In a dark space, being in this space is like being enclosed in darkness.

Except for the huge object floating in the space in front of him, nothing could be seen.

And this floater is a huge arm.

The length of the arms is about 20 meters long when viewed with the naked eye.

This sturdy arm lay horizontally in the space, as if a collapsed building was floating.

The entire arm is made of steel and unknown metals, and these metal plates have dense veins.

The plates are then linked together in an unknown way.

You can see through some broken gaps and look at the detailed veins inside, and you can see all kinds of energy inside, flowing like blood.

Even the energy in just one arm is still surging, like a living thing.

This is exactly the skill [God of All Machines - Right Arm] that Kane upgraded to golden three months ago.

In addition to the huge appearance, standing next to it can also feel the coercion from the life personality, people can't help but bow their heads and salute, without daring to feel any blasphemy.

However, none of this has any effect on Kane. He was used to this kind of coercion during the silver-level period, and now it has only become stronger, and there is no change in essence.

Next to the right arm is a huge unknown machine with various detection equipment.

Around the huge robotic arm, there are large and small circular intelligent cores that are constantly scanning.

The blue scanning ray kept sweeping back and forth on it, recording the information inside and outside.

Yoyo, who has been with Kane all the time, is at Kane's feet to receive the data from each intelligent core and sort out the useful ones.

Then when Kane needs to use it, present it in front of him at the fastest speed.

At this time, Kane wore a heavy helmet on his head.

The whole person sat on a mechanical seat, following his thoughts, moving back and forth around his arms.

There are also countless auxiliary robotic arms throughout the seat, assisting Kane to complete very precise operations.

Kane, who was performing precise operations, asked without a head, "Has the energy flowing in the arm of the God of Myriad Machines been analyzed?"

Hearing Kane's question, Yoyo at his feet replied immediately: "I haven't completely analyzed the master, but I can tell that the light gray energy is the unique divine power of the God of Myriad Machines, and the dark blue energy is the concentrated magic power. The rest of the energy is not referenced to the target, so it cannot be analyzed."

"The two thickest energies?" Kane muttered to himself after hearing the faint answer.

The energy of these two colors that Youyou said.

It can detect the two most used color energy in the energy supply system in the arm.

These two should be the main energy supply, and the energy of other colors is indeed much less than these two, and should be specially designed for certain functions.

It's just that one arm has strange energy, performing this function for various functions that are incomprehensible.

And those parts powered by strange energy, Kane didn't dare to touch them at all.

After he figured it out, Kane stopped talking and continued his own operation.

After most of the day, Kane ended his research.

After standing up and stretching, he disappeared directly into the sealed space.

The location where he appeared was the experimental site in the current territory, which was inside the cliff next to the previous war fortress.

At this time, the experimental site in the cliff is not only the Kane people.

In addition to Kane, there were Fona, Asterisk, and a few half-year-old children beside them.

It looked like he was only about twelve or thirteen years old.

They are the children that Kane and others rescued from cannibals' "boutique farms" when they first arrived around here.

These people were the oldest people in the team that escaped at that time.

Belonging to the biggest presence of all the children, Bonona recommended them to Kane two months ago.

These children are very smart, and their learning ability and understanding ability have completely exceeded the scope of ordinary people.

To the extent that they should not be at their age, those basic teaching courses are like playthings in their eyes, and they can be easily done.

That's why Kane took them by the side for a simple study.

A month ago, several people also printed the seal of the Lantern Guild, and they had the buff of improving their comprehension ability and learning speed when learning from the instructor.

In the long-term study and communication with Kane, Asterisk's knowledge of magic and machinery has reached an advanced level.

Fona herself has already reached the advanced level.

It was the existence of these people that made Kane attach great importance to those children.

Because the children they rescued at that time were just as talented as these children.

The reason why such existences are cultivated is that they are more delicious and are the top "luxury".

Dedicated to the Council of Elders.

All of them were sent to Zorolostam in the land of platinum.

Since it is the only place where the Land of Platinum and the Land of Lanterns can communicate with each other, many important facilities have been constructed there.

That included the school, and the institute moved there.

And this newly established school is where all school-age children in the two territories study.

There will be dedicated guild members to check their talents, and they will be divided into different classes according to their talents and hobbies.

What these different classes learn is very different.

Magic, magic machines, tactics, political management economics, etc. are all covered.

This school will continuously provide fresh blood for the territory.

Due to the existence of Kane's magical machinery, his requirements for his territory must be as modern as his former world.

In the world of fog, there are not cities without modernization, and even cities that have a sense of the future to Kane exist.

And some cities that look very conservative and traditional, don't question their power and technology.

