After Kane finished his work in the laboratory, he came directly outside.

The War Fortress was demolished after the ogre was defeated three months ago, or a large-scale expansion was carried out.

After all, this place is no longer a border, and it no longer needs the protection of the fortress.

Because this place has become the center of the territory, and the entrance to the country of platinum is also here.

Naturally, it became the seat of almost all important institutions.

And the government center of the entire territory is also here.

Looking in front of him, Kane walked in the 4-story white building, and then came to his office on the 3rd floor.

In Kane's office, the decoration style is very simple, yet luxurious.

After walking in, Kane came to his seat, and the first thing he saw was today's date, August 2nd.

Turning the seat 180°, he looked at the huge map on the wall behind him.

This map clearly shows Kane's current territory.

In a short time, the scope of this territory should not be expanded.

The main reason is that the combined scope of the territory is completely enough to form a kingdom.

As far as this area is concerned, the foggy world outside can be regarded as a medium level.

This area is two circles larger than Claire's homeland. Coupled with the sparse population of the territory, it will be really difficult to develop it in a while.

If you want to occupy more area at this time, it will not have much effect at all.

Now there are only three cities in the entire territory, one is the city of light, the first city built next to the direction of the soldiers.

The other is the City of Two Realms where Kane is now. The reason why it is called this is naturally because the entrance to the Kingdom of Platinum is also here.

The last one is the former capital of the ogre territory, which is now called the city of exterminated souls.

There are still many buildings in the former ogre territory, but they are not of much use now, and they are all abandoned. Only when the population increases in the future can they be reused.

And the sweeping sweep of the entire territory of the ogre brought untold wealth to Kane and the others.

Valuable precious metals, strange magic props, and magic equipment are stacked in various buildings.

Many of them are the residences of those ogre elders, but under the detection magic, there is no room for concealment in these.

Part of the wealth recovered from these searches was distributed to subordinates and explorer members. And most of them entered the treasure house inside the guild, greatly enriching Kane's wallet.

After Kane looked at the map for a while, he heard a knock on the door outside.

Turning the chair around, he looked at Bonona who was knocking on the door and said, "Come in."

After Bonona walked in, she saluted Kane: "Your Majesty!"

"Well, let's report on the latest situation."

Bonona nodded, then opened the folder in her hand and began to report the results of the recent period to Kane.

"Now the general situation in Lantern Collar has been investigated.

Most of the fertile land is gathered in the direction of the City of Light and its surroundings, which will be the base of various crops in the future. "

"Part of the nationals and the mechanical equipment supported by the Platinum Country have already started to be used, and the harvest season has recently come."

Then Bonona's tone changed: "The land in the ogre's territory is not very good, there is a large area of ​​grassland in the north of the City of Extinguishing Souls, and it can be used for grazing.

The south direction is close to the snowfield area that His Majesty once passed, so it is extremely cold, and it is not suitable for planting or living. "

After listening to Bonona's first wave of reports, Kane nodded.

As for the frozen land south of the ogre, Kane has seen it before, after all, they raided the ogre's territory from there. So it's no surprise.

Moreover, the central part of the snowfield area next to him has reached the regular level of cold, and the surrounding climate will be affected, and there is no way to do it.

After all, in such a large territory, we can't expect all the land to be suitable for planting. 1/4 of the land is fertile enough, and 2/4 of the land can be planted, which is already very good.

This is just a simple survey conducted during this period. Some minerals, special plants and various specialties that may be produced have not had time to be summarized.

After all, the area is too large, but the available manpower is too small. The fertility of the land and where it can be planted almost broke the legs of the Druid brothers.

Kane also had to provide the Government Center with a large assortment of vehicles, which took him almost a week.

However, he may not be needed to provide it later, after all, the assembly and construction of the vehicle is not too difficult.

Just let the factories in the country of platinum make it.

After all, this is the world of magic, and magic technology doesn't make sense under certain circumstances.

It's just too simple to let an iron shell run.

Seeing that Kane seems to have digested the first wave of information, he didn't raise any questions.

Bonona paused for a moment, then continued: "The construction of the first through-railway in the territory has started in an orderly manner, and in about one and a half months, it may be possible to connect the road between the City of Light and the City of Two Realms gone."

"This is also thanks to the equipment and materials supported by the Platinum Country. If we have more people working, these hours can be reduced by more than half."

After all, whether it is materials or various equipment and machinery, they are clearly arranged by the country of platinum.

