in the house in the dark.

A small light bulb at the top of the living room emits a soft glow that illuminates the entire living room.

Kane had just come down and sat with Metzker in the living room.

Li Lulu flew in from outside.

"Kane, you are awake, is Sister Claire awake?"

Hearing Li Lulu's question, Kane shook his head and said, "No, it looks like I won't be able to sleep for a while."

At this time, Metzker next to him said: "It may take three days to sleep, and my energy is exhausted."

Metzker also checked Claire's mental state before, and the attack almost completely consumed Claire's energy.

Under such circumstances, according to Metzker's calculation, Claire would need at least three days to regain her energy and wake up.

This is equivalent to an ordinary person who does not sleep for several days and nights because of various things. At this time, as long as he dares to close his eyes, he can fall asleep anywhere.

Hearing Metzker's statement that Claire might need a break, Kane nodded.

Claire is fine with no life-threatening injuries, just a few days of sleep, which is an acceptable price.

"How about Lombe, how long will his injury take to recover?" Kane asked.

The listing of Lombe is all in the flesh, and it seems to be much more serious than Claire.

Hearing Kane's question, Metzker calculated a little and said, "It will be able to recover tomorrow morning. If it is fully recovered, the day after tomorrow will be almost the same."

Hearing Metzker's words, Kane nodded, and then took Yoyo back to his room.

He took out a lot of heavy books and various materials and piled them up beside him. There is also a thick stack of blank drawings and various calculation notes on the desktop.

Kane needs to continue researching new weapons that he has not fully researched, and the development of new weapons is imminent.

The first battle of the gold level, to be honest, Kane's role is limited. For an existence like a gold-level small boss, it is difficult for Kane's attack to cause too serious damage to him.

It can only cause various harassment to the enemy by relying on rapid construction and large creation range.

When the enemy is on the defensive, Kane's various bombings have little effect.

The current explosion and various attack methods similar to gunpowder have been difficult to cause serious damage to the enemy, and can only play a role in harassment.

Even in the previous situation, Kane might as well go directly into the god-man state, carry a gun and rush up to engage in melee combat with the enemy.

Based on this situation, new attack methods have to be researched as soon as possible.


One afternoon a few days later.

Kane was biting the bread in his hand, looking at the complex mechanical structure in front of him, which was constantly changing its shape under his control.

"Yoyou, scan the current structure and measure how likely it is that it can function normally."

Hearing Kane's order, Yoyo's mechanical eyeball shot out a blue light, scanning back and forth on the mechanical structure in the air.

A blue disassembled structure is then projected next to it.

"The probability of normal operation is about 80%, and the energy circuit may have a certain conflict under some special circumstances, and the possibility of an internal explosion."

Hearing Yunyou's explanation, Kane nodded, and after a few sips, he put all the bread in his hand into his mouth.

The vacant hands continued to pour out magic power, and they were carefully controlled.

The precise structure floating in the air, under the control of Kane, re-describes the interior finely.

At this time, Kane suddenly felt something and waved his hand to completely dissipate the mechanical structure in the air.

After clapping his hands, he opened the door and walked to the next room.

He felt Claire wake up.

When he came to the door of the room, Kane knocked on the door.

I saw a somewhat confused voice coming from the room: "Kane? Come in."

Hearing the answer, Kane directly opened the door and walked in.

When I came in, I saw Claire lying on the marshmallow, dazedly opening her eyes, saw Kane come in, stretched out an arm and beckoned to Kane.

Kane walked over with a smile, then squatted next to Claire, reaching out to hold Claire's outstretched arm.

Claire stretched out her other arm and rubbed her eyes, then looked at Kane and asked.

"Kane, how long have I slept, I feel that I have slept for a long time, and my body is a little weak."

Hearing Claire's question, Kane squeezed her hand and said with a smile, "You've been sleeping for almost a year, just wake up."

"What!" Claire opened her eyes in shock, and then saw Kane's smiling face.

Knowing that she had been deceived, Claire broke free from Kane's hand, and then pulled Kane's cheek fiercely.

"You actually lied to me, tell me how long it has been."

Kane stretched out his hand to support the back of Claire's hand on his face, and said, "It's not long, it's only three and a half days."

"Three and a half days is not too short, how are they? Are they injured?" Claire asked.

Before she fell asleep, she only knew that they won. As for the specific price, she couldn't hold on before she could check it.

"Don't worry, only Longbei was slightly injured, and he fully recovered yesterday."

"That's good." Claire finally felt relieved.

Then Claire stared at Kane, stretched out her hands and pushed him: "Okay, go out, I'm going to get up."

"Don't you want me to help? You are a wounded now." Kane asked with a smile.

