When everyone sat around the deck and looked at the picture, after hearing Raphael's exclamation

The picture is completely blurred, but it can be perceived that the intelligent core is not damaged, but the energy interference is too severe, and the signal has been completely unable to receive.

Everyone stared blankly at the spent picture, because they all saw the picture taken by the smart core just now.

"Recall the shooting scene just now." After Kane reacted, he said to Youyou.

At this time, the core of wisdom was re-displayed on the screen, and the final picture was taken.

The smart core shoots a very long distance to the surface of the sea, and there is a huge creature.

The creatures are huge to the point of fear.

He didn't know how big his body was under the sea, but just above the sea, the part of his body was already inserted into the sky.

Visually, it reached a height of at least a few kilometers, and the higher place directly reached the dark cloud layer, and its specific height could no longer be seen.

As for why it is said to be a creature and not other objects, it is because the most conspicuous eyeball on the physical body that is inserted into the sky is an eyeball that blocks the sky.

And there are huge tentacle-like limbs around the body, dancing with the wind.

The reason why the picture is blurry is because the last picture is the eyeball looking over.

The eyeballs are too large, and the last picture makes it hard to breathe.

The members of the silver rank and Entoma had some difficulty breathing, and they were slightly panting.

Kane immediately canceled the screen.

Then he immediately said to Youyou, "Raise to the maximum horsepower, and we'll leave quickly."

After finishing speaking, Kane spent magic power and refitted the stern of the ship.

Then I felt the thrust of the ship increased, and the 100-meter ship galloped on the sea like a speedboat.

Breaking through the turbulent waves in front of him, he sailed forward quickly, pulling the speed to the fastest, without remembering the consumption of magic power.

"Will the creature just now really appear in a gold-level dungeon?" Claire couldn't help but said.

Hearing Claire's words, Kane said: "It doesn't have to be the creatures in the dungeon, it may also be the will of the dungeon.

Not like the wills we have seen before, too powerful individual abilities made them make a deal with the fog when the world fragments were incorporated into the fog, control the dungeon, and become its dungeon will. "

In this case, it's not that Kane and the others have not met. It can even be said that they have met many times. For example, in the mechanical dungeon they met at the bronze level, there was a situation where the wills of two dungeons competed with each other.

There is also the dungeon that I passed through when I was promoted to the silver level. I also met the will of the dungeon, and it was very friendly to communicate.

These are still bronze-level dungeon wills.

The sea area just now was once a golden dungeon, and that huge and exaggerated creature may be the dungeon will of the previous golden dungeon.

"Don't worry, it stands to reason that this kind of existence that exceeds gold must not be shot." Kane comforted everyone.

"But if it's those sea beasts that are more than 100 meters long..." Raphael suddenly closed his mouth, because everyone was staring at him with their eyes.

At this time, Kane turned his head sharply: "All preparations, they are here!"

Saying that, Kane flew into the sky fiercely.

Kafka next to Raphael punched him hard: "Damn the crow's mouth."

Everyone immediately entered a fighting state, took out their weapons and ran towards the front deck.

"Can you blame me?" Raphael muttered to himself, giving birth to huge silver metal wings and flying out.

After a while, Comet Dragon also left the guild hall and appeared on the deck.

At this time, Kane had come to the stern of the boat, watching the traces of the waves separating from the sea not far away.


Hearing Kane's cry, Metzker nodded, and finally closed his eyes, and began to carefully pass through the marshmallows in the air, distinguishing the specific strength and number of the enemy from a high altitude.

"Forty large sea beasts, more than half of them are golden, and three powerful beings should be their captains... There is no backup behind them."

After listening to Metzker's report, Kane's brows were about to knit together.

There are too many enemies.

Carey thought for a while, stopped the ship directly, and then turned the whole ship into a huge steel platform.

Then more anchors protruded from the bottom and were thrown down, so that the entire platform could float more stably on the sea.

The waves quickly made by the huge sea beast did not cause the platform to shake too much.

Then there were huge turrets one after another on the platform, and each turret had an intelligent core for special control.

After all, these weapons require some calculation to be able to target.


Kane reminded everyone.

Then three huge luminous spears appeared in Kane's hand, and they were thrown out fiercely.

Because the size of the enemy was too large, the three huge spears slammed into the three giant beasts at the head.

These three are the most powerful beings among them, and Kane is marking them.

"Claire, Israel!"

One person and one dragon, instantly understand.

The three of them will deal with one of the strongest beings.

The rest of the gold-level sea beasts are a little too weak, and they seem to be achieved purely by the body.

The Comet Dragon was the fastest and flew directly from the sky.

Then the jets of the wings spewed out rich blood-red energy, which suddenly reversed when it was about to reach the sea beast, and the blood-red energy above condensed together.

It looks like the wings are the back of the blade, and the blood-red energy is the part of the blade.

