After calming down his excitement, Kane continued to check the remaining skill stones.

【Name: Huge】

[Category: Active Skills]

【Color: Gold】

[Explanation: Spend magic power to make your body huge, you can change at the same time, and you can also change part of it.

The range of changes is within 2 to 10 times. As the limbs become larger, the strength and various attributes of the limbs will be enhanced. 】

[Introduction: The favorite skill of male intelligent life, the original version has not undergone any modification or change.

Big! Just good! 】

There's nothing to say, it's over if you're satisfied, anyway, you don't need this skill in battle, so put it in the skill warehouse first.

Ahem, look at the last one.

[Name: God of All Machines - Right Arm]

[Category: Active Skills]

【Color: Gold】

[Description: Spend a lot of magic power to summon the right arm of the God of Myriad Machines from a different dimension, causing a lot of damage to the designated location.

Including but not limited to physical damage, magic damage, soul damage, divine damage.

You can also spend a lot of magic power to enter the sealed space where the right hand of the God of Myriad Machines is stored. 】

[Introduction: The God of Myriad Machines, a man-made god created by countless intelligent beings who cost a lot of money, life, and since they are mechanical creatures, they have no compassion for life, and were finally smashed and sealed one by one. 】

After this skill was upgraded to gold, as expected by Kane, the space that sealed the index finger of the right hand became the space that sealed the entire right arm.

The introduction of the skills just turned the right fingers into the whole right arm, and there is no extra introduction for the rest.

But Kane himself is very clear, just a finger of the right hand can cause outrageous damage.

Not to mention it's a whole right arm.

It's just that after upgrading to the right arm, Kane didn't dare to use it.

Because every use is equivalent to opening a part of the seal for his use, which is a very dangerous behavior.

When I had Shenwu Shi before, as long as I had the idea of ​​using this skill, I had a hunch that I would call the police wildly.

Kane is also a very persuasive person. Since there is also danger, there is no need.

Directly extinguished the curiosity in his heart.

And Kane is now turning on the vision of God, when the idea of ​​​​using this skill appeared in his brain.

Compared with the previous crazy alarm, this time it directly traced its source, letting Kane know the possible problems.

Somewhere, this skill stone has a connection with an object.

Looking back at the origin head, what I saw was a huge mechanical head, and this head had opened its eyes and floated in the starry sky.

It seems to be sleeping, and it seems to be waiting.


It turned out that the head of the God of Myriad Machines was actually unsealed, and now he is in a free state.

That is to say, if you use this skill, you may be perceived by the head of the God of Myriad Machines, which may cause unpredictable danger.

so far so good.

Looking at the introduction of this skill, you will know that the God of Myriad Machines is not a good thing.

Although Kane doesn't think the God of Machines can fight against the fog head-on, it's better to have less than one more thing.

The reason why Kane upgraded this skill, after all, was only because the magic technology that might exist on the arm reversed it.

The damage it can cause is secondary.

So it's not a pity that it can't be used, and I didn't use it when it was silver.

When he is powerful, he will deliberately use this skill to lure that big head over.

The brain is definitely the place where the most knowledge is.

That is artificial god technology, it makes people feel excited to think about it.

Now all the skills that have been upgraded quickly have been checked, and Kane is still quite satisfied.

With 5 golden magic stones left, Kane couldn't help but think about how to plan.

After thinking about it, Kane decided to take out three magic stones to upgrade the guild's gain.

It is self-evident which gain effect to upgrade.

The most important thing for Kane is [all partners], which means that guild members have a certain chance to obtain magic materials that can be used to charge magic stones.

The same chance applies to killing enemies to recharge the magic stone.

This gain effect was already upgraded to the full level by Kane at the silver stage, and to upgrade it again, it is natural to use the golden magic stone.

However, some time ago, it was mainly necessary to improve the strength first, so Kane did not consider it here.

The wool comes from the sheep, and now that the golden magic stones are finally abundant, it is natural to increase this gain.

After all, the greater the chance of this buff, the more magic stones Kane can harvest later.

After all, there are only five people in their team, but the guild has thousands of people.

Now the gold-level members are slowly increasing.

It can be foreseen that in the near future, after the probability increases, Kane's golden magic stones will continue to flow.

Click the upgrade button, one golden magic stone in the hand disappears, and finally click again and two golden magic stones disappear.

After upgrading to here, Kane felt that it was almost the same, and upgrading his magic stone was not enough.

They continued to improve by two levels, one gold magic stone for the first time, and two for the second time.

At this time, the probability has come to 35%, which means that the probability is almost 1/3.

If you still want to level up, you have to use 5 golden magic stones again to be able to level up.

In the end, it can only be increased to a 50% chance, which is half.

Looking at the last two golden magic stones left in his hand, Kane wanted to use them to extract skills.

