems.

There is a big conspiracy.

"Come on, what do you want to do?" Kane looked at the people in front of him vigilantly.

These people must have just discussed something next to them.

Claire slowly reached out and took out a space pocket from the void, and then handed it to Kane.

Kane looked at the space pocket handed over, caught it, and found that this thing looked familiar.

Open it up and take a look.


At this time, Claire's voice came: "As the King of Platinum, you can't be crowned on this ruins, can you?"

"That's right! Brother, this ruin is too bad for your face. It must be repaired again."

"Mmmm! Li Lulu feels the same way."

Kane, who had already seen what was in the space pocket, fully understood the thoughts of the people in front of him.

That pocket of space was nothing but a parting gift from Ekron once to them.

There are various materials inside, many of which are unique to some dungeons.

These materials were not for anything else, but for building the palace of Akron that had been experienced by Kane and the others once.

The various facilities and comfort levels of the palace are still in their minds, making them linger.

And there is also a guide booklet for the construction, from the appearance to the internal structure, everything, marked in great detail.

At this time, it is self-evident to hand this thing to Kane. It is to hope that Kane can build the location of this platinum palace into a building similar to the palace of Akron where they once lived.

It takes a lot of effort and energy to build this thing.

Although Kane can use authority and his own origin skills to assist in the construction, it is necessary to know that the use of authority can only be used for things native to the dungeon.

Many of these materials are not applicable. Kane can only use his authority to construct a large frame, and then various functions, rooms and facilities need to be built and filled by himself.

Although it still has its own source skills to assist, it still takes a lot of time.

But the timing of Claire's proposal was really good. Kane didn't think of it before, but now that such a choice has been placed in front of him, it is difficult for Kane not to choose.

Looking at the few in front of him, he stared at his teammates with wide eyes.

Kane laughed, clenched his fists and stretched out his hand: "Fuck you guys, go ahead!"

"Oh oh oh!" Several people also cheered.

Only Sophia and Heidilin, who followed, looked confused beside them.

At this time, Kane came over and looked at the two and said, "You can start preparing. After we renovate this place, we can officially start the coronation."

Seeing that Kane agreed, Heidilin nodded immediately: "Don't worry, leave it to me, Your Majesty."

"I also say goodbye, Your Majesty."

After speaking, the two turned around and left, and began to prepare for the coronation ceremony. Whether it was what Heidilin needed to complete or what Sofina needed to prepare, it was a lot of work.

At this time, Kane returned to Claire and the others.

"Since it is going to be built, we will build a big one. After all, Mr. Ekron's palace is for leisure use. It is indeed a little small to use it as our palace."

"First draw a sketch."

Saying that, Kane made a table, chair and bench in place, and made a blank sheet of paper to start designing on it.

The prototype is the palace of Akron, but Kane and the others need to enlarge and change the palace.

Afterwards, in the drawings of the design, everyone began to put forward requirements and ideas.

"Build a huge garden here, and then plant the plants we have preserved in it. With the authority to life, they can definitely grow well." Li Lulu pointed to an area and said.

That's a good opinion, no problem, plus.

"Then let's get a large open-air hot spring here. I don't remember that there is such a thing in the teacher's palace?" Claire said.

That opinion is totally fine, plus.


After a long discussion, it was finally completed.

Compared with the original palace, it has expanded several times, and accordingly some materials are beginning to be insufficient.

Kane went directly into the guild hall, told Edoma some missing materials, and asked her to help buy them. Most of these materials are not rare materials and can be bought with money.

Afterwards, he took out a lot of funds and handed it to Entoma, and from another place, he drew a list of various precious and rare materials.

This list is also handed over to Entoma, and let him spend time and energy collecting the above materials as much as possible.

These materials are rare and precious and cannot be completed in a short time.

And the most used materials for building palaces, Kane and the others can directly construct them in the dungeon.

Finally, he returned to Kane in the dungeon, poured out all the materials in the space equipment, and piled them up beside him.

Looking at the large ruins in front of him, Kane looked at Claire and the others next to him.

Look at their leisurely appearance: "Don't you just want to watch from the side?"

Kane looked at the puzzled expressions of several people, and it seemed that they really thought so.

Immediately entered the state of the god-man of the platinum scepter, and looked at a few people with white-gold light in his eyes: "Have you forgotten that you can also use the authority of creation now?"

"The power I just acquired is not yet proficient, I didn't expect it." Claire said embarrassedly.

Afterwards, several people entered the state of gods and people (Limited Edition of the Kingdom of Platinum), and began to become proficient in creating the use of authority around them.

They have never had any experience in using it. If they want to do delicate work such as building a palace, they still need to be proficient for a while before they can really get started.

After all, the reason why Kane was able to quickly start to create authority is entirely due to the fact that his origin skills are extremely similar to the effects of creating the whole product.

"Then everyone, let's start work. The first thing is to clean up this piece of debris."

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