Seems like an ordinary mountain.

Inside, there is something special, where Li Lulu's fairy tale world is hidden.

"This is the captain of the flight team, Eagle."

Li Lulu pointed at the eagle that was carrying her and said.

This eagle wears a white beret and a flight suit with a fairy tale crown on his body, which looks like a pilot.

Hearing Li Lulu introducing himself, this time the eagle flipped slightly and made a salute gesture in the air.

Kane couldn't understand how the eagle's bones were in such a posture, but considering that they were indeed elemental creatures, it was reasonable.

Every time Kane and the others walked, the flowers and plants under their feet would move around, blocking the trees in front of them, and the vegetation would automatically move to the side.

This should be regarded as the entrance to the fairy tale world, wrapped in black thorns like those used by the villains in the fairy tale world.

But now that the creator god of the fairy tale world has come, and the fairy tale queen has come, these thorns will naturally move away from the surroundings.

Every step forward at this point is a new world.

At last they passed through the dark jungle at the entrance, and the open field was revealed before them.

A very conspicuous building is located not far away.

In the distance, you can see a luxurious and gorgeous castle, the whole is composed of white and pink, all kinds of gorgeous color composition.

This is a strange castle that cannot be constructed in the real world. The shape is so exaggerated that it has completely violated certain rules.

In this way, it looks like a castle, more like a cake shaped like a castle.

At this time, there was the sound of the collision of the armor, and there was the sound of horses' hoofs.

A group of knights shone with golden light in the sun and ran over.

Looking at this group of knights, although the appearance has changed greatly, Kane can see it through the vision of the eagle.

This is the previous Fairy Guard Knights, and the Lantern Knights of the guild originated from a dungeon. He is now wearing golden armor, which looks extremely gorgeous.

It doesn't feel like it was born for combat at all, it's more like an ornament, but you can really see the detailed magic patterns carved on this armor.

And can feel the great power of these knights.

They were all divided into two rows, neatly surrounding Kane and them, making way for them.

The head of the Fairy Knights came over and knelt down in front of Li Lulu to support her chest.

"Your Majesty the Queen!"

Li Lulu was still dressed as a fairy tale queen, and nodded satisfied when she heard the name of the head of the group.

It really looks like that.

Then I saw the head of the regiment suddenly raised his hands high, and a huge Holy Grail floated down and landed in her hands.

"The Holy Grail of Heroism is dedicated to Her Majesty the Queen."

Kane could feel the surging magic power in this position, but he didn't know what it was.

Li Lulu nodded after taking it, then took out the magic wand and nodded, and the Holy Grail turned into a streamer and flew towards the castle.

Then Kane and the others continued to follow the Knights and walked towards the castle.

Through the eagle eye, Kane saw something that he had never seen in the fairy tale world, a volcano. Why Kane could see it at a glance was because the shape of the mountain was like a drawn volcano.

Features are very obvious.

Kane even saw the magma emerging from the top of the mountain, although it was on the other side of the field, a little far from the current position. But Kane knew he was right. He saw a cave with a cartoon demon similar to a fairy tale on the edge of the cave.

He clearly knew that there was no such thing as a demon before.

However, Kane still didn't ask more, and continued to follow Li Lulu to look around, listening to Li Lulu's various introductions to the surrounding.

All kinds of small animals wearing clothes were also running on both sides, and some daring squirrels and foxes like children even lay directly on these knights.

Or standing on their shoulders, or standing on top of their helmets, naughty hanging directly on the butt of their guns.

A picture of natural harmony.

As he walked, Kane saw a circle of toy-like ghost forests next to him, and each tree was still braving a faint blue ghost fire.

Can and can see the tombstones in the woods. Inside, the white and plump ghosts peered out from the tombstones from time to time.

Kane opened his mouth, and finally chose to go.

A huge mechanical doll, more than 20 meters high, passed by Kane and the others, and saw Li Lulu saluting before leaving.

These things are definitely not owned by the fairy tale world before, and they were born in this fairy tale world in the past 10 years.

And to be honest, these newly born things are somewhat familiar, as if they have just seen it.

"Wait a minute, are these new additions written in fairy tales?"

Kane finally remembered, where did he see these things? Wasn't it the fairy tale book he just flipped through?

