After the meeting was dissolved, everyone began to prepare their own actions.

Kane stayed in his office on the second floor, and he was discussing some projects with the officials in charge of construction in the territory.

Bonona and Fona went to Zororostan in the land of platinum.

The assembly line for the launcher, where Kane installed it.

Although these devices do not use any magic materials, they still require a lot of iron and steel to make.

These metal minerals have not yet been detected and mined by the lantern collar at this time.

In the country of platinum, the mining of this mineral has long been fully automated, and only some workers are required to check and prevent problems at any time.

This has resulted in a large amount of metal materials being stored in the warehouses of the Platinum Country.

These metal materials will be transported to Zororostan by rail, and then into the arsenal to forge the launcher.

Not only the launcher, but also some simple engineering equipment will also be assembled here, but these will not be fully automatic.

Most of the assembly needs to be done by humans.

These assembled engineering equipment was first installed in the war fortress for the defense of the portal.

And this time Polona went to accept not only the launcher, but also a variety of disposable consumables like mines and grenades.

These are not all made by Kane himself, and Metzker has also given some advice and recipes.

It didn't take long for Bonona to get that batch of launchers and various expendable munitions and appeared in Kane's office.

Looking at Bonona, Kane looked up and asked, "How, have you got it?"

Polona nodded: "I got it, and I tested it. I have to say that it can really improve the combat effectiveness of bronze-level soldiers, and it can also bring greater improvement to our soldiers."

Kane nodded and then said, "You should have read the information I sent you before, and use the information to train those bronze-level soldiers how to coordinate the formation and use the launcher."

"No problem, I've seen it before, don't worry."

"Well, then I'll leave it to you. For the past few days, you can put your affairs aside and concentrate on training these soldiers."

"Yes, Your Majesty, then I say goodbye."

Bonona nodded and left the office.

After a while, Saatchi, fully dressed, emerged from the shadows.

He is another newly added Gold-level member, responsible for the territory's intelligence system and the troop's sentry.

He came to Kane and saluted: "Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

Kane nodded, then reached out and took out two pieces of equipment from the space equipment.

One is like goggles, and the other is like a small in-ear headset.

Kane picked up the goggle-like thing and handed it to Thatch, then explained it to him.

"Bring this thing will enable your soldiers to clearly detect the situation in the distance at night, so that they can roughly judge the strength of the enemy."

This thing is the tactical glasses of Kane's former world, and Kane is also inspired by it to make.

Saatchi took it with some surprise after hearing it, and then put it on his head.

Through the front lens and the adjuster next to it, the distance can be adjusted like a telescope.

Then they entered a black and white vision, which allowed them to clearly see the surrounding conditions at night.

Adjust it again and it becomes an energy vision like an eagle eye.

Energy Vision uses the same technology as the monitor cameras in the sky.

After using Eagle Eye for so many years, Kane has now fully grasped this skill, and can perfectly reproduce it with magic power machinery.

"This thing is very useful. With these glasses, my troops will become His Majesty's most sophisticated eyes." Saatchi assured excitedly.

Kane smiled and nodded without saying much, and then handed him the headset as well.

"This thing can be linked with the magic mirror, and it can communicate with voice within the range. It should be very suitable for you."

This thing is very simple and easy to understand, and Saatchi also took it.

"These items are all in the guild's warehouse. You can pick them up by yourself, and the candlelight will record it. Just do things. If you have nothing to do, just go to work."

After listening, Saatchi nodded, then backed out.

In fact, the headset has been spread to all commanders and captains by Kane.

After all, something so useful must be used.

After finishing some things, Kane left the government hall, and after walking out of the City of Light, he condensed a motorcycle-shaped vehicle, and quickly rushed to the distant war fortress.

It seems that the transportation route within the Lantern Territory is also on the agenda.

Now the explorers can still pass quickly through the vehicles made by Kane before, but it is a little troublesome for the civilians living in the territory.

The speed and carrying capacity of transportation are also an important capability that can increase the speed of territory development.

The speed of the motorcycle vehicle is extremely fast, and it travels on land like a streamer.

The blue flame sprayed from behind left a pale blue phantom in the air.

Plus there are no passers-by or too many obstacles along the way.

It didn't take long for Kane to come to the war fortress with speed.

At this time, the war fortress had already been expanded into a real large fortress.

A large and thick city wall more than 10 meters high was inlaid with gray-black stones, and a large sentry tower could be seen from time to time, with a huge fort on it.

These turrets are also defensive equipment constructed by Kane during this period, and were installed on them.

Arrays of launchers can even be seen on the city walls and look very much like machine guns.

