Kane looked at the brand new skill stone in his hand.

In the original demigod state of the silver period, he could only use the divine power of the Glowing Libra, because he was upgraded from his god-man state from the silver period.

Now at the gold level, a leap-forward upgrade has been made directly.

From the divine power of a single god to the divine power that can be used by multiple gods, as long as Kane can obtain other god-related items, he can use this skill to link and use it.

But not all items can be contaminated with breath, there should be extremely strict restrictions and unknown conditions.

The breath of God should not be so easy to obtain. Kane has obtained a color-level material before, although it can only charge the golden magic stone.

Although the divine heart given by Ekronn may only be of the three-color level, it is still a god.

And this material was kept in Kane's backpack for a long time, and it was not used until Kane was just upgraded to a golden explorer some time ago.

It shows that the breath of gods should be limited. As for what the limit is, it is still unknown.

Now that the power of two gods can be used, there are too many connections between the power of these two gods and Kane.

It's not surprising, but it would be strange if it wasn't.

Needless to say, a Glowing Libra, the bronze and silver levels of this skill use his power. It is very normal to have the same contamination after upgrading to the golden level.

Especially in the later time, Kane also conducted detailed research on the divine power of the Glowing Libra to make it play a greater role.

Not to mention the God of Myriad Machines. Kane is still holding the skill stone of a finger of the God of Myriad Machines. From time to time, he has to enter the sealed space to study the various technologies on this finger.

But this skill has side effects. The power of God is too powerful for a mortal like Kane, and his mind will be infected by power.

From the introduction, it will definitely not be infected immediately, but it will increase with the use of Kane, which limits the time Kane can use this skill.

Although a solution has been given, Kane does not have another golden skill stone now, so naturally he has no chance to upgrade [Smart Learning] to a golden skill.

It seems that the next golden magic stone has been reserved.

But no matter what, Kane now needs to put this skill stone into the skill grid and use it first. Let's take a look at the difference between the two divine powers.

Thinking of this, Kane directly put the two newly obtained golden skill stones into the skill grid.

The knowledge impact brought by the two skills caused Kane's head to swell slightly, but it was completely within the tolerance range.

Kane just squinted his eyes slightly, and after absorbing it carefully for a while, he got used to it.

As the knowledge is absorbed, Kane has a more specific understanding of the skills.

In particular, the skill [Endless Expansion], which was just extracted, finally knows its specific function, instead of being as ambiguous as the description.

But now Kane is more interested in divine power, so he decided to use this skill first.

When Kane closed his eyes and wanted to use the power of God, he felt that there were two sources of energy at his disposal.

A source of energy exudes a huge golden light, and the soft holy light keeps swaying outwards.

Another source of energy, the energy emitted is packed with dense knowledge, which is all kinds of unknown characters.

Kane connected first, the radiant scale represented by the golden light.

With the completion of the link, Kane felt the surging power pouring into his body crazily from the void.

These golden energies are so advanced that they even dyed all the magic in Kane's body into the power of holy light in an instant.

Kane's eyes directly burst into golden light, flashing with dazzling brilliance, and a powerful majesty emanated from his eyes.

A white hooded cloak appeared on its body, and it was finely patterned with golden stripes.

Open the palm of the hand, the energy of the holy light gathers crazily in the hand, and after a while, a high-energy sphere composed of holy light appears in the palm of the hand.

This holy light is not gentle, but has a strong aggressiveness, that is, a judgmental nature.

Looking around, Kane swung away the Holy Light sphere in his hand, and then withdrew from the link with the Glowing Scale.

He not only mastered the power of the Holy Light, but also learned many divine arts that can be used by the followers of Radiance Libra.

Once Kane uses the power of God and Aura, the Libra link is equivalent to becoming a very powerful believer under the Aura Libra.

Using the power of God to link the source of God's power, the form and essence of Kane's direct power have changed.

Then Kane closed his eyes again, and the source of the link kept emitting energy knowledge to the outside.

After the link was successful, it was also a powerful force that poured into Kane's body from the void. This time, the force was no longer as soft as before, and rushed in like a tsunami.

The energy not only changed Kane's magic, but also turned it into a force with blue regular lines.

These magic powers are also changing Kane's body, and the whole body is changing towards mechanization, but Kane can feel that this is temporary, not permanent.

The heart bursting with blood became an energy core, and the blood became blue energy, pouring from the core to the surroundings.

All organs are being transformed into mechanical-like structures, bones have become sophisticated machinery, and nerves and blood vessels are all changing towards machinery.

Regular oblique horizontal lines appeared on Kane's face, extending from both sides to the chin, and the eyes even directly turned into a mechanical structure that could be adjusted and aimed at a distance, and the information in his brain was called out.

