On the sea where light and dark meet.

The cold air collided with each other, and this sea surface was very different from other areas.

The sea was covered with red bloody liquid, and it looked even brighter under the golden sunlight.

On the red sea, a huge steel platform floats on it, and on the platform sits one after another huge future mechanical creations like a fort.

All these muzzles emit energy beams.

The long energy muzzle of the turret has turned red, the waves slapped under it, and the seawater splashing on the barrel instantly evaporated and wisps of green smoke emerged.

As the seawater evaporated, a black-red blood stain was left on the gun barrel.

This sea surface is said to be mixed with blood in the sea water, more like the blood mixed with sea water, and the whole area has become sticky.

But there are no various carnivorous fish wandering here for food, because the various dangerous atmospheres in this area are densely overlapped.

The bloody aura of the sky filled the entire area.

Not long ago, there was a fierce sea battle here, and the huge amount of blood in the sea water is the best proof.

But now, except for the waves swept in blood and some huge chunks of meat rolling forward, the area has quieted down.

Many huge bodies have sunk to the bottom of the sea, and some long-dead half-bodies are floating on the sea.

Kane drove a ten-meter-high mecha with a crystal spear, and stared at the sea beast in front of him a few hundred meters away from the platform.

This sea beast is very different from what Kane and the others just killed, and its size is only about 30 meters.

The overall appearance is like that of a dolphin, but it is covered with chitinous carapace, and its large mouth is full of sharp teeth.

There is a transparent part of the head and back, which constantly emits light.

He stared at Kane in front of him with blood-red eyes, but did not attack.

It seems that the sea beasts who died in front of him just now have nothing to do with him.

Kane could feel that there was wisdom in his eyes, and Shenwu was sending an alarm to himself, reminding that the enemy in front of him was dangerous.

Although it is also at the gold level, the sea beast in front of him is different from the golden sea beasts just now.

The sea beasts just now were more like creatures like beasts and beasts, and battles depended entirely on physical fitness and instinct.

The one in front of him is more similar to intelligent creatures, and absolutely masters the law, otherwise it will not bring them a sense of danger.

He may be the real leader of the sea beast troop just now.

However, since he had been watching from behind and did not attack, Kane and the others did not attack first, but confronted each other.

Then a sharp sound came from the mouth of the sea beast and passed to everyone's ears.

Then, in the minds of everyone, the meaning that the sea beast wanted to express echoed.

"Humans, don't approach and enter this sea area, or you will surely die, and even the fog can't save you."

After finishing speaking, the sea beast did not give Kane and the others a chance to speak, and silently sank into the sea and returned to the dark sea.

As for the sea beasts killed by Kane and the others, it has nothing to do with him.

Kane frowned and thought, which means that the giant monster he saw before was indeed a color level.

They should have signed a contract with the mist, and the condition for not taking action is that no one enters their area, which should be the condition.

However, after this battle and the information from the previous detection, Kane completely lost the idea of ​​entering this sea area to explore.

He can't wait to leave this sea area as soon as possible. As for the situation in the dark sea area, let's forget the sea beast. The light of the creatures soaring into the sky makes it difficult to breathe, let alone face it.

Driving the mech back to the platform.

With the departure of this sea beast, the battle finally ended.

Entering the first battle of the World Ring, both the members of the guild and Kane performed well.

Therapists from each team began to deal with the wounded.

After all, they are huge monsters, and they all suffered minor injuries.

Although such a large body is easy to aim and attack, taking one or two blows is not a small injury.

For example, in the melee combat between Longbei and the sea beast, there are blue and purple pieces all over his body and there are no small fractures.

But don't underestimate the physical quality and strength of these sea beasts.

However, before he had time to receive Metzker's treatment, his body was almost as good as before.

Fortunately, although everyone was injured more or less, it was not fatal.

Among them, the Gnutter team was the most seriously injured. After all, their strength has only just gained a firm foothold at the silver level.

Gnut, the squad leader and defender, suffered the most injuries. One arm and one thigh were completely fractured, and the forearm was comminuted.

Faced with such an injury, neither the healers nor Finalis and others in their squad could fully recover.

At this time, Metzker had to perform the operation. He released his intelligent assistant, and then used magic to create a sterile area and began the operation on the spot.

Metzker's smart assistant stretched out a number of tiny robotic arms to precisely start making the incisions.

It only took about 10 minutes to complete the complete repair. At Genert's deliberate request, two scars were left on his wound to show his vigilance.

While other therapists are watching and learning by the side, such a scene is a very good teaching scene.

This kind of injury can be fully recovered after three or four days of rest, and it will not affect the battle.

Followed by some minor injuries.

Metzker continued to conduct long-distance and large-scale reconnaissance through the magic eye in the air while healing the members.

