New Era, April 25.

Today, it is time for Kane and the others to formally conduct a war of annihilation against the cannibal race.

Densely packed, soldiers in gray-black armor lined up neatly on the lawn in front of the war fortress.

Standing in the middle of the entire team is the army with the largest number of troops. The weapons in their hands are the launchers that Kane and the others sent down some time ago.

In front of them, the heavy-armed front made up of silver soldiers stood firmly in place.

Most of these soldiers were originally close combat soldiers. After joining Kane and the others, they obtained more heavy armor. Now they are completely transformed into shield warfare to guard the safety of the infantry with guns in the rear.

At the rear of the team can be seen 14 giant war spiders, controlled by autonomous systems, inflicting massive blows on the enemy's large targets and defensive lines.

The other 4 war spiders had sneaked around to the rear of the enemy with some troops as early as last night.

Not to sneak attack from the rear, but to stop the enemy soldiers who want to escape.

The race of cannibals has long been figured out by Kane and the others. This race does not have a so-called civilian setting at all, but all members are soldiers.

The number of soldiers is the number of their population.

So it will be a bloody battle, and the entire race of cannibals will be wiped out.

When the sun rose, the first rays of sunlight fell on the soldiers' armor, reflecting a beautiful metallic luster.

"Go!" Bonona gave orders loudly.

Afterwards, the formation of more than 10,000 people, under the leadership of their respective captains and commanders, began to form several neat queues and marched towards the edge of the cannibal race's territory.

The border of the cannibals on the other side.

Although the cannibals claim to be a sacred race, they do not live in cities, nor do they have any cities in the entire territory.

Where they lived were long sarcophagi made of stone.

So what they could see in their gathering place were stacks of sarcophagi, which were densely piled up.

But in order to deal with Kane and the others who were about to attack, the ogres polished all kinds of stones and piled them up in the direction facing Kane and their camp.

A war bulwark was formed.

But from the appearance of this war bulwark, it seems that the construction technology of the cannibals is not very good.

Behind the barrier, dense gray and black crowded together.

As enemies, they had already noticed Kane's thoughts, after all, they had already started to gather soldiers a few days ago.

And they also know that their race and Kane will have a fight.

After all, Kane and the others made no secret of the purpose of annihilating their race.

From the beginning to the end, none of them have been captured, and as long as a cannibal falls in their hands, they can only usher in death.

After several previous battles with Kane and the others, they already knew that it would be difficult for them to face them on the frontal battlefield and cause too much loss.

Especially after Kane and the others have more troops, they are even less confident.

Now the hopes of their entire race are pinned on the Council of Elders.

Their intelligence shows that the gold-level powerhouses of Kane and others are limited, and they are definitely not as good as their number, and this is the only advantage they can turn over.

And the cannibals didn't do any tricks and tricks at all, but concentrated all the troops of the race here.

I don't know if this race is proud or just a brain.

Includes all members of the Council of Elders.

They want Stud, a fight to the death.

They won't be able to get a foothold in this place without winning this war head-on.

The destruction of the world has not defeated them, and the so-called fog will not do it.

Before long, under the rays of the sun, there were violent noises in the distance and on the ground.

A long silver line reflecting metallic luster appeared on the horizon.

That was Kane's troops.

"The enemy has come! Get ready!" A hoarse voice came from the mouth of a cannibal elder, who was the new general.

Kane saw the enemy from a distance.

They also detected the movements of all the ogre troops early through the sky cruise surveillance.

"I didn't use any tricks, just wanted to fight us head-on?" Kane muttered to himself.

Claire next to him said: "This race is so proud and confident that it is still arrogant in the face of such a life-and-death battle. No wonder, even in such a world, it doesn't want to be under the fog."

"Really, then let's crush their pride and let them know how stupid their pride is."

The cold language came out of Kane's mouth, and his heart did not fluctuate, not even a trace of sympathy.

If any humanoid creature sees the condition of these man-eaters in the farm, they will not have any good opinion of them.

Some just have a strong distaste for them.

Even if these cannibals are proud and choose to confront them in a positive way, it will not make Kane have any change in their opinion.

From Kane's crossing until now, he has been very fortunate that he was able to cross into this world.

Because of the existence of the fog, most ordinary people in this world are guaranteed the most basic life and food.

As long as the ruler has a little conscience and a little idea, these commoners can live better.

And there are various explorer associations, and the existence of the fog council. Influence the behavior and policies of local forces towards ordinary people.

And because of the existence of the dungeon.

As a result, the world is very in line with Kane's three views, which is why he is willing to fight for the fog.

Even the ones killed in the dungeon are nothing more than replicas made by the energy.

For a long time, Kane's worldview and morality were maintained at normal standards.

Even after rising to gold, it made him a little changed, but it still allowed him to maintain the correct three views.

But the behavior of cannibals still firmly pierced the bottom line that Kane could endure.

