When several people came to the training ground.

Then I saw that the members of the guild who had just been promoted had already filled the training grounds of all sizes.

They can't wait to start experiencing their newfound power here.

The newly acquired power must be mastered as soon as possible and turned into one's own strength, which is the most basic requirement for explorers.

Glory promotion may be like that for individuals, but for development forces, it is definitely a top-level skill.

Looking at such a scene, Kane created a huge training ground again directly in the distance, and then several people appeared on the field.

Kane had already emptied all his skill slots outside and replaced them with new skills.

"Come on, brother, let me see your new skills."

Lombe yelled from the side.

Rolling his eyes, Kane said to the two: "You are 5 meters away from me. I will launch an attack on you and see if you can escape."

Hearing Kane's words, the two nodded and opened a little distance.

Finally, Kane stretched out his hands, and each hand condensed a black and white sphere.

Shoot directly at the two of them.

The sphere quickly shot towards the two of them. For bronze-level or silver-level people, this speed may be very fast, and it is not easy to dodge.

But for the two of them at the golden level, this speed is no different from the speed of a turtle.

Claire needless to say, she was able to dodge the moment the skill came out, but she still waited until the skill was almost close to her, and then she avoided a little to the side.

Even Lombe, who hardly dodged his skills much, just dodged a little to the side, then easily dodged.

If conditions permit, he can even slap the thing away with a shield, or bounce it back to Kane himself.

Because Lombe has also comprehended the rules of rebound.

"The speed of this skill is too slow. As long as a person at the gold level is seriously injured, it will be difficult to hit." Claire said opposite.

Longbei added: "Or put it directly on the face, it may be possible to hit, but I can feel that this skill seems to be very dangerous."

Claire next to him also nodded in agreement: "The moment this skill was aimed at me, I got goosebumps, even if it is placed against my body, I will try my best to avoid this skill, it is dangerous. The foresight was too obvious."

That is to say, even if this skill is placed on the face, if the enemy's perception is not bad, it can detect the greatest danger, and will try to avoid it.

After listening to the comments of the two, Kane looked at the black and white ball in his palm.

As expected, such an outrageous skill still has a weakness like a silver level.

Too easy to dodge.

When Kane uses this skill against enemies in the silver phase, especially against enemies of the same level as him.

Basically, this skill is only used when the enemy is completely relaxed, or there is no room to escape at all. Only in this way is it possible to hit.

Of course, the effect after the hit will definitely not disappoint Kane.

But after rising to the gold level, the enemies of this level are more vigilant, let alone the same level as Kane.

This is the speed of this skill. If you want to hit a hit, it can be said that it is the best description.

After thinking about it, Kane said to Lombe, "Don't move and let me hit it to see the effect."

Longbei didn't know that this skill was reversed, and thought it was a very damaging skill, so he nodded.

After all, his upside-down appearance is still the same as before.

With the black and white sphere in his hand, it hits Lombe directly.

When he saw Longbei, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt that something was wrong with his limbs.

Beads of sweat began to appear on his head, but his body still stood firmly in place.

It didn't fall directly to the ground like at the silver level, and couldn't get up.

Then some mechanically raised their shields and curled up.

And the golden shield also began to extend around, completely wrapping Longbei.

This series of processes actually took nearly 5 seconds.

And Longbei has now become a turtle shell, completely protecting himself.

But it didn't take long, after about 10 seconds, Lombe undid his curled up image and stood up again.

The first sentence he said was: "This is the upgrade of the previous upside-down skill, my God, I almost suffocated, I almost couldn't breathe."

As he said that, he still patted his chest with lingering fears, and took a deep breath and exhaled frantically.

Looking at Lombe's current appearance, Kane knew that the effect of this skill was indeed outrageous.

"Tell me about the experience."

"This reversal is very exaggerated, it feels like there are rules attached to it, but it is also weakened by my magic resistance.

In terms of experience, it would be too bad. At the moment of the hit, I felt that my heartbeat was disturbed. It was the same as the previous inversion, but it was more in-depth. "

After speaking, Lombe blinked, pinched his head, thought for a moment, and said, "But the moment I hit it, I almost understood the mechanism of this skill, so I endured the discomfort to protect myself. "

That is to say, this skill is equivalent to a control after hitting, and it does not have the powerful effect of killing at first sight like silver.

The enemy will not lose control of his body, and will be turned upside down on the ground, losing the ability to resist.

Gold-level people's control of their own body has reached a very exaggerated level. Even if it is reversed, it can be used forcibly with control and willpower, although it is very slow.

But at least not like lambs to be slaughtered, waiting for Kane to harvest their lives.

But this effect has satisfied Kane, at least this skill is not a pure waste, it is still useful.