This type of launcher, which has an extremely fast rate of fire and consumes a lot of magic power, at least needs silver soldiers to control it.

Due to the high amount of mana consumed, a small magic-gathering array is also equipped at the bottom, which can only be used temporarily for defense.

After all, not everyone is the same as Kane, and can launch these arms in a big way in the silver stage.

The magic power of these soldiers is hard to compare with the explorers, after all, they are just some ordinary monsters or even cannon fodder in the dungeon.

Enter the gate of the war fortress.

Afterwards, many explorers could be seen in the square of the war fortress, including Claire, who were all here.

What attracted them to come here was naturally the huge steel objects placed side by side in the middle of the square.

It was a giant steel creation shaped like a spider.

The height of the spider's legs and body together reached five or six meters, with a huge slender gun barrel on the back, and launcher nozzles on the side and head.

The spider-like bottom plate allows him to adapt to any terrain and stand firmly on the cliff.

There are 4 camera-like eyes on the head position. Once activated, it will emit red light to detect the surrounding environment at any time.

The same eagle eye technique was used.

These are the armored units made by Kane.

Due to time and materials, there are only 18 war spiders in total.

Each is a large mobile turret, a flesh and blood harvester on the battlefield.

The huge barrel on the back can emit huge bombs, which can cause effective damage to all enemies below the gold level.

Armor-piercing bullets spewed out from the muzzles of the launchers on the sides and head. Bronze-level soldiers would die if they were touched, and silver soldiers would be seriously injured and incapacitated if they were hit from the front.

And the armor Kane on his body also uses some magic materials, which has extremely high defense and is difficult to penetrate.

Especially the legs used for action, Kane directly used rock steel to make the whole, beware of being destroyed and incapacitated.

Seeing Kane's arrival, Lombe ran over and patted his thigh and asked, "My brother, you must have made these, can you let me drive?"

This thing has a very distinct Kane style, so no guesswork.

Looking at Longbei's pleading gaze, Kane shook his head helplessly: "It's not that I don't want you to open it, but that this thing was not designed for people to open from the beginning."

"It's the intelligent core I made that manipulates him. It doesn't need human manipulation at all. It's fully automatic, so I can't help it."

"Ah, ah."

After hearing Kane's explanation, Lombe sighed in frustration.

However, Kane suddenly changed his mind and said: "Although this thing can't let you drive, there are other things that can let you operate."

Saying that, Kane walked to a large warehouse not far away, and Lombe immediately followed after hearing it.

Not far away, Claire and the others also walked over.

Kane took out the key and opened the door of the warehouse. It was closed, and there were no doors and windows that could not be seen clearly.

Kane turned on the lights next to him, and the warehouse was bright in an instant, and the things in the warehouse were also revealed in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes, their mouths opened slightly, and they could see how surprised they were now.

And in the warehouse is Kane's giant mecha.

Although it did not reach the height of more than ten meters that Kane often drove, each of these large mechas reached a height of eight or nine meters.

The streamlined metal appearance has clear water chestnuts, and the equipment on his body and the depiction of magic lines make him look unusually handsome.

Just standing there can give a huge deterrent.

"This thing is the real finished product constructed based on my previous mechas, but they are all experimental products, and they are not able to perform perfectly on the battlefield. More experiments and research are needed."

After speaking, Kane smiled and said to Claire and the others: "But there is definitely no problem with letting you guys drive and play."

After hearing Kane's words, several people's eyes gleamed, and they had long wanted to drive Kane's windy giant mecha.

However, since there were only two test machines in the warehouse, Kane had to let Lombe and Lilulu drive first.

These two had the worst fight, and there was no way.

"After you enter the cockpit, first release your auxiliary robots and let them link with the mecha. They can assist you in controlling."

After hearing Kane's words, the two nodded, and then released the smart assistant that Kane had made for them.

Then the two flew directly into the cockpit.

The entire warehouse is a storage warehouse made for mechas, next to a maintenance boom and a cockpit with an elevator leading to the chest.

The two flew to the chest area, and the chest of the mecha lifted up a space.

The two flew in directly.

As the two entered the chest and closed, the pupils of the mecha's head lit up with blue light.

Then the whole warehouse started running, the door that Kane and the others came in opened directly, and the ceiling above was lifted up.

The mechanical library that houses the two mechas is pushed forward through the surrounding tracks.

The huge movement here attracted the explorer members who were watching the war spiders in the middle of the square.

They all ran over.

And Longbei and Yunyou in the driving part of the chest have already stood in the middle of the magic circle, linking the perception with the entire mecha.

They can manipulate skills as they can manipulate their bodies.

Then, everyone saw the first step of the two giant steel creations.

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