In Kane's heart, such a race should be destroyed, and just living will make him feel tyrannical.

While thinking, the entire team stopped.

Kane directly entered the divine state of the Holy Light.

The pure white robe was inlaid with gold and draped over Kane's body, and Kane's whole person exuded a faint soft golden light.

Afterwards, Kane's footsteps floated off the ground and floated in the air, turning to face the soldiers behind him.

"My soldiers, I am your lord, your king. The enemies you will face now are those cannibal monsters.

The fog gave them a way to survive, but they still wanted to do their own thing and still treat you and me as their food.

How wicked, how maddening this is. "

While speaking, Kane condensed a ball of light in his hand.

"For life, for glory, and for ourselves, annihilate all the enemies that stand in your way, and crush them under your feet.

Let them know what a foolish decision it was to treat us as food, use their blood, and use their flesh to show them their mistakes.

Put the weapons in your hands and pour them into their bodies! "

"For the fog!"

Kane's voice fell, and he smashed the light ball in his hand.

The shattered sphere of light turned into a thin circle of golden ripples, which was transmitted to everyone.

A huge angel phantom appeared above their heads, and then opened her thin lips and blew a breeze. Blowing on everyone's cheeks.

Finalis below cooperated with Kane and inserted the golden scepter in his hand into the ground.

The golden energy flew into the air along Kane's ripples and turned into a huge magic circle.

Finaris's signature skill, golden raindrops dripped down, dripping on everyone's faces.

Afterwards, Kane poured all the magic in his body into his hands.

A huge ball of energy light appeared in his hand, which was thrown into the air by Kane.

The ball of light shattered in the air and turned into a dark cloud, instantly shrouding the enemy's formation.

"Since you guys are going to have a head-to-head battle, then I'm welcome."


With the fall of Kane's voice, lightning bolts fell from the dark clouds in an instant, smashing into the enemy's camp.

The bricks, tiles and stones that blocked it were instantly shattered, and the ogres were struck by lightning, their bodies shattered and broken, turning into pitch-black fragments.

The divine punishment from the sky greatly boosted the morale of Kane and his soldiers, and Kane in the sky was like a god.

Claire put on her golden equipment, and the golden lion armor had turned into a golden suit.

The crown above his head, and the blood-red cloak behind him fluttered wildly.


Following Claire's order, various auras began to spread from her feet to the surroundings.

The offensive bonus brought by the order is also passed on to every soldier.

The ugly barriers that the cannibals spent painstakingly building were destroyed by Kane's punishment in an instant.

"All of them, lift the gun, aim, fire!"

The silver soldier at the front had already squatted down, and the bronze-level soldier at the back had a launcher in his hand. After hearing the order, he began to infuse his magic power into it, turning it into blue bullets and flying out.

Wave after wave of blue bullets harvested the soldiers in front of the ogre.

These blue bullets are so penetrating and so fast that the ogres have no time to react.

Then, like a wheat field, it fell one after another with a sickle waving.

The sudden and huge casualties made the enemy elders unable to sit still.

A blood-red aura suddenly spread through the enemy's camp.

The blood-red energy shield emerged, blocking all the bullet attacks of Kane and the others, finally stopping their soldiers from casualties.

Seeing such a situation, Kane said to Youyou without hesitation: "Let the war spider move."

The war spider in the back inserted its steel legs into the mud, and then half-squatted down with its tail firmly against the ground, raising its back.

The unusually conspicuous barrel behind them, with the muzzle extending upwards in the blue light.

Then, the magic power lines on the spider's abdomen began to emit a strong light, and countless magic power began to converge towards the center and poured into the barrel.

The muzzle is already emitting a strong light, and standing next to it, you can feel the energy gathered in it.


"Bang! Bang!..."

1st wave of blue conical ammunition. The instant launch hit the enemy's blood-red energy shield.

The first round of the war spider's artillery, the first three to arrive directly shattered it.

The remaining artillery ammunition fell into the enemy's array and exploded violently.

You can see the stumps of some cannibals flying in the air.

Some scarlet blood has even splashed on the armor of the soldier at the front, making the armor stained with red spots.

"Infantry with guns, prepare to aim and fire!"

Bonona once again issued a call to force.

Then the bronze-ranked soldier raised the launcher in his hand and pointed forward, pulling the trigger without aiming.

Then he quickly squatted down, and finally let the soldiers behind him launch them, and the cycle went on and on, like an assembly line, with a sense of orderly beauty.

This is why Kane is so greedy for these soldiers.

These soldiers who are specially born for war, no matter what level, even recruits can fully understand and obey orders.

With strong patience, various formations can also be instantly understood, fearless, and morale is strong.

Once these soldiers come together, it is simply an irresistible force.

And now these powers are almost completely in the hands of Kane.

Those other large-scale soldiers who were invited by Kane and the others also joined in.

They will see the strength of Kane and others.

After careful consideration, Kane and the others sent the olive branch again.

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