Since Lilulu needed to re-plan the fairy tale world and prepare for the future development, Kane and others returned to the Platinum Palace.

At this time, Claire entered the state of being a god, and the white-gold robe on her body ignited a black and white flame.

Looking at this scene, Kane couldn't help but smile and said, "That's right, Claire, you have mastered the essentials of power so quickly."

"Humph!" Claire raised her eyebrows arrogantly, and then said, "I'm going to visit the place of return to the soul to see what the place of return to the soul has developed. Do you need any additional personnel to solve the problem? Let’s look at the lingering problems of 10 years.”

After speaking, he waved his hands to Kane and the others, and then the black and white flames ignited in place. When the flames dissipated, Claire was gone.

Now there are only three big men left.

Kane turned his head to look at the two and said, "Then let's start working too. There is a lot of work accumulated in 10 years, and it will take a while."

After speaking, Kane said to Longbei: "Longbei, the geological restoration of other places in terms of planting and breeding will be handed over to you. By the way, the elders of the giant trees have just sent a message that their mother trees are planted in some places. Yuan, I hope you can help them see how the mother tree is developing now."

"No problem, then I'll go first."

After Lombe finished speaking, he immediately disappeared in place.

"Mezik, I hope you can bring out some apprentices with potions during this time. The requirements are not high, as long as they can configure and consume Sanshui by themselves."

Hearing Kane's words, Metzker nodded, and disappeared into the state of being a god.

The so-called consumption of three waters is the three medicines of red, blue and yellow. They are the ones that consume the most, and are used to heal wounds, restore magic power, and restore physical strength.

Kane hopes that Metzker can cultivate some apprentices. After all, the subsequent trip to the World Ring is not a team of five.

So much consumption must not be done by Mezick alone. The logistics of the Platinum Country must not be wasted in vain. This can also be regarded as a right that Kane and the others have won.

At this time, there was only Kane left in the Platinum Palace, and the guards who were responsible for guarding and cleaning outside.

Then Kane also disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, the position had come to the former red king's collar, next to Zorroro Stan.

Heidilin and some officials, as well as many government workers, all waited here for a long time.

Seeing Kane suddenly appearing beside them, he immediately knelt down on one knee.

"His Majesty!"

Kane nodded: "Well, get up."

At this time, the entire city of Zorolostan has overlapped with the outside world, including the surrounding plain area.

At this time, the outside world is the western edge of the Ring of the World, the site of the Knights of the Lantern.

The mountain wall that shone with strong light before had completely disappeared, and it was Zorroro Stan who was replaced.

And this overlapping area is the only area where people in the Kingdom of Platinum can interact with the Ring of the World.

This area can be regarded as a hotel of world restaurants, connecting the dungeon with the outside world.

At this time, Bonona also rushed over with Abby Mark and a group of knights.

They have also seen Kane's arrival and have been waiting here for a long time. Kane had already told them about this in the guild hall before.

"Your Majesty, you are here."

Hearing Bonona's name, Kane nodded helplessly. Now almost all those who are bound by Kane's allegiance call Kane your majesty.

Only when they are in the guild hall will Kane force them to call themselves the guild leader. Otherwise, what will happen to the newly joined guild members in the future?

It is difficult for them to learn to call your majesty.

Therefore, in the guild hall, Kane forced them to call him the guild leader.

Looking at the two strong women in front of him, Kane asked, "You should already know each other, right?"

After all, this space has overlapped, and it has been a long time.

They both nodded when they heard Kane's words.

"You two are the heads of two important forces under my command, so I hope you can cooperate sincerely."

After a polite sentence, Kane immediately began to have a serious conversation.

He asked Heidilin, "How about this area, can this overlapping area meet the requirements?"

Hearing Kane's words, Heidilin nodded.

"No problem, Your Majesty, Zororostan originally occupies a large area, and all kinds of infrastructure can be put into use immediately, not to mention that the railway also passes through here."

Yes, before Kane left, he built a railway directly in this world, and gave steel armor the technology of building railways and trains.

Therefore, in the past 10 years, the railway built by Kane has been extended to longer distances, connecting almost all important areas.

"With the railway, all logistics materials can be quickly transported to Zorolostan, and then handed over to people outside. Moreover, the capital is not far from Zorolostan, and the speed of the train is full of materials, and only It will take a few hours to get there.”

Hearing Heidilin's words, Kane nodded.

Then Kane said: "This should become a very important city in the future, and it will be developed into a commercial city. As for the economy, I don't know much about it, so I will let you worry about it."

"This city should be able to rebuild the business of the Platinum Country."

Although Kane said so, but he also knew clearly in his heart that if he wanted to rebuild, the population in the dungeon would not work at all.

At least we have to wait until the next wave of population is born before we can fully recover.

