Five people dressed in white gold robes floated around the ruins of the once platinum palace.

Kane waved his hand, and the ground of the entire ruins began to vibrate.

All the iron, soil, and gravel materials on the ruins sank into the ground and sank into the ground. These things are waste and have no re-use value.

In an instant, what was left on the ground were all kinds of broken decorations and unknown valuables from the Platinum Palace.

There are also many beautiful utensils that have been covered with mud, gravel or some dirt.

"Let's move, everyone, collect and clean up these useful things, don't waste them. Now we don't have so much time to build this thing."

Kane has not yet mastered the rules about creation, and it takes too much time and energy to collect through the authority of creation, so these things can't be wasted.

With the combined efforts of several people, all the useful materials and various decorative utensils on the ground were collected in a short time. After they were piled up together, all the dirt and dirt on it just waved away, and it turned into a brand new appearance.

The pile of things that had just been dirty and looked like tattered copper and iron piled up next to them instantly turned into a pile of treasures shining with all kinds of golden light.

Various photo frames, scepters and sculptures inlaid with large diamonds and gemstones, utensils made of precious metals and gold cups.

Fortunately, Kane didn't sink all of his brains into the ground just now. Although these things can be collected and condensed in the entire dungeon through the authority of creation.

But it still takes a lot of time and energy, not to mention that there is only this continent left in the world now, and these things are limited.

Then everyone began to level the ground, and over time, the uneven ground will be leveled.

After everything was ready, everyone looked at Kane.

They can't do this kind of large-scale construction in an instant, or they are not precise enough, and the control is not meticulous enough. It has to be done by Kane, who is good at this.

Kane took a deep breath and then raised his hands high, the platinum scepter that had been floating beside him slowly floated in front of him, following the raised hands, suspended in the air.

The white-gold light in the eyes shines brightly, and the scepter also emits a colorful light.

The ground began to vibrate, and all kinds of stone and wood rushed down the ground from all over the map.

The stones condensed in the soil, then emerged from the ground, and began to change shape with Kane's thoughts and control.

After a while, the palace frame made of pure white stone was constructed.

The whole of the palace is a building complex, including the divided gardens and gardens, with a total length of more than 1,000 meters and an irregular rectangle with a width of nearly 1,000 meters.

The overall building is made of jade-like white stone, and various woods are partly used.

But these are just big frames without the slightest details, not even the partitions between the center of the building and the walls of the rooms.

"Okay, now it's time to get started."

Kane's voice fell, and Claire and the others also showed a manual about some functional facilities of the palace and how to construct them.

Everyone has a different division of labor, waving his hand, controlling the materials he needs, and entering the place where he needs to build and describe in detail.

Kane first needs to construct some pipes and water inlets in all the rooms, and the underground sewers should also be constructed by the way.

After doing this, Kane also needs to dig a river running through the palace along the entire circumference of the palace, which forms a large lake not far from the palace.

After doing this, Kane went back to the palace and started to use his mechanical knowledge to make some modern facilities for the whole palace.

These convenient things cannot be discarded, and screening must be well arranged.

The energy circuit of the entire palace needs to be depicted early, and some mechanical facilities and structures also need to be directly turned into reality and carefully installed.

Lilulu waved her magic wand, and with her authority, she quickly began to paint various magic circle runes throughout the palace.

Then, through the summoning of elements, the water elements are summoned through normal channels, and their souls are upgraded.

The manufacture of other gardens, the partition and decoration of houses, and the interior sculptures were all handed over to Claire.

During this period, Heidilin came once, and what caught her eye were five god-like beings who worked there as construction workers.

In her eyes, each of these five people is like the father and king she faced in her childhood, holding the authority like God.

Kane and the others quickly walked through the entire palace in front of her, and all kinds of materials were flying around in the air.

This exaggerated sense of separation from reality made Heidilin instantly unbearable and hurriedly left.

She felt that if she stayed here for a few more seconds, the worldview would collapse.

Are they doing this with such god-like power?

Finally, Kane and the others spent two days building the entire palace comprehensively and meticulously, depicting it as they wanted.

"It's finally done, so now it's the final steps."

Kane looked at the palace in front of him and said to Claire and the others beside him.

Raising his hands high again, the platinum scepter floated in front of him.

The whole ground began to vibrate wildly.

Then the ground around the palace began to crack, and the largest crack split the surrounding land of the palace.

These cracks formed a circle and surrounded the entire palace.

The clouds and mists in the sky converged downward and poured into the cracks. The whole ground slowly rose, holding the palace and rising into the air.

The palace is getting higher and higher, and finally suspended at a height of 50 meters above the ground. It is not that it cannot be higher, but this height is completely enough.

