
Another transparent rock-steel barrier appeared between the bald man and Metzker.

However, because of the previous one, this time the bald-headed strong man was prepared, and the penetrating power of this punch was stronger.

But after all, it blocked him for a while, giving Metzker time to react.

Following the pressure from the fist wind, Metzker fell directly backwards and fell from the marshmallow.

The bald-headed strong man wanted to continue the pursuit, but was bombarded by a large number of artillery shells oncoming, and could not help but folded his hands in front of him.

A lot of explosions in the sky, and the smoke generated by the explosions wrapped the strong men.

Cannonballs and bullets continued to fly into the smoke.


After receiving a lot of attacks, Lombe finally turned all the damage he had just hit into a counterattack and poured it into the hammer in his hand.

The strong bald man inflicted a lot of damage on him, making this time the counterattack extraordinarily powerful.

The hammer was wrapped in dense blue lightning, and then vigorously threw it towards the air, and the bald man who was confined by the missile was thrown away.

The attack speed of this flying hammer was extremely fast, hitting the enemy in the smoke.

With a loud noise, a figure dragged a string of smoke and was smashed out of the smoke.

Then it fell in an arc on the arena not far away, and hit it heavily.

One eye of the bald-headed strong man could be seen tightly closed, and blood was leaking from the corner of his eye. There is a huge depression on the arm of the left hand, and the whole arm is pulled aside like a rag.

The strong bald man who hit the ground quickly got up.

At this time, it can be clearly seen that he is covered in blood. Due to the serious injury and the black and white flames, these wounds can no longer be healed quickly by the physique of the gold level.

Several spear-like attacks composed of black and white flames flew towards the bald strong man under the throw of Claire.

The flame spear is extremely fast, flying silently, and if you don't see it, you can hardly even perceive its existence.

Claire herself also maintained the ghost form, followed behind the spear, and attacked the blade with flying wings.

Three mechas more than three meters high were constructed, and three precision mechanical balls were embedded in them to control, and they also attacked the bald strong man.

The strong bald man used the only arm left to knock out the flying spear, but the spear still scratched several wounds on his arm.

What followed was Claire's attack.

Due to the scars on his body, it became more and more difficult for the bald man to face the joint attack of the three mechas and Claire.

Due to the serious injury, the previous scars have not had time to heal and repair, and new scars have been added, and these scars have rekindled black and white flames.

These black and white flames of death caused him great trouble, and the wounds kept burning and could not be healed and repaired.

Not to mention that the burning flame is still burning, stinging his soul, and constantly consuming his energy.

Ying Kleia was surprised that this kind of burning was completely unbearable for ordinary people, and it would make people unbearable, but the bald strong man in front of him was not affected by it at all.

Claire's flying wings slashed against the blade again. In the liberated state, the opposite blade had turned into a long energy blade, successfully leaving two intersecting wounds on her abdomen again.

This blow finally completely angered the strong bald man, and regardless of the attacks of the three mechas, he must attack Claire.

The golden armor on his arms and the skull-like Buddha beads on his neck exude an evil light.

The bloody breath instantly condensed in his fist, and the breath of a jab hit Claire instantly like a cannonball.

The shield that was instantly switched out of Claire's hand had no effect at all, and the breath directly penetrated the shield and hit Claire's body.

The moment she was about to hit her body, the armor on Claire's body instantly turned into anti-magic armor.

However, this attack was not a magical attack. After being hit, Claya instantly exited the soul state and staggered back a few steps.

His face turned snow-white.

The bald man who launched the attack on the ground was not feeling well at this time. He completely ignored the defense and launched this attack, letting the three mechas place a lot of bombs embedded in the flesh on his body.

With the sound of violent explosions, these explosions exploded directly under his flesh, and the strong man at this time was full of incomplete gaps.

The flesh and bones and bones were clearly visible, and there was a large pool of blood under the feet, with some meat residue mixed on it.

The bald-headed strong man was half-kneeling on the arena, and the state of the whole person has changed from the bloody evil before to the original peaceful appearance.

"Congratulations, you have won."

He said that with his mutilated body, he sat cross-legged and put his hands together.

Immediately, his body turned into pale golden particles of light that drifted away.

With the disappearance of the strong bald man, the light film that wrapped the arena also disappeared.

A square golden treasure chest appeared in the center of the arena, exuding a bright light.

This means that Kane and the others have indeed successfully won, and at this time they completely let down their guard.

However, Kane and the others were not in the mood to check their spoils now. Kane and Lilulu immediately came to Claire's side.

Metzker has already started simple treatment for Lombe, who is the most injured from the outside.

