Everyone was walking back to the guild.

Many shops around have changed their signboards, and all kinds of goods inside are filled with supplies needed by explorers. Various functions and steel vehicles are full of goods, and they come and go on the streets.

Even though it was already dusk, these people had no intention of resting at all.

Kane looked back towards the teleportation station.

A huge teleportation spar has been placed in the sky.

Then he felt himself covered by a shadow.

Everyone looked up to the sky.

A huge airship is flying towards the outside of the city.

The huge teleportation spar in the sky opened another portal, and a new airship has emerged.

"It seems that the City of Lions will become lively in the next few days." Kane couldn't help but said.

When they arrived at the guild residence, many houses around the guild residence had changed owners.

Perhaps it was because Kane and the others placed the guild's residence in this area, and many of the surrounding facades became shops for buying and selling various equipment and materials.

There are still many facades being renovated, and it seems that this place will become a commercial street fully serving explorers in the future.

"President Kane, I haven't seen you for a while." A heroic voice sounded.

Kane looked to be the Coro crocodile who gave this piece of land to them free of charge. He was leading a fat boy next to him, wearing a small suit. Politely bowed to Kane and the others.

"Crocodile, take your son back."

The son of the crocodile is already a member of the guild, and he often enters the guild hall.

This fat boy spent most of his time observing and studying with the members of various guilds, mainly to determine the path he would take in the future.

"Hahaha, of course, I want to take this kid back, so I'll take my leave first." Ke Luocrocodile waved his hand.

He saw that Kane and the others seemed to have come back after a long journey, so he made an excuse to leave so as not to disturb them.

Kane said with a smile: "Okay, then I will leave."

Saying that, Kane and the others entered the station, and then went to their room.

On the way to their respective rooms, they found that many of the rooms were already occupied. It seemed that the explorers of the guild should have all returned.

The rooms in the guild resident are relatively small and not decorated much.

After all, this kind of room is essentially used to allow guild members to better enter the guild hall.

Transfer through the room and enter the guild hall.

At this time, the guild hall is a bit lively, and the evening is the most lively beginning of the entire guild.

All the explorer members of the guild were present, and even Funa and her team were sipping drinks at the bar.

Kane walked over and sat next to them, taking a drink from Burton.

"Have you finished exploring the dungeon?"

"Master Kane." Seeing Kane coming, Funa called out.

She still habitually calls Kane a master.

"We just finished exploring a few days ago, and we just came back."

"Oh, right."

Funa seemed to have thought of something, groped around in her space equipment for a while, and then took out a piece of golden magic material.

"This is the only gold-level magic item that exploded from the last boss when exploring the dungeon. It happens to be a material that can be absorbed by magic stones."

"However, this material does not seem to be able to fill a magic stone. I don't know how long it will be until I get the gold material, so I will give it to you first."

Funa explained, and handed the gold material to Kane.

Kane was somewhat surprised when he took the materials.

Judging from the duration of the Ring of the World, Funa and the others really don't have much chance of being promoted to gold within a year or two.

After all, during this period of time, the focus must be on the things in the ring of the world.

Looking at the materials in his hands, Kane thought for a while and took out 5 silver magic stones from the space equipment and handed them to Funa.

"As the president, you can't take it for nothing. Let's take these as an exchange."

Hearing Kane's words, Funa was not polite, and directly took the 5 silver magic stones.

The main reason is that the golden magic material is placed in their hands, and it really takes a long time before it can be turned into magic stones for use.

Moreover, this material can just be absorbed, and it would be too bad if it is sold. The explorers of the guild, even if they are brain-dead, would not do such a thing.

After all, the selling price of these materials is not even comparable to the leg hair of some items in the guild.

At this time Claire came over, took out a magazine and handed it to Kane. Then followed Lilulu to the direction of Entoma.

Finalis beside him also greeted Kane.

Kane picked up the magazine and looked at it. It was the latest issue that just came out yesterday.

It explains in detail the opening position of each area and the ring of the world.

Divide the entire fog surrounding the world into 26 regions, with a total of 26 entrances to the World Ring.

The opening of the first entrance is naturally on Kane's side, at the fog wall extending from the entrance of the [Giant Wood Forest] dungeon.

After 5 months, Kane will open the entrance, and then the remaining 25 entrances will all be opened together.

The nearest large city to their entrance is the City of Lions. No wonder Kane and the others have undergone such a huge change in the month since they left.

And the change has just begun, and in the next 5 months, the City of Lions will undergo crazy expansion.

After all, this is the first area to be opened. It is opened half a day earlier than other areas, and it attracts the most forces and explorers.

All explorers and forces entering through this entrance need supplies, and Lion City is the best transfer point. This place will become a material accumulation place, and materials from all over the world will flow here continuously.

