After learning about the sudden surge of troops under his command in the camp, Kane held a meeting with important figures in the territory.

After a morning of discussions with Bonona and the heads of various departments in the territory, the development tone behind the territory was set.

Due to the occupation of the cannibal's territory, and the letters of joining the other remaining soldier forces have been received.

Kane's territory instantly expanded by about 4 times the current size, and it was the largest force in the known area around the area.

With such a large territory, I don't know how much manpower, material resources, and time it will take to bring out the potential of the territory that I own.

In the face of the sudden expansion of the border area, in the face of the sudden expansion of the territory, Kane and their territories are almost undefended.

Only the northernmost part of the entire territory, because it is close to the Wall of Mist, does not need to deploy too many troops.

You must know that it is still in the expedition period of the Ring of the World, and both large and small forces cannot be trusted.

Therefore, these soldiers whose strength has been greatly improved are divided into small teams of one or two thousand people, and they are distributed in various borders of the territory to defend and patrol.

With the addition of all the soldiers, their strength finally reached about 30,000, of which only 5,000 were bronze-ranked soldiers, and the rest were all silver-ranked.

And joined three gold-level powerhouses.

That is to say, the number of gold-level powerhouses in the territory, except for explorers, has exceeded double digits.

With these people, it is finally possible to protect the entire territory.

After all, if you add the existence of explorers, there are more than 30 gold-level powerhouses in Kane's territory.

Coupled with more than 20,000 silver-level soldiers, in the surrounding area, their strength is the strongest.

Mainly because almost all the surrounding forces have witnessed how Kane and the others killed the cannibal race that caused them great danger.

Coupled with the previous actions of the soldiers that Kane and the others swung, almost all the forces around them have a very high degree of favorability towards them.

This also allows them to not have to deploy too many soldiers around. There are soldiers who can patrol and maintain the most basic vigilance.

After all, there are cruise monitors in the sky to assist. Once there is a problem in a certain direction, the nearest military camp will definitely receive the news immediately.

Within the territory of Kane, it can be said that it has entered the ancient information age, and the transmission of information is no longer a restriction on their existence.

But this huge territory has only tens of thousands of residents.

Even if they were all broken up and used, it would be nothing but a drop in the bucket for the entire territory.

So their next plan is to probe the surroundings and spread the information of the territory infinitely around.

The purpose of spreading it out is to attract those weak forces and to attract those civilians who have difficulty even surviving.

There are countless such forces and existences. You must know that these places are formed by dungeons, and the dungeons are left behind after the world is broken, and formed after the fragments are captured.

Therefore, there are only a few people who can form a power, and most of them may have difficulty even surviving when they have not yet entered the ring of the world.

Kane, they definitely have a strong attraction here.

They can now say that they want strength and strength, and they want fame and reputation.

Not to mention that these small forces around them will be their free navy and microphones.

For this very simple behavior that can please Kane and the others, these small forces will not let it go.

Then came the resource detection and infrastructure of the territory.

Due to the logistical support of the Kingdom of Platinum, as well as various simple automation technologies.

The territory only needs to select the land, and after the reclamation, the civilians do not need to worry about it, and there will be more manpower to develop the entire territory.

As for how to implement these specific infrastructure development, Kane no longer needs to start, and everything is left to Bonona and the others.

Kane just needs to come over from time to time to get information and make some important decisions.

Kane, who had finished the long meeting, had just walked out of the war fortress when he saw a huge red comet rushing towards here.

Just for a moment, the meteor flew over.

With a huge wind pressure, he stopped in front of Kane, and the brakes on his feet lifted a large piece of mud flying into the air.

The surrounding dust made Kane wave his hand, and then Comet Dragon fanned his huge wings to blow the dust away.

"Sorry, it's too fast, I can't control the force of the brakes."

Kane waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

Looking at the comet dragon that hasn't appeared for a long time, Kane asked: "Israel, didn't you say you want to go to the dragon sleep? Why did you wake up so quickly?"

After the Comet Dragon joined Kane and their guild, he went to the territory to rest for a few days.

He performed dragon sleep on the giant peak specially constructed for him by Kane at the junction of the Platinum Country.

It is said that Longmian can quickly improve their strength, so it can be said that they go to bed early and enjoy early.

