Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 580: Comprehensive Promotion of the Ring of the World

"Ouch!...Cough cough!...Ouch!"

In a room in the basement of the Explorer's House in the City of Lions, there was the sound of Kane vomiting and coughing.

The moment Kane appeared in the teleportation array, he knelt directly to the ground. Then the magic power in his hands quickly poured out and condensed into a container, and the whole head was buried in it.

With such a long-distance transmission, Kane felt that he was not just put into the front-loading washing machine.

He felt like he was being put right into the centrifuge.

At one point during the teleportation he thought his brain was about to be shaken.

And on the way to the crazy rotation, there are all kinds of strange and uncomfortable feelings, and it feels that the body is not my own.

This is the first time in his life that he has felt such exaggerated discomfort. He did not expect that the first injury to be promoted to Gold Rank actually came from the teleportation circle.

And not only physically, Kane felt that he was traumatized psychologically, which definitely left a lot of shadows.

Kane, who finally vomited clean, took out a bottle of water, poured it into his mouth, and took a sip.

Then a device capable of generating high temperature was built by Kane, which turned all these things into ashes.

Only then did he stagger up from the ground, feeling that his whole body was as soft as noodles, his consciousness was very vague, and his face was pale and haggard.

Immediately walked out of the teleportation array, and created a table and chair to lie on it.

Only then did he open his eyes, and found that there was someone standing beside him.

I don't know if it is because of the sensory confusion caused by the sequelae of teleportation, or because the old man is too strong.

This is an old man in a white robe, with white eyebrows and a long white beard.

The most conspicuous thing is his beard, the long white beard hanging down to his chest, a long braid and several long beards that are simply tied directly.

There was a huge vine-wound wooden staff floating by his hand, and the head of the stick was a large blue gem.

"President Gordon?" Kane said slowly.

President Gordon looked at Kane and nodded, his face still had a serious expression.

"It seems that you have experienced a teleportation a little distance."

Saying that, the wooden staff next to him shot a soft ray into Kane's body.

Kane felt his unusually uncomfortable feeling, which quickly slowed down, and then completely recovered.

Although there are still some lingering fears, all kinds of feelings on the body have indeed been eliminated.

He stood up and waved away the seat, patted his cheek to refresh himself, then turned around and nodded to President Gordon and said, "Thank you!"

Gordon shook his head and said, "Your teammates are waiting for you outside."

"Okay, then I'll say goodbye."

After speaking, he left the room from Gordon's side.

As soon as he came out, he saw Claire and the others waiting for him by the seat next to him.

Lombe was sitting on the seat, accepting the scolding from everyone.

"It's all to blame for Longbei, who said that he wanted to directly locate the city of lions. At such a long distance, Li Lulu felt like she almost turned into a cake."


Didn't expect Metzker to scold him.

Although Lombe accepted the scolding, he still wanted to resist: "Don't Kane agree."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the direction Kane came from.

Looking at the glances of several people turning their heads, Kane smiled awkwardly.

Just thinking about how to explain it, I found a savior.

At this time, when Kane saw everyone behind him, he immediately waved his hand in surprise: "Edoma? Why did you come here."

What followed was a few people's strange eyes, those eyes seemed to say, you are treating us as fools, right?

Who knew that at this moment, Entoma's voice really sounded from behind.

"Kane, Claire? Why are you back? Oh, yes, it's teleportation across the sea."

Hearing Entoma's voice, several people turned around and their attention was diverted.

Kane let out a sigh of relief.

Then he walked behind Lombe, crouched down and grabbed his neck with his elbows.

"Damn Lombe, how dare you betray me."

"Oh, let go, let go, you can't blame me, dear brother, you can't let me bear it alone."

Adoma looked at the pale faces of everyone, and muttered to herself, "Sure enough, as Burton said, the feeling of teleportation across the sea is uncomfortable."

"Why did you come here?" Claire walked over and hugged.

"Alas!" Entoma sighed, then reached out and touched her horns, and the ornaments on it began to ding-dong.

"It's not yet Kane, let me help him collect those materials. Many of them are very rare and precious, so I can only run around and collect them to see if there are any."

Adoma said helplessly.

Then he looked at Claire with a happy expression and said, "You have been promoted to gold. It's amazing, congratulations."

Claire smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, let's go out first, Entoma, have you finished your business?" Kane walked over and said.

Entoma nodded.

Finally, everyone turned around and left the explorer's house.

Leaving the explorer's house, what you see is the teleportation array next to it.

"It's still familiar and friendly here." Kane said with a smile.

At this time, Edoma asked, "Where do you live now? Do you want to go to my house first? My house is quite big."

Hearing Edoma's suggestion, Kane thought about it and nodded: "Okay, no problem, anyway, you can directly enter the guild hall and go to rest in the personal space."