They are all fairy tales written by the dungeons they have experienced and have been transformed by magic.

"Hmph, you found out, how is it? Li Lulu isn't that powerful, hahahaha!"

Li Lulu is still dressed as a fairy tale queen, floating in the air with her wand stuck in her waist and laughing.

Looking at her laughter and expression, she wants to be more shy.

Then Li Lulu explained: "Children and fairy tales are the source of power most needed in the fairy tale world. Children's innocence and dreams, their thinking will be turned into power, the fairy tales in their hearts will be turned into reality, and they will appear in this world. ."

With the pure thinking of children and the appearance of fairy tales, the power of intersection quickly fills the fairy tale world.

"Li Lulu didn't expect that there would be so many more children in the Platinum Country in 10 years, so I can only say it's great."

The number of children outnumbering adults in this way makes the fairy tale world develop extremely fast, but the various images in it are largely out of Li Lulu's control.

The image terrain and environment have become disordered, but Lilulu controls the distribution of fairy tales, and she also controls the image of these fairy tale elements in the fairy tale world.

No wonder there is a fairy tale writing skill in the skill column, the fairy tales written must be the best-selling, the most interesting and the most attractive to children.

But it shouldn't be so exaggerated, Kane couldn't help thinking.

Only the more than 100,000 children in the country of platinum can really make the fairy tale world reach such an outrageous level in 10 years?

If the current fairy tale world incarnates into a dungeon, it is definitely a proper silver-level top dungeon.

He can already feel that the fairy tale world is a little too powerful, and it should not be an existence that Li Lulu can control now.

"Li Lulu, isn't this the help of the mist?"

Kane squinted at Li Lulu and asked.

"Haha." Li Lulu turned her head awkwardly when she heard Kane's words.

Sure enough, but Kane is more concerned about other issues: "There must be a price to develop so fast, right? This fairy tale world is already developing faster than you, will nothing happen?"

Li Lulu nodded helplessly: "Of course, the fairy tale world and the country of platinum are now inlaid together, and they cannot be separated in a short time, otherwise the current results will fall short, and the country of platinum and the country will be hurt. The essence of the fairy tale world."

"This is actually Mist's idea, so that both sides can grow quickly."

What's the price? Kane couldn't understand something.

If it is only for a short time that they cannot be separated, Kane does not think that this can be considered as a price.

After all, the fairy tale world did not provide much help to Lilulu, so even if there is no fairy tale world that can be used anytime and anywhere, it will not have much impact on Lilulu's strength.

At this time, Li Lulu may also know everyone's doubts and start to tell the consequences of doing so.

"In this case, the fairy tale world will become the exclusive element plane of the Kingdom of Platinum. If the elements of fairy tales appear in other worlds or planes, it may also develop into an element plane.

If it develops faster than the world of Lilulu, then he will become the largest elemental plane, replacing the position of the fairy tale elemental plane. "

Having said that, Li Lulu said solemnly: "If that happens, Li Lulu will have no chance, and the identities of frontrunners and newbies will be meaningless."

Kane roughly understood.

That's one of two options.

Either choose to play steadily and let the fairy tale world grow slowly until it finally becomes a real elemental plane and becomes a level existence with other elemental planes.

The elemental plane here refers to the real elemental plane, which is the total plane that can connect all planes and the world.

There is only one location.

The second option is to let the fairy tale world develop rapidly, but it must always remain the first, and cannot be overtaken by the element planes that may appear later.

Once it is overtaken and becomes the total plane of elements before Lilulu's fairy tale world.

Na Lilulu's fairy tale world can only become a secondary elemental plane, an elemental plane that can only connect to the surrounding world.

Personality is greatly reduced.

You must know that Lilulu is the forerunner of fairy tale elements, the earliest intelligent creature born from fairy tale elements.

Coupled with her identity as a little fairy, don't think too much, it must be cultivated by Misty. No matter how you think about it, you can know how much attention and expectations Misty has placed on her.

Now Lilulu is the only one in the entire universe, so many planes, and the only one born from a fairy tale.

Now that there is one in the universe, then two and three will appear one after another, and once they can also start creating the elemental plane, that is Lilulu's competitor.

"Then you have to work hard," Kane said.

"Don't worry, Li Lulu is a genius."

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