"DiDi! DiDi!"

"It's 8 o'clock, master, it's time to get up."

Yunyou stretched out a long mechanical claw and poked Kane's arm on the cloud bed that was exposed from the quilt.

Kane felt Yunyun's voice in a daze, and after waking up, he scratched his bare arm.

Then he looked at Yoyo who was waiting beside him, at this time Yoyo had projected the current time into the air.



Kane stretched and then got up directly from the cloud bed.

Came to the separate bathroom next door to clean up my own hygiene.

After everything was cleaned up, he and Yunyou left the personal space and came to the guild hall.

Came directly to Burton's bar.

After sitting down, he asked Burton, "Has Burton researched any new dishes recently, let me try the ones that can be eaten in the morning."

"Haha, of course there are so many new ingredients, but it can't be wasted." Burton said, and snapped his fingers.

Then a round sphere flew into the back kitchen, and after a while, it flew over with a mechanical claw dragging a plate.

Burton took the plate and placed it in front of Kane.

"Try my new research dish, Beef Roll with Stone Fruit."

Kane looked at the dishes on the plate, which was a food wrapped in green leaves.

Inside is a layer of very obvious beef. The beef can still see bright red blood, only the skin is simply burned.

Burton knew that Kane didn't like eating raw food, so the beef should be searing yak.

This is a kind of beef that is naturally similar to cooked meat. The beef slices that do not need to be cooked and cut, it tastes exactly the same as cooked meat, and still maintains the taste of raw meat.

After picking it up, I took a bite.

The blood flowing between the beef flowed into the mouth, and there was a salty and sweet flavor in the warm taste.

There is still a fragrance when eating, and the taste should be that the crumbs of stone fruits are added in the cooking of beef.

After a few bites of the beef roll, a warm breath began to flow in the body, and Kane felt that his physique and strength had been strengthened.

After all, this is also a silver-level food.

Now that their supply of magic ingredients has gradually stabilized, magic food is no longer a luxury.

Now in the guild, all Bronze-level and Silver-level magical delicacies can be ordered, just need to spend some contribution points.

You must know that outside, silver-level magical delicacies are hard to come by.

Unless you go to the world table.

He let out a breath and gave Burton a thumbs up.

"It's delicious, it's really good."

"Hahaha, just like it."

The time for chatting with Burton and having a breakfast is almost close to 9:00. At this time, the members of the Lantern Knights in the guild hall have already started training or patrolling outside.

Kane turned his head to take a look.

The explorer members and Bonona were all sitting and chatting in the guild hall.

Feeling that it was almost time, Kane stood up, stood up and glanced at the audience, and found that the number of people had come.

He clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's almost time, come and come in the order of the list, one by one."

The reason why these people are waiting here is, of course, to accept Kane's glorious promotion.

As Kane's voice fell, Entoma walked over, holding a list in her hand, and began to read it in order.

"Number 1, Ray."

Hearing Entoma's voice, Rui looked like a little boy.

, fluttering wings quickly flew over.

On the way over, he didn't forget to turn his head and make a face at his sister.

Xize clenched his fists and shouted: "Damn Rui, I am clearly in front of you, when did you change it?"

However, after making a face, Rui ignored her and came directly to Kane.

"Bronze and silver promotion together, right?"

Kane looked at the little angel in front of him and asked.

Rui nodded nervously: "Yes, President, copper and silver together."

After all, it was the first time he accepted a promotion, and he was somewhat nervous.

It's different from seeing others and experiencing it yourself.

Kane nodded, then stretched out his right hand, one index finger had completely changed into a golden light-like shape, and nodded his head.

A ray of golden light passed from his fingers to Rui's body, and then began to spread downward, quickly wrapping it up.

Kane has used this skill many times now.

If the user's physique is normal, Kane can now stack the promotion times of different levels at one time to promote it.

For example, for a silver-level explorer, Kane can directly use copper and silver together without reducing the effect obtained.

Instead, it saves more time.

The same goes for those who need a gold promotion.

This can also save a lot of time, otherwise the number of people will increase in the future, and it will take him a lot of time to promote.

As Rui was wrapped up, Kane waved his hand, and the light cocoon shimmering with soft golden light was lifted by a suddenly appeared base and floated to the side.


Hearing Kane's words, Entoma immediately said, "Number 2, Xi."

Angel Xi, like a little girl, flew over immediately.

Kane didn't wait for the last promotion to finish.

After all, it would take dozens of minutes and an hour to promote a promotion. If one waits for completion, then dozens of people may not be able to finish it today.

Then there were light cocoons one after another, lifted up by Kane and lined up neatly beside them.