The soil below the entire palace was wrapped in clouds and mist, and it looked exceptionally beautiful, like a palace built on clouds.

Then Li Lulu waved her staff next to her, the rainbow-colored portal opened, and one after another, small clouds of different colors rushed into the mist.

Then it turned into a large group of cloud creatures similar to cotton candy.

These cloud creatures will live around here in the future, and while maintaining the surrounding environment and safety, they will also be responsible for acting as elevators.

The river on the palace turned into a waterfall, and the huge current rushed down, but the big hole under the palace had been connected with the lake next to it, and it became a huge lake.

Several streams of the lake, contrary to common sense, flowed upwards, connecting the streams above the palace.

If you have leisure time, you can also go to the palace through these upward-floating rivers by boats constructed below.

At this time, the palace is considered to be completely completed. If there are still various ideas or needs, it can continue to increase and expand.

Kane stood on the grass below the palace, looking at the perfect palace in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

Looking at this palace, you can feel that the time and energy they spent during this time is worth it.

Lombe and Metzker were also standing beside Kane, their faces looking haggard.

Two days and two nights of sleepless nights, although they are not tired at all, they are somewhat mentally exhausted.

After a few people completed the construction of the palace, they had already withdrawn from the god-human state. After all, the pressure caused by the two-day god-human state was not small.

As for Claire and Lilulu, they are now happily strolling around the palace, admiring their work over the past two days.

"Let's go experience it too." Lombe said, stretching.

Kane rubbed his head, looked at the two and asked, "So what do we experience first?"

"Of course it's...a water element massage."

The three said in unison, and then cheered and flew up on the clouds.

Men, love things are always the same.


Day 2.

Heidiline came to the Platinum Palace again.

Kane and they named the palace the Platinum Palace. To commemorate their master who was the original owner of this palace. Also next to the palace, a statue of Ekron was built as a memorial.

Before, they thought about whether to name the palace Ekron or something, and finally thought it was weird, so they dismissed the idea. I was too lazy to think about other names, so I continued to name it Platinum Palace.

Looking at the ruins a few days ago, it has become this beautiful and magnificent palace floating in the air, and I can't help but observe with curiosity.

"Come on, go in and walk around."

Kane said, and took Heidiline into the palace.

Heidiline reported while admiring the palace.

"Your Majesty, all preparations have been completed, do you want to start the process of the coronation ceremony?"

Hearing Heidilin's words, Kane nodded: "When you're ready, you can start."

The two then discussed some details.

After Heidiline returned to Zoro Lomas, she began to issue orders to mobilize everyone.

Now the entire continent can be regarded as a country of platinum, and there are no more divisions such as territories.

All the civilians of the Platinum Country will gather towards the central Platinum Palace.

Kane will make a temporary construction outside the Platinum Palace, so that everyone can take a short rest there.

Countless ingredients will be transported there, and the coronation will be followed by a grand banquet.

Regardless of whether they are truly willing to surrender to Kane and the others, this time all the intelligent beings in the Kingdom of Platinum will go there.

While they were preparing, the surviving Jinqiao Church also started the ceremony.

They need to start a ritual to wake up the Golden Bridge in preparation for the blessing of the King of Platinum, and then the King of Platinum will lift the seal of the Golden Bridge to restore prosperity to the world.

At least they thought so.

At this time, the Platinum Palace.

Kane was sitting on the edge of the floating island, looking at the golden bridge in the sky.

Behind him, Marshmallow was playing around against Yoyo. For Yoyo, who has been taking care of it since childhood, Marshmallow now likes to stick to it even when she grows up.

There is a scepter next to them, too powerful creatures naturally have a certain spirituality.

At this time, there was the sound of hoofs.

Claire sat next to Kane.

"What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about the coronation, your majesty the future emperor."

Hearing Claire's teasing, Kane smiled, then reached out and intertwined with her palm.

"So who is the future queen?" Kane asked with a smile.

Claire rolled his eyes at him, then reached out and thumped him.

Kane looked at the golden bridge in the sky.

"I became an explorer under the light of the Golden Bridge, and now I will be crowned gold under the light of the Golden Bridge. Interesting, isn't it?"

Hearing Kane's words, Claire turned her head and squinted at the golden bridge in the sky.

"It's a magnificent and sacred existence. It seems that you have to thank him well."

In the other hand of Kane, he took out the long spear that had been with him for a long time.

Under the golden light, the tip of the gun burned with a blood-red edge.

"It's a good thank you."

PS: "Double Monthly Pass Event! Ask for a Monthly Pass!"

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