Hearing Kane's words, Comet Dragon explained: "This kind of dragon sleep is just a short-lived dragon sleep, as short as a few months, and as long as you can wake up in a year or two."

Then he said: "But I didn't expect to miss the decisive battle between you and the cannibals. I'm so sorry. I knew I would have to hold back for half a year before going to sleep. This is a great opportunity.

One by two, they got a lot of silver sparkles and regretted it. "

"And I heard that the people you participated also received the blessing of the mist, and I really want it, obviously I am still looking forward to the mist.

After all, her existence can be said to have saved me. "

Comet Dragon's tone was full of regret, and it seemed that he was really looking forward to the fog and this decisive battle.

"Hey, I wanted to expand my personal space. I still have a lot of furniture and decorations that I like, but I didn't buy them." He started muttering to himself in annoyance.

With his strength and size, if he participated in the battle this time, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a harvest.

Huge dragon shape, each attack will definitely set off a huge number of deaths of the enemy.

This magic stone has not yet received a soft hand, and I am excited when I think about it.

And even if those magic stones are not practical, looking at them can make him feel happy.

However, everything disappeared in front of him.

regret! So sorry!

Looking at the appearance of the Comet Dragon, Kane couldn't help laughing and laughed.

He walked over and patted his hanging metal wings: "Okay, I'll lend you 10 silver magic stones."

"Really?" Hui Xinglong was instantly excited.

"Really." Kane nodded helplessly with a smile.

Hui Xinglong was so excited that he opened his wings and hugged Kane: "Kane, you are so kind."

Then he took the pocket that Kane handed over and said excitedly: "Wait for me for a while, I will definitely pay you back."

After speaking, he disappeared in place, seemingly entering the guild hall.

In the end, Kane also disappeared and entered the guild hall as well, but he did not stay too much in the guild hall, but walked towards the huge iron gate next to him.

After opening the door, we entered the station of the Lantern Knights.

Not long after walking, I saw that there were many members of the Knights in the training ground doing physical exercise, and there were many children of the moon.

Since the training ground has been established, they have rarely conducted battle training here, and generally only exercise their physical fitness and physical fitness here.

After all, the training ground is really useful, but it does not have the slightest effect on physical exercise.

The moment Kane came in, he opened his eagle eyes and looked at these members of the Knights.

According to the news they just learned, they should also have gained strength.

Sure enough, there was no silver peak, and all reached the silver bottleneck.

And looking at the color of silver, it has basically reached the bottleneck period of color.

If you use data to convert, it is silver 99%.

Seeing such a situation, Kane thought about it and went directly to the bronze bell not far away, and rang it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge bell rang throughout the knight station, and all the knights acted instantly and gathered in the direction of Kane.

After about two minutes, all the knights were assembled.

The bells were also heard by the members of the Knights who were outside.

Every time this giant bronze bell rings, his bell can echo in the ears of every member of the knight order.

Then the assembled knights lined up neatly in front of Kane.

Kane looked at the members of the knights in front of him, all neat and tidy, without exception, they were all in the silver bottleneck period.

But only the leader of the Knights, Abby, was promoted to gold.

The deputy commander Mark, and some of the commanders of the knights that Kane was more optimistic about did not advance to gold.

You must know that they have reached the silver bottleneck period before.

According to their contributions, Abby should not be the only one who advanced to gold.

Sure enough, the members of these knights are essentially those who were created for war.

After all, their potential is limited, and even with foggy energy infusion, they still can't cross the threshold of gold.

Just like those explorers outside, they have reached the bottleneck period and cannot cross that threshold. Even if they clear more dungeons, it is useless.

Not only the members of the Knights under his command, but also the soldiers from the outside world.

There have been many before, and they have reached the silver bottleneck period, but this time only one soldier has been promoted to gold.

The essence of the family is still the leader of a small force, and he is born with more potential than ordinary soldiers.

The members of the Knights, who were all soldiers who followed Kane before, were upgraded by Kane step by step.

Abby, who was the first to be valued by Kane and the most talented, achieved gold.

The others were stopped after all, outside this gate.

Thinking of this, Kane couldn't help but sighed.

But there is no other way.

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