After all the members who were promoted to the bronze and silver levels were completed, it would be the turn of Raphael and the others who needed to be promoted to the gold level.

The first to come is the devil with bright red skin, Kafka.

Kane looked at the evil but nervous devil in front of him.

"Okay Kafka, what's there to be nervous about. You're a devil, you don't look like a devil."

"Who said that the devil can't be nervous, I'm really fed up, why are the devils in these dungeon worlds negative images." Kafka reluctantly complained, but this did ease his nervousness.

After watching Kafka get ready, Kane stretched out his right hand and patted him on the shoulder.

The golden light started from this position, and spread to its body a golden thread entwined in the air around it.

At this moment, another light cocoon was woven out, but it was indeed a circle or two larger than the copper silver.

Kane made a base again and lifted it to the side, but this time Kane constructed a small single room around it and closed it up.

In front of so many people, after coming out of the light cocoon, the sashimi is not very good.

Then came Rafael, who was equally nervous.

It seems that the promotion of the golden level is indeed something worth looking forward to for them.

One giant light cocoon was woven out one after another.

One small single room after another lined up next to it.

After a while, all the members who needed to be promoted to the gold level became light cocoons.

Until the last one left is the puppet girl, Asterisk.

Asterisk is shivering nervously now. After all, her body structure is different from that of everyone present. It is a mechanical structure and the body can even be replaced.

Limbs are nothing more than functional plug-ins.

Not to mention the asterisk, Kane is a little flustered now, after all, this is not flesh and blood, and Kane has never used this skill on non-flesh creatures.

"Don't be nervous, don't worry, even if you don't succeed in promotion, it won't cause you any harm."

Kane comforted.

But looking at the expression on the star, this comfort is not the same.

After a while, the asterisk calmed down on its own.

Looking at the ready asterisk, Kane patted her.

The light cocoon quickly compiled it, and even Kane who used this skill could not detect the internal situation.

I can only wait with curiosity.

After a while, the first Angel Rui to be promoted flew out of the light cocoon.

After the first one came out, the light cocoons arranged behind it broke open one by one.

Looking at these people who were successfully promoted, Kane said to them: "You have now been successfully promoted, and you should be able to experience the power after the upgrade very clearly. Your bloodlines are also condensing. After reaching the gold level, It will be a success.”

Then he said to the three of them alone: ​​"The three of you are already at the gold level. As long as you wait for 7 days, you can feel the blood that has been successfully condensed."

After Kane finished speaking, those who had just been promoted from the light cocoon immediately began to communicate with each other about their feelings in the light cocoon.

Kane continued to wait beside him, waiting for the gold-level promotion to come out of the light cocoon.

About an hour later, Kafka, the first to advance to the gold level, pushed the door and walked out of the single room.

He had already put on his gear inside, and when Kane saw him come out, he waved his hand to disperse the single room behind him.

After coming out, Kafka can clearly see that he is different from the previous one, and the changes are too obvious.

His change is more obvious than when Kane and the others used it, perhaps because of different races.

The skin on the previous Kafka was a dull blood red, and his body looked a little dry and thin.

It has a pair of small upward horns on its head, and a slender pointed tail behind it.

The color of Kafka's skin now is like fresh blood that has just dripped out, as if it is flowing.

In particular, the double horns on the head are no longer as small as before, but stretched back and bent, looking more domineering and evil.

The figure has also changed from thin to full of muscles, at least it will not give people the first feeling of being thin.

To say that he has changed the most now is that a pair of blood-red bat wings like bats appeared on his back.

It's almost three meters when it is unfolded on one side, it's too huge.

Then the bat wing shrinks and disappears on the back.

This wing also existed before, but it was about half smaller than it is now, and the flight speed was not very fast. At most, it allowed him to perform simple gliding.

Judging from the current size, it is definitely no problem to soar freely in the sky.

An Ruile, who was waiting for them outside, immediately greeted them and touched Kafka's body.

"Why? Why, don't touch it."

An Ruile, whose palm was slapped off, didn't care, but said to Kafka: "You finally don't look like a sinister evil like before."

Hearing her words, Kafka said, "What is it like now?"

"Mighty evil."

"Go away!"

After speaking, Kafka touched the huge double horns that suddenly grew up on his head again.

Look at yourself becoming more stout, slender tail.

Looking at Kabuka's expression now, you can see how satisfied he is with this promotion.

Through the promotion of gold-level glory, his demonic physique has been improved by one level.

The change in appearance is so great that everyone can clearly see it.

But only he himself knows what kind of reinforcement this promotion has brought him.

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