At this time, Kane and his convoy were driving in a wilderness.

As soon as they left the hills and woodlands around the Wall of the World, they entered a barren wilderness.

And this wilderness is so wide that you can't see the end at a glance.

Perhaps this is the real place where the ring of the world and the misty world meet.

It can be seen that the land here is extremely poor, let alone trees, only some small weeds with tenacious vitality can be seen.

When entering this wilderness, it is almost impossible to see other forces.

Before that, between the forest and the woodland, some surrounding teams could be seen from a distance.

As the distance gets farther and farther away, such a big ring of the world, even if it is just spread by thousands of forces in their area, it will not be able to cause a little ripple.

After entering this wilderness, everyone passed the freshness and changed their vehicles from personal vehicles to RVs of each team.

"Yes 2! Such a big world ring, I don't know how long it will take to reach the destination." Amys said with a few notes on his horn, and then played the poker cards in his hand.

The elf Chess lifted the note covering his eyes: "No. There is no way, how could I give up this advantage, the time of the journey is completely worth it."

"Wang Zha, I won." Mage Rock played out the last card in his hand, then picked up the note next to them and pasted it on the faces of the two of them again.

"Compared to other explorer forces, we can say that we have already laid down a territory in the joy of the world. This is not a slight advantage. I just hope that the journey along the way can be safer and let us arrive as soon as possible."

Hearing what Roque said, both of them nodded in agreement.

At this time, Berserker Ka, who was driving ahead, suddenly turned his head and said loudly, "The convoy has stopped."

Ka himself also started to slow down, and slowly brought the RV to a stop.

"Why did it stop suddenly? Did something happen outside?" Amys led a few people down from the RV.

Because Kane, the leader, and the others stopped, the other vehicles in the rear followed suit.

But they didn't know why, so they got out of the car one after another.

Looking at Kane who seemed to be waiting for something, they walked over.

Kane looked at the crowd and said, "Let's wait here for a while, the companion who will guide us is coming soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen strands of black mist flew out from behind a small hill, rushing towards them quickly.

Seeing this situation, everyone behind Kane immediately became vigilant and entered a fighting state.

Seeing this situation, Kane immediately comforted him: "Don't excite everyone, they are also members of the guild, but they are usually a little shy."

After hearing Kane's words, everyone put down their weapons.

No way, the Dark Attendants can be said to be the most lonely group among all Kane's men.

Completely only obeying Kane's orders, and anyone else's orders have no effect.

You can't see them at all in your spare time, and you have never even seen them appear in the guild hall.

So it is very normal that these explorer members behind have not seen them.

More than a dozen clouds of black mist fell in front of Kane, and then condensed into girls wearing white masks.

"His Majesty!"

Kane nodded: "Since we have converged, let's lead the way and rush to the territory as quickly as possible."

The leading dark servant nodded, then stood still.

And the remaining dozen or so dark servants all turned into black mist and crashed into Kane's body.

The people behind them stared at this scene with wide eyes.

Although surprised, they still kept their mouths shut and didn't ask too much.

Kane turned around and said to everyone: "Okay, that's it, everyone, go back, we're going to move on."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone immediately dispersed and returned to their respective vehicles.

As Kane's RV started, everyone immediately started their vehicles and followed behind.

In addition to Kane and Claire, there is another member in the vehicle.

Kane looked at the dark attendant in front of him and asked: "Come on, mark a safer route on it, and tell me about the situation along the way, okay, make preparations."

What he was holding in his hand was the map given to him by the mist. Because of the behavior of the group of dark servants in front of him, a white line showing the specific map had appeared on it, extending from the edge of the territory.

After zooming in, you can see these white lines, and there are still many branches, but they are cut off halfway. In the end there was only one line all the way to their current area.

It seems that along the way, the dark servants have also gone through a lot of wrong paths.

Not to mention that this line is not a straight line at all, but twisted and twisted, and it can only pass through a large arc somewhere.

Hearing Kane's words, the dark attendants pointed their fingers at their current area, and then began to talk in reverse from the way they came.

"Leaving from the wasteland, you will enter an area where many forces meet. When we passed here, we met at least 6 spies from different forces.

For this case, we didn't probe too much. "

"So we'd better go through here quickly, or we might get involved in a conflict between them."

Kane looked at the area mentioned by the dark attendant. To be honest, this area is so close to the wilderness, as long as they leave the wilderness, they almost enter their respective territories.

In other words, they can be regarded as the original force that has the fastest contact with explorers.

