Kane and Claire walked out of this space after talking for a while at the Fountain of Rebirth.

Ever since Li Lulu listened to the report from the dark servant, she has been frowning tightly, her face full of displeasure.

Both of them knew why, but they didn't know how to comfort them.

The reason why Li Lulu is in a bad mood is because several people know that the race of ogres is man-eating. In the report of the dark waiter just now, what did the group of children mentioned do? .

Lilulu is the guardian of children. This is a duty she was born with. All children and young lives that maintain their innocence should be guarded by her.

She will protect these lives, and these lives will be returned to her.

Hearing such news would of course make her feel irritated, because there was nothing they could do now, and they couldn't enter the Ring of the World now.

After walking out of the space, Lilulu disappeared directly, bringing up a circle of rainbow-colored ripples.

It seems that Lilulu has entered the fairy tale world directly.

Kane, who returned to the guild hall, happened to see the forge that was open for work.

A human figure covered in armor was striking a long sword with a huge hammer.

The sound of knocking did not come out, and there was a film around the door of the forge to block the sound.

The sound of hammering iron and the noise of machines cannot be heard, these are the masterpieces of explorer members.

I heard that the sound of iron striking was very loud before, filling the whole hall with this noise.

Around the steel armor workbench, there are various weapons hanging on the wall, most of which are silver-colored weapons, only a few of which are copper-colored, and they were hand-crafted a long time ago.

Kane watched the steel armor working, greeted Claire and walked towards the forge.

Since the steel armor was upgraded to gold, it was the first time it appeared in Kane's eyes. He didn't know how the steel armor and forging technology had changed after the upgrade to gold.

Watching Kane come in, the face of the steel armor showed a clear smile.

"Your Majesty, you are here."

Kane smiled and said: "I haven't congratulated you on being promoted to gold, it's amazing."

Hearing Kane's praise that the steel armor is very useful, he stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, making the crisp sound of steel rubbing against each other.

"Where is it, Your Majesty praised it."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let me see how strong you are forging now."

Hearing Kane's words, Steel Armor immediately became excited.

He immediately reached out and took out a one-handed long sword from the space equipment in the void.

"Come to Your Majesty, please take a look, this is the best work I have been able to forge so far, give me some time, I can forge even better works"

Kane took the one-handed sword in the armored hand. The hilt of the one-handed sword was golden in color, and the gauntlet was in the shape of a lantern.

The structure of the blade is like a beam of light emitted upwards from a lantern, with a strong guild style.

identified directly.

【Blade of the Lampkeeper】

【One-handed sword】

【Color: Gold】


[extremely strong]

【Advanced Sharpness】

【Quick slash】

[Skill: Burning Lamp Thrust] (Spending mana, using a long sword to perform a stab attack, this attack will greatly increase the speed and armor-piercing ability, and the damage caused is not suitable for healing.

Members of the Lantern Guild can use the guild seal to gain three consecutive stabbing abilities. )

[Introduction: Grandmaster forging, the promotion of Steel Armor, which means that he has successfully mastered the talent of magic and applied it to forging, and now he has finally become a real grandmaster. 】

Kane did not expect that the weapon in his hand was actually a gold-level weapon, and both its attributes and skills were outstanding.

The attribute doesn't need to think too much, it is perfectly matched, it is a one-handed sword that is completely used for offense, and the three entries interact with each other, allowing it to exert its strong strength.

If the skill is not used by members of the Lantern Guild, it is just an ordinary weapon skill, and it can even be said to be a bit hip.

But once the members of the Lantern Guild use this weapon, they will be able to display their full strength, and the three-stage thrust will directly turn this skill into a treasure.

Let the seal of the body guild help to increase the attack power? What a strange idea.

It also proves from the side that the forging technology of steel armor is very good.

You must know that he has just upgraded, and he has been able to forge golden weapons not long after he became gold. Kane is already very surprised.

"You are now able to forge gold level weapons?" Kane asked happily.

Steel armor nodded: "Yes, and the silver level, even the best silver weapons can be mass-produced, and even if the attributes of some equipment are replaced or removed, I can also carry out, including the gold level .

But it's limited to armor and weapons. After all, I'm just a blacksmith. I don't know much about other equipment, so I can't help it. "

After listening to Steel Armor's words, the joy on Kane's face could no longer be hidden.

This is enough, after all, Steel Armor is a blacksmith, not a leather armor master or a tailor.

Being able to forge and modify armor and weapons is already pretty good.

Especially weapons. After all, weapons are still very important to explorers, and they are the equipment that can most obviously improve the strength of explorers.

