"How is it? Is the design ready? Everyone."

Kane was in a large room on the 2nd floor deck and asked Claire and the others.

It has been transformed into a large workshop, which is actually more like a studio than the workshop.

There are drawings all over the place.

It can be seen that all kinds of small machines are drawn on these papers, some are well-painted, and some are shaped like children's doodles.

Some are not even children's graffiti, and those who know it thought they were scribbling with a brush.

And Kane is here, waiting for Claire and their works.

There are already 4 soul orbs next to them, and the surface is covered with a layer of sophisticated mechanical structures. These are all made by Kane during this spare time.

It's just that the magic runes above are not as many as the first one made by Kane, so it didn't cost Kane too much magic power.

If the first wisdom core that Kane created before had good wisdom, it was like a child.

Now these four wisdom cores are more like newborn babies, without much wisdom, only very rigid mechanical information and simple mechanical wisdom.

If you want it to have wisdom and have a unique character, it will take a long time to cultivate it.

And what are Claire and the others doing now? It goes without saying.

Claire, everyone wants to have a smart assistant like Yoyo, and they want this thing for not a day or two.

And now Kane, who has been able to create the core of wisdom, can't restore 100% of Yoyo's functions, but there is no problem in restoring 70% to 80%.

And this 70% to 80% is completely enough for them, because each of them needs different functions.

And now Kane is waiting for them to complete the design of their own preferences, and then they will use it themselves, of course, they have to design the appearance and function according to their preferences.

The first design to be completed was Lombe.

"Come on buddy, this is my design, let's see how it goes."

With that said, Lombe handed the blueprint in his hand to Kane.

After Kane took it, he looked at the blueprint in his hand with a surprised expression.

Then he looked at Lombé in doubt, then turned to look at the drawings, and looked up at Lombé again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No." Kane shook his head: "I just didn't expect you to have this skill. I really underestimate you."

The drawing of Lombe in Kane's hand can be said to be very fine, and the shape is very beautiful and detailed.

With such a detailed design and painting, it is completely unexpected that the stone head of Longbei was drawn at this time.

It's really hidden, hiding a little hobby.

Saying that, Kane took out a core of wisdom and began to construct it by comparing the shape drawn on Longbei's drawings and the functions given.

At this time, it can reflect the benefits of Kane's random designs, often relying on his original skills because of his brain holes.

Kane basically has the same technology for the functions that Lombe needs.

There is also no need for Cain to redesign and rethink the structure because they don't have the technology they want, which takes the required time.

It's great that now Construct will receive the product in a short while, meeting their expectations.

After it was constructed, when Kane began to change the color of the structure's exterior, Kane discovered an unmentioned change in his Origin Skill.

It can be colored. Although it is not very useful in actual combat, it is indeed a change that is very satisfying to Kane.

It is no longer necessary to construct things like before, almost all the colors of the raw materials, which are somewhat ugly.

The last one, mixed with bronze color, was constructed as a very strong cylindrical machine.

This smart assistant has no emoji, but has a helmet-like decoration.

Stepping on the circular roller under him, he came to the side of Longbei.

In addition to some basic functions, it pays special attention to the functions of scanning and identification, and the body also has a good precision blasting method, as well as an adjustable small drill.

Really like a mining robot.

From the look on Lombe's face, you can tell that he is very satisfied.

"You will be called Hammer from now on."

Hearing Lombe's name, Kane turned his head silently.

Then came Li Lulu.

Her machine is a few laps smaller than everyone's, and it uses a transparent structure, so you can clearly see the mechanical operation inside it.

The flight method is used, and the flapping flight of the selected dragonfly is also used.

A somewhat transparent structure, covered with a crystal-like shell, and an intelligent assistant that flutters with dragonfly-like wings on both sides.

And Li Lulu sat on the top of the machine, smiling happily, and as she flew, a beautiful music came out from the machine.

Lilulu's only requirement for this thing is that it must have a huge sound and a clear recording function.

She wants a bgm player that she can carry with her.

After Lilulu's is done, it's Metzker's.

Metzke has to do the best, and doesn't have much requirements for appearance. It's similar to Yoyo, and the appearance doesn't change much. The only difference is that it is bigger and taller than Yoyo.

Hidden in his body are all kinds of mechanical hands all over his body.

Metzker's requirement is that all kinds of manipulators should be stable and accurate enough, and have good scanning and distinguishing functions.

It should be used to help him make medicine.

"What about yours, Claire?" Kane asked curiously.

Claire's face was a little red, she turned her head in annoyance, sat in front of Kane and said, "Forget it, I'll tell you verbally."