They are so close to the border, they will basically conflict with the explorers first.

Kane feels that they are unlikely to be involved in the battle between local forces and forces, because these forces are unlikely to be able to fight each other.

These explorers who first rushed into their territory are definitely enough for these forces to drink a pot.

Don't talk about fighting each other, it will cause trouble for Kane and the others, and no gold-level forces can protect themselves, which is considered a high incense.

Then the dark attendant continued: "After passing this area, it is a relatively safe area, where there is no area of ​​influence of intelligent life.

But there are a lot of monsters, and some monsters can give us a very dangerous feeling. Because this forest is too wide, it takes a lot of time to go around. So we came here directly, and we didn't meet any monsters that are too powerful. "

"Behind that is an ocean, which almost cuts off this area up and down, and we successfully passed through this ocean with the ship carrier given by His Majesty.

This huge arc is because of the large area in the middle, which gives people a very dangerous feeling, and the sea conditions are extremely dangerous, so we went around from the side. "

Look at this gray area on this map, the arc of this avenue is entirely sea water.

There is no reference around, just a narrow viewing area, it is hard to imagine what the shape of the ocean is.

If the range is too large, the sea area from here will separate the upper and lower areas of this area.

It can be seen that, no matter what, the area below is more chaotic than the area above.

This ocean barrier is inherently able to prevent some chaos from extending upwards, and even if it extends, it will slow down the arrival of chaos.

Although there must be explorers like Kane and the others, crossing the ocean to seek better development on the other side.

But after all, it is a minority, and most explorers will definitely maintain the principle of proximity and fight to the death in this area.

Not all explorer forces can fill up the logistics supplies at one time. If they can't support the war in it, they must find a way to return it.

After passing through this ocean, it is a straight line all the way, directly reaching Kane's destination.

"There is a straight line here because this large area is a snow field, and the environment is very harsh, which is very unsuitable for intelligent creatures to survive here."

"So we passed through this area in a straight line, and hardly saw any intelligent life on the way. There is no harm except that the terrain is not safe."

Kane looked at the last straight line. The snow field was too big, and he didn't know what shape it existed in.

If you don't know the other range, this straight line can be regarded as the width. The width of this snow field is comparable to that of the ocean.

If this piece of snow is big enough, it will be another natural barrier.

It may be difficult for other explorers to disturb the last area they are in.

However, it is not possible to jump to conclusions, after all, their understanding of this area is too scarce now.

The clues known now cannot support any conjectures at all.

Don't think about these yet, the most important thing is to reach the knight's territory as quickly as possible.

Only with a safe territory can it develop rapidly, not to mention that the knight's territory has long been well cultivated.

There is also the Kingdom of Platinum as the logistics, and Kane has made so many preparations there, just waiting for them to be in place.

After knowing the route information, Kane nodded to the dark attendant.

Then the dark messenger turned into a black mist and entered Kane's body.

"Yuyou, let me know, and start moving at full speed now."

After Kane finished speaking, Yoyo's voice came from the back of the RV. After the news of the full speed forward was transmitted, it immediately began to speed up and drive forward.

"It seems that the route goal has been set, and the president is really reliable." Kafka said while sitting on Raphael's suspension sports car.

"Of course, I said at the time that joining the president's forces would definitely make a difference. If you still don't believe me, now you know how far-sighted I am."

Hearing Raphael's words, Kafka waved his hand in disdain: "Oh, that's all right, I know you're amazing, so let's take a long-term view. It's been so long, and I'm still talking about it."

At that time, it was Raphael who said that he wanted to join Kane and his forces, and he also explained his idea of ​​doing so.

But Kafka and the others didn't understand it at all, and they didn't agree with it very much. After all, in their eyes at that time, Kane and the others were just powerful.

But after all, Raphael is their captain and the one who gave the idea in their team, so they finally agreed.

Although their captain has all kinds of strange and smelly problems, he is still very reliable in matters of right and wrong.

Later, they rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, they agreed. If they missed the opportunity to join Kane and his forces, they would definitely regret it later when they found out.

Suddenly Raphael said: "Haven't you already learned how to drive? Why are you still sitting in my car? I saw that you also went to the president to order one."

"What do you mean, are you going to drive your teammates down? Are you going to drive down your brother who grew up?"

"Stop it, stop it, enough is enough."

Hearing Kafka's words, Raphael waved helplessly.

It must be because he doesn't have much confidence in himself. If he makes a fool of himself in front of everyone and slows down the progress of the team, it would be a shame.

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