A sea beast stretched out its huge body, reaching out of the sea and trying to bite the comet dragon in the sky.

This sea beast in the form of a sea snake bit the air, and after so many days of training, the comet dragon's turning in the air is more flexible and changeable.

Before the body stretched out by the sea beast fell into the sea, it was slashed diagonally by the blood-red body.

Huixinlong flew over at a very fast speed, the spout on its wings was reversed, but it did not emit kinetic energy, but cut a huge wound with the blood-red blade.

The wound is extremely wide, and it is not at all the level of a few meters of wings that can be displayed.

It was an extension of the blood-red wind attribute energy, causing more exaggerated damage than the attack range.

The sea beast let out a huge scream, and blood-colored liquid spurted out from the wound.

Just a few seconds after the body fell into the sea, there were no less than ten wounds on the body of the sea beast, and the whole protruding body was covered.

The speed of the Comet Dragon is too fast, and for such a large creature, it is completely restraint.

At this time, a huge purple light beam flew over, and directly penetrated a marked sea beast that had not yet protruded out of the sea.

And it was Kane who was sitting in the air who emitted this huge beam.

He was driving a mecha that was more than ten meters high, but he was holding an exaggerated sniper launcher that was more than 30 meters long.

The size of the entire weapon raised is more than double that of Kane's mecha.

Kane's first attack was a lore, directly instilling all the bonuses that could be infused.

The aim is to kill in one hit.

And this strongest existence was directly penetrated by a huge hole.

I haven't seen its body in detail, but I can only see a huge amount of blood-red liquid emerging from the sea water.

Kane Chen Sheng chased, and there were three beams.

The beam penetrated into the ocean, and then saw that the blank magic stone around Kane's neck was filled with energy.

It is too large to dodge Kane's beam attack at all.

Before showing his appearance, he died in the ocean.

It also confirms how powerful Kane's energy attack is at this time. For these sea beasts, the penetrating power is a bit too strong.

And these sea beasts are also different, not every sea beast has a carapace on it.

And the sea beast on the other side is even more miserable.

The body is burning with black and white flames, which cannot be extinguished even in the ocean, and even passed on to other sea beasts around.

The black and white flames scorched frantically, causing the sea beasts to roll wildly on the sea, and the piercing roars of pain kept coming out.

Claire, who had mastered certain burning rules, was even more frightened by the black and white flames.

Just meeting the strongest existence of these three heads directly lost his life or the ability to attack.

Kane also discovered that these sea beasts have no so-called rules.

It seems that the conditions for promotion to the gold level do not hold true for these beasts.

These sea beasts completely rely on their excellent bodies to reach the gold level, and they lack even wisdom, let alone expect them to pay attention to any rules.

And those sea beasts that had already rushed to the platform on the sea also ganged up with the guild members.

When they rushed to the sea platform, they were partially destroyed by the battery energy beam battery above.

However, all those who rushed over were injured, and they were still being hit by the energy cannons.

Raphael directly turned into a group of sharp metal feathers, and madly turned into an electric drill-like shape.

It penetrated one sea beast that emerged from the sea, and every time it was able to take away the life of one sea beast, even if there was no death, it almost made the enemy have no strength to resist.

On the surface, these sea beasts seem to have just broken a hole, but the inside has been scrambled into a ball.

For the huge size, it is a target for Raphael.

Of course, there are also more uncomfortable existences, such as Angel Xi.

The huge golden energy sword was slashed by him on the sea beast in front of him.

But even if every attack can draw neat wounds, it is really a great sword of energy, which is too small for a sea beast.

There are numerous gaps on the body, but they all float on the surface and cannot hurt the inside.

In the end, she seemed to be annoyed, and she poured the whole circle of energy into the body of the sea beast, and then the golden energy poured into its body frantically to burn.

This crocodile-shaped sea beast had a huge hole in its entire neck and gave off the smell of being roasted. The burnt black inside slowly fell into the sea.

There are many members like Nozomi who cannot attack effectively because their attacks are too narrow.

This caused most of the damage and kills to fall on Raphael, Lombe, whose attack power can cause huge wounds.

Longbei itself can expand to a body size of 15 meters, and with the complete doubling of his limbs, he can forcefully smash a sea beast to death by raising his fist directly.

The fist is bigger than the head of these sea beasts, and the damage caused is naturally more exaggerated.

The same damage effect, including Li Lulu.

Huge meteorites kept falling from the sky, smashing into these sea beasts and the interior of the ocean.

The oversized body made them unable to dodge at all, and such a meteorite attack was just an ordinary flat a for Li Lulu.

As a result, meteorites kept falling over the entire sea, smashing wildly on these sea beasts.

As soon as they emerged from the sea and wanted to attack the people on the platform, they were smashed down.

And Kane, who killed the three leading sea beasts in front of them, also spared their hands to harvest the sea beasts frantically.

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