Claire's cheeks were a little red: "No, let's go, let's go."

Then he continued to push Kane.

Kane grabbed her hands and lowered his head.


When Kane came out of Claire's room, he disappeared directly in place.

Then he appeared in the guild hall and came to Burton's bar.

"Burton has a big meal, something that fills his stomach, and some high-calorie desserts."

"Squad Package?"

"Yes, the team package, the amount is slightly larger."

Hearing Kane's words, Burton nodded: "No problem, just wait a moment. Today's materials are very sufficient."

"Then I'll come in and get it later."

Kane said, disappeared into the guild hall again, and appeared in the country of platinum.

Kane, who was in the Platinum Palace, communicated to Lombe and the others through the ruby ​​collar clip on his collar.

Inform them that Claire has woken up.

Afterwards, Kane, who returned to the house, returned to the living room. At this time, there was only Kane in the living room.

The three of Lombe are now comprehending the rules in the country of platinum.

A simple rule allows them to at least participate in gold-level battles, but the previous battles let them know the gold level, and simple rules can't play a big role.

They now need to learn and understand the more difficult rules.

There's only one simple rule, and it's still a little too little help in combat.

It didn't take long for Kane to return to the guild hall and take away all the meals made by Burton.

When they returned to the living room, Lombe and the others had already returned. It seemed that they came out not long after receiving the news from Kane.

Everyone put the meals that Kane packed on the table together. The table was full and extremely rich.

Only then did Claire pack herself up and walk out of the room.

Seeing Claire come out, Lilulu appeared next to Claire with a flash, and then hugged Claire's neck hard.

"Sister Claire, you are awake."

Claire patted Li Lulu's head with a smile.

Yoyo also slid to Claire's side and scanned Claire up and down with blue rays to see if she still had hidden injuries.

When Claire came over, Metzker took out a bottle of potion and handed it to her.

"Strengthen the spirit, restore the energy."

Claire nodded, then opened the lid and drank it.

After a tube of medicine was taken, the hazy and drowsy feeling that had just woken up completely disappeared, and the whole person was fully energized.

"How did it work?" Metzker asked, needing some user feedback to prepare for future improvements.

After thinking for a while, Claire said, "Well, the impact of the moment was a little too strong, and it caused a slight tingling in the head for a moment, and the taste was too unpleasant to drink."

Hearing Claire's feedback, Metzker nodded, and then a notebook appeared in his hand and wrote it down.

He then handed the record book to the assistant robot next to him, and the assistant robot took it and returned directly to the room.

The crowd sat down at the table.

At this time, there was already a huge roast cow on the table, and there were various side dishes and dessert drinks around.

A whole cow and various side dishes are not too much for Kane and the others, and the current Claire might be able to solve it by herself.

"Okay, everyone, let's eat quickly. Claire has been sleeping for more than three days, she must be hungry. This is a beef made of copper-colored ingredients specially made by Burton."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone did not have any ink, and they all moved their chopsticks and forks.

It only took less than an hour for all the food on the table to go into their stomachs.

The people who were full of food and drink rested on the seats.

Kane looked at his teammates and said, "Since everyone is full now, it's time to take a look at the spoils of our first stage."

Claire also has no doubts as to why she hasn't checked the spoils yet.

After all, they are tacitly aware of this situation. As long as it is not too urgent, things like trophies will only be identified and checked when everyone is present.

Looking at the loot that exploded, opening a treasure chest can be regarded as a sense of ritual between comrades-in-arms.

"Come on, I can't wait, gold-level trophies." Lombe rubbed his hands beside him and said.

Kane smiled, reached into the space equipment with both hands, and then took out a large golden treasure chest.

Put the box in front of everyone.

Several people squatted down and looked carefully.

This is a square golden treasure chest with intricate patterns engraved on it, which should be some deeds of the bald man before.

"Then I'm going to open it," Kane said.

Everyone nodded and stared intently at the treasure chest.

With Kane forcefully opening the lid.

The treasure chest was condensed into a ball of light, and when the light disappeared, a pile of loot appeared in front of them.

It feels like they haven't been seriously looking at loot like this in a long time.

Kane simply checked the reaction of these trophies with his eagle eye, and they were all golden.

Speaking of which, Kane now almost understands how the so-called luck on the mist badge is used.

To put it simply, the lucky bonuses are almost all reflected in the loot that Kane and the others exploded.

But correspondingly, I don't know what the situation is. Every time the dungeons Kane and the others experience, every enemy with a certain randomness they experience is more powerful than what most other explorers have experienced.

Equivalent to trading higher difficulty for better loot.

I don't know if this deal is considered a good deal.

Retracting the thoughts that had spread out, Kane began to check the pile of spoils in front of him.

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