The sun falls from the sky.

The sky was plunged into darkness, and only the stars and the full moon were still illuminating the world.

The entire sea was pitch black, and only the moonlight reflected on the sea from time to time could illuminate some tiny areas.

A group of light sources sailed fast on the sea.

When I zoomed in on the camera and looked carefully, I realized that this was a steel ship, and the light source was illuminated by the lights on the deck.

After the battle during the day, they were already very far away from that sea area, and they were now heading towards their destination in a larger circle.

There was never another sea beast attacking on the way, indicating that only that team of sea beasts was indeed sent to attack.

The surrounding environment is finally safe.

At this time, Kane said to Claire next to him: "Let's go to the guild hall first."

After saying that, Kane disappeared on the deck, followed by Claire.

And the reason why Kane dared to leave is because this ship has been turned into reality by his magic power.

After all, it has to sail for such a long time on the line, and this ship is made of ordinary materials, even if it becomes real, it will not be a burden for Kane.

So Kane turned this ship into reality without any psychological pressure, and he didn't need him to maintain it anytime, anywhere.

The two entered the guild hall. At this time, almost no one was staying in the guild hall near the middle of the night.

Only Steel Armor and Burton chatted at the bar, seeming to be waiting for Kane and the others.

However, in the shadows not far away, I could see what Metzker was recording.

After seeing Kane and the others coming in, the two waved.

Kane walked over and said to the two, "It's been a long wait."

After speaking, he took the drink from Burton.

After a few chats, everyone walked towards the forging of the steel armor.

Enter the corner of the room at the main entrance and enter the innermost workshop, which has a wide area.

There are all kinds of forging equipment around, but there is still a large empty area in the middle.

Several people were waiting by the side, and Kane came to the middle part of this empty area.

I touched the mark of the lantern with my hand, and a huge magic circle appeared. Then I put my hand in, and a bloody smell and the breath of the ocean came out.

Kane laid out the corpse of a huge sea beast.

This is a sea beast like an electric eel, with a body length of more than 160 meters and an average body width of three meters.

The fatal wound of this sea beast was penetrated by a huge hole at its waist. It should have been hit by Kane's sniper launcher more than 30 meters away.

The original strength of this sea beast is that of an ordinary gold-level sea beast, not the three chiefs nor the silver-level sea beast, just right.

The reason why it was taken out and placed here is because several people want to check which parts of these sea beasts are good materials and what are the functions of each.

Kane, Steel Armor, Burton, Claire, Metzker.

Several people have relatively superb creative skills, and correspondingly, they can better distinguish some useful materials.

The strength of several people has also reached gold, and they can better decompose the bodies of these sea beasts with weapons, and can prevent some accidents.

That's why they were used to identify and analyze the materials and squeeze out every value of these sea beasts.

"Okay, then let's take a look at which parts of this sea beast are useful. This is a rare thing."

Several people were also followed by an intelligent assistant, shooting blue scanning rays to analyze the body structure and internal conditions of these sea beasts.

This can also help them better distinguish these ingredients, so as not to miss something.

Several people began to check around on the sea beast's corpse, and began to dissect and analyze with various tools in their hands.


When the time came to morning, there were more people besides Kane and the others in the steel armor forge.

The extra people are Lombe, Fona and Asterisk, and several of them also have good identification skills.

Until the afternoon, everyone finally decomposed all the sea beasts from yesterday.

No way, there are too many corpses of sea beasts, and they are too huge. It does take a long time to completely decompose them one by one.

Most of the body parts of most sea beasts are edible.

Except for a sea beast, the poison sac of the body was broken due to improper operation, causing the venom to enter the body and cannot be eaten.

Each of the others can provide Kane with a large amount of high-quality magic ingredients.

In the end, hundreds of tons of magical ingredients were decomposed, and they were all meat, and they were all silver and gold.

Of course, you can't expect this kind of sea beast meat to be delicious, but it's perfectly fine to make it fortifying and to the point of being delicious.

The second is the body's various poison sacs, power generation organs, and element energy organs.

These are all very high-quality materials, which were separated by Metzker, and the blood of several sea beasts also has the effect of medicinal materials.

These can bring very good help to Metzker's pharmacy refining.

Then the most are various skeletons and the outer armor and skin of sea beasts.

Many sea beasts have biological carapaces on the outside of their bodies, and most of them have skins similar to fish and snakes.

These are very good forging materials.

