A huge steel cruise ship moved quickly on the turbulent sea, and the sharp bow cut through the waves in front of it like a sharp blade.

On the side of the cruise ship, a huge lantern pattern is printed, which is the lantern number of Kane and their ships.

However, the sailing direction of this ship is moving fast towards the port they left before.

At this time, the sun was just rising, and the first morning of dawn was a soft light on the deck and on the sparkling sea.

Reflects a slightly dazzling light.

The cruise ship was still sailing forward at a furious speed, and the port on the coast could be seen faintly through the light fog on the sea ahead.

They are almost at their destination.

At this time, in Kane's room, Kane was lying on the cotton candy, floating in the air to rest. This allows him to avoid feeling the bumps of the boat.

Personally, Kane's requirements for rest are still a bit high.

"Master, the port is coming."

Kane opened his eyes when he heard Yoyo's voice on the radio next to him.

Shakingly climbed off the body of the marshmallow, and went to the bathroom for a simple wash.

Since hearing the words of Lombe and the others yesterday, Kane has been returning to the previous port at the fastest speed, and has gone on an unjust journey for more than a day.

He did not expect that gold-level explorers still have such rights, or that only gold-level explorers can enjoy this right.

Due to various reasons, including but not limited to spatial instability, excessive energy fluctuations, and long distances from the wide sea, it is inconvenient to set up large teleportation arrays.

This has led to a large island in the south. If you want to come from other directions, you have to go through a long flight route. These are all things that cannot be solved.

After all, a large teleportation array is convenient for people's livelihood. Setting up such a cross-sea teleportation gate is very prone to accidents. The physique of these ordinary people or bronze-level explorers simply cannot bear it.

Some slightly more serious accidents, the silver explorer, may also be disabled for life.

It is impossible for the Mist Council to take such a huge risk to set up such a long-distance cross-sea portal.

But these are just easy things for gold-level powerhouses, and their physiques are completely strong enough to be immune to these accidents.

Therefore, the gold-level powerhouse can actually use the fog council or the personal teleportation array in the explorer's home for long-distance teleportation.

Because no one will use this kind of personal portal for long-distance teleportation, most of them are the same as the outside world and the teleportation array, but it is more convenient and faster.

In addition to gold-level explorers can ignore the strong pressure to carry out ultra-long-distance transmission across the sea.

Things like this that are not very conform to the rules, but are similar to unspoken rules, no one will publicize anything and everything.

And gold-level explorers are not very common, which leads to Kane, who only knew Burton, and didn't know about it at all.

When Lombe went into the guild to show off yesterday, he told his brother that he had been promoted to gold and was returning on a cruise ship.

It was only from Burton's mouth that he knew that there was such a thing.

So what happened yesterday.

After washing up, Kane came to the deck, and only then did they see Claire on the deck and the others were already looking at the port not far away.

When Kane came to them, the ship was slowly slowing down and was docking.

"Forget it, let's fly over by cotton candy. It will take a while to get to the shore." Kane saw that there were still many ships at the port and decided to jump directly over.

The port in this place is not large, so many ships must queue up to enter the port, which is too troublesome.

After hearing Kane's words, everyone nodded. Since they can quickly reach the shore, of course no one wants to wait any longer.

Then Marshmallow expanded his body to the maximum and flew towards the shore carrying everyone.

After everyone flew to the sky, Kane waved his hand. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, many ship personnel saw a cruise ship that was just passing by under the sun and was slowly dissipating.

"Ghost ship, I just saw the ghost ship!"

Such an incident, combined with the sudden appearance of the ship a few days earlier, sailed out.

In this way, Kane also left a legend here, although he may not know it himself.

Everyone who went ashore quickly walked towards the explorer's home in this harbour city.

Since it is a harbour city, the Explorer's Home is located not far from the harbour.

The crowd came here quickly.

Saw a huge ship-anchor-shaped building with the flags of the Explorers and the Council of the Misty.

"It should be here, let's go in."

Kane said and walked in along the door.

After entering, I found that the explorer's home here, the number of explorers looked a little rare.

But think about it, it is a small seaport city after all, although there is a home for explorers. But the surrounding dungeons are a bit rare, and it is normal for the number of explorers to be small.

Kane and the others came to the front desk.

The receptionist at the front desk is a young woman with wheatish skin.

She looked at Kane and others who came over and asked, "Do you need any help?"

The faces of Kane and the others are a little strange, they should be explorers who have just come to the city.

However, the robots standing beside the person who saw Kane, looking at their equipment and momentum, should be a group of powerful explorers.

"I want to borrow the private teleportation circle of the Explorer's House," Kane said.