There is nothing to say, flip the [Book of Adventure] to the skill extraction array, and then reach out and press it.

【Extraction skill】

[Whether to consume the golden magic stone extraction skill]



[Skill extraction is in progress...]

With the circulation of the circle, golden rays of light surged in front of Kane, and the lines surrounded the circle, began to outline, and flowed with the circle.

After a while of brilliance, the golden light flourished, and then all the special effects disappeared.

Two brand new rounded triangular metal pieces made of gold-like creations appeared in Kane's hands.

Looking at the two new golden skill stones in his hand, Kane's heart was not as excited as before.

After all, it is not the first time, and the mentality has gradually become immune.

Immediately pick up a piece from it and look directly at it.

【Name: Yin-Yang Reversal】

[Category: Active Skills]

【Color: Gold】

[Description: Spending magic power to use skills will cause the effect of yin and yang to reverse the target.

Upside-down things include but are not limited to somatic, perception, energy.

The lasting effect of this skill is determined by the subject's strength. This skill can only be used on one target at the same time. When the next target is hit, the previous target, if still in the state, will automatically return to normal. 】

[Introduction: The instinctual talent of a certain weak monster, due to its inherent weakness, can only rely on this skill to escape the pursuit of predators, but the weak body can only allow them to be released once in their life, so they always act in groups .

When they act in a group, they will always produce a powerful presence to protect the remaining kin, and this is the skill of that powerful presence. 】

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

This skill has an inexplicable sense of sight.

Seeing this, Kane directly opened his own skill warehouse and took out the magical skill [Comprehensive Reversal] that had not been used for a long time.

Isn't this skill an upgraded version of the proper [Total Reversal]?

Can it be taken out directly?

This is the first time Kane has encountered such a situation, and it feels very novel.

In fact, Kane didn't plan to upgrade this skill, but after all, he still needs to use it.

Just don't know if it works or not.

However, compared to the upgrade, it is definitely to be earned.

After all, save a silver skill stone and a silver magic stone, right?

Total Reversal is always a silver-level magical skill, which is difficult to hit, but once it hits, it can cause the effect of killing at first sight.

If this upgraded golden skill is useful, you can also upgrade it to golden and give it to others.

Then Kane looked at the last skill stone.

【Name: Indestructible Body】

[Category: Passive Skill]

【Color: Gold】

[Description: After placing this skill in the skill slot, the physical attributes and defensive magic resistance will be greatly improved.

And as long as this skill exists in the skill grid for one day, it will cause huge pressure on the body. If you can bear it, it will exercise the user's physique.

All physical damage taken is reduced by 40% and magic damage is reduced by 20%. 】

[Introduction: After a thousand trials and hardships, the only way you can practice it is not to be broken. 】

A passive skill that has not been drawn for a long time.

And this skill, there is nothing to say, it must be given to Longbei.

The effect of this skill is combined with Lombe's equipment and his original skills and other skills.

To be honest, Kane couldn't think of anything that could hurt Lombe.

It is calculated according to the various attribute bonuses on Longbei.

Ordinary physical attack and magic defense, unless it has the attributes of armor breaking and penetration, it is basically impossible to cause any damage to Lombe.

He has somehow become invincible to a certain range.

Lombe is now truly a top meat shield.

It seems that this skill must be handed over to Lombe as soon as possible during training tomorrow.

The skill slots of Mezzik and Lilulu are still empty now.

It's good to say that Metzker's skills are actually more suitable for him.

Auxiliary skills, various skills triggered with both hands, or skills that increase attack power, can actually be handed over to him.

The choice is very wide.

But Li Lulu is not easy to find.

Among Kane and his team, Lilulu was the one who obtained the least Kane skill stone, mainly because Lilulu's power and his original skills were too non-mainstream.

And every time Lilulu took skill stones from Kane, most of them were like toys.

Basically, there is no increase in Li Lulu's strength, more because Li Lulu likes these skills, so they use it.

Now think about it, among the skills that Kane gave, the only useful one should be the previous element contract.

That skill helped Lilulu to find the idea of ​​creating the Fairy Elemental Plane by herself.

But even without this skill, Lilulu still has to create the elemental plane of fairy tales, but it may not be as successful as it is now.

After all, this is Li Lulu's own path. She is the pioneer of this path. No one can give her any advice. Everything has to be up to her.

Finally, all the golden magic stones are planned to be used.

Speaking of which, since entering the Ring of World, in just a few months, Kane has obtained about a dozen or twenty golden magic stones.

In a few months, the skill system that Kane needs is completely planned.

It has to be said that entering the Ring of the World is indeed a very correct choice.

Otherwise, in the past few months, Kane may still be clearing a certain golden dungeon.

But it should be peaceful for a long time.

Because of Kane's long-term preparation, they completed the ultimate goal of most of the explorers in a few months.

He needs to digest it for a while before he can proceed to the next step.

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