In the end, these sea beasts brought Kane and the others a very big harvest.

The reason why these harvests are so exaggerated is because the size of these sea beasts is too huge, even the smallest ones are 100 meters long.

Like the longest one swimming out of the sea snake, it reached 200 meters and took out a huge poison sac.

All these materials are stored in the warehouse in different categories, and they are ready for future needs.

Kane then returned to the ship, where the members of each squad were gathered.

Looking at the guild members in front of them, there are also some bandages and casts on their hands and legs.

Clearing his throat, Kane said.

"First of all, thank you for your heroic battles. In yesterday's battle, you all showed good fighting qualities.

Now, then, is the time to win the spoils for yesterday's battle. "

After Kane finished speaking, the guild members below cheered a few times, after all, it was to share the spoils.

For the explorers, this is a part that makes people feel good, and it is also an opportunity for their strength to improve.

Kane smiled: "Now I have two options here.

The first is to give up the materials on those sea beasts, but I will give you corresponding contributions based on your performance and achievements.

The second is to divide the materials we disassembled. As for how to use these materials, it is up to you. "

"Then do you want to get the loot, or do you get some contributions that are equivalent to the loot exchange."

The result is self-evident, most of the members chose to exchange the loot, and these materials were all exchanged with the guild for contribution points.

For silver explorers, these materials are not very useful, it is better to exchange contribution points in exchange for those silver equipment of the guild.

You must know that there are not many things in the guild, that is, a lot of copper and silver equipment, both top-quality and ordinary, almost covering the scope of use of most explorers.

Of course, there are also some guild members who need materials to choose some materials, and then convert the rest into points.

For example, Funa and the others, after all, all their chefs love cooking and exchanged a lot of meat.

Afterwards, these members entered the guild hall one after another and went to the front desk of Entoma to calculate the contribution points.

Kane is still very fair to let the lights do the calculation, not to mention that so many surveillance machines may have been released yesterday, and the battle scenes were completely filmed, and there is no such thing as unfair.

In addition to the loot dismantled from the sea beasts this time, the real big head is the magic stone in the hands of each member.

Outside the dungeon, creatures killed by guild members also have a certain chance to pour into their transparent magic stones.

And this probability is equal to the probability of the magic material that exploded, there is no difference, mainly depends on the face.

Before entering the Ring of World, Kane and the others had already experimented.

And also let each guild member exchange a lot of blank magic stones on their bodies, anyway, this thing is not worth much.

And when the Ring of the World was first opened, Bonona and the others had already verified that this method was feasible during the battle in the territory.

And this time, it was Kane and the others who got the most. Their team killed a total of 8 gold-level sea beasts and harvested 4 golden magic stones.

One of the three leaders was killed by Kane and Claire alone, and one of the leaders was directly filled with a golden magic stone.

And the rest of the ordinary gold-level is to kill three to be able to fill a magic stone, mainly because these beasts do not look like serious gold-level powerhouses.

Except for Kane and the others, that is, Raphael and the others, they finally obtained golden materials. Their team killed 8 of them together and obtained one and a half golden magic stones.

That is to say, there are so few golden sea beasts that are too weak, and it takes 4 to fill a golden magic stone.

Not to mention that apart from Kane and his team, there is a certain chance that other guild members will be able to obtain materials by killing them.

And Raphael's team is notorious for being a little bit wrong, so only one golden magic stone was filled for 8 gold-level players, and the remaining one golden magic stone was filled to a small half.

The other one who got the golden magic stone was the Dragon Man team. Although the damage he caused in the battle was not as good as Raphael and the others, it was bigger than the other members.

This allowed him to take out one or two, and his squad members took out another.

It just so happened that these three successfully obtained energy, so that they also successfully obtained a golden magic stone.

The Comet Dragon was not very lucky. It only killed one leader-level golden sea beast, and it has not been successfully charged.

Instead, I got several silver magic stones, and now I may be using these magic stones to exchange for a large number of copper-colored magic stones, and I am beautifully dressing up my lair in my personal space.

And those sea beasts except the gold level are almost all at the silver peak and the bottleneck level, which means that as long as you are lucky enough to kill the sea beasts and can recharge, you can directly obtain a silver magic stone.

The gold level of these beasts is unusually stretched, all relying on the flesh and energy, there are no rules. But the silver level is a real strength.

Even Gnat and the others obtained a silver magic stone.

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