Facing Kane's words, Heidilin can only promise to nod.

Kane nodded: "Then I won't disturb the docking."

After speaking, Kane waved his hand away, but he did not immediately disappear in place, but walked towards the city of Zorolostan.

At this time, Zororostan was already very empty. Except for the necessary personnel, the city had been completely evacuated.

It's just that this is only temporary, and it won't be long before this place will be rejuvenated and will be more prosperous than before.

Kane came directly to a building next to him.

Made a sofa with the source skills, sat on it and waited.

Before long, the sky gradually darkened.

The citizens of the Platinum Country have long been accustomed to the existence of the night and the laws of life in the past 10 years.

At this time, several black mists flew in from the city wall, and then flew towards the building where Kane was.

At this time, Kane, who was sitting on the sofa in the building, opened his eyes and raised his head.

In the dark night, Kane's golden eyes were full of majesty.

The black fog fell in front of Kane, and then the black fog dissipated, and five girls in black clothes appeared, with white masks without facial features on their faces.

"Master!" ×5.

"Well, tell me the information I want." Kane said, looking at the five girls in front of him.

The Dark Attendant is completely loyal to Kane's existence, and the Death Walker in the dark night is definitely a first-class expert in collecting information.

Since they entered the Ring of World, Kane has let them collect information on the dungeons around the Knights' territory.

However, since they were completely loyal to Kane, and only loyal to Kane, even if they saw the information around them, they didn't communicate with Bonona at all, just threw the information on her desk and left.

When it was daylight on the second day, Bonona saw the inexplicable information on her desk.

However, the dark servants are also some taciturn masters, adhering to the fine tradition of being able to speak without speaking.

Directly handed a map and a lot of intelligence information to Kane.

And these intelligences are also classified into good categories, which are the information about which intelligences are around.

Kane took out the map of the fog and put the map drawn by the dark servant in his hand on the map of the fog.

The small dot on the edge of the world ring that was lit up before began to spread around, but from the overall view of the world map, it only spread to a small extent.

Kane zoomed in on it, and a large area around the Knights' Domain was lit up.

Including the map of the former [General's Order] dungeon.

Compared with what I have experienced before, sure enough, although the entire terrain is similar to the past, some details have been changed.

Now there are only 3 factions next to the Knights, and the forces here refer to the forces of other dungeons.

Each is a different dungeon. Kane knows it because according to the intelligence, the power used by these three forces is very different.

The difference between dungeon and dungeon can be completely attributed to the gap between world and world.

The powers are close in nature, even the same, not without, but it is not coincidental that they are so close together.

All three races are not human.

The first race made Kane unable to help frown. It was actually a cannibal race, and the Dark Attendant found human beings that were bred for meat within its sphere of influence.

The appearance of the race is mostly black, it is abnormally deformed, and there are great differences between individuals.

The per capita bronze level, some of them have silver level, the total population is about 4000~6000 people.

The danger is marked in red by the dark servants, because they are also exploring the surrounding forces, and have found the knights and the soldiers around the knights.

It is very likely that the attack will be launched after the opening of the World Ring.

You must know that these races almost still maintain their original habits, which are different from the races that have become accustomed to the misty world. They do not have the mentality and idea that all races live in harmony.

And not all races can clearly perceive the strength of other forces. Every race in the world has its own strengths.

Unable to recognize the positioning of their own strength, there are countless.

Almost every time the Ring of the World is opened, there are not a few such races. They are either all exterminated, or they survive and join the foggy world.

Some of the unwilling ones are the source of the Black Mist forces.

The other two forces seem to be more normal, one should be the orcs, and the brown skin implements the tribal culture.

The foggy world has long had these races. Although they are warlike, they can communicate with each other, and there is no serious hostile relationship.

The other Kane has never seen before. It is a force composed of a group of various beasts of beasts. Some beasts with wisdom control all the rest of the beasts.

Because these beasts are too sensitive, the information probed is very small and dangerous, but the specific danger is unpredictable.

There are more forces that are a little far from the knights where Kane and the others are. They need to pay attention, but they don't need to be too targeted in the early stage.

After reading the information in his hand, Kane was very satisfied with the work of the Dark Servant.

"Well done, let's take a good rest for a while, and then there are heavier tasks for you."

After Kane finished speaking, the five long-haired girls disappeared directly in place, turned into black mist and flew out of the window and door.

Their next assignment depends on when Parliament announces the entrance to the Western Frontier.

At that time, Kane will directly let the dark servants all the way to the entrance, completely draw the route they have experienced, and mark some dangerous places.

The main reason is to allow Kane and the others to reach the knights' quarters as quickly as possible after they enter the Ring of World.

The faster the speed, the greater the advantage.

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