He took the enemy's crazy combo before and turned it into a counterattack, but he also suffered serious damage.

At this time, Lombe's shield-holding left arm and left chest had a large number of depressions, and there were countless cracks in the internal arm bones and ribs.

Fortunately, Lombe's life-recovery rules are constantly treating his body, plus Metzker's red particles. It looked very miserable, but at least not life-threatening.

Claire's side suffered very little trauma, but her pale face and sleepy, dazed eyes showed that Claire's current state was not feeling well.

Claire's body fell softly to the ground now, and Kane supported her upper body, and fell softly into his arms.

His eyes kept falling down, just like someone who hasn't slept for a long time, constantly trying to pass out.

Lilulu carefully checked and analyzed Claire's state by the side.

Kane frowned tightly and asked Li Lulu, "How is it? What kind of damage did the attack just now do to her?"

Li Lulu didn't speak, but her frowning brows were relieved, and she said to Claire, who still insisted not to fall asleep, "Go to sleep, Sister Claire."

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Claire nodded her head slightly, then closed her eyes tightly in Kane's arms and fell asleep.

Then the anti-magic armor on his body disappeared with the light in an instant, and the clothes on his body became normal daily clothes.

Such a performance means that Claire has completely lost control of her original skills, and has not even provided the slightest magic power.

The daily attire is the most essential attire for Claire. Once the spirit is relaxed, when it is out of control, the subconscious will instinctively change the attire.

This meant that Claire was really asleep, and she slept peacefully.

Then Lilulu said to Kane, who was nervous next to her: "It's okay, Sister Claire was just stripped of too much energy by that injury. The power and rules of death protect her soul, so in essence it is not It doesn't hurt much, it just might take a while to get some energy back."

Hearing Li Lulu's explanation, Kane nodded in relief.

Then he waved to the sky, and the marshmallow flew down immediately.

Kane hugged Claire to Marshmallow and covered her with a blanket.

At this time, Lombe's entire left arm and chest were wrapped in bandages, and he limped over.

Looking at Claire on Marshmallow, the two asked worriedly, "How is it, is there anything wrong?"

Kane shook his head and said, "It's okay, it just takes a good night's sleep to recover."

"That's good." The two of them were relieved.

After all, Claire took the enemy's rage blow before she died, so it was hard not to think about whether it would cause too much damage.

Afterwards, Kane put the treasure chest in the middle into the space equipment first and walked off the arena. Find a good location next to it and construct a comfortable house.

They need a good rest for a while, and the first gold level enemy has caused them a lot of damage.

It is a magic immunity, which directly makes Li Lulu's attack skills ineffective. As a result, in this battle, Lilulu's only role was to add various buffs to them at the beginning.

Maybe Lilulu can summon the elements in the fairy tale world, but for gold-level battles, the creatures inside can only be used as cannon fodder.

Nothing but waste.

The enemy then relied on the percentage of physical penetration to cause a lot of damage to Lombe, and even the entire left half of the body whose physique was directly beaten could not be recovered by the rules for a while and a half.

In particular, the final counterattack, which was neither physical damage nor magic damage, directly hit Claire.

Its essential effect is definitely not as simple as putting Claire to sleep.

This attack is related to energy, so it means that it is an attack on the soul, but Claire has the authority and power protection of death.

It is difficult for the attack against the soul to cause any exaggerated damage to Claire, and even now it is difficult for Claire to enter the state of death.

Unless the energy of the attack exceeds Claire too much, at most Claire will enter a state of suspended animation, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover.

The power of death is always unreasonable.

Kane and the others directly found a suitable room in the house to sleep. The real use of the rules to participate in the battle was indeed too exhausting of energy and stamina.

This is completely different from the consumption during training.

They need a good rest for a while, and the things waiting by the side are handed over to the intelligent cores that Yunyou and Kane just released.

Not to mention that Li Lulu has no consumption this time, so I will leave it to Li Lulu during this period.

And there are no small monsters in this dungeon, only three boss monsters.

It's just as a precaution.

Until the sky loses its light and falls into darkness.

Kane opened his eyes in the middle of the night, then got up and went to the next room to check on Claire's situation.

At this time, Claire was still on the marshmallow, falling asleep. It seemed that Claire couldn't wake up for a while.

When I came to the living room outside the house, I found that Metzker had already woken up, and I could see Li Lulu's figure outside through the house.

Although Kane and Metzker also participated in the battle, they did not suffer any damage after all, they just spent some energy and stamina.

The only ones attacked from the front, Lombé and Claire, are still resting.

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