So as long as there are enough workers, the entire railway can even be built within a week.

But this is just wishful thinking. The total number of civilians available to Kane is only tens of thousands of people here and there, and there may be less than 200 workers who can be used to build the railway.

Even with the help of various mechanized equipment and vehicles, it still takes a long time.

To be honest, Kane had no choice but to ask, "How is the use of the airship?"

"Although the airboat is easy to use, it is not suitable for the current lantern territory." Bonona said a little embarrassedly.

After all, the more use of airships is to carry people, but the current problem in the country of platinum is that materials are not easy to transport.

After all, it's all food, supplies, and building materials.

This kind of thing occupies a large area and is heavy, and if it is carried by an airship, it is indeed a bit extravagant.

If you carry people, you really don't need it in the current territory.

So I'm in a somewhat awkward position.

Most of them are actually used by guild members in the territory, allowing them to quickly travel to and from the territory.

Kane also knew this situation, so he could only wave his hand helplessly to signal Bonona to continue.

Bonona continued: "The most important work in the territory, the population reception in other places is proceeding in an orderly manner, but there are still transportation issues and too few staff.

The range that can be radiated is limited, which means that we can only transfer people in the surrounding area who want to join us. "

"The farther places are too far, and the road in the middle is too dangerous, so even if someone wants to come, the number of people who can get there needs to be discounted."

"Alas." After listening to Bonona's report, it was mostly bad news.

And there is no good way to deal with the bad news.

After all, they all have one of the most deadly needs, which is population.

If you want to have more population, you need more people to escort.

To have more people to escort, you need more population.

Directly closed into an infinite loop.

After listening to Bolona's report, Kane nodded and waved her down.

Lean back in the seat and think.

Kane has launched more roving monitors during this time, lighting up more of the surrounding maps.

Everything in the territory is developing very well, but there is a shortage of people.

However, lack of people is not a problem that can be solved in a short period of time. This has to curb the development of the territory. There is a large area of ​​territory and various resources, but it cannot play its due effect.

Kane was also helpless.

In the surrounding large area, there are countless populations of various races, all of which Kane needs.

But the problem is that the road in the middle is too dangerous and far away. If they only rely on their feet to walk, these refugees may be devoured by various monsters and beasts before they arrive.

These civilians who do not belong to other forces rashly broke into other spheres of influence and were killed, but there will be no complaints or even the fog will not interfere too much.

After all, this is not the killing of innocents.

The current ring of the world is not as safe as the outside world, and all kinds of harmful beasts and beasts have long been cleaned up.

This is why the Ring of the World will exist for a long time before docking with the world.

Because all kinds of hazards in this closed few decades will be cleaned up by all kinds of forces and explorers.

All hatreds and disputes will be resolved during this time, and then they will be incorporated into the outside world in a more peaceful and stable situation.

As long as the fog is still pressing on it, it forces all forces not to oppress ordinary intelligent beings.

Even if these forces and the top layers are not replaced, the whole world will not rot.

Coupled with the characteristics of this world, the whole world is always developing, always plundering outward.

Or not to call it plunder but rescue.

But this is Kane's chance, and Kane has identified information through magazines, and various news channels.

The powers in these world rings used to have no good character to ordinary people.

Many large dungeon forces are expanding infinitely outward to gain more security or to satisfy their ambitions.

Among them, countless weak and small dungeon forces have been cleaned up, but the ordinary intelligent life left by these forces cannot be killed indiscriminately.

If they stay and join the forces of victory, it will lead to internal instability due to differences in race, culture, and hatred.

Faced with such a problem, these cases use a very stupid but extremely useful method, which is to drive them all away and not allow them to enter.

Out of sight, out of mind, if these people are forced to enter, then they can use means.

I won't kill you, just drive you away.

And these ordinary people can only find a place to live in many uninhabited areas.

Struggling with nature at a great cost.

After all, dungeon and dungeon are spliced ​​together.

Many low-level dungeons have huge areas, but not many people or lives.

These form various forests and mountains, as well as uninhabited areas.

Others don't want these people, but Kane wants it, but there is no way. The ring of the world is so big that Kane can't reach it if he wants to.

The snow-capped mountains in the south have been explored, and Kane's area is almost cut off by the entire mountain range.

Kane can only seek to develop west or east.

Looking at the illuminated areas on the map, Kane narrowed his eyes and began to think.

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