But then again, gold-level skills have really never seen waste.

Kane turned his head and looked at Claire next to him.

Seeing Kane staring at herself, Claire immediately shook her head and waved her hand.

She didn't want to experience this feeling at all.

"Then now I will try my latest skills, it may be very powerful, you guys get ready."

Kane said that he directly entered the star dragon state.

A streamer like a starry sky began to spread over his body.

There were two dragon horns sticking out from Kane's head, surrounded by stars and moons.

The whole body became an energy state like a starry sky, and a slender and bright tail appeared at the tail.

The star-like energy in his body began to float around, like a burning flame.

Surging energy erupted from Kane's body, and even Lombe and Claire next to him could feel it clearly.

The burst of energy at this moment was too conspicuous.

After Kane entered such a state, he floated directly, and his eyes became stars like the sun, which were extremely hot.

Countless magical knowledge is imprinted in this body like instinct.

The magic in the air is jumping, and it gathers frantically towards Kane.

Kane felt that as long as he waved his hand, they would follow his heart and change spontaneously.

Facing the edge of the training ground, Kane glared fiercely.

The fiery eyes produced a beam like sunlight, which immediately hit the place where Kane was looking.

Immediately melt it and pierce it, and the beam generated by this eye is almost comparable to Kane's maximum power laser.

Finally Kane began to wave his hands.

The fire burned, and then a mass of water destroyed it, and the negative water droplets immediately turned into ice cubes.

The strong wind was like a blade, slicing the ice cubes, and the ground of the training ground immediately turned into a mud-like swamp, melting the ice cubes into it.

This is just the control of magic power that comes from this state, an ability engraved in instinct.

What Kane wanted to experiment most was the starry sky magic imprinted in this body.

Purple beams, white beams, dark blue beams started scurrying around.

The purple energy star cluster held a long trail, following Kane's thoughts, flying around quickly and smashing to the ground.

After these attacks seemed to hit the ground with some other attribute, there was no loud noise, but a deep pit appeared directly on the ground.

And Kane suddenly disappeared in place, and then suddenly appeared beside Lombe like a ball of energy.

Before Lombe could react, he disappeared again and appeared next to Claire.

However, as soon as he showed his body shape, Claire's blade was placed on his neck.

It seems that Claire's close-up perception is too exaggerated, and teleportation will not work for her.

Moving the blade on his neck away, Kane disappeared in place.

Feeling the surging magic in his body, Kane immediately dodged and appeared in the sky.

A pair of iron fists instantly condensed in the air, and were then enveloped by the magic of the starry sky.

The iron fist started towards the bottom, swinging and hitting frantically, and then more huge iron fists were condensed and followed.

The predecessor of these iron fists is the Gaia fist that Kane used several times.

Before using it once, Kane's magic power was exhausted, and now it can even create a lot of continuous hits.

Due to the large number, it made a huge sound like an afterimage when waving it. The ground of the entire training ground was directly smashed, and then it was immediately repaired by Kane.

Kane waved his hand again, and a huge gun barrel immediately appeared above his head, firing beams at the ground and maintaining it.

Some light-speed guns began to fly randomly in the air, and the emitted lasers began to cut any objects within their range.

The missile aurora began to fly all over the space, scurrying.

The huge firepower covered the entire training ground, and Lombe and Claire could only watch Kane frantically vent from the edge.

"Wuhu! Hahahaha so cool!"

Kane dragged a purple trail in the air, flying randomly like a meteor, and there were missiles and bombs falling downward.

The huge beam muzzle, like a lightsaber, slashed randomly around each other.

Countless firepower covered the entire training ground as if they were not paying for it, ploughing the cornerstone of the training ground over and over again.

Finally, after 10 minutes passed, the state disappeared, and Kane fell from the air and lay directly in the middle of the field.

Claire and Lombe came over and looked at Kane lying on the ground.

"You really have acquired an incredible skill, it seems that it is very suitable for you." Claire said.

Kane twitched his mouth, with an uncomfortable expression on his face: "After using this skill, there are still sequelae. The magic power in my body is actually depleted, and I have to recover for a while."

The magic pants in Kane's body were a little empty, and even began to sting back in place, which was a manifestation of excessive use of magic.

This means that it is somewhat reluctant to endure this state with the current system, or that the physique at the gold level is a bit weak.

Now, if you want to use this skill perfectly, you have to pay a certain price.

But fortunately, the price is completely acceptable.

Just keep it as a hole card and use it at the end. If the battle has not been resolved within 10 minutes of the star dragon state, it doesn't matter if there is any magic left.

In terms of the effect that can be reflected, this cost is not worth mentioning.

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