After all, even if they go to the inn, they are just looking for it, a soldier can accommodate them, and the enclosed space allows them to teleport into the guild hall alone.

Since he was just looking for a place to switch, it would be the same everywhere, and he wouldn't say there was a place that would disturb Entoma.

Then a few people followed Entoma and started walking in the direction of his house.

"I just saw President Gordon inside, what's going on?" Kane asked.

Hearing Kane's words, Entoma said: "Look if there are many explorers around than before."

Hearing Entoma's words, Kane turned his head and looked at it, it was indeed.

There are indeed many more explorers coming and going around than before, and almost all the shops around have turned into various shops that help explorers.

On the way, Kane has even seen three weapon shops, you know, this is not a single street.

"The news of the World Ring has been announced, and some basic information has appeared in the Misty Council's magazine."

With that said, Entoma took out several identical magazines from her space equipment and handed them to Kane and Claire.

The reason why there are so many is because Kane and their guilds have also started ordering these very famous magazines.

"This is the first issue of the Mist Council's new issue exclusively for the Ring of the World. It was published only last week."

Watching Kane and the others walking while reading a book, Edoma was also introducing: "Not only the city of lions, but the cities around the world border should be very popular now, and the city of lions is this area, far from the city of lions. The large cities closest to the border are of course very crowded."

"Under this circumstance, President Gordon will naturally come, and now many large forces have begun to build forward camps at the foggy border."

Hearing Edoma's words, Kan nodded and then looked at the first issue of the journal in his hand.

The name of the journal is actually called "Ring of the World".

The title of the first issue is (The origin and opening of the ring of the world.)

After flipping through it, most of the information is about the information that Kane and the others already know, such as what the Ring of the World is and how it came from.

What are the consequences and what are the opportunities of each Ring of the World.

With much known intelligence, Kane now almost understands the nature of the Ring of Worlds.

The area where the Ring of the World is located has actually become a part of this world, and in fact, it can no longer be expanded in this way.

The reason why it has to appear in such a super-large dungeon.

It is to allow the emergence of the Ring of the World and the race in which the misty world is located to have a certain buffer space and time.

The race of the world ring and the current native race of the mist world, between the races in the world ring, and the power and power of the native race of the mist world.

These will produce huge conflicts, you must know that they are all from different worlds, and they are still the remnants of the world.

And there is more than one race in a world.

There can be huge contradictions between races and races, not to mention worlds and worlds.

And how many resources will be generated in a large circle around the world? How many new technologies will be produced? new race? new knowledge?

These also create huge conflicts.

If the restrictions are directly lifted, both sides will suffer huge losses, and the ones who suffer the most are ordinary people.

This is completely unacceptable to Mist, which means that his base will suffer the most.

You must know that all explorers come from ordinary people, and 90% of the backbone of all explorers come from these ordinary people.

More than 60% of the top powers also come from ordinary people rather than various forces.

The huge population base has created the prosperity of the mist world. It must be known that the mist has a personal consciousness, and it is a relationship of mutual cooperation and mutual achievement with people in this world.

That's why such a place for the ring of the world was created, where all conflicts were resolved, and the fog could also set some rules in it.

When the Ring of the World has basically settled down and will not cause a major crisis to ordinary people, the Ring of the World will be considered a customs clearance.

I have to say that the idea of ​​the Ring of the World is really excellent.

After walking for a while, they came to a small villa on the street.

"This is my house, come in."

Saying that, Entoma opened the door and invited everyone in.

After Kane went in, he observed it. The room was quite large, with a three-story structure.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Kane began to think, and it was indeed a little troublesome to think so.

After thinking for a while, Kane turned his head, looked at Entoma and asked, "Is there any good real estate around Entoma? The site needs to be larger. I'm going to build a guild residence here."

"Do you want to build a station?" Entoma thought for a while: "It should be repaired."

"It should be there. It was quite deserted here before. After all, it is a border city, but you have to ask Granny Cobo."

Thinking about it, Cobo's mother-in-law is the one, and her son is the contractor.

"Then I'll leave this to you to handle Entoma. It doesn't matter if it's money or not, as long as the site is big enough," Kane said.

Entoma said after thinking for a while. : "No problem, Granny Kebo is quite close to me, and everyone is on the same street. I'll ask questions right away, and make a quick decision."

With that said, Entoma left the door, and after a while, Kane's voice came from behind: "It doesn't have to be so fast."

But it seemed that Kane's words were no longer heard.

Although Entoma looked a little confused, she was really efficient and attentive.

This is why, Kane will leave many things in the guild to Entoma to solve.

It didn't take long for footsteps to be heard, it should be Entoma returning.

But there were two footsteps.

In addition to Edoma, there is also a kind middle-aged man who looks a little fat.

He was wearing a well-fitting work uniform.

"Who is this?" Kane asked strangely.

Entoma introduced: "He is the son of Granny Cobo."

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