Hearing Kane's words, the woman in front of him smiled politely: "I'm sorry, everyone, the private teleportation array of the Explorer's Home is generally not open to the public. If there is a need for teleportation, you can teleport to a teleportation site not far away. "

"What we're going to do is teleportation across the sea," Kane said.

"Cross-sea teleportation?" The front desk was a little surprised when he heard Kane's words, then bent over and said, "Then please wait a moment."

Then she turned and walked away quickly.

Of course she knows what it means to teleport across the sea. In any case, this matter is not something she can decide and solve.

After a while, an ordinary middle-aged man came over.

Kane looked at him and saw that he should have the strength of the silver peak.

The middle-aged man walked over to look at Kane and the others, and then reached out and shook his hand: "Mr. Kane, I have long admired the name."

"You know us?" Kane was a little strange, but he didn't forget that he had introduced himself.

"Haha, I also often read magazines. I still know the name of the Mist Squad."

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

As long as people who care about that magazine, even if they don't necessarily know about Kane, they will feel familiar.

Then he turned his face and asked seriously, "So, Mr. Kane, do you want to teleport across the sea?"

"Yes." Kane nodded.

"Then you should know the risks on cross-ocean ships. It's not something that everyone can bear."

He clearly remembered that Kane and their famous deeds were a few months ago, less than a year ago.

It is said that at that time, Kane and the others had just reached the silver intermediate stage, and they should not have advanced to gold so quickly.

Kane still nodded: "We have been promoted to gold, should we be able to withstand the pressure of this transmission?"

"You are already golden!" The middle-aged man suddenly exclaimed.

No wonder he didn't exclaim, but it was indeed a bit exaggerated. Kane and the others only reached the mid-silver stage half a year ago.

No matter how fast the speed is, it will not be like this. After only going through a few dungeons, it has already been promoted to gold.

"Alas." The middle-aged man who had been stuck at the silver peak and couldn't be promoted couldn't help sighing.

If he hadn't been able to advance all the time, he wouldn't have come here to be the head of this explorer's home.

Although the location is really good.

After adjusting his mentality, he smiled and said to Kane and the others: "As expected of the Mist Team, since everyone has been promoted to gold, there is no problem, please come with me."

As he spoke, he turned around and walked towards the interior of the Explorer's House with Kane and the others.

"By the way, I haven't introduced it yet. My name is Lokum, and I'm the person in charge of this explorer's home."

"Although you have been promoted to gold and can carry out long-distance cross-sea teleportation, there are still some precautions that need to be explained to you."

"Even gold has obvious discomfort when teleporting, these are normal manifestations of cross-sea teleportation."

"And... um... if it's your first time, please be prepared."

After speaking, they came to a personal teleportation station, and the entire teleportation formation was formed into three poses.

The three-layered circles are connected together from the bottom, middle, and top. They start from each other according to a certain speed and magic power ratio, and flow at different speeds from each other.

There is also a teleportation spar floating on the top, which is a necessary spar for advanced teleportation arrays.

Although the teleportation array is not small, it should be considered the size of each race.

"Then everyone, come one by one."

Hearing Lokham's words, Kane turned to look at his teammates and said, "Lombé is the first, I'll be the last."

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe nodded: "Okay, then I'll stand up first."

"Then where is the location of the teleportation?" Lockham looked at Kane and then at Lombé in the teleportation array.

Long Bei, who was on the teleportation array, asked directly, "Can you teleport directly to the City of Lions?"

Hearing Lombe's words, Lokum slid on the spar plate in his hand to check: "Let me see."

"No problem, it can be, but..."

Longbei said directly: "Then let's set it to the City of Lions."

Hearing this, Lockum turned to look at Kane.

"If you can, then the City of Lions," Kane said.

Lockham turned his head with a weird expression: "Okay, if you wish."

Then I clicked on the spar board: "The setting is successful, so I wish you a happy journey!"

Saying that, the triple circle began to rotate, and the spar at the top radiated light.

Lombe disappeared in an instant.

"Then next one."

Metzker stood up.

Then they stepped onto the teleportation array one by one, and the teleportation disappeared.

Finally, there is Kane.

"Thank you for Lokum, it's really helpful." Kane said with a smile.

Lokham smiled and nodded: "Yes, remember to visit again next time you have the opportunity."

Said and clicked on the transfer button.

Seeing that Kane disappeared, Lokum couldn't help but muttered to himself: "Flying so far, can you really not get dizzy? Maybe this is the fog team."

Kane, who was teleported away, felt that his whole body was being compressed wildly, like turning into a noodle, entering a slender pipe, and flying fast.

Finally, I felt that I was compressed from noodles into a sphere, and stretched from a sphere into a dough.

In the end, the whole person began to spin rapidly and turned into a strange shape like plasticine.

No wonder, gold level is required.

If Kane came to ride at the silver level, he would be lucky if he lacked an arm or a broken leg.

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