It's really not very safe here. Although there are no reinforcements behind, who knows if the enemy will continue to attack.

Safety cannot be placed on the words of others.

Maybe they didn't kill Kane last time, so more sea beasts will be sent this time.

Who knows if the sea beast left just now because of the large number of people on Kane's side.

Take advantage of the time when members are in therapy.

Kane quickly put himself on the mecha of undersea action.

The streamlined shell and various submarine pushing machines, as well as several large mechanical claws.

fell directly into the water.

After falling into the water, swim quickly and drag all the corpses on the seabed into the guild hall.

These sea beasts are full of fatal wounds, floating in the ocean, and the sea is full of blood, making the surrounding vision blurred.

Kane had to turn on Magic Vision for investigation. After all, although these sea beasts died, the magic in their bodies would not dissipate in an instant.

These things can't be wasted. With such a huge size, and relying entirely on physical quality to achieve gold and silver, there are definitely a lot of materials that can be used.

It is no exaggeration to say that gold-level Warcraft is full of treasures, but this kind of thing is rare in the outside world.

The mechanical claws on the back grabbed these corpses and stuffed them into the guild warehouse. Anyway, the guild warehouse was ridiculously large now. Kane directly temporarily separated an area to store the corpses of these sea beasts.

When Kane finished this series of work and returned to the sea, everyone on the platform had almost finished his injuries.

Kane immediately returned to the platform and scattered the mecha.

Then, the platform on the sea surface was quickly turned into the same ship as before, and under the helm of Youyou, it quickly sailed forward.

"Pay attention to the surroundings and hold the surrounding objects. I am going to speed up. We need to leave this area quickly and get to a safe place."

Kane's words fell, and everyone quickly looked for the surrounding objects, stabilized their bodies, and then remained vigilant, ready to fight at any time.

More propellers appeared at the rear of the ship again and weighted the front of the ship, and a magic circle was used in the front to reduce the resistance of the air.

A blue flame emerged from the thruster at the rear.

The huge inertia almost threw the whole person out, and the 100-meter ship was like a sharp arrow cutting the sea water.

Leaving this area at a very fast speed.


After driving for most of the day, everyone was on the deck all the time, except for some of the wounded who were resting.

Kane has already made a bigger circle, and he can only see the somewhat dark sea from a distance.

Looking at the situation on the sea, Kane turned his head and said, "Everyone, go back and rest, the enemy will not come over for a while."

During this period, the enemy has not been found, and they have left the area just now.

After listening to Kane's words, the members of the guild also began to return to the cabin one after another, but many members continued to carry out simple vigilance on the deck.

Some of the wounded with serious injuries entered the guild hall directly, and if they did not take good care of their injuries, even if there was a battle afterward, they would only be a hindrance.

Then Kane put a lot of smart cores on the seabed reconnaissance equipment and sprinkled them out.

These will conduct reconnaissance for a few kilometers around the ship, and even if there are enemies, they will at least give Kane more time to react.

After doing all this, Kane finally gathered a seat next to him and sat on it to rest.

"Huh, I'm exhausted." Kane's face was still slightly pale, after all, such a rapid advance wasted a lot of his magic power.

However, he did not use the potion to restore the magic, but closed his eyes and slowly recovered.

"The sea beast just now is wrong. If it was another ordinary explorer, it may have been buried in the bottom of the sea." Claire said beside him.

Kane nodded: "There are no reinforcements behind. It may be that we feel that being able to survive the attack of these sea beasts is a lesson for us. After all, we can say that we have offended others."

Fortunately for them, the powerhouses who surpassed the gold level of the Ring of the World have signed contracts with the mist and are not allowed to shoot at will.

It seems that there must be many strong people like this in this foggy world, after all, the scope is outrageous.

However, it is also fortunate that these attacking sea beasts are not the same as Kane and the others at the gold level.

If each of these gold-level sea beasts mastered one or two rules, then Kane and the others don't know how difficult it is now.

Certainly not like it is now, it's just a situation where some members were seriously injured without casualties.

It seems that the requirements to advance to the gold level between non-intelligent creatures and intelligent creatures seem to be different.

At the golden stage, intelligent creatures are far stronger than these unintelligent beasts.

However, if you turn right and think about it carefully, you have reached the level of gold, how could there be no wisdom?

These sea beasts feel like specially cultivated cannon fodder, and the sea beast that warned Kane about them is like a normal gold-level sea beast.

Maybe a unit like the hero commander.

Being able to dispatch dozens of gold-level cannon fodder at one time, that sea area is not an ordinary danger.

Kane directly marked the key points on the map and drew a blood-red skull on it.

Tell others about the dangers here.

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