You must know that among the current guild members, apart from Kane and the others, only Raphael has gold-level weapons.

Not everyone, like Kane and the others, has a gold-level weapon at the silver level.

The rest of the gold-level strength people do not have gold-level equipment and weapons.

Oh, by the way, and Burton, he must have a lot of golden equipment suitable for him.

The main reason is that the opening time of the ring of the world was too unfortunate, and the time in between was not enough for Raphael and the others to explore another golden dungeon.

Kane and the others dared to explore the [Trinity] only because they were stronger than their peers.

Raphael and the others dare not go at all due to their strength, at least they have to clear one or two gold dungeons before they can go to [Trinity] to test the waters.

After thinking about it, Kane said, "Then your main job now is to help the gold-level members of the guild forge weapons. Try to let them have a hand before the ring of the world opens."

"As for the materials, if they are not enough, let them use their contributions to exchange them in the guild's warehouse. As for the cost of forging golden weapons, you can decide for yourself. I will let Entoma discuss it with you."

After listening to Kane's words, Steel Armor nodded.

Now that Steel Armor can fully display its skills, it can be said that it is very happy, and of course hopes to forge more gold-level weapons.

After all, his materials are limited, and he cannot leave the country of platinum.

Then Kane recruited Adoma and asked him to discuss the cost and process with Steel Armor.

through a series of exchanges.

When guild members forge equipment in the forge, they need to bring their own materials. If the materials are not enough, they can use contributions to exchange them in the warehouse.

For each level of weapon, the labor fee charged is one magic stone of the same level.

50% of the steel armor cost will be handed over to the guild, and it will be counted as the cost of using the forge.

If the order is placed by the guild, the materials will also be prepared, but the public fee will be paid by the contribution.

The problem is that none of the gold-level members have gold-level magic stones, but everyone is a member of the same guild.

These fees will be owed first and paid later.

Each guild member can enjoy a certain renewal amount.

In the end, the negotiated terms were all made into a panel and nailed to the wall next to the forge.

Entoma also wrote this new news and posted it on the bulletin board.

Seeing the new information on the bulletin board, many people gathered around.

Of course, the happiest ones are the members of Raphael's team.

"Okay, I will have a gold-level weapon soon, Raphael, don't be arrogant, and see if I don't beat you all over the place."

Kafka looked at the new news on the notice board and said excitedly.

In the training ground a few days ago, he still lost to Rafael in the end. He thought it should be because Rafael had the golden weapon.

"Don't think about it, even if you have 10 weapons, you can't beat me." Raphael said disdainfully.

"Just be arrogant."

Speaking of which, Kafka immediately disappeared into the guild hall, and he was going outside to buy materials.

There are too many explorers gathered in the City of Lions now, not to mention gold-level materials, even color-level materials can be bought.

Not only Kafka, but several other teammates of Raphael also disappeared in the guild hall.

As for those gold-level members who are still in the country of platinum and the ring of the world, their materials will be provided by the guild, and they only need to spend and contribute.

This kind of news is less of a surprise for Silver level members.

After all, there are still so many equipment in the guild warehouse that can be exchanged, as long as they basically have what they need.

So you only need to spend the contribution and exchange it.

At this time, Kane came to Claire's side and said, "Didn't you get the pair of leg armor before? You can give it to Steel Armor to replace some unnecessary attributes."

Hearing Kane's reminder, Claire remembered, and immediately got up and walked towards the forge.

It's a pity that steel armor can only replace armor armor and weapon attributes.

Most of the equipment on Kane that needs to be changed, as well as equipment with some unnecessary entries, are accessories.

Therefore, the attribute replacement of steel armor does not have much effect on him now.

But for guild members, this function is more important than being able to forge weapons.

After all, not everyone is like Kane and the others. The entire fog team has a high amount of luck bonus, and most of the equipment that comes out is extremely suitable for them.

For many explorers, especially the copper and silver level, many of the equipment that exploded have either one or two entries that are redundant, or are inappropriate.

These equipments have one or two entries or their built-in skills are too suitable and powerful, making them reluctant to replace them.

Now forging this function can definitely increase their strength a bit.

There is no such distress for gold-level people.

It is mainly the magic equipment that exploded after the gold level, most of which are very suitable, and the entries are relatively perfect, and there are very few unsuitable situations.

So this is why there are fewer gold-level weapons in circulation on the market.

Most of what can be circulated are replaced equipment.

This may be regarded as a benefit of the mist for gold explorers, after all, it is not easy to rise to the gold level.

It can also be regarded as a mid-to-high combat power in the foggy world.

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