Maybe they have reached a very cutting-edge position in magic technology.

The power of the world is too large and complicated, resulting in all kinds of strange social systems competing to bloom in the foggy world.

At this time, Yoyo next to him said, "I received a strange signal, do I need to interpret it?"

"Strange signal? Try to interpret it." Kane said.

However, after a while, Youyou said: "The signal wave is too far away, and the intermittent ones disappeared without being analyzed."

"Is it too far away, forget it."

After Kane finished speaking, he stopped caring. You must know that there are also many technologically advanced people in the Ring of the World.

And if it is intermittent at such a distance, then it is some kind of broadcast information, which is nothing unusual for Kane.

It's better to start working on some things in front of you now.

He turned his head and beckoned directly to Asterisk: "Asterisk, come here, I have a new idea now, and I can upgrade your mechanical body."

He wanted to use some technology obtained from the right arm of the God of Myriad Opportunities on Asterisk.

Hearing Kane's words, Asterisk said a few words to the child behind him, and then walked over alone.

"Any new ideas?"

Kane nodded, then pointed to Asterisk's arm.

Asterisk understood instantly, and took off his left arm and handed it to Kane.

Kane immediately took the arm on the console next to it, and dozens of mechanical arms stretched out from above, dismantling the arm into different parts in an instant.

Looking at the arm that has been divided into parts, Kane began to make new characterizations in it.

Adding different runes and textures to it, he used his original skills to mix special materials to create strange parts.

After a series of complicated modifications, Kane finally reassembled it after about half an hour.

Turning his head with his arms folded, he realized that the people in the laboratory had already gathered around to watch his operation.

Kane handed Asterisk the arm in his hand, and she took it and put it on his shoulder.

Then the loud sound of energy fluctuations came clearly from the arm, linking with the body of the asterisk.

Blue rays of light sprayed out from the gaps in the arms, and these sprayed rays of light even floated into particles in the air, which were condensed high-magic objects.

The energy ejected from this arm even made Xinghao start to step back unstoppably.

Asterisk frowned and controlled the newly installed left arm with his right arm, trying to suppress it.

Seeing this situation, Kane immediately said: "Use your current soul to extend and link your arms. Don't shrink your soul in your brain like before, and use magic channels to control it."

Hearing Kane's method, Asterisk's first reaction was that it was impossible.

After all, how could her soul be attached to this cold machine, and there was no special structure.

Then he thought of Kane's mechanical technology, as well as his strength and knowledge, and then nodded and closed his eyes.

Using the energy data life form condensed after the upgrade a few months ago, a virtual hand extended from the head to fill the entire new left arm.

The sprayed blue light was instantly extinguished, and it immediately became quiet.

Asterisk opened his eyes, looked at his left arm, squeezed it in disbelief, and felt the strange touch on it.

Then he directly picked up his hand, reached out to Funa who was beside him, and pinched her face.

"Is this the real touch of the skin?"

Didn't the previous arm have a function like this?

Asterisk only felt that the newly-appeared arm was like her real body and organ, and it fit her upgraded soul very well.

Just like the original human body.

Looking at the shocked and disbelieving eyes of Asterisk, Kane just smiled and didn't explain too much.

This arm seems very simple, but it actually condenses the research that Kane has done on the arm of the God of Myriad Opportunities during this period of time.

Because the current state of Asterisk is the same as the original starting point of the God of Myriad Opportunities, using the same technology, of course it can surprise her so much.

With the success of this arm, Kane will be able to replace the entire body of Asterisk in a short period of time.

Kane's current interest in Asterisk lies in whether she can be upgraded to the level of God of Myriad Opportunities.

It is very important for Kane in the process of Asterisk's step towards the God of Myriad Opportunities, and this is why Kane is willing to help her in this way.

Kane can draw an upward path through his observation and research.

Then, from the data displayed on this road, to decipher and reflect the device data deciphered in the limbs of the God of Ten Thousand Machines.

This can help Kane improve his research faster and greatly improve his magical technology level.

It can also make Asterisk truly embark on this path of becoming a god.

Every time Kane's magic technology is upgraded by one level, Kane's strength can soar wildly.

It is more direct than the rules, because the rules are actually used by Kane to assist his original skills.

However, the rules are also the way that Kane must go up, so both sides have to be caught. Now I really have to be thankful that I have the country of platinum.

It can speed up Kane's comprehension of the rules, allowing him to set aside more time to devote himself to the research of magical machinery.

Then Kane began to transform the whole body of Asterisk, using all the knowledge and ideas and experience gained from the arm of the God of All Machines.

A practice of knowledge is the best way to learn.

In particular, the asterisk has the most essential similarities with the God of All Machines.

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