The lines on the face appear on the whole body and on the arms, and the joints are also very silky, and they can even make many actions that violate the human body.

Even if the arms and legs are bent back, there will be no fractures at all.

Kane raised an arm, and with his mind, the arm began to deform, the palms were separated and the five fingers merged in the body, and the sharp tips protruded.

A fine-pointed drill appeared on Kane's wrist, turning with his mind, just like Kane's arm.

Then it changed from a drill to a long barrel, which was able to shoot the energy out of the body.

Although the ends of the limbs can be deformed, most of the body does not have such a function.

Kane's main feeling now is that he can feel that his body is like a machine that can make quick and subtle changes through his original skills.

But these changes are not permanent, and may return to their original state when the power wears off.

The power of the God of All Machines is too peculiar, making Kane feel a peculiar experience that he has never felt before.

He couldn't help but start to study and experience more seriously, looking at all kinds of different senses after his body was turned into a machine, as if he had discovered a new continent.

However, Kane woke up with a start, and then immediately exited the state of God's power.

As the power of the gods subsided, the body returned to its original magic power, and Kane's body that had just turned into a machine was also rapidly transforming into a flesh and blood body.

The entire body of the machine is changed by this divine power, and the subsidence of the divine power will subside together with this change.

It's just a little bit of indulging in these other changes. You must know that the longer you enter the state of God's power, the deeper the infection will be.

However, Kane also almost fully understands the state of the power of the god of all machines. Although there are still many functions that have not been tested, the side effects of this skill do not support non-critical battles.

The biggest gain in entering the power of the God of All Machines is that at that moment, Kane has a lot of new understanding of many of his previous equipment.

The mechanical body and calculation method gave him a different view and a strange understanding of his works.

Especially based on the energy rules now understood, more exaggerated changes can be made.

But now is not the time for research.

There is also a newly drawn skill that has not been tested yet. This skill has no side effects, so you can use it however you want.

An energy group formed by magic appeared again in Kane's hand. After thinking for a while, the magic of applying the thunder element was incorporated into the magic group.

Throw the magic group to the ground.

The magic group flashing with lightning, broke apart immediately after hitting the ground, and then formed a circle and began to expand outward.

Everywhere he passed, a lightning attribute damage was done. As long as Kane spent enough magic power, he would continue to expand outwards permanently, and deal an attribute damage to all the objects he passed.

This thing belongs to the panacea skill in the form of energy.

For example, Kane entered the state of divine power, melted the holy light spell into it, and then projected it out.

This will become a large-scale skill that covers the entire field, and will damage everyone who passes by with the power of the Holy Light.

The only thing that makes people uncomfortable is that this thing does not distinguish between enemy and me, and even teammates have to be hurt once.

It's definitely strong when you say it's strong, especially if there's a strange elemental damage.

But let's say it's tasteless, there is not much problem, after all, it is limited to some scenes to use, especially it will damage indiscriminately.

If Kane has the healing skills, he can expand the healing skills to heal everyone, but this thing is also indistinguishable from the enemy, and I even bring the enemy with him to heal.

Unless it is said that the energy used to heal friendly forces is actually damage to the enemy, that is another matter.

Looking at the energy group that reappeared in his hand, Kane couldn't figure out how to use this skill for a while.

After thinking about it, take it out, put it into the strengthening grid, and see if it can produce some conscious strengthening effects on the original skills.

When Kane puts the skill stone in the booster grid.

Lying down!

Seeing the strengthening effect on the original skill, Kane couldn't help but directly broke out the foul language.

[Enhanced Grid-Gold 2: Endless Expansion] (Expand the range of the original skill to infinite, and the range beyond 100 meters will start according to the distance, and the magic power spent by the same object will be increased.)

It was my fault for saying that this skill was tasteless. It was because I didn't know Taishan. I would like to apologize here.

He silently apologized to this skill in his heart.

These seemingly tasteless skills can always bring unexpected and exaggerated gains to Kane in the strengthening grid.

The range of 100 meters is already very outrageous, and now it has directly become infinite.

It is equivalent to Kane's status as the creator god who is currently resident in the country of platinum. Of course, this is just an exaggerated idea.

After all, there are still restrictions behind it. After more than 100 meters, the farther the distance is, the more magic power is spent.

After reaching a certain distance, there will definitely be a consumption of magic power that Kane cannot bear, which will limit the range of Kane's skills in disguise.

Now, the mountain that stood in front of Kane's strength has become the consumption of magic power and the total amount of magic power.

It was said before that the magic power was finally enough, but now it has returned to the initial stage when it was at the silver level.

It seems that the upgrade of [Blue Dragon Bloodline] to gold has to be put on the agenda.

The upgrade order of the [Magic Repository] also has to go one step further.

After that, most of the golden magic stones may have to be used to upgrade skills first.

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