As long as the government forces in the City of Lions are not idiots, they will take advantage of this wave of breeze and go straight to the sky.

It is foreseeable that it is another lush city that will rise rapidly in recent years.

There are not very good cities at the entrance of some areas, and those large forces will even unite to build one on the spot.

This is a business that will never lose money. I don't know how many places are still talking about the construction of these cities.

But Kane just flipped through it casually, and the information had already been known through Gordon's letter before.

His current news is basically synchronized with the top management of the Fog Council.

Putting the magazine down, he has more important things to do now, and his heart has completely drifted away.

After drinking the drink in his hand in one gulp, he bid farewell to everyone and got up to leave.

A twinkle disappeared in the guild hall and returned to his personal space.

Kane, who returned to his personal space, was not in a hurry. He cleaned up his body carefully, put on clean pajamas, and lay down on the soft and comfortable cloud bed.

Spread out the palm of your hand, the magic power gathers in your hand, and an eight-sided dice appears in your hand.

Kane tossed it straight into the air and watched the dice roll on the floor.

The dice turned slower and slower, and finally stopped steadily.

Red, two red dots.


Without hesitation, he directly took out all 4 gold materials, and then took out two transparent blank magic stones and placed them on top.

Waiting for the transparent magic stone to be completely filled with golden light, sweep away all the remaining ashes.

First, take out a golden magic stone, the first thing to be done is naturally the extraction of skills.

Call out the [Book of Adventure], and turn it over to the magic circle for skill extraction.

【Extract skill】

[Whether to consume golden magic stone to extract skills]



[Skill extraction...]

With the disappearance of the golden magic stone in Kane's hand, the extraction circle in front of him began to glow with golden light and then slowly rotated.

The golden light fluctuates out.

And where the golden magic stone in Kane's hand disappeared, a skill stone also appeared.

Kane directly checked the attributes of the skill stone in his hand.

【Name: Endless Expansion】

[Category: Active Skill]

[color: golden]

[Explanation: Spend magic power to create a circle of magic ripples, which will expand in a circular shape. The more magic power, the greater the expansion range. 】

[Introduction: A skill constructed with endless as the core, as long as it has magic power, it will expand without limit. 】

The description of the skill has no reference.

After reading the description of the skill, Kane didn't understand what this skill does at all?

What's the use of spending magic power to create a circle of magic ripples that can expand around?

However, Kane was not in a hurry to use this skill stone immediately. After all, the lucky upgrade time is limited, only one hour.

Kane immediately took out the remaining golden magic stone.

Take this opportunity to use up this magic stone first.

It is still the principle of taking one to upgrade.

As for the second skill to be upgraded, Kane had already thought about it before, so there was nothing to hesitate, and he directly took out the skill stone of [Demigod Avatar].

Now, there is no skill that can enhance Kane's current strength more than this skill.

Then he took out a silver magic stone from the space equipment.

Put the three items together into the extraction circle.

[Would you like to upgrade this skill from silver to gold? 】



【The magic circle is running, please wait...】

【The girl is praying...】

【update completed】

As the magic circle circulated, golden light surged in front of Kane, and the lines surrounded the magic circle, began to outline, and flowed with the magic circle.

After a burst of brilliance, the golden light flourished, and then all the special effects disappeared.

A brand new round triangular metal piece made of gold-like creations appeared in Kane's hands.

[Name: Power of God]

[Category: Active Skill]

[color: golden]

[Description: Use this skill, you will have the power of God, which has various characteristic attributes like gods.

After use, the specific characteristic attributes will be changed according to the divine power breath on the user. If the user does not have the divine power breath, the divine power will be adapted to select the most suitable one for the user.

Currently possesses divine power

1. Glowing Libra: Powerful holy light attribute, the overall power is biased towards offense, and the power used will be judgmental. The wicked, the guilty will be hurt more severely.

To use this power, you must stay in the positive alignment.

2. God of all machines: Create something out of nothing, strengthen any object with technological content, and automatically learn mechanical magic.

To use this divine power, you must keep your heart, otherwise you will inevitably fall to the heart of steel. 】

[Introduction: In some worlds, the first extraordinary creatures to appear are called gods. They all have unparalleled power, and they have strong strength in their positions, and there are countless rules in their power.

Remember, the power of God is the power of lending after all, and it is contagious, and you need to maintain your own will and heart. 】

(Secret Intelligence Department: After our observation and research, if we want to completely remove the side effects of this skill, we must upgrade the smart learning to the golden stage. When using this skill and using smart learning at the same time, it can offset the side effects and keep the original heart .)

Although I don't know what the effect of this skill is, this dense and long series of introductions and explanations is enough to illustrate the power of this skill.

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