Kane slightly swept to the clumps of paper that were crumpled into waste paper behind Claire. From some corners, he could see pictures that were even worse than children's doodles.

Without exposing it, he nodded clearly: "No problem, you can say it."

I didn't expect Claire's drawing ability to be so poor.

Claire's requirements are very low, with map functions and accurate navigation capabilities.

The appearance is exactly the same as Yoyo, but the color is different.

After making one for everyone, Kane said to them: "They are all like babies now, you have to teach them well, they will learn according to your teaching and expression, and their personalities will be closer. you."

"Teach a bad kid in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone nodded solemnly.

It is to let them experience the feeling of being a parent in advance.

Kane gave them the auxiliary robots made by these mechanical cores, mainly to observe various data of the mechanical core technology.

Anyway, they stay together most of the time, so that they can better feel their changes and provide more experimental data and experience for future technologies.

A variety of problems can also be repaired and changed in a timely manner.

After speaking, Lombe couldn't help but pick up his "hammer".

"I'm in the guild hall!"

"Wait!" Before Kaian could finish speaking, Longbei had disappeared on the deck.

However, the robot in his arms fell directly on the surface of the boat, and did not follow Lombe into the guild hall.

After a few seconds, I saw Lombe come back.

"What's the matter, why can't the hammer be brought into the guild hall? Wasn't Yoyo able to enter the guild hall before?"

asked Lombe.

"I haven't finished yet, what are you in a hurry? Really."

Kane explained: "The robots in your hands now all have a core of wisdom. How did the core of wisdom come from? You have also seen it, it is a soul orb."

"They're more like cotton candy than Yoyo."

Before Yoyo followed Kane into the guild hall, he entered directly, without the seal of the guild.

Although Marshmallow did not have the option to join the guild, even as Kane's pet, he actually had the seal of the guild on his body.

Only then can you enter the guild.

Saying that, Kane took out the seal of the guild and stamped the seal of the guild on each robot.

"Okay, now you can enter the guild hall with the robot."

After Kane finished speaking, except for Claire, everyone else disappeared on the deck holding the robot in an instant.

Longbei and Lilulu don't have to think too much, they must be showing off.

Guild members are greedy for Kane's Yoyo, it's not a day or two.

Almost all the members were envious after they knew Kane and Yoyo. Who wouldn't want such a convenient smart assistant?

Now Li Lulu and the others also have them. Of course, they have to go in and show off in front of these people, feeling the envy, jealousy and hatred of the guild members.

Metzker, don't think too much, he has no such worldly thoughts, he definitely hurried into his personal space to test this intelligent assistant, and see if with his help, the production and research and development of medicine will improve the efficiency.

This is the point that Metzker has always been jealous of Yoyo. He has always envied Yoyo for helping Kane conduct various researches.

"Why don't you go in?" Kane looked at Claire and asked.

Claire spread a blanket beside Kane, then walked on it and sat down.

Although Kane always felt that Claire's horse body was all lying on the ground, saying that sitting is more like lying down.

Then Claire leaned against Kane with the robot in her arms.

"You can't even go in. Of course I have to be here with you."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane smiled.

After all, the ship under their feet was constructed with Kane's original skills. Of course, Kane could not leave and enter the guild hall at will.

Didn't the ship just disappear, so Kane had to stay on the ship during this trip.

The two leaned against each other like this, feeling the sea breeze blowing.

But the cotton candy floated down from the sky, looking at the robot in Claire's arms, looking at the robot that was exactly the same as Yoyo, with a different color scheme.

"Want to take him?" Claire asked, looking at the marshmallow.

Marshmallow nodded.

Claire smiled and put the robot in her hand on the marshmallow: "Then I'll leave it to you."

Kane opened his mouth but didn't say anything about the name Claire gave the new robot.

Marshmallow flew directly towards the captain's room with Rolling Roll, where Yoyo was still driving the boat.

Kane, who had just been enjoying the two-person world for a while, heard movement from behind.

Longbei and Li Lulu hurried over.

"Kane, something is wrong!"

Hearing Lombe's words, the two instantly stood up and walked up.

Looking at the eager expressions, the two couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Lombe hurriedly said: "Quick, go back to our previous port."

Although Kane didn't know what was going on, he immediately controlled the ship to turn around, and Yoyo also felt the ship's turn, and quickly cooperated with Kane fully.

Then the boat increased its horsepower and started to return quickly towards the original road.

Everyone on the deck also felt obvious bumps.

"Now tell me what's going on."

"After we become golden explorers, we can directly teleport to the site of the Mist Council or the explorer's home